Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows Banksiae coccinea flowering in the Stokes Bay Bush Garden, Perth, Western Australia (Photo Alisdair Aird)

Babiana: 21 21; 27 22; 57 18; 91 63; 100 13; 106 26
Babiana ambigua: 28 47
Babiana disticha: 27 23
Babiana dregei: 28 47
Babiana minuta: 21 21; 77 41
Babiana mucronata: 28 48
Babiana patersoniae: 28 48
Babiana plicata: 2723
Babiana sambucina: 21 21; 77 41
Babiana vanzyjliae: 21 21; 77 41
babianas: 5 37; 106 29
Babingtonia virgata 'Howie's Dwarf': 55 69
Baboon Flower: 91 63
Babylonstoren: 89 51
Baby’s Breath: 103 21
Bac, Ferdinand: 79 60
Baccharis: 102 14
Baccharis halimifolia: 54 67
Baccharis linearis: 78 65
Baccharis pilularis: 22 14; 48 27; 55 2; 87 9
Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks': 30 18; 107 32
Bach: 98 54
Bacillus thuringiensis: 5 27; 7 29; 17 52; 58 57; 60 43; 64 29; 77 23; 94 44
Bacon, Francis: 19 58; 80 26
Bacopa: 20 26; 91 64
Bacopa 'Snowflake': 57 18
bacteria: 56 62, 63
bacteria, nitrifying: 84 43
bacterial canker: 62 61
bacterial disease: 62 61
bacterial pathogen: 94 43
Bactrocera oleae: 95 20
Baghurst Gardens: 68 64; 71 52
Bahá’i Gardens, Haifa: 65 49
Baja fairy duster: 91 49
Baja Trunk Dudleya: 82 16
Balaka seemannii: 1 32
balance of nature: 75 32, 33, 35
Balantium antarcticum: 73 24; 79 10; 80 15; 81 11; 83 61; 95 32
Balboa Park: 70 62
balconies: 43 17, 24; 62 44; 77 98; 89 20-24
Balkans Botanic Garden: 41 17, 20
Ballarat Botanic Gardens: 21 3; 93 51
ballota: 2 15; 29 22; 39 22
Ballota: 6 33; 8 4, 41, 43; 40 44; 66 36; 69 37; 71 39; 83 20; 101 8
Ballota acetabulosa: 1 32; 8 41; 25 8; 27 4; 29 23, 26; 30 22; 32 18; 36 8, 27; 39 22; 45 13, 20, 22; 59 7;65 8; 85 20; 86 28, 29; 87 41; 92 33
Ballota africana: 1 22
Ballota hirsuta: 32 18
Ballota nigra: 85 20
Ballota pseudodictamnus: 1 15; 3 30; 13 46; 18 62; 19 52; 22 31; 29 20; 32 18; 39 45; 63 60; 74 53; 84 20; 85 31; 105 26
Ballota saxatilis ssp. brachyodonta: 59 43, 44
Balsan, Consuelo Vanderbilt: 42 5, 6, 8-10; 46 77
balsam: 19 30
Baltic Parsley: 103 54
Balthus: 85 15
bamboo: 12 24; 13 9, 12; 17 65; 18 8, 54, 58; 19 66; 20 52; 22 12; 24 22; 28 6; 29 52, 53; 31 56; 33 12, 31; 35 18; 36 66; 38 22, 28; 40 9, 14, 19; 41 51; 42 27; 45 54, 55; 47 50, 52, 62; 48 8; 52 20; 55 47; 64 26; 66 36; 67 27, 42, 47; 71 51; 74 2; 76 24, 27, 42; 79 51; 81 28, 41; 84 12, 53; 87 7; 89 7, 8; 90 28; 91 77; 96 27-29; 99 16, 35; 101 26, 50; 108 21
bamboo, black: 33 51; 64 26; 89 45
bamboo canes: 74 7
bamboo, Nepalese blue: 108 32
bamboo, dwarf: 38 28; 47 53; 38 28; 47 53
bamboo, giant: 47 54
bamboo, sacred: 21 28
bamboos, tropical: 79 60
Bambouseraie: 36 66
Bambouseraie de Prafrance: 47 50
Bambusa: 59 54; 96 28
Bambusa glaucescens: 87 7
Bambusa multiplex: 87 7
Bambusa oldhamii: 87 7
banana: 4 1; 5 9; 9 9, 20; 12 24; 19 17, 18; 26 51; 29 52; 40 9, 15; 42 79; 46 17, 21, 22, 24, 33; 47 25; 50 59; 52 30, 31; 53 31; 55 14, 15, 40; 59 21; 62 8; 69 15, 19-21; 70 12; 77 15; 80 72; 81 52; 87 15; 97 26
banana, Abyssinian: 70 63; 74 24
banana, blood: 98 10
bancals: 81 18, 20
Banks, Sir Joseph: 29 56, 57; 52 31, 37; 61 30; 63 29; 69 54, 55; 71 63, 68; 81 61; 86 71; 89 23
Banksia: 2 19; 21 2; 22 51; 60 55; 72 7; 75 63
Banksia ericifolia: 15 10; 16 72
Banksia integrifolia: 2 19; 71 70; 89 19; 101 42
Banksia marginata: 2 19
Banksia menziesii: 17 18
Banksia montana: 44 36
Banksia praemorsa: 91 50
Banksia prionotes: 74 26; 79 53
Banksia ser. Dryandra: 108 7
Banksia serrata: 24 9; 44 36
Banksia spinulosa: 69 6
banksia: 43 14; 49 14; 51 5; 69 10; 71 58; 74 27; 91 50; 92 42; 93 62; 105 12
banksia, coastal: 89 30
Banksia rose: 5 10, 41; 12 7, 20; 13 8; 16 23; 17 57; 19 6, 69; 27 38; 30 68; 38 70; 39 66; 45 3, 11; 49 20; 59 30; 64 24; 71 43; 81 61, 63; 92 24; 93 29; 95 45; 98 23; 102 27
Banned List (Australia): 60 48
banyan tree: 9 9; 21 60; 30 66
baobab: 64 70; 88 58; 89 53
Baptisia australis: 75 64
Barauld, François Louis: 98 14
Barba, Xavier: 96 62
Barbarea: 72 70
Barbarea vulgaris: 82 61
Barbary figs: 23 61
Barbary nut: 16 30; 18 48; 58 33; 63 22; 65 46; 97 10; 105 33
barberries; 4 25
bare earth: 99 34; 100 7, 8
bare-rooted plants: 64 35, 38, 49
bare soil: 59 55; 94 10, 12
Baret, Jeanne: 46 39
Baretia: 46 39
bark: 2 7, 44; 10 18; 20 47; 24 16, 40, 41, 48; 25 24, 26; 27 50; 57 29; 65 19, 39; 67 22, 42;
73 25, 46; 74 5, 7; 75 46, 58; 82 25, 26, 31; 83 30, 70; 84 30, 70; 92 37, 51; 94 21, 23, 43, 50, 51; 95 49, 54; 100 27, 31, 57, 58, 60; 102 11, 12; 103 14, 48; 106 40; 107 33, 59, 60; 108 32, 38, 59
bark chips: 22 8; 26 36; 55 16; 58 53; 62 52, 53
bark, composted: 74 17, 20; 76 56
bark, eucalyptus: 106 14; 108 32
bark, fir: 15 6; 24 11; 77 35
bark, ironbark: 107 59
bark mulch: 79 47
Barklya syringifolia: 83 31
barley: 48 39; 55 4, 71; 57 29; 62 7; 65 40; 67 57; 72 44; 88 44; 96 27; 104 44, 60
Barlia: 60 12
Barlia robertiana: 59 43, 44; 100 46
Baroni, Paolo: 81 62; 82 67
Baroque: 82 3, 5, 6
Barosma: 19 37; S(1) 39
Barra, Michel: 97 33
barrel cactus: 37 14
Barreto, António Viana: 92 11
Barrier Range Wattle: 30 28
Barrocal Botanic Garden: 89 4; 94 70; 107 64
Barrock Station: 91 16
Barossa Bushgardens: 71 56, 69
Barrundi Acres: 91 12
Bartos, Mark: 45 32, 38
Bartram, John: 69 51-54
basal buds: 62 59
basalt: 65 47; 83 56, 57, 62
basalt, Spartan: 87 39
basella: 4 15
Basella alba: 4 17
Basella alba 'Rubra': 4 17
Basella rubra: 4 17
basil: 7 6; 9 16, 42; 10 26; 11 13, 30; 12 37; 20 16, 17, 48; 22 19; 23 22; 28 43; 29 39, 41; 30 5, 53; 43 49, 51-54; 46 57; 47 6; 53 30; 56 45; 57 18; 58 31, 32, 34; 60 24; 62 56; 63 72; 64 15; 72 19; 75 21, 23, 25; 76 41; 79 72; 80 29; 85 10; 87 30; 89 24; 90 41; 93 12; 97 40; 99 62
basil, Greek: 75 25
basil, Indian: 75 26
basket grass: 74 7
basket-grown vines: 72 43
Bassani, Giorgio: 24 55, 56
bat boxes: 83 9, 12
Bataille, Georges: 85 15
batha: 96 5
bathing pool: 10 4
bats: 83 6
Battersea Park: 46 28, 30, 32
Battle of Marathon: 23 18; 98 60
Batumi Botanical Garden: 76 45
Baudin, Nicholas: 106 34
Bauer, Ferdinand: 12 14-16; 50 26-28, 70; 76 18, 20; 77 29-31; 84 69
Bauera rubioides 'Trailing White': 21 67
Bauera sessiliflora: 21 67
Bauhin, Caspar: 47 11; 49 6; 50 13, 23; 77 80
Bauhinia: 7 49; 26 16; 55 1; 56 9; 66 46; 67 63; 102 13
Bauhiniaaculeatassp. grandiflora: 82 31
Bauhiniaforficata: 80 3
Bauhiniagalpinii: 76 10
Bauhinia grandidieri: 81 51, 54
Bauhinia purpurea: 45 64
Bauhinia variegata: 4 12; 5 24; 19 82; 20 71; 59 70; 62 3; 66 46; 67 62; 78 13; 82 31
Bauhinia variegata 'Candida': 5 24; 20 71
bauhinias: 83 33
Baumgartner, Sydney: 45 36, 37
Bay Biscayne Creeping Oxeye: 72 26
bay/bay laurel: 4 18, 23, 26; 6 12; 7 6; 8 18; 10 27. 33; 15 40; 16 52; 17 32, 61; 20 19, 29; 21 33, 34; 26 12, 52, 65; 27 4, 13, 38, 52; 29 39; 30 14, 41-43, 54; 31 9; 32 6; 34 6; 36 8, 24; 38 43, 58; 39 24; 41 4, 5; 43 17, 39; 46 52, 53; 47 11; 48 11, 25, 30, 34, 35, 41; 50 13, 23; 51 60; 52 55; 53 10, 12, 32, 34, 36; 55 33, 35, 64; 56 14; 58 31, 32, 34; 59 17, 18, 31, 47; 60 15, 57, 59; 62 2, 46, 56; 64 67; S(2) 38; 71 28, 32, 72; 72 16; 73 6; 75 23, 28; 77 100; 78 19; 79 72; 81 18; 82 7; 86 32; 88 30; 89 15, 16; 91 51; 92 17, 27, 31; 93 11; 99 55; 100 65; 102 11; 107 6; 108 1
bay, California: 26 1; 30 13, 18; 31 60; 34 2; 74 5; 80 24; 81 45; 101 34; 103 47, 48; 104 47, 48
bay oil: 60 57, 58, 60
Baynton, Barbara: 76 37, 40
beach strawberry: 55 1
bead tree: 62 4; 76 7; 95 16
bean seeds: 61 47
beans: 5 37; 8 49, 50; 48 49; 55 4; 56 37, 41, 42; 58 39, 40, 70; 61 47; 62 71; 63 11, 67; 76 51; 89 31; 102 71; 104 52
beans, borlotti: 102 72
beans, broad: 2 44; 6 46; 35 56; 49 20, 22; 52 34; 53 38, 59; 58 33; 69 34; 75 33; 94 47; 97 48; 102 45
beans, fava: 35 56; 57 29; 58 33; 72 44; 91 11
beans, French: 56 41; 94 47
beans, ganxet: 74 72
beans, garbanzo: 57 34
beans, green: 49 24; 58 35; 62 34, 37
beans, haricot: 57 34
beans, kidney: 1 48
beans, lima: 57 34
beans, long: 69 34
beans, maloga: 56 48
beans, mung: 56 48
beans, runner: 56 2, 41; 94 47
beans, scarlet runner: 59 2
beans, soya: 57 31-33; 65 47
beans, tepary: 57 34
bearded iris: 1 58; 2 10; 5 20; 6 52; 14 6; 39 22; 70 10
Bear’s Breeches: 69 68
beaten earth: 82 24
Beaucarnea: 22 62; 46 25; 64 25
Beaucarnea recurvata: 4 5; 58 4; 77 18; 79 56; 81 15
Beauharnais, Josephine de: 52 39
Beaumont Common: 71 55
Beaumont House: 100 1
Beaumontia: 3 8
Beaumontia grandiflora: 49 16; 57 44
Beaumontia recurvata: 4 5
Beautiful Demoiselles: 105 28
Beauvoir, Simone de: 97 59
bed and breakfast: 4 37; 24 2, 64; 58 1
bedding out/bedding plants: 24 46; 27 17; 46 21, 23, 26, 29, 30, 32, 57; 49 61; 54 2; 62 48; 65 33; 76 48; 93 7; 99 17, 18; 103 18
bedding, carpet: 46 25, 29
bedrock: 1 4, 7; 52 4, 8, 9; 62 19, 25; 63 20; 64 33; 71 43; 77 8, 11, 36; 83 16, 20, 26; 87 41; 94 10, 12; 96 14; 99 47; 104 10, 17; 108 38
beds: 31 26, 49; 32 4; 33 28, 30, 53, 61, 63; 34 36
beds, formal: 5 10
beds, raised: 8 23; 10 30; 19 10; 20 22, 28; 22 12; 25 17, 55; 28 27, 43; 29 65; 32 7; 33 20; 45 34; 46 29; 55 40; 58 41; 59 55; 64 34; 67 47; 70 50, 52; 71 54; 76 50, 56; 77 99; 90 28, 29; 102 28, 45, 56, 58
beds, rose: 34 55; 86 25, 31; 89 61; 101 18
beds, vegetable: 22 46
bedstraw: 64 46
bee balm: 49 40
bee-flies: 99 69
bee flowers: 103 37
bee-friendly plants: 107 56
bee house: 89 14
bee orchis/orchid: 59 16; 65 49; 93 59; 99 17; 100 45
beech: 22 53; 30 66; 40 64; 44 19; 49 16; 58 1; 76 43; 78 1, 2; 89 43; 97 70; 104 54; 108 51
beech, copper: 48 7l; 71 49; 79 39; 89 54
beehives: 91 40; 97 70; 101 7; 107 25, 56
beekeeper: 63 12; 87 17
bees: 4 14, 27; 6 25; 7 5; 8 49; 23 53, 54; 25 25, 38; 27 11, 14; 28 44; 30 51; 38 25, 43, 44; 42 87; 43 61; 45 50, 71; 48 31; 49 34; 51 61; 54 2; 55 11, 13, 28; 56 12; 58 58, 71, 72; 60 4, 40; 62 33, 53, 65; 63 32, 40; 64 30, 51, 52, 54; 66 64; 67 69; 69 11, 25; 71 74; 72 2, 25, 36; 74 33; 75 34; 76 29; 77 44, 45, 101, 109; 80 29; 81 43; 83 12, 32; 84 18; 85 40, 41, 43; 86 32, 36; 89 14; 92 10, 38; 93 71; 95 31; 97 66; 100 61; 101 41, 53; 102 63; 104 44, 48; 107 9, 23; 108 39, 45
bees, African: 102 63
bees, bumblebees: 29 38; 42 31; 78 55
bees, carpenter bee: 64 53
bees, honeybees: 83 11; 84 40
bees, leaf cutting: 10 20
bees, solitary: 83 11; 85 42; 88 46
bees, toxic to: 88 70
bees, wild: 89 14
bee swarms: 101 41; 102 63
beet armyworm: 7 29; 77 23
beetle larvae: 5 54
beetle, brassica: 60 42
beetle, chafer: 47 70
beetle, cockchafer: 43 28
beetle, Colorado: 50 46
beetle, dung: 56 62; 66 64; 88 44; 89 54
beetle, lily: 5 26; 6 55; 94 41
beetle, palm: 68 40, 44-48
beetles: 4 51; 5 26; 6 1, 55; 7 26; 10 20; 21 22; 51 82; 56 15, 16, 18; 57 58, 71; 64 51; 65 44; 77 42; 92 19 50
beetroot: 79 35, 37; 94 47; 102 71
beets: 74 11; 79 33; 101 19
beets, sea: 79 35, 37
beets, sugar: 79 35
begonia: 15 43; 16 50; 18 49; 35 70; 42 55, 56; 43 47; 45 36; 46 92; 49 22; 55 8; 56 25; 80 40; 84 12; 94 48; 102 71; 104 15
begonia, shrubby: 43 22; 102 22
Begonia: 8 7
Begonia dregii: 3 39
Begonia semperflorens: 4 43; 16 50; 46 14; 58 20
Belamcanda: 6 24
belladonna: 29 71; 89 16; 96 63
belladonna lilies: 99 17, 43, 44; 100 50
Bella Sombra: 99 44
Bella Vista: 91 14
Belleval, Pierre Richer de: 48 67
Bellevalia dubia: 16 26; 97 12
Bellevalia flexuosa: 65 46
Bellevalia hyacinthoides: 96 22
Bellevalia stepporum: 101 62
bellflower: 97 12
bell-fruited mallee: 25 24
Bellini, Gentile: 60 18
Bellis: 47 20
Bellis perennis: 3 32; 28 42; 62 55; 69 43, 44; 70 26; 81 43; 82 60; 91 41
Beloperone californica: 30 70
Beloperone guttata: 108 19
belvedere: 49 3; 60 26
Benakio Phytopathological Institute: 68 48, 50, 51; 73 56
Benakis, Antonis: 73 56
Benakis, Emmanuel: 73 56
Bendor, island: 97 29-32
Benedictines: 98 5, 7, 8, 10
beneficial insects: 16 54; 17 58; 55 11, 13; 67 71; 70 53
beneficial soil fungi: 64 48
beneficial wildlife: 70 52
Benguela ocean currents: 92 50
Berber Museum: 99 71
Berberidaceae: 52 61
berberis: 23 56; 29 5; 49 61; 57 24; 75 42; 89 16
berberis sawfly: 55 12; 78 55; 94 41
Berberis: 21 3, 28; 42 69; 45 61; 74 39; 94 41; 102 13
Berberis aquifolium: 76 42; 102 15
Berberis aristata: 23 58
Berberis darwinii: 21 28; 23 58
Berberis iberica: 72 39
Berberis pinnata: 104 63
Berberis thunbergii: 21 28; 94 41
Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea: 14 23, 26
Berberis vulgaris: 14 25
bergamot: 29 17; 74 51; 83 65, 66
Bergengruen, Werner: 51 58
Bergenia: 27 65; 39 17; 41 4; 42 24
Bergenia 'Abendglocken': 27 66
Bergenia cordifolia: 19 48
Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea': 27 66
Bergenia crassulifolia: 4332
Bergenia pacumbis: 90 28
bergenias: 626; S(2) 12; 70 29; 90 70
Berger, Alwin: 79 54
Bergzabern, Jakob Theodor von: 73 63
Berkeley sedge: 30 14, 18
Berlin Botanical Gardens: 12 11; 77 26
Bermuda buttercup: 16 29, 48; 19 56; 20 28; 28 16; 40 28;
84 3, 39, 40; 92 28; 104 67
Bermuda clover: 42 70
Bermuda grass: 18 17; 38 27; 60 44; 65 35
Bern Convention: 68 56, 57; 79 27; 93 44
Bernini: 28 36
Beronica syriaca: 22 8
berries: 1 5; 15 7; 44 45; 47 2, 3, 77; 54 27-29; 55 37; 71 34, 60; 72 3, 33; 74 4-6, 14; 75 34; 77 9, 36, 74; 78 9, 10; 79 48; 80 43; 82 17, 48; 83 34; 84 72; 86 29; 88 10, 11, 51; 94 11; 96 23, 36; 97 40, 41; 100 57; 103 40, 46, 47; 104 14, 52; 107 57
berry bushes: 63 72
Berzelia: 90 55
Berzelia abrotanoides: 16 17
Berzelia lanuginosa: 16 17
berzilia: 37 43; 59 25
Beschorneria: 19 27; 22 62
Beschorneria yuccoides: 29 5; 42 80; 49 14; 85 18
beschornerias: 55 8
bessera: 55 8
Beta maritima: 79 35
Beta vulgaris: 46 12; 79 35, 36
Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima: 79 35
Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla: 57 35
Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla var. flavescens: 56 42
Beta vulgaris var. cicla : 79 35
Beta vulgaris var. escuenta: 79 35
Beta vulgaris var. vulgaris: 79 35
Beth Chatto Educational Trust: 95 62; 96 42, 43
Beth Chatto Garden: 2 12, 13-16; 42 81; 64 35; 79 42; 80 55; 90 70; 96 48
Beth Chatto Shade Garden: 76 30
Beth Chatto Symposium 2018: 96 42
Bethlehem: 30 66, 67
Betonica macrantha: 72 40
betony: 64 42; 72 40
Betula: 15 10; 102 46
Betula alleghaniensis: 96 35
Betula pendula: 12 21; 55 70
Betulaceae: 82 61; 91 60
Bewick, Thomas: 74 29
Bhagwat, Aniket: 80 47, 48, 58
Biarum angustatum: 65 47
Biarum bovei: 23 49
Bible: 55 71, 72; 78 5
Biblical gardens: 19 15
Bibliothèque Inguimbertine: 75 6
bidens: 4 23
Bidens ferulifolia: 1 14; 11 39
Biehn, Michel: 75 8; 76 67; 79 48
biennial bearers: 62 60
biennials: 21 48; 22 16; 47 6, 9; 75 64, 64; 76 13; 84 31; 87 20; 90 68
bietola: 79 35-37
Big Bend Silverleaf: 12 27; S(1) 14
Bigberry manzanita: 105 18
Big-leaf maple: 27 14; 74 7
Bignon, Jean-Paul: 70 68
bignonia: 3 11; 7 7; 16 42; 18 13; 28 46; 33 51; 38 18; 64 17; 99 45
Bignonia: 3 7; 19 8; 20 22, 52; 22 55; 70 68
Bignonia capreolata: 70 68
Bignoniaceae: 16 1, 38; 35 41, 42; 45 65; 52 55; 66 71; 70 68; 82 23; 83 74; 91 59, 64; 99 26
Bilberry cactus: 82 8
billabongs: 69 62; 91 16
Billardiera: 91 59
Billardiera heterophylla: 71 70; 82 23; 85 18
Billbergia: 106 43
Billbergia porteana: 106 44
Billbergia nutans: 2223; 28 44; 73 62; 91 26-29; 92 72; 97 43
Bimbi, Bartolomeo: 83 65
bindweed: 15 45; 60 44; 72 25; 81 20; 104 52
binomial system: 71 63
bioconservation: 71 68
biocontrol agent: 50 44
biodiversity: 20 72; 21 42; 23 8-11; 41 11; 42 20, 60; 46 69; 48 39; 49 5, 7, 10; 51 29; 53 11, 14; 54 9, 14, 20; 57 6; 59 35, 38; 61 5, 7; 63 76; 65 5, 7, 39; 66 51, 64; 67 71; 68 24; 71 23, 24, 67, 69; 75 40, 54; 77 79, 81, 84; 78 59, 60; 79 22, 46, 53; 83 7, 16; 85 62, 63, 65; 89 47, 48; 92 9, 51; 93 14, 15, 18, 19; 94 6, 38, 39; 95 5; 96 5, 6; 99 57; 103 9; 106 39; 107 21, 46, 47
biodiversity, global initiative: 93 16
biodiversity hotspots: 65 5, 7; 72 38; 89 48; 93 14; 96 5
biodiversity, local: 85 62
biodiversity, loss of: 93 15; 100 41
biodiversity, reduction of: 53 11
biodome, open-air: 103 4
biofertilisers: 62 72
biofuel; 73 34; 78 16
biogeographical barriers: 54 22
biolinks; 108 7, 8
Biograd na Moru: 58 19
biological control: 6 3; 54 71; 63 45; 76 63; 84 23
biological invasion: 70 3, 6
biological pest control: 60 4
biomass: 51 11, 14; 78 16
biomes: 54 15; 71 18
biophilia: 97 53
Bioriza Nursery: 66 23, 24
Biosphere Reserve: 65 40
bio-swells: 82 15, 16; 84 71
birch: 15 39; 42 73; 43 17; 44 25; 64 45; 72 9; 85 43; 88 23
birch, paper: 69 56
birch, silver: 43 17; 44 25; 72 30, 32; 73 24
bird activity: 102 32
bird boxes: 29 44; 88 51
bird hunting: 86 20, 21
bird lime: 5 29
bird migration: 84 72; 85 43, 60; 86 16-23
bird mortality: 85 41
Bird of Paradise: 88 60; 91 64; 97 26, 44; 101 15; 106 48; 107 22, 23
Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia): 107 23, 24
Bird of Paradise, Red: 82 16
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia): 107 22
Bird of Paradise tree: 19 57; 23 30; 104 20
bird reserve: 65 47
bird sanctuary: 64 64; 67 53, 54
bird trade: 86 21
bird trapping: 86 20, 21
bird watchers: 93 52
bird-attracting plants: 7 21; S(1) 12; 104 29
bird-bath: 23 26; 29 44; 30 17; 49 34, 41; 57 21; 83 9; 85 45; 89 19; 95 30; 106 38, 40, 41
birdfeeder: 47 79; 49 41; 54 3; 71 74; 83 9; 87 75; 90 46; 101 18
birdfeeder, hummingbirds: 102 62, 63
bird-friendly: 45 43; 83 10; 105 15
birdhouse: 5 10
birdlife: 21 18; 91 16; 100 52; 108 56
BirdLife Australia: 83 9
bird-resistant: 95 29
bird-sown: 97 23
birds: 2 5; 4 14; 5 26, 29; 6 1, 2, 22, 34; 7 2, 20, 26; 8 39, 48, 49, 51; 9 28; 10 10, 20; 15 2, 35, 73; 16 19, 24, 51, 54, 55, 71; 17 3, 40, 49, 72; 18 10, 18, 26, 52, 54, 64, 69; 19 33, 59; 20 21; 21 18, 19, 27; 22 5, 14, 21; 23 24, 26, 53, 54, 61; 24 1, 18, 58, 70; 25 33, 37; 26 52; 27 11, 14, 15; 28 19, 37; 29 8, 51; 30 6, 13, 16; 32 69; 33 29; 34 5, 49; 35 64; 36 33, 39, 40-45, 49, 50, 52; 38 25, 43, 85; 40 9, 21; 41 49; 44 52, 55; 46 60-63; 48 1, 5, 8; 49 8, 41, 42, 48; 51 61; 52 34; 53 4; 54 3, 57; 59 3, 24, 28, 29, 32, 66; 58 69; 59 3, 24, 28, 29, 32, 66; 60 4, 11; 61 3, 23, 46; 62 15, 33, 60, 65, 69; 64 22, 28, 51; 66 42, 47, 51; 67 23; 68 24, 52-54; 69 49; 70 58, 60, 65, 72; 71 57, 67; 72 3, 4, 38, 40, 52, 61; 73 26, 34, 45; 74 5, 22, 27, 33, 57, 61; 75 35, 37, 41, 42, 54, 71; 77 38, 44-46, 60, 82; 75 45; 80 46, 48, 49; 81 17, 18, 41, 71; 82 17, 21, 40; 83 6-10; 84 12, 22, 23, 25, 31, 72; 85 37, 39, 40-43, 45, 49; 87 34, 68, 75; 88 6, 18, 60, 70: 89 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 19, 54, 59; 90 4, 32, 46; 91 10, 55; 92 4, 10, 15, 32, 36, 38, 40, 51; 93 50; 94 4, 38; 95 1, 5, 27, 48; 97 12, 17, 23, 34, 39, 41, 70; 99 17, 37, 52; 100 3, 30; 102 62; 103 46, 47; 104 15, 28, 45, 50, 52; 105 15, 52, 53, 57; 106 38; 107 7, 23, 57; 108 7, 47
birds, Australian: 71 52
birds, local: 105 56
birds, native: 83 10
birds, nesting: 107 9
birds – bee eaters: 72 40; 83 12; 85 5, 44; 86 17
birds – birds of paradise: 44 56
birds – birds of prey: 36 40; 71 67; 79 23; 86 19; 104 44; 107 57
birds – black redstart: 22 14; 83 3; 97 17
birds – black vulture: 71 67; 95 1, 38
birds – blackbirds: 4 14; 10 20; 16 70; 18 5, 18, 69; 20 21; 23 22; 28 19, 44; 36 42; 43 8, 21, 26; 68 52; 78 32; 82 36; 85 39, 44; 86 17; 101 52
birds – blackcap: 36 41; 83 12; 85 44; 106 39
birds – black-winged stilt: 42 74
birds – bluethroats: 86 18
birds – bluetits: 19 34; 23 26; 36 41, 42; 49 34; 83 12; 85 44; 102 32; 105 53
birds – bobwhite quail: 47 78
birds – booted eagle: 97 54
birds – bramblings: 86 18
birds – brown falcon: 32 69
birds – brown thornbills: 74 27
birds – brush turkeys: 83 30
birds – bulbuls: 51 55
birds – bulbuls, white-spectacled: 65 45
birds – bullfinches: 23 54; 77 45
birds – buntings: 23 54; 77 45
birds – buzzards: 7 7; 23 61; 28 25; 85 46; 101 53
birds – California mourning dove: 101 22
birds – canaries: 30 6; 87 15; 89 21
birds – Cape sugarbird: 88 60
birds - cavity-nesting: 68 25
birds – chaffinch: 36 42
birds – chickadees: 83 8
birds – chickens: 3 54; 8 45; 30 10; 33 48; 38 54; 47 79; 57 29; 58 38, 39, 41; 86 36, 37, 50; 88 22; 91 53; 108 56
birds – Chukar partridges: 106 38
birds – coal tits: 105 53
birds – cockatiels: 87 15
birds – cockatoos: 37 1, 7; 83 30; 92 36
birds – cockatoos, black: 71 57
birds – cockatoos, sulphur-crested: 71 51
birds – cockatoos, white: 73 26
birds – collared doves: 49 34; 60 4; 103 23; 105 49
birds – Cooper’s hawk: 104 48
birds – cormorants: 44 8; 59 28; 97 47
birds – cranes: 65 47; 84 31; 86 16
birds – crested larks: 35 47
birds – crested tits: 105 53
birds – crows: 49 34; 83 30; 84 31
birds – crows, hooded: 68 53
birds – cuckoos: 38 43; 68 53; 84 31; 86 17
birds – Dalmatian pelicans: 87 68
birds – dodo: 42 61
birds – doves: 44 55; 47 49; 49 41; 68 54: 87 15; 97 47
birds – doves, diamond: 105 53
birds – ducks: 8 39; 19 64; 44 55; 48 31; 59 28; 62 25; 68 25; 70 30; 79 8; 86 18, 37-39; 88 53; 92 14; 105 40; 108 7
birds – ducks, exotic: 99 36
birds – ducks, Indian Runner: 26 47
birds – ducks, mandarin diamond: 105 53
birds – dunnocks: 23 54; 77 45
birds – eagles: 28 25; 72 40
birds – eastern rosellas: 73 26
birds – eastern spinebills: 74 27
birds – egrets: 21 57; 75 55; 101 58
birds – Eleonora’s falcon: 64 64; 67 53; 71 67
birds – emus: 48 30; 66 62; 71 57
birds – exotic: 49 61
birds – fairy wren: 70 31; 71 52; 89 19; 92 38
birds – falcons: 68 53; 85 46
birds – fantail doves: 42 8
birds – finches: 4 14; 21 28; 23 54; 35 31; 68 54; 71 52; 77 45; 85 45; 87 15
birds – fish eagles: 71 67
birds – flamingos: 21 18; 29 5, 6; 48 23; 49 61; 75 55; 77 38; 87 59, 67; 89 57; 106 64; 108 51
birds – fledglings: 7 26
birds – flycatchers: 23 26; 33 63; 36 41; 103 23
birds – galahs: 73 26; 92 36
birds – geese: 42 74; 62 25
birds – golden oriole: 4 14; 22 14; 25 32; 55 49; 86 23
birds – goldfinches: 23 54; 77 45; 85 43; 86 19; 102 32
birds – great egrets: 87 59
birds – great tits: 49 34; 83 8, 12; 85 44
birds – greenfinch: 10 20; 36 42; 102 32
birds – green woodpecker: 107 72
birds – guinea fowl: 53 33
birds – gulls: 36 42; 49 34
birds – gulls, yellow-legged: 49 34
birds – hawks: 16 19; 36 42; 83 30; 84 31; 102 62
birds – hens, cocks: 26 12; 27 38; 28 11; 46 63; 53 23; 58 8; 61 37; 62 25; 71 57; 102 47; 104 51; 105 53
birds – herons: 21 57; 45 15; 59 28; 75 35; 84 31
birds – honey-eater: 21 27, 28; 22 27; 56 26; 71 52; 74 22, 27; 82 40; 83 8; 85 39, 43; 89 19
birds – hoopoe: 4 14; 8 43; 19 34, 59; 22 14; 36 42; 42 74; 55 49; 58 40; 66 42; 68 53; 71 45; 72 52; 83 4; 86 12; 97 34, 47; 106 14
birds – house martins: 49 34; 85 41; 86 17; 97 47
birds – hummingbirds: 7 20; 27 14, 59; 29 2; 30 14, 16; 31 51; 43 67; 55 69; 60 67; 65 1; S(1) 11; 70 60, 61; 74 5; 81 45; 83 8; 84 24; 85 43; 86 32, 33; 91 50, 56; 100 14, 17, 19, 21; 101 22, 32, 33; 104 48; 108 45, 47
birds, hummingbirds, Anna’s: 101 32
birds – ibises, scarlet: 99 36
birds – jackdaws: 23 54; 77 45
birds – jays: 49 34; 85 43
birds – kestrels: 18 18; 23 61
birds – kingfishers: 48 1; 53 23; 97 47
birds – kites: 65 51; 92 32; 102 32
birds – Knysna woodpecker: 59 32
birds – kookaburras; 71 49, 51, 52; 73 26; 74 27; 83 30; 92 38
birds – king parrots: 73 26
birds – kurrawongs: 83 30
birds – lammergeiers: 72 40
birds – long-tailed tits: 83 12
birds – lorikeets, rainbow: 71 54; 74 27
birds – lyrebirds; 71 49
birds – magpies: 4 14; 43 70; 53 4; 68 54; 71 38; 83 30; 92 32; 97 47; 101 52
birds – mallards: 42 74; 44 8; 51 61; 68 25; 82 21
birds – migrating/migratory: 35 32; 42 74; 43 39; 46 69; 61 64; 64 22; 75 54; 82 27; 86 16-23; 96 31; 97 12; 103 4; 104 44, 45
birds – mistletoe bird: 32 69
birds – mockingbirds: 38 43; 91 56; 101 22
birds – Nerina trogon: 59 29
birds – New Holland honeyeaters: 105 5
birds – nightingale: 22 14; 27 38; 28 19; 36 41; 37 61; 38 10, 14, 43, 44; 45 50; 61 3; 62 15; 66 42; 68 54; 83 12; 85 5; 86 16, 23; 87 75; 92 4; 97 34
birds – nightjar: 7 7; 60 11
birds – noisy miner: 85 39
birds – northern bald ibis: 58 48
birds – nuthatch: 19 34; 68 25; 85 6
birds – nuthatches, rock: 25 40
birds – olivaceous warbler: 36 42, 44
birds – orioles: 85 43
birds – ospreys: 71 67
birds – owls: 4 14; 9 28; 10 20; 16 19; 25 32; 27 38; 28 25; 46 62; 49 34; 55 49; 60 4; 83 12; 97 34; 99 67; 101 35, 55; 102 62
birds – owls, barn; 85 46; 88 51
birds – owls, scops: 83 12; 97 17; 106 53
birds – owls, little: 85 46
birds – owls, short-eared: 83 12
birds – owls, tawny: 19 34
birds – Palestinian sunbirds: 65 45; 107 28
birds – parakeets: 71 49, 52
birds – parakeets, rosella: 71 51
birds – parrots: 22 27; 37 7; 83 30, 34; 91 54; 92 36
birds – partridges: 58 39
birds – peacocks: 29 44, 51; 44 55; 45 47; 53 34; 79 8; 81 52; 101 13; 105 40
birds – pelicans: 44 8; 55 64; 75 55
birds – peregrine falcons: 23 61; 86 24
birds – pheasants: 18 10; 29 51; 43 8; 84 32
birds – pheasant, exotic: 99 36
birds – pigeons: 23 54; 29 45; 41 71; 77 45
birds – poultry: 50 43; 51 45, 55; 56 65; 58 40; 72 47
birds – quails: 34 11, 12; 35 64; 58 39; 74 5; 75 28; 87 15; 102 62
birds – quelea: 75 35
birds – raptors: 86 19
birds – ravens, fan-tailed: 65 44
birds – redstart: 22 14; 86 17
birds – red-tailed hawks: 30 16
birds – red kites: 85 6
birds – ringed plovers: 86 19
birds – road runners: 102 62
birds – robins: 19 59; 22 14; 36 42; 56 63; 63 30; 64 41; 68 52-54; 83 9; 85 39, 44, 45; 86 16, 23; 97 47
birds – rock thrushes: 72 40
birds – rock thrushes, blue: 19 34; 72 40; 79 19
birds – rollers: 72 40
birds – rooks: 23 54; 77 45
birds – rose-coloured starlings: 72 40
birds – rosy finches: 72 40
birds – sand martins: 56 63
birds – Sardinian warblers: 23 26; 36 41; 59 65; 83 12; 85 6, 44
birds – scrub jays: 25 1; 30 17
birds – seagulls: 46 62; 62 17; 97 47
birds – serin: 19 34
birds – shore birds: 86 19
birds – skylarks: 45 48; 86 19
birds – snake eagle: 74 37; 79 19; 85 46
birds – songbirds: 71 25; 86 23
birds – southern boobook owl: 74 27
birds – sparrows: 22 14; 23 54; 36 41; 38 43; 43 24; 49 34, 41; 51 56; 63 30; 68 52, 53; 71 74; 77 45; 80 46; 83 8; 85 43
birds – spoonbills: 87 59
birds – spur-winged plovers: 71 51
birds – starlings: 4 14; 28 20; 85 43; 90 63; 96 16
birds – stock doves: 36 42
birds – storks: 36 40; 43 57; 54 59; 65 48, 51; 75 55; 84 31; 86 19; 101 53
birds – straw-necked ibises: 71 51
birds – subalpine warblers: 85 44
birds – sunbirds: 16 16; 21 22; 59 25; 77 42; 88 54
birds – swallows: 1 4; 4 14; 7 7; 9 28; 10 20; 20 47; 24 22; 25 2; 38 43; 44 52; 46 62; 49 41; 56 63; 68 53; 71 44; 77 8; 85 41; 86 17, 19, 20, 23, 40; 94 10; 97 47
birds – swans: 31 49; 44 54
birds – swifts: 7 7; 33 65; 36 41; 49 41; 85 6
birds – tawny frogmouths: 83 30
birds – thrushes: 4 14; 36 42; 60 13; 66 42; 85 44
birds – titmice: 68 25
birds – tits: 17 49; 19 34; 22 14; 23 54; 49 41; 60 11; 68 54; 77 45; 83 8
birds – treecreepers: 10 20; 48 5, 6; 68 25
birds – Tristram’s grackles: 65 45
birds – turkey vultures: 48 27
birds – turkeys: 53 2; 65 54
birds – turtle doves: 43 8; 59 31, 32
birds – vultures: 97 54
birds – wagtails: 4 14; 68 52; 101 52
birds – warblers: 23 54; 60 11; 77 45; 83 9; 84 72; 86 19, 20
birds – water birds: 106 32
birds – weaver birds: 106 30
birds – white-browed scrub wren: 7427
birds – wild pigeons: 51 56
birds – Wilson’s warblers: 101 20
birds – wood pigeons: 36 42
birds – woodpecker: 31 49; 78 45; 85 40
birds – wrens: 36 41; 60 11; 83 9; 85 45; 101 22, 52; 102 32
birds – wryneck, Eurasian: 85 40
birds – yellow wagtails: 36 44; 86 16
birdsong: 22 9; 26 47; 30 6; 34 8, 65; 40 8; 45 6; 51 45, 55; 53 4; 58 10; 62 15; 64 22; 65 45; 68 60; 70 48; 74 31, 33; 78 45; 79 30, 54; 82 21; 83 2; 85 3; 86 12; 87 50; 96 65; 97 71; 99 59; 101 17; 102 32; 104 52, 54; 110 28; 111 21; 116 62
Birregurra Landscape Group: 91 3
Biscutella laevigata: 115 19
bishop’s cowl: 95 17
Bismarckia: 95 50
Bismarkia nobilis: 33 55; 83 61; 92 8; 95 49
bistort: 72 40
biting stonecrop: 78 38
bitter cherry: 24 15
bitter cress: 60 45
bitter/Seville orange: 23 21; 26 29; 27 33; 48 55, 56, 59; 53 37; 79 5, 40; 80 43; 99 55; 102 36; 104 70; 108 69; 110 7; 113 18; 115 49; 116 11; 117 43
Bituminaria bituminosa: 82 62; 100 48
Bixby Bryant, Susanna: 90 11; 118 56
Black Bean Tree: 83 31
black beetle larvae: 87 32; 112 45
Black Boy trees: 99 35; 102 15
Black Box: 71 55
black fly: 78 55
black hellebore: 27 83
black mondo grass: 92 14
black oak: 24 40; 27 14
black pine: 39 47; 73 45, 48; 76 41
black plastic sheeting: 110 14
Black Sapote: 92 48
Black Sea: 76 41, 43-45
black sheoaks: 69 5
black spot: 5 41; 7 36; 28 49; 33 31; 60 43, 44; 70 68; 76 31; 78 55; 85 35; 89 42; 98 45
black vine weevil: 94 44
Black Vulture Foundation: 95 38
blackberry: 6 47; 18 42; 28 21, 22; 30 14; 50 1; 53 24; 65 32; 81 45; 87 15; 89 16; 107 54
Black-Eyed Susan: 65 23; 90 39, 41; 108 23
Blackstonia perfoliata: 73 44
blackthorn: 115 27
bladder campion: 51 68; 53 56; 91 62
bladderpod: 29 67
bladderwrack: 110 65
Blaikie, Thomas: 29 55-58
Blake, William: 89 21; 102 67
Blanc, Patrick: 55 1; 58 63
Blanes Botanic Garden: 66 23
blanket flower: 110 52
Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente: 82 27
Blastophagus: 33 82; 43 5
Blastophagus grossorum: 104 61
Blastophagus psenes: 10 10, 11; 33 42; 66 65; 116 42
Blechnum ‘Silver Lady’: 90 28
bleeding canker of horse chestnuts: 88 62; 94 43
Blepharocalyx cruckshankii: 44 32
Bletilla ochracea: 104 37
Bletilla striata: 104 37
Bletilla striata ‘Alba’: 104 37
bletting: 115 61, 62
Bligh, Beatrice: 44 60
Bligh, William, Captain: 69 55; 117  68
blight: 53 14; 80 69
Blood Flower: 23 40
blood lily: 75 46; 76 46
blood orange: 107 8; 110 7; 117 44
Bloomeria: 28 31
blowpipe darts: 117 68
Blue Chalk Fingers: 91 64
Blue Chalksticks: 91 64; 102 42; 110 32
Blue Gum: 54 19
Blue Gum seeds: 108 9
blue Hesper palm: 87 8
Blue Honeywort: 57 18
Blue lechenaultia: 112 11
Blue Marguerite: 43 33
Blue Mountain Lupin: 76 12
Blue Sage: 515; 82 16
Blue Spurge: 24 28
Blue Star: 15 18
Blue Star Creeper: 91 60
Blue Trumpet Vine: 90 40
Blue Weed: 57 27
bluebell: 10 54; 21 26; 38 21; 44 54; 70 29; 71 49, 63; 74 61; 81 41; 89 10; 90 37
Bluebell Creeper: 63 30
blueberries: 64 49; 101 18
Blue-Eyed Grass: 6 36; 30 16, 18
blue-green algae: 115 21
Blue-Leaved Wattle: 10 8; 39 22; 45 17, 20
boar damage: 96 38; 98 71
Boat’s End: 71 52
Boboli Gardens: 29 55; 52 33- 35; 78 48, 50
Bocaccio: 51 64; 57 51; 64 16, 17
Boccanegra: 76 68; 79 61, 62; 82 67
Boddy, E. Manchester: 87 10
bodhi tree: 116 41
Bodnant: 17 21
Boehmeria nivea: 13 13; 114 17
Boer-Bean Tree: 71 21
Boerhaave, Herman: 69 53
Boeri, Stefano: 90 58
bog area, bogs: 70 21; 91 30
bog plants: 86 60, 61
Bog Sage: 3 19; 63 40; S(2) 7; 108 44
bog-loving plants: 2 12
Boissier, Edmond: 111 10; 114 14, 15
Boissier de Sauvages, François: 49 5, 6; 57 40, 41, 43; 73 2; 77 79, 80; 86 71
Bokbaai vygies: 27 21
Boletus edulis: 7 8
bolting: 89 31
Bolton Parks Department: 89 65, 66
Bolusanthus speciosus: 78 12
Bomarea lancifolia:44 31
Bomarea ovallei: 83 2
Bomarzo: 58 16
Bombus: 64 52
Bombus sandersonii: 64 53
Bombyx mori: 101 63
Bon, Ottavio: 64 5
Bonaparte, Napoleon: 45 46, 49, 51; 49 9; 52 39
bonemeal: 3 48; 49 51; 77 13
Boneseed: 37 16
bonfires: 1 51; 22 23; 28 15; 51 27; 62 20, 27; 67 27; 71 43; 87 59
Bongardia chrysogonum: 101 62
bonsai: 22 59; 29 55; 50 16; 61 26; 72 9, 41; 80 45; 99 16; 106 43, 46; 113 26
bonsai, natural: 97 30
boobialla: 51 20; 77 87
Boojum Tree: 90 13
Book of Genesis: 104 59
Boon Warrung people: 108 6, 10
Boophone: 90 61
Boophone haemanthoides: 21 21; 77 40
borage: 23 30; 43 31; 49 20, 34, 40, 58; 53 24, 56; 55 36; 57 27, 50; 58 36; 66 11; 69 26; 72 17; 84 31, 32; 102 31; 115 50
Boraginaceae: 6 33; 39 71; 73 1; 82 61; 91 61, 62
Borago: 6 33
Borago officinalis: 20 40; 43 6, 31; 49 58; 72 17; 84 31 33; 92 26; 102 31; 116 64
Borago pygmaea: 72 17
Borassus flabellifer: 68 51
borax: 70 17
Bordeaux mixture: 4 44; 6 47; 54 38; 58 72; 60 44
Border plants, English: 99 44
boreholes/bores: 6 17; 26 28, 38, 59; 47 10; 48 38; 51 68; 53 3, 69; 59 32; 60 3; 62 18; 67 7; 71 57; 87 24; 88 29; 89 43; 98 17; 102 35, 43; 104 10; 106 40; 117 41
Borgia, Lucrezia: 55 60
Borgias: 55 57
Bornmuellera tymphaea: 82 61
Boronia: 60 55
BOROUME: 85 69
bosco: 84 52
BoscoVerticale: 90 58
Bosco della Ragnaia: 61 21-24
Bosea amherstiana: 93 44
Bosea cypria: 44 61; 59 55; 93 44
Bosea yervamora: 137; 93 44
Boston Ivy: 22 55; 43 18; 51 19; 62 46; 77 86, 100; 102 19
Boswellia: 91 16
Botanic Garden of Brest: 23 13
Botanic Garden of Cordoba: 43 57; 80 10
Botanic Garden of Leiden: 69 53
Botanic Garden of Naples: 64 21; 84 45
Botanic Garden of Padua: 79 66; 98 10
Botanic Garden of Sóller: 104 64
Botanic Garden of the University of Pisa: 23 10; 93 15
botanic gardens: 23 8-13, 15-17; 55 58; 58 4, 6; 65 44; 108 5, 6
Botanic Gardens Conservation International: 23 8, 13; 75 37
Botanic Gardens of Caixa de Gerona: 47 18
Botanic Institute of the University of Neuchâtel: 90 32, 33
Botanical Garden and Horticulture Eisenhut, San Nazarro: 29 50
Botanical Garden of Athens: 111 11
Botanical Garden of Hawaii: 98 40
Botanical Garden of Palermo: 72 54
Botanical Garden of Pisa: 97 58
Botanical Garden of Réal: 105 52
Botanical Garden of Rome: 97 58
Botanical Garden of Sóller: 15 70; 17 7-9, 24, 70; 52 16-18; 64 63, 65; 67 3, 37, 39, 40, 48-50, 59, 62; 78 40, 70; 92 40; 104 64
Botanical Garden of the University of California, Riverside: 96 6
botanical gardens: 103 9, 10; 112 30
Botanical Gardens, Cagliari: 89 60
Botanical Gardens, Florence: 82 67
Botanical Gardens, Jerusalem: 101 9
Botanical Gardens, Singapore: 79 66
Botanical Garden, St Vincent: 69 55
Botanical Garden Troodos 'A.G. Leventis': 61 65
Botanical Gardens of the Georgian Academy of Sciences: 72 38
Botanical Gardens Conservation International: 102 3
botanical expeditions: 98 7
botanical hotspots: 60 62; 92 8
botanical illustration/drawing: 12 11-18; 76 18, 20, 63; 77 26-33, 82, 83; 83 68; 93 72; 96 3, 67; 116 1
Botanical Museum of the University of Athens: 114 15
botanical names/nomenclature: 15 40; 17 70; 71 62; 85 52; 97 40, 57-59
botanical park: 103 4
Botanical Park of Crete: 59 67; 63 62, 65
botanical pharmacopeia, Elba: 93 18
Botany Bay: 112 18, 19
Bothriochloa barbinodis: 48 27
Bothriochloa macra: 37 22
Boti, Cesar Cort: 59 32
botrytis: 76 58
Botticelli: 57 50, 53; 106 18
bottle tree: 36 30; 83 31; 117 55
bottlebrush: 5 45; 7 13, 47; 12 22; 13 9, 25; 17 47; 50 18, 72; 51 22; 62 46; 69 9; 72 7; 77 89, 100; 88 31; 91 59; 93 62; 97 42; 103 36; 112 20; 113 53; 114 33, 72
bottlebrush, coastal: 88 25
bottlebrush, weeping: 82 13, 16; 85 23
bottom-end rot: 58 32
Bougainville de, Louis-Antoine: 46 37-40
bougainvillea: 7 4, 36; 9 54; 10 4, 19, 20, 23; 12 7, 23, 25; 16 23; 17 33, 54; 18 13, 16, 26, 28, 53; 19 32, 33; 20 48, 52; 21 11, 17, 19, 55, 71, 72; 23 21, 30, 59, 75; 25 33; 26 27, 30, 48, 51, 54, 60; 27 34, 35; 28 6, 19, 47; 30 26, 71; 31 57; 32 7, 57; 35 49; 38 24; 39 6; 40 28, 38; 42 58; 43 14, 15, 51; 44 45-47; 46 37, 53; 47 18, 77; 48 69; 49 25, 26; 50 17, 72; 53 31, 39; 58 25; 62 9, 56; 63 58; 66 47; 68 6, 36; 71 42; 77 74-76; 80 12, 43; 81 13, 53; 82 6; 83 3; 84 12; 85 12; 87 49, 59; 88 22, 29; 89 21; 90 51; 91 12; 92 14; 95 5; 97 39; 99 19, 23, 45, 71; 101 13; 103 20, 37; 104 34, 35; 105 6, 8; 107 6, 8, 10; 108 32, 33, 59; 110 71; 111 5; 112 20, 21; 114 26, 29; 115 36; 116 12, 13; 117 17, 60, 71
bougainvillea, Bambino: 108 32
bougainvillea, dwarf hybrids: 100 55
bougainvillea, grown as a tree: 110 71
bougainvillea, miniature: 107 12
Bougainvillea: 4 12, 23; 59 7, 56; 67 42; 69 49; 93 26; 95 29; 114 29; 116 52
Bougainvillea ‘Coconut Ice’: 93 34
Bougainvillea glabra: 1 39; 18 53; 22 72; 55 50; 59 54; 66 47; 103 25; 116 63
Bougainvillea glabra 'Sanderiana': 10 4
Bougainvillea hybrids: 4 12
Bougainvillea ‘Mini Thai’: 76 10
Bougainvillea ‘Rosenka’: 107 57
Bougainvillea sanderiana: 9 44; 47 20
Bougainvillea 'Sanderiana': 1 39
Bougainvillea spectabilis: 17 33; 19 32; 22 72; 47 9; 66 47; 92 14
Bougainvillea ‘White Cascade’: 92 34
bouillie bordelaise: 86 27, 31
boulders: 25 14; 66 33; 83 21; 85 12; 86 44, 45, 47; 112 28, 43
boulders, lichen-covered: 107 33
Bounty, The: 69 55
Boussingaultia baselloides: 4 15
Bouteloua: 69 36
Bouteloua gracilis: 103 48
bower plant: 16 38; 20 24; S(11) 21
Bower Vine: 91 59
Bowles, E.A.: 46 29; 68 26; 100 38
box/boxwood: 1 5; 2 12; 4 25; 5 11, 48; 6 9, 24, 53; 7 15; 9 32, 33; 15 29; 16 45; 19 25, 66; 20 22; 22 12; 23 22; 26 48, 65; 27 4, 7, 37, 38, 45, 52; 29 20, 52; 31 9; 35 63, 65, 69, 70; 36 25; 38 27, 58, 76; 39 7, 65; 41 4, 5; 42 7, 24, 25, 54, 75; 43 17, 60, 65; 47 47, 49, 51, 54; 48 12, 13; 49 3, 25, 30-32, 44, 61; 50 13, 15, 56; 51 1, 69; 52 33, 34, 36; 53 22, 24, 28; 54 26; 58 8; 61 14; 62 38; 65 14; S(1) 30; 66 1, 10, 12, 36, 37, 57, 59; 67 29; 69 8; 70 47, 48; 71 56, 72; 72 41; 74 31, 41, 56; 75 8, 32; 76 44; 79 8, 18, 47, 49; 80 3, 8, 9; 81 28, 72; 82 23; 84 12; 85 16; 87 20; 90 18; 91 50, 54; 93 28; 94 10, 40; 97 6, 22, 24; 99 41; 102 27, 41; 107 12, 13; 108 70; 112 51, 65; 114 64
box blight: 55 12; 78 55; 82 23; 94 40; 98 71; 99 47; 114 46
box tree/hedge caterpillar: 114 46; 116 50
box tree moth: 94 40; 117 57
box, African: 4 4
box, clipping: 104 71; 107 14
box, dwarf: 44 35
box, edging: 46 58
box/boxwood hedges: 99 47; 101 13, 16
box, Japanese: 6 11
boxleaf azara: 91 61
Boy Scout Movement: 100 11
Brachyscome ‘Country Lights’: 71 58
brachyscomes: 71 58
brachychiton: 16 47; 19 32; 37 12, 14; 45 22; 80 45, 46; 83 31; 112 22; 114 41
Brachychiton: 3 8; 7 47; 26 15; 47 19; 49 55, 56; 61 17; 79 55; 83 23; 102 13; 112 21
Brachychiton acerifolius: 25 31; 62 2; 80 13; 83 31, 34; 95 55; 103 20; 107 58; 112 22
Brachychiton bidwillii: 83 31
Brachychiton discolor: 80 13; 83 31; 85 23; 90 68; 95 55; 107 58; 112 22
Brachychiton gregorii: 28 19
Brachychiton populneus: 28 19; 39 22, 55; 49 53, 54; 56 14; 59 22; 62 2; 78 31; 80 40, 45; 83 31; 85 23; 89 16; 107 58; 112 21
Brachychiton roseus: 117 55
Brachychiton rupestris: 80 45; 83 31; 91 52; 92 34; 112 32
Brachychiton × roseus: 107 58
brachycome daisy: 21 27
Brachyglottis: 23 56; 29 43; 110 50
Brachyglottis greyii: 19 50; 41 19
Brachyglottis 'Sunshine': 39 45
Brachylaena glabra: 16 17; 59 26
Brachypodium retusum: 2 32
Brachyscome: 110 49
bracken: 27 17; 49 63; 55 15; 64 22, 42; S(2) 10; 95 33; 115 73
Bracteantha bracteata 'Cockatoo': 24 11
Bracteantha viscosum: 37 14
Bradypodion taeniabronchum: 59 24
brahea: 31 29
Brahea: 80 13; 81 12; 93 26
Brahea armata: 4 19 24; 32 30; 33 55; 36 64; 62 14; 68 51; 71 33; 77 19; 78 13, 65; 81 9; 87 8; 107 57; 113 15
Brahea brandegeei: 47 54; 87 8
Brahea dulcis: 5 5; 31 30
Brahea edulis: 26 15; 32 30; 33 55; 68 51; 87 8
Brahea glauca: 4 5
bramble: 1 5; 5 53; 6 20; 9 32; 15 45; 19 59; 20 69; 29 69; 44 41, 42; 52 5; 53 24; 59 1, 2; 60 11, 31; 62 47; 64 42, 44; 72 28; 77 8; 79 33; 80 20; 87 20; 94 10; 99 17; 103 44; 104 10, 23, 54; 110 10, 14; 111 50; 112 44, 65; 117 53
branch die-back: 108 37
Brassica balearica: 52 16; 78 69
Brassica campestris: 64 51
Brassica juncea: 56 46
Brassica napus: 64 51
Brassica oleracea: 56 46
Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra: 56 46
Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis: 56 46
Brassicaceae: 64 51; 73 7; 80 54; 82 61; 91 62
brassicas: 56 42, 46; 57 25, 31; 61 60; 64 49
Bravo, Claudio: 81 54
Brazilian Pepper Tree: 76 7; 107 6; 108 6
Brazilian Red Cloak: 92 47
breadfruit tree; 69 55; 114 26; 117 68
Breath of Heaven: 19 38; S(1) 40; 91 63
Breeding and hibernation space: 111 18
breeding stock: 23 48
Breton, André: 85 15
Brexit: 97 27
Breyne, Jacob: 80 71
briar: 91 20
brick: 43 18, 31, 57, 62; 75 8, 49
brick, crushed: 100 36
Brillantaisia: 108 23
Brillat-Savarin: 91 69
brine: 83 50
briony: 54 30
brise-soleil: 94 36; 95 72
Bristlecone: 26 21, 22; 63 13
bristly hollyhock: 40 35; 76 13
British Clematis Society: 53 48
British Library: 79 72
British Museum: 65 67
Brittlebush: 24 14; 28 69
Briza: 68 5
Briza maxima: 96 31
Briza media: 9 25
broadleaf wild leek: 76 16
broccoli: 49 24; 58 37; 67 15; 70 50, 55; 102 45, 71; 114 21
broccolini: 58 33
brodiaea: 29 43
Bromeliaceae: 23 14
bromeliads: 4 3, 5, 9; 18 49, 59; 38 74; 43 25; 64 24; 73 62; 77 16, 19, 22; 80 13; 83 33, 57, 60, 61; 88 57; 89 59; 90 28; 91 26; 92 39; 95 53; 99 59; 112 39
Bronze Age: 72 42; 85 2, 5; 87 67; 107 25
broodboom: 88 56
brook: 93 40-42; 100 49; 105 54
Brookes, John: 107 45, 47; 108 71
broom: 4 31; 6 25; 10 25; 18 16; 19 22; 22 14; 35 38; 43 44; 47 20; 53 18, 24, 56; 57 48; 62 31; 64 45; 70 3, 48; 77 66; 89 16, 19; 91 64; 92 28; 93 13; 97 41; 98 27; 100 61; 104 54; 113 54
broom, bridal: 89 16
broom, common: 90 60
broom, French: 54 19
broom, Illyrian: 115 19
broom, Montpellier: 57 38
broom, Portuguese: 54 19
broom, Scotch: 54 19; 90 60
broom, Spanish: 54 19; 101 5, 6
broom, spiny: 110 45
broom, thorny: 110 45
broomrape: 17 53; 54 56; 83 38
broomrape, scalloped: 52 64
Broussonet, Pierre Marie Auguste: 49 7; 77 81; 86 71
Broussonetia papyrifera: 13 14, 40; 39 44; 50 7; 101 63
brown rot fungus: 60 44
Brown, Capability: 6 6, 9; 17 13; 20 55; 47 66; 49 2; 58 5; 69 32; 79 65
Brown, Robert: 74 15; 81 61
Browning, Robert: 60 14, 17
browse line: 84 25
browsing: 63 7-10; 70 43; 80 57; 101 32, 59
brugmansia: 27 50; 29 16; 31 22, 23; 35 70; 41 23; 42 26, 28; 43 39, 41; 44 46; 46 13, 18, 28; 53 35, 51, 52; 66 27; 71 54; 77 75; 79 61; 89 19; 98 54
Brugmansia: 8 4; 18 9, 67; 19 47, 49; 20 23, 25; 26 51; 41 47; 46 14, 19; 51 55; 53 50; 55 40; 82 39; 93 13; 116 68, 69
Brugmansia arborea: 32 57; 53 51; 54 61; 71 60; 116 68
Brugmansia aurea: 53 33, 51
Brugmansia sanguinea: 18 9; 31 24; 53 50, 51; 116 68
Brugmansia sanguinea ssp. vulcanicola: 75 50
Brugmansia suaveolens: 18 9; 19 47, 49; 28 48; 53 50, 51
Brugmansia versicolor: 53 51; 70 62; 95 47
Brugmansia vulcanicola: 53 51
Brugmansia × candida: 20 23; 53 51; 95 16
Brugmansia × candida ‘Grand Marnier’: 72 33
Brugmansia × candida 'Knightii': 20 23; 31 23
Brugmansia × candida 'Variegata Sunset': 31 23
Brugmansia × insignis: 32 57; 53 51
Brunfelsia americana: 56 9
Brunfelsia australis: 55 53
Brunfelsia latifolia: 92 33; 105 16
Bruniaceae: 51 6
brunnera: 57 23
Brunonia australis: 112 10
Brunsvigia: 90 61
Brunsvigia josephinae: 19 62; 91 13; 97 20
brunsvigias: 21 20; 77 40
brush cutter: 92 43, 44
brush pile: 85 45
Brussels sprouts: 58 33, 38; 63 72
Brutinel Gardens: 84 10-14
bryony: 98 8
Buchloe dactyloides: 55 70; 65 36
Buchner, Giorgio: 83 57
buchu: 16 17; 19 35; S(1) 37; 71 21; 88 57; 89 51
buck brush: 49 63
buckeye: 27 14; 30 13, 14; 55 64; 74 5; 80 24, 25; 84 24; 104 47
Buckinghamia celsissima: 83 31, 34
buckler-mustard: 115 19
Buckley, Declan: 46 21
buckthorn: 6 20; 15 26; 22 1; 37 16; 39 22; 53 24; 62 14, 43, 46; 64 41; S(1) 27; 76 7; 77 97, 100; 82 44; 93 11, 14; 98 8; 101 6
buckthorn, alder: 64 41
buckthorn, Mediterranean: 113 53
buckthorn, sea: 102 14
buckwheat: 15 7; 18 39-41; 28 28, 69; 55 2; 74 4; 77 36; 80 66; 84 24; 91 60; 103 48
Buckwheat, rosy: 18 40
Buckwheat, saffron: 18 39
Buckwheat, Santa Cruz Island; 18 41
Buckwheat, sulphur-flowered: 18 40
Buda: 70 30
Buddha: 116 41
Buddha's Hand: 43 45; 74 51; 91 11; 102 37; 113 18
buddleia/buddleja: 1 22; 6 57; 14 41; 18 11; 23 24; 30 63; 35 24, 35, 38, 64; 42 54; 43 49, 80; 48 7; 64 40, 41, 44, 46, 47; 67 12; 69 23-25; 77 63, 66, 107-109; 89 16; 92 55; 97 24; 115 40
Buddleja: 4 14; 14 41; 19 47; 21 47; 22 17; 26 53; 46 14, 19, 80; 60 8; 69 28; 95 61;115 49
Buddleja americana: 69 24; 77 108
Buddleja asiatica: 69 23; 77 107
Buddleja asiatica × officinalis: 59 6
Buddleja auricula: 5 5
Buddleja auriculata: 35 35; 69 23; 77 63, 107
Buddleja colvilei: 69 24; 77 108
Buddleja cordata: 69 24; 77 108
Buddleja crispa: 35 38; 69 38; 77 66
Buddleja cultivars: 46 81
Buddleja davidii: 35 38; 46 14; 54 23, 67; 61 69; 69 24; 75 34; 77 66, 108; 103 54; 112 45
Buddleja davidii nanhoensis: 19 47
Buddleja fallowiana: 35 38; 77 66
Buddleja fallowiana 'Lochinch': 39 6
Buddleja farreri: 30 63; 69 24; 77 108
Buddleja globosa: 103 64
Buddleja glomerata: 67 62; 75 63
Buddleja lindleyana: 69 25; 77 109
Buddleja 'Lochinch': 50 10; 59 6; 67 12; 86 26
Buddleja loricata: 69 24; 77 108
Buddleja madagascariensis: 35 35; 39 4; 69 23; 77 63, 107; 82 7; 103 64
Buddleja 'Nora Warre': 35 35; 77 63
Buddleja officinalis: 32 37; 35 35; 38 82; 42 28; 59 6; 67 12; 69 23, 25; 77 63, 107, 109; 103 64; 111 40; 116 64
Buddleja saligna: 64 24; 77 108
Buddleja salviifolia: 1 22; 69 24; 77 108; 98 48
Buddleja tibetica: 69 24; 77 108
Buddleja yunnanensis: 69 25; 77 109
Buddleja × lewisiana ‘Margaret Pike’: 69 23; 77 107
Buddleja × weyeriana: 35 38; 77 66
Buffalo Bill: 44 8
buffalo grass: 65 36
Buffon: 49 8; 77 82
Bufo bufo: 85 45
Bufo viridis: 97 17, 34; 106 53
bugle: 43 32
Bugle Lily: 71 21
bugloss: 23 30; 52 17; 59 13
bugloss, viper's: 62 47
Buglossoides purpurocaerulea: 83 38
bugs: 42 44; 57 58
builders’ rubble: 107 8; 112 47; 113 45; 115 9
building codes: 80 31, 32, 36
bulb depth: 110 22
bulb farming: 79 71
bulb foliage, plaiting: 34 20
bulb rot: 104 39
bulbils: 63 17; 106 23, 24, 26
bulbine: 102 26; 104 22, 23
Bulbine: 52 8
Bulbine bulbosa: 37 21
Bulbine frutescens: 57 18; 73 62; 83 22; 84 37; 91 63; 100 23; 116 63
Bulbine ‘Hallmark’: 116 63
Bulbinella cauda-felis: 106 30
Bulbinella floribunda: 11 30; 27 24
Bulbinella latifolia: 21 22; 77 42; 106 29; 111 26
Bulbinella nutans: 21 21; 77 41
bulbinella: 111 38
bulbs:1 8; 2 16, 43, 52; 3 34, 36; 4 21, 31, 42, 43, 46, 52; 6 24; 8 41; 9 11, 46; 10 54; 15 3, 6, 7, 18, 50; 16 18, 19, 26, 31; 17 24, 28, 29, 32, 58; 18 1, 43, 59, 62; 19 62, 66; 20 23, 25, 28, 38, 67; 21 19, 22, 26, 48, 69, 70; 22 1, 15, 67; 23 48; 24 9, 39, 54, 58; 25 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 51, 60; 26 11; 27 14, 21-25, 59, 65, 66, 81, 82; 28 17, 31, 46, 47, 66; 29 6, 38, 43; 30 22; 31 5, 25-29, 42, 52, 53, 60, 61, 72; 32 20, 24, 69; 33 29; 34 6, 19; 35 38, 61; 36 2, 8; 37 29, 34, 39, 40, 43, 44, 60; 38 9, 81, 82; 39 35, 51; 40 54, 67; 41 15, 44, 71; 42 6, 9, 55; 43 17, 26, 44, 60, 62, 67; 45 20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 48, 58, 61, 64; 46 23, 57, 77, 93, 96; 47 1, 41, 62; 48 14, 27, 45; 49 12, 40, 64; 50 3, 4, 9, 12, 17, 55; 51 5, 16, 76; 52 5, 9, 44, 61; 53 66, 72; 54 61; 55 8, 15, 16, 27, 35, 39, 54, 55; 56 3, 4, 55, 57, 67; 57 3-6, 64; 58 54, 55, 58; 59 2, 8, 16, 51, 56, 57; 61 9, 46; 62 49, 64-66; 63 22, 26, 33, 34, 73; 64 17, 23, 35, 38, 49, 66; 66 60, 61; 67 12, 46, 69; 68 26, 28, 30, 32; 69 2; S(2) 17-19; 70 7, 46; 71 6, 19, 21, 51, 55, 56; 72 5, 10, 22, 33, 56, 67; 73 16, 17, 23, 24, 36, 62, 63; 74 24, 35, 60, 61; 75 2, 3, 46, 47; 76 14-16, 48; 77 12, 35, 36, 39, 42, 43, 66, 102, 103, 116; 78 3, 10, 14, 31, 33, 43, 45, 63, 69; 79 16, 44, 67, 68, 71; 80 2, 15, 39; 82 33-39, 44, 45; 83 1-3, 43; 84 2, 20 27-29, 34, 38, 39, 40 41, 59, 61, 62; 85 25, 47, 48, 72; 86 27, 62; 87 20, 33, 35, 44, 47, 75; 88 7, 11, 31, 36, 39, 43, 50, 53, 57, 58; 89 16, 54, 55, 57, 59; 90 3, 35-37, 61, 62, 68; 91 14; 93 28, 30-32; 94 14; 95 6, 7, 38, 74; 96 1-3, 36,38; 97 2, 20, 21; 98 1, 2, 20, 23, 29, 40, 65, 71; 99 51, 54, 68; 100 10, 13, 15, 19, 22, 37, 38, 46, 62; 102 1, 5, 21, 27, 51, 54; 103 17, 20, 26, 56, 65, 66; 104 13, 16, 22, 37, 39, 40, 55, 56; 105 4, 9, 32, 70; 106 15, 20, 21, 23-29, 31, 57-59, 71; 107 2, 16, 61, 63; 108 15; 110 19, 22, 58, 59; 111 47, 48, 63, 70, 71; 112 33, 35, 46, 54, 57, 61, 63; 114 18, 19, 52; 115 5, 36, 50, 53; 116 5, 12, 33, 35, 37, 53, 54; 117 10, 29, 63
bulbs, autumn flowering: 42 69; 96 1; 101 70; 106 15; 114 36
bulbs, Cape: 6 24; 8 5
bulbs, dormant: 116 37
bulbs, Dutch hybrids: 96 38
bulbs, Eastern Mediterranean: 84 59-62
bulbs, from seed: 106 21; 110 59
bulbs, Middle Eastern: 78 3
bulbs, native: 110 57
bulbs, native Mediterranean: 96 38; 98 1
bulbs, naturalised: 90 37; 99 51; 102 51, 52, 54; 106 26
bulbs, South African: 4 43; 56 9, 69; 57 68; 79 60, 68; 80 2; 97 29; 106 26, 29; 107 6; 111 37; 115 38; 116 35
bulbs, spring flowering: 5 37; 19 48; 21 26; 42 6; 56 25; 78 34, 56; 83 1, 2; 84 20; 89 16; 97 27; 102 52; 106 27; 115 5; 116 35
bulbs, summer dry: 100 50
bulbs, summer flowering: 69 49
bulbs, unusual: 116 54
bulbs, West Cape South African: 75 3; 83 1
bulbs, wild: 116 60
bulbs, winter flowering: 52 27; 103 65; 104 16; 116 35
bulrushes: 9 27; 45 20; 99 35
bulldozer: 68 34; 105 44
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward: 81 67
bumblebee orchid: 113 28
Bunium bulbocastanum: 73 72
bunny tails: 88 13, 17
Buñuel, Luis: 35 10; 85 15
Bunya Pine: 78 18; 83 31
Bunyard, Edward Ashdown: 38 5-14
bunyip: 69 8
Bupleurum: 6 33; 8 7; 52 7; 66 36; 101 8
Bupleurum barceloi: 67 61
Bupleurum flavum: 59 70; 97 9; 106 19
Bupleurum fruticosum: 6 24; 18 1; 22 37; 50 10; 59 7; 67 12; 74 40; 75 63; 84 18, 21; 85 31; 97 9; 107 6; 110 13
Bupleurum frutescens: 115 49, 65
Bupleurum gaudianum: 63 11
Burchardia: 51 6
Burchellia bubaline: 89 54
Burckhardt, Jacob: 55 57
burdock: 57 35; 64 4
Burge, Edward: 112 14
Buriti palm: 32 31
Burle Marx, Roberto: 29 7, 8; 45 31; 46 17; 80 47
Burmese honeysuckle: 31 51
Burning Bush: 46 12; 73 48
burn-offs: 51 20; 77 87
Burns, Robert: 30 37; 66 1
Burnside: 69 62
Burragea frutescens: 30 70
burrs: 101 53; 103 45
Bursaria spinosa: 37 21
Busbeq, Ogier Ghislain de: 78 63
Bush Anemone: 28 29; 30 17; 33 2; 81 44
bush snapdragon: 112 30
bushfire precautions: 102 16
bushfire risk: 102 11
bushfires: 51 4, 18, 21, 22, 29, 31, 79; 55 6; 65 16; 70 33; 100 3, 54; 101 27, 28; 102 11-13, 17, 18, 44; 104 28
bush germander: 47 49; 76 10; 92 33
bushland: 100 3, 49, 50; 101 41; 108 6, 7
Bush Monkeyflower: 24 14
Bush Poppy: 24 15; 28 29, 69
Bush Sunflower: 84 24
Busy Lizzie: 18 13; 36 38; 46 11; 47 20, 52; 64 23; 93 61
butcher's broom: 22 7; 39 22; 48 11; 49 44; 54 27, 30; 59 43; 60 9; 64 30; 70 7; 102 14
Butea monosperma: 58 51
butenolide: 58 45
Butia: 7 46; 93 26
Butia capitata: 11 43; 19 24; 32 59; 33 55; 44 36; 47 52; 63 16; 64 24; 68 51; 71 33; 78 13
Butia yatay: 21 15; 36 64; 44 36; 47 54; 115 9
buttercups: 9 17; 19 31; 41 51; 70 47; 103 48
butterflies: 1 14, 22; 2 5, 39; 4 14; 9 28; 14 41; 23 53-55; 24 1, 70; 27 11, 33, 59; 29 47; 31 51, 53, 54, 79; 33 50, 82; 35 35, 38; 36 22, 41; 38 44; 40 9; 41 49; 42 74; 43 49, 61; 45 48, 51; 49 34, 67; 51 61; 52 56; 55 11; 56 12; 57 49; 59 66; 60 3, 4, 11; 64 40-47, 51, 52; 65 24, 71; 68 24; 69 25, 38, 52; 70 60, 61; 71 54; 72 36; 75 1, 34, 35; 77 44-46, 63, 66, 108, 109; 78 26, 43, 53, 55; 83 6, 8, 11, 12, 34; 84  22, 24; 85 40-43, 60; 89 59; 90 7, 13, 14, 32, 49, 50; 91 50, 55; 92 10, 19; 97 17; 98 24; 100 19; 101 19, 52; 104 20; 105 11, 57; 107 9, 23; 108 2; 110 45; 111 19; 113 25, 38; 115 48-50, 53; 116 60
butterflies – Brimstones: 115 49
butterflies – Brown Hairstreak: 111 17
butterflies – Cabbage White: 29 47; 60 4; 64 47; 65 24; 75 1; 78 55; 94 38; 102 23; 108 2; 117 57
butterflies – Camberwell Beauty: 64 45
butterflies – Comma: 23 53; 77 44
butterflies – Coppers: 60 4
butterflies – Coppers, Small: 64 42
butterflies – Emperor: 66 42
butterflies – Fritillary: 23 53; 64 41; 77 44
butterflies – Fritillary, High Brown: 64 41
butterflies – Fritillary, Silver-Washed: 64 41
butterflies – Geranium Bronze: 4 42; 5 27; 83 11
butterflies – Grayling: 23 53; 64 44; 77 44
butterflies – Hairstreaks: 64 45
butterflies – Large Blue: 74 37
butterflies – Large Tortoiseshell: 64 44
butterflies – Little Blue: 64 45
butterflies – Monarch: 91 50
butterflies – Orange-Tips: 115 49
butterflies – Painted Lady: 23 53; 64 40, 41, 47; 77 44; 110 47
butterflies – Pea Blue: 74 22
butterflies – Peacock: 23 53; 64 42; 77 44; 83 11; 115 49
butterflies – Purple Emperor: 111 17
butterflies – Red Admiral: 23 53; 60 4; 64 40, 41, 44, 47; 77 44; 113 37
butterflies –Ringlets: 115 49
butterflies – Skippers: 64 45
butterflies – Small Brown Gatekeepers: 115 49
butterflies – Small Tortoiseshell: 23 53; 64 44; 77 44; 115 49
butterflies – Southern White Admiral: 83 11
butterflies – Speckled Woods: 115 49
butterflies – Swallowtail: 7 7; 10 20; 23 53; 45 48; 60 4; 71 74; 72 36; 77 44; 83 11; 90 59; 106 18; 107 9; 113 38; 115 49; 116 14
butterflies – Swallowtail, Scarce: 64 41
butterflies – Two-Tailed Pasha: 64 45
butterflies – Wanderer/Monarch: 31 79
Butterfly Bush: 46 14; 64 47
butterfly-friendly plants: 115 48
butterfly garden: 96 10
butterfly larvae: 83 11
butterfly weed: 114 29
butternut squash: 62 39
butterspoon tree: 88 56
Button Flower: 106 30
Buxaceae: 82 61
Buxus: 7 49; 15 68; 19 25, 65, 69; 20 40; 21 12; 22 12; 38 74; 41 4; 64 71; 66 36; 75 8; 76 51; 96 39
Buxus balearica: 52 11; 57 5; 59 7; 67 12, 58, 59, 61
Buxus colchica: 76 44
Buxus microphylla var. japonica: 4 25; 19 25
Buxus rotundifolia: 53 24
Buxus sempervirens: 13 45; 14 30; 19 25, 65, 69; 20 40; 32 70; 36 28; 38 27; 47 8; 48 12; 53 24; 59 7; 64 51; 67 12; 70 48; 75 32; 79 18, 50; 80 3; 82 61; 84 12; 94 40; 95 45; 107 12; 114 64
Byron: 71 32; 98 62; 99 28
Bystropogon canariensis: 102 13

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