Mediterranean Garden Society

German-Speaking Countries Branch of the MGS
(Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

Many owners of holiday homes in Mediterranean countries have very similar questions:

Branch Head Maria Sansoni (-Köchel) can be contacted by members of the Mediterranean Garden Society who live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and is happy to answer questions. She would like to be able to provide a contact between people who are of a similar mindset and might live near one another.
Maria organises two garden trips a year, for example to Cornwall and to Mallorca in 2018.

The photo at the top of this page shows Maria’s swimming pond which can be visited during the opening hours of her nursery.

Viele Besitzer von Ferienhäusern in mediterranen Ländern haben ähnliche Fragen:

Maria Sansoni (-Köchel) ist Ansprechpartner für die Mitglieder der Mediterranean Garden Society, die in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz wohnen. Ihr Wunsch: Verknüpfungen schaffen (manchmal wohnen Gleichgesinnte nicht weit entfernt vom eigenen Domizil) und Maria organisiert zwei Gartenausflüge pro Jahr, zum Beispiel nach Cornwall und nach Mallorca im Jahr 2018.

Das Foto oben auf dieser Seite zeigt den Schwimmteich von Maria, der während der Öffnungszeiten seines Gartencenters besucht werden kann.

Branch Head Maria Sansoni (-Köchel) has been running a nursery for mediterranean plants in Germany since 1983, has written books about growing them in conservatories and indoors and in 2010 was awarded the Hans-Bickel Prize for horticulture. After practical experience as a gardener she studied Horticultural Science at the University of Weihenstephan. Nowadays a lot of television spots are made with her and her plants. She lives near Munich and has three grown-up sons.

THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN is the registered trademark of The Mediterranean Garden Society in the European Union, Australia, and the United States of America

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