Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows Eschscholzia californica, the golden Californian poppy which self-seeds freely in mediterranean climate areas (Photo Alisdair Aird)

Earle, Thomas: 59 10
Early years of the MGS: 104 63
Earthbound Farm: 55 64
earthquake: 65 56; 111 4; 117 59; 118 60
earthquake zones: 59 36, 37
earthworms: 4 11; 7 27; 10 18; 45 25; 56 62; 63 49; 67 71; 70 53; 85 41; 105 60; 110 37
earwigs: 16 54; 17 50
Easter daisy: 89 16
Easter Lily Vine: 57 44
Eastern Strawberry Tree: 40 34
Ebenus cretica: 14 7; 16 23; 25 11, 43; 29 24, 27; 30 22, 32, 70; 36 8; 37 39; 39 22; 45 8; 48 61; 57 4; 59 8; 63 10; 65 7; 67 10; 73 12, 16, 17; 74 34; 75 11, 48, 63; 76 22; 77 48; 79 44; 80 66; 81 24; 86 14; 88 36, 40; 97 8, 13; 100 8; 104 4, 23, 24; 115 65; 117 1; 118 25
Ebers Papyrus: 62 63
Ebony Tree: 6 28
Ecalante, Vanessa: 107 16
Ecballum elaterium: 16 27
Eccremocarpus: 14 28; 15 23; S(1) 17
Eccremocarpus longiflorus: 15 24; S(1) 19
Eccremocarpus scaber: 15 23, 24; S(1) 17, 19
Eccremocarpus scaber 'Anglia Hybrids': 15 23; S(1) 19
Eccremocarpus scaber 'Aureus': 15 23; S(1) 19
Eccremocarpus scaber 'Carmineus’: 15 23; S(1) 19
Eccremocarpus scaber 'Pink Form': 35 42
Echeveria: 52 52; 55 14; 57 21; 63 22; 68 15; 93 35; 106 45; 108 60, 61
Echeveria cultivars: 53 68
Echeveria elegans: 104 22; 116 64
Echeveria hybrid: 28 24
Echeveria nodulosa: 57 20
Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy': 57 20
echeverias: 4 6; 17 24; 31 66; 32 54; 55 66; 72 18; 77 19; 79 56; 89 19; 93 36; 106 42, 43, 46; 108 60
Echinacea: 11 32; 46 14, 18
Echinacea ‘Primadonna Pink’: 90 26
Echinacea purpurea: 102 26
echinaceas: 102 26
Echinocactus: 59 54; 81 15
Echinocactus grusonii: 4 2; 37 14; 77 16; 79 56; 82 53; 118 54
Echinocactus polycephalus: 36 16
Echinophora spinosa: 21 41
Echinops: 40 63; 91 61
Echinops ritro: 3 31; 23 54; 46 14; 92 35; 104 55
Echinops spinossisimus: 56 3; 103 55
echinopsis: 106 18
Echinopsis pentlandii: 22 22
Echinopsis spachiana: 86 9
echium: 7 36; 12 7, 8; 23 23; 26 30; 31 8; 36 13; 43 13; 46 82; 57 62; 64 41, 46; 67 22; 71 50, 52, 57, 71; 89 16, 19; 91 61; 92 38; 98 31; 99 50; 100 48; 103 22; 114 37; 116 7
Echium: 19 25, 28, 47, 56; 21 6, 58; 39 9, 71; 40 23; 52 17; 56 55; 57 61; 68 9; 76 51; 77 68; 87 45; 95 31; 102 13; 103 22; 104 28; 118 51
Echium canariensis: 52 45
Echium candicans: 11 40, 41; 19 25, 47; 24 9, 23, 24; 25 11; 39 7, 71; 40 23; 43 13; 52 1, 3, 55; 60 6, 8; 64 26, 28; 72 7; 75 50; 76 47; 83 22, 62; 85 18, 31; 91 61; 97 31; 99 49; 112 48
Echium candicans ‘Pride of Madeira’: 95 32; 102 13
Echium fastuosum: 8 34; 19 25, 28; 24 9, 23; 43 13; 64 26; 103 26, 40; 104 20
Echium pininana: 6 52; 19 28; 39 71; 95 31; 103 22
Echium ‘Pink Fountain’: 103 22
Echium plantagineum: 3 31; 19 56; 21 6; 57 27; 81 57; 97 12
Echium simplex: 39 71; 69 38
Echium ‘Snow Tower’: 103 22
Echium vulgare: 97 51
Echium wildpretii: 19 28; 39 71; 103 22
Eckbo, Garrett: 45 31
Ecklon, Christian Friedrich: 113 55
eco products: 70 52
ecocentric: 117 48
eco-friendly: 94 3, 33, 36
eco-responsible: 105 52
Ecole Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage, Blois: 71 10, 11
ecological awareness: 74 56; 117 48
ecological balance: 108 7
ecological/ecosystem crisis: 113 31, 32
ecological damage: 92 51
ecological disaster: 20 44; 22 33
ecological footprint: 53 53; 70 3
ecological groupings: 72 6
ecological ideal: 75 32
ecological life cycle: 110 53
ecological management: 80 49
ecological niches: 76 16
ecological planting: 96 42-44
ecological vegetables: 70 56
ecologically sustainable: 93 9
ecology: 21 21; 71 11; 75 56; 77 41; 78 45; 60 31, 50; 90 10
ecology, humanistic 80 59
ecoregion: 96 5
ecosystem: 1 5; 2 4; 47 31; 51 16, 17, 37; 54 8, 14, 15, 18, 19; 63 12; 65 5, 6, 8, 9; 66 64; 70 2, 4, 6, 45, 54; 75 32, 40; 77 9; 78 4; 79 34; 80 49; 87 5, 20; 90 64; 91 4,6; 93 14, 16; 94 12; 97 56. 71; 100 28, 43; 101 27; 103 34; 104 42; 107 27, 35; 115 45; 116 48, 70; 118 17
ecosystem management: 23 11
ecosystem rehabilitation/restoration: 85 62, 65
ecosystem, biodiverse; 68 7
ecosystem, degraded: 3 3
ecosystem, dune: 55 2
ecosystem, fire-adapted: 118 61
ecosystems, natural: 85 62
ecosystems, open: 107 45
ecotypes: 85 64
ectomycorrhizae: 64 48
edelweiss: 44 66; 73 35; 87 47
Eden Garden, Venice: 56 39; 57 36; 58 31, 32
Eden Project: 41 11; 43 43, 44; 46 96; 59 26; 78 61
Eden, Caroline (see Jekyll, Caroline)
Eden, Frederic: 60 14-16
edging: 47 18, 19; 100 50
edible flowers: 55 45; 58 39; 118 38, 57
edible landscaping: 45 34
edible plants: 22 64; 23 66, 67; 49 58, 59; 56 2, 37-44, 45-49, 55; 58 36; 71 68; 73 7, 53; 75 17, 55; 79 37; 83 71
edible weeds: 70 54
edible wild greens: 116 2, 3, 67
Edinburgh Botanic Garden: 22 18
Edraianthus bosniacus: 60 51
Edraianthus tenuifolius: 60 51
education: 80 10, 31, 50, 51
EEC Regulation 2090/90: 91 30
eels: 29 69; 117 14
eelworm: 60 43
eggplant: 8 45; 56 39; 57 36; 58 31, 32; 76 51; 101 18; 114 21
eglantine: 115 28
Egyptian Campion: 76 12
Egyptian Honesty: 76 12
Egyptian lotus: 99 59
Egyptian papyrus: 46 25; 52 2
Egyptian star flower: 47 52
Egyptian tomb paintings: 62 64
Eichendorff, Joseph von: 107 27
Eichhornia crassipes: 8 38; 19 69; 54 16; 79 61; 85 51; 116 9
Einadia nutans: 37 21
Ekistics (journal): 74 63
El Capricho: 59 30
El Niño: 48 30; 84 2; 103 63; 112 61
El Novillero: 6 6, 7
elaeagnus: 60 34; 89 19; 114 47
Elaeagnus: 7 36; 39 15; 47 15, 20; 52 5, 12; 53 24, 26; 67 44; 98 27
Elaeagnus angustifolia: 3 30; 10 10; 53 22; 111 51, 64
Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata': 39 15
Elaeagnus pungens 'Variegata': 39 15
Elaeagnus rhamnoides: 90 68
Elaeagnus umbellata: 37 14
Elaeagnus × ebbingei: 1 8; 19 47; 29 21; 35 38; 36 4, 20, 29; 38 17; 41 17; 55 26; 62 20; 71 39; 77 11, 66, 112; 79 58; 86 28; 94 14
Elaeagnus × submacrophylla: 71 39; 77 112; 79 58; 86 28; 94 14; 107 6; 114 47; 115 65
Elaeis guineensis: 68 51
Elaeocarpus decipiens: 80 68
Elaeocarpus sylvestris: 80 68
Elche, Lady of: 93 21, 22
Elche, Palmeral: 93 21, 22
Elche World Heritage Palm Grove: 89 69; 92 65
elder: 7 28; 12 23; 49 59; 84 72; 85 44; 86 20, 23; 87 75; 106 71
elder, black: 56 64
elderberries: 31 58; 74 4
elderflower: 42 63
electric fences: 29 46; 87 76
Elegia equisetacea: 16 17
Elegia tectorum: 91 63
Elephant Bush: 75 18
Elephant Food: 95 24, 26; 103 32
Elephant Foot: 4 5; 77 18
Elephant Head: 46 12
Elephant's Ears: 43 32; 47 47; 85 47
Elephant Tree: 96 23, 24
Eleusinian Mysteries: 118 1
Elgin marbles: 98 58
Eliot, T.S.: 51 46
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria: 87 52, 53
elms: 8 45; 22 52; 23 62; 25 8; 26 15; 37 14; 51 20; 58 1; 60 13; 64 30, 45; 74 24, 27; 77 87; 78 1; 82 31; 88 10, 61, 62; 89 16; 91 41; 92 55; 93 51; 102 13, 43; 111 14, 48
elms, Chinese: 71 56; 93 51; 101 22; 110 36
elms, Dutch: 93 51
elms, English: 71 55; 102 43; 112 14
elms, Exeter: 93 51
elms, local: 39 45
Elodea: 33 12; 60 45
Elsholtzia stauntonii: 10 41; S(2) 25; 110 12
Elwes, Sir Henry: 116 59-62
Elymus farctus: 81 19
Elymus repens: 28 42
embryo rescue: 80 68; 107 69
Emerald Carpet Manzanita: 105 18
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: 106 66
Emmenanthe penduliflora: 24 15; 58 46
Empleurum: 19 36, 39; S(1) 38, 40
Empleurum serrulatum: 16 17
Empleurum unicasulare: 59 26
empty space: 102 5
Emre, Yunus: 64 7, 8
Emu Bush: 76 14; 112 5, 9; 116 15, 16
Encasia formosa: 43 43
Encelia: 84 24
Encelia californica: 24 14; 105 20
Encelia farinosa: 28 69; 96 9
Encephalartos: 50 52; 71 21
Encephalartos altensteinii: 3 8; 64 25
Encephalartos horridus: 81 11
Encephalartos lehmannii: 81 11
Encephalartos longifolius: 4 6; 77 19
Encephalartos manikensis: 81 11
Encephalartos natalensis: 83 61
Encephalartos transvenosus: 88 56
Encephalartos woodii: 4 7; 77 20
Enchylaena tomentosa: 71 69
Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa: 37 21
endangered/threatened species: 15 6; 17 7, 8, 67, 69; 18 39; 21 48; 23 19, 13-15, 21; 32 52; 39 10, 12; 42 61, 68; 46 68; 52 62; 55 81; 56 4, 29, 64; 59 44; 65 9, 52; 67 37, 39, 62; 68 24, 56; 71 17, 33, 53, 69; 72 38; 76 4; 77 34, 69, 70; 78 1, 2; 79 28; 80 50; 81 12, 44, 46; 82 3; 83 5, 13; 87 45; 88 8, 35, 38, 59; 89 53; 90 11; 92 8; 93 40, 43, 45; 94 72; 96 71; 100 46; 104 42, 57; 105 25; 108 5; 110 23; 111 16; 113 29; 115 12, 15, 19, 25; 117 66; 118 6, 8, 10
endangered peatlands: 102 58
Endeavour, The: 69 54
endemic species: 4 50; 15 50; 23 13, 14, 18, 32, 33, 38, 61-63; 25 1, 40-43, 69; 30 34; 31 55; 32 68; 33 34, 36, 55; 34 22; 39 9, 12, 47, 48, 68, 69, 71; 40 35; 42 29, 33, 36, 59, 68, 69, 71; 43 57, 81; 44 66; 45 14, 25, 46-48; 46 41, 42, 44, 45; 49 25; 52 16, 18, 52, 63; 53 15; 54 7, 20, 22, 62; 56 56, 60; 57 7, 8, 9, 39, 66; 59 25, 29, 43, 44, 53, 56, 61, 62, 68; 62 29, 50, 65, 66; 63 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 56, 60, 61; 65 7, 9, 39; 67 37, 39, 58, 59, 61, 62; 68 39, 56, 57; 70 3, 36, 38; 71 19, 49, 52, 58; 72 7, 9, 38, 40; 73 13-16, 51, 66; 74 24, 53; 75 37, 38, 40-42, 54; 76 60; 77 49, 68, 71, 116; 78 42, 58, 59; 79 15, 16, 25-27, 61; 80 16, 51, 54, 56, 66; 81 8, 44, 57; 83 56; 85 4, 26, 28; 86 14, 46, 47, 52; 87 42, 43, 68; 88 28, 36, 46, 57, 58; 89 57, 62; 90 8, 55; 91 4, 6, 51, 55; 92 8, 62; 93 14, 32, 40, 44, 46; 94 65, 72; 96 71; 97 8, 13, 34, 35, 59; 100 8, 10; 103 6, 55; 104 13, 23, 28. 54; 105 23, 24, 65; 107 3; 108 25, 26, 50; 111 12; 114 15; 115 19, 20, 22; 117 27, 44; 118 6, 25
endemic species, California: 112 27
endemic species, cliff endemics: 63 10
endemic species, Crete: 114 66
endemic species, Morocco: 113 18
endemic species, palaeo-endemics: 63 10
endemism: 57 6, 8; 60 62; 65 5, 52; 106 20
endives: 58 33
endomycorrhizae: 64 48
Endymion hispanicus: 31 41
energy-efficient buildings: 55 1
Engelmann oak: 87 7, 9-11
Engelmannia peristenia: 116 7
English Cemetery, Corfu: 104 38
English garden: 80 62; 84 46
English gardening heritage: 80 47
English oak: 89 38; 93 51
Enneapogon nigricans: 37 23
Enrique de Montoliu Foundation: 76 2
Ensete ventricosum: 18 10; 42 79; 43 23; 46 25, 27, 33; 70 63; 74 24
Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii'; 40 15
Ensete ventricosum 'Montbeliardii': 40 15
Entelea arborescens: 3 8
entomopathogenic nematodes: 103 75
environmental challenges: 47 65
environmental stress : 110 56
environmental sustainability: 85 63
environmental transformation: 70 5
environmentally-friendly: 107 64
Eomecon chionantha: 74 26
Epaminondas: 75 56
Ephedra distachya: 57 38
Ephedra fragilis: 67 61; 74 40
ephemeral flora: 74 17
Ephrussi de Rothschild, Béatrice:76 66
epicormic shoots: 87 14
Epicurus: 105 23, 38, 39, 42
Epidaurus/Epidavros ancient theatre: 98 34; 106 52
Epilobium: 49 70
Epilobium angustifolium: 54 5, 24
Epilobium billardierianum: 37 22
Epilobium canum: 28 29; 29 1; 30 18; 47 52; 60 67; 64 35; 66 25; 70 6; 74 4; 82 17; 84 24; 86 33; 96 8; 99 74; 101 33; 103 48; 108 45; 114 37; 116 65; 118 56
Epilobium canum 'Alba': 29 1
Epilobium canum 'Ed Carmen': 42 81
Epilobium canum 'Solidarity Pink': 29 1
Epilobium canum 'Western Hills': 29 24, 27; 39 7; 50 10
Epilobium ‘Olbrich Silver’: 85 28
Epimedium grandiflorum: 114 64
epimediums: 89 45
Epipactis helleborine: 16 31; 82 63
Epipactis palustris: 57 26
epiphyllum: 15 43; 16 24
Epiphyllum: 19 82; 22 55
Epiphyllum oxypetalum: 3 39; 16 24; 19 82; 44 46; 59 55; 71 7; 77 75; 80 40; 111 42
epiphytes: 43 22; 53 33; 93 60; 100 57; 104 15; 106 44
Epirus: 54 54, 58
equatorial rainforests: 49 7; 77 81
equinoxes: 84 1
Equisetum: 60 45, 46; 61 37; 99 35
Equisetum arvense: 17 35
Erasmus: 70 28; 101 65
Eremaea beaufortioides: 2 18
Eremaea rosea: 2 18
Eremaea violacea: 2 18
Eremocitrus glauca: 18 35
eremophila: 70 44; 71 58; 83 1; 89 19; 92 39
Eremophila: 21 2; 36 25; 72 7; 76 10; 93 24; 112 3, 5, 9
Eremophila alternifolia: 2 18
Eremophila crassifolia: 2 18
Eremophila cuneifolia: 112 10
Eremophila denticulata: 2 18
Eremophila freelingii:2 18
Eremophila glabra: 2 18; 76 14; 112 23; 114
34; 116 63
Eremophila glabra ‘Kalbarrt Carpet’: 116 18
Eremophila latrobei: 92 24
Eremophila longifolia:2 18; 112 9
Eremophila mackinlayi: 112 9
Eremophila maculata:2 18; 31 36; 47 19; 114 34
Eremophila maculata ‘Valentine’: 85 22
Eremophila maculata × brevifolia: 71 58
Eremophila nivea: 78 23; 80 22; 86 30; 112 4, 22, 45; 115 37; 116 15, 16
Eremophila oldfieldii: 112 9
Eremophila polyclada: 2 18
Eremophila serrulata: 102 15
Eremophila scoparia: 2 19
eremophilas: 112 23; 116 16
Eremostachys laciniata: 84 6
Eremurus: 93 31
Eremurus olgae: 32 20
Eremurus spectabilis: 62 69
erica: 37 43; 66 37; 78 45; 88 53, 57; 89 41, 51; 106 32
Erica: 5 33; 19 76; 20 40; 22 24, 38, 39, 41; 27 21; 49 48; 51 14; 81 61; 100 70; 104 13
Erica arborea: 3 31; 6 14; 14 25, 26; 20 40; 22 38, 39, 41; 32 19; 36 8; 52 17, 40; 62 43; 64 22; 73 43; 77 97; 78 65; 98 8; 104 54; 110 40; 114 46; 118 51
Erica baueri ssp. baueri: 112 38
Erica canaliculata: 11 40, 41; 91 63
Erica cerinthoides: 112 38
Erica coccinea: 112 38
Erica densifolia: 16 17
Erica diaphana: 16 17; 112 38
Erica empetrina: 90 55
Erica glandulosa: 112 38
Erica mammosa: 88 54; 112 38
Erica manipuliflora: 63 60; 72 13; 98 8
Erica multiflora: 6 25; 13 12; 81 20; 82 7; 100 6; 114 46
Erica sparsa: 16 17
Erica vagans: 59 15
Erica verticillata: 20 40; 89 41
Ericaceae: 28 29; 49 68; 51 6; 59 25; 91 61, 63
ericacious plants: 115 57
Erigeron: 55 27; 67 21; 84 54; 101 66; 110 50; 116 7
Erigeron glaucus: 30 18; 103 48
Erigeron karvinskianus: 11 40; 17 57; 19 50; 21 26; 30 18; 32 24; 36 27; 39 43; 40 25; 43 32; 50 12; 57 21; 60 31; 71 36; 74 46; 75 63; 78 35; 82 22; 83 22; 84 37; 103 40; 107 8; 112 40, 43; 115 7, 65; 116 34
Erigeron mucronatus: 2 28; 36 22
Erinus thiabaudii: 73 66
Eriobotrya: 19 10; 49 55, 56
Eriobotrya japonica: 3 30; 4 27; 10 10; 13 14; 27 38; 35 16; 41 4; 49 53, 54; 50 10; 59 21; 62 56; 66 35; 71 34; 79 40; 81 52; 82 7; 83 57; 86 27; 97 45; 108 69; 115 63; 116 11, 27, 28; 117 40; 118 29
Eriocactus: 30 60
Eriocapitella × hybrida: 113 54
Eriocephalus africanus: 10 19; 21 29; 25 11; 45 65; 50 11; 57 5; 59 7; 67 12, 62; 68 36; 71 70; 80 3, 4; 87 16; 112 59; 114 37, 67; 116 64
Eriocephalus punctulatus: 21 23; 77 42
Eriodictyon: 24 15
eriogonum: 52 55
Eriogonum: 28 29, 69; 55 8; 74 4; 84 24; 91 50, 60; 102 14
Eriogonum arborescens: 18 41; 71 70; 112 30
Eriogonum crocatum: 18 39
Eriogonum fasciculatum: 24 14; 85 28; 96 9; 103 48; 105 20; 110 13
Eriogonum giganteum: 18 41; 48 27; 80 3
Eriogonum latifolium: 55 2
Eriogonum latifolium ssp. grande var. rubescens: 18 40
Eriogonum ovalifolium: 85 28
Eriogonum parvifolium: 55 2
Eriogonum umbellatum: 18 40; 103 48
Eriogonum umbellatum var. polyanthum: 18 40
Eriolobus trilobatus: 74 25
Eriophyllum confertiflorum: 105 20
Erithacus rubecula: 56 63; 86 23
Erodium: 16 29; 18 62; 19 52; 56 63; 67 14; 69 49; 84 31; 110 12
Erodium arborescens: 84 61
Erodium cicutarium: 82 62; 84 28, 31
Erodium chrysanthum: 3 33; 11 42; 19 52; 77 119; 85 22
Erodium corsicum: 3 33; 18 62
Erodium crassifolium: 84 61
Erodium gruinum: 18 62
Erodium hybridum 'Mestram Pink': 11 42
Erodium manescavi: 62 23; 110 12
Erodium pelargoniiflorum: 62 23
Erodium primulaceum: 10 19
Erodium reichardii: 91 61
Erodium trifolium: 74 46
Erodium vetteri: 105 27
Erodium × variabile: 38 28
erodiums: 62 27; 72 68
Erophaca baetica: 104 13
erosion: 1 7; 8 21; 9 19; 13 3; 14 6, 25, 27; 28 22, 24; 36 52; 37 31; 38 59; 39 27, 69; 40 34; 41 15, 20, 30; 43 8, 9, 28, 43; 47 31, 59; 49 46; 51 8, 22, 42, 80; 53 54; 54 20; 57 9; 62 70-72; 63 20, 23, 24, 35; 64 61; 69 62; 70 60; 75 40; 77 9, 89, 104; 78 36, 69; 79 22; 80 20; 81 18; 82 15; 83 43, 56; 86 52; 89 28; 94 12; 96 6, 23; 97 7; 99 32; 102 7; 104 18, 23, 25; 106 66; 107 36; 108 38; 110 24; 112 8; 118 8
erosion control: 24 16; 25 26; 27 50
erosion, sea: 45 48
Eruca sativa: 60 57; 64 4
Eruca vesicaria: 19 56; 45 17; 64 51; 116 65
Erucaria hispanica: 45 48
Erucaria rostrata: 65 44
Ervatamia coronaria: 73 64
Eryngium: 6 32, 33
Eryngium bourgatii ‘Oxford Blue’: 104 30
Eryngium campestre: 3 31
Eryngium creticum: 3 31; 84 7
Eryngium eburneum: 110 13
Eryngium foetidum: 56 45
Eryngium giganteum: 38 70
Eryngium giganteum ‘Miss Willmott’s Ghost’: 99 27
Eryngium maritimum: 20 40; 21 41; 52 16; 56 3; 63 61; 91 61
Eryngium pandanifolium: 116 4
eryngiums: 64 35; 68 5; 72 40
Erysimum: 63 62; 82 61; 118 14, 51
Erysimum 'Bowles’s Mauve': 39 45; 59 5; 75 64; 92 33
Erysimum cheiri: 19 50
Erysimum gomez-campoi: 114 52
Erysimum nevadense ssp. gomez-campoi: 114 52
Erysimum linifolium ‘Bowles’s Mauve’: 102 42
Erysimum raulinii: 25 43
Erysimum scoparium: 118 51
Erysimum × cheiri: 70 26; 74 47
Erythea edulis: 26 15
Erythrina: 26 15, 52; 46 25; 63 62; 68 39; 81 11; 82 23
Erythrina acanthocarpa: 71 70
Erythrina caffra: 28 15; 83 33, 59; 116 10
Erythrina coralloides: 19 10; 42 26; 93 54
Erythrina crista-galli: 4 12; 11 44, 45; 18 9; 19 47; 36 64; 41 45; 43 16; 61 69; 64 25; 66 27; 71 50; 83 23; 93 53, 54; 95 57; 116 10, 13
Erythrina herbacea: 116 13
Erythrina humeana: 18 9
Erythrina lysistemon: 18 9
Erythrina × ‘Kylian Julien’: 116 13
erythrinas: 98 54
Erythronium caucasicum: 76 43
Erythronium dens-canis: 73 45
Erythrostemon gilliesii: 115 39; 118 12
escallonia: 23 58; 24 69; 29 55; 36 25; 62 46; 66 21; 77 100
Escallonia: 1 8; 8 4; 14 17, 26; 22 71; 50 6; 77 12; 94 14; 102 13
Escallonia rubra: 84 36
Escallonia rubra var. macrantha: 11 42; 62 46; 77 100
escapees: 50 30, 32; 54 68; 58 4; 74 42; 77 100
eschscholzia: 31 60; 35 51; 96 12; 98 24
Eschscholzia: 22 12; 25 18; 42 81
Eschscholzia caespitosa: 21 67
Eschscholzia californica: 28 29; 31 52; 39 52; 40 35; 55 2, 27; 64 37; 74 47; 75 63; 83 1; 87 11; 90 12; 103 23; 114 48; 116 50, 51
Escorial: 15 58; 16 66
Espace Naturel Sensible: 79 20
Espacio Natural Casa Tápena: 92 66; 95 45
espalier: 19 28; 21 12; 41 3; 43 39-42, 60; 47 22; 55 40; 60 19; 62 9; 70 61; 79 4, 6, 39, 49; 80 5; 88 7, 11, 53; 89 17, 18; 91 14; 92 8, 34, 40; 93 48; 94 13; 98 23, 25; 107 14; 115 41, 75; 118 14
esparto gass: 72 48; 96 28
Espostoa lanata: 4 3; 77 16
essential oil glands: 100 62
essential oils: 48 20, 21; 53 29; 62 7; 64 72; 76 41; 82 43, 45, 46; 87 30; 88 39; 91 40; 93 14
estuarine plants: 61 29
ethereal/essential oils: 107 49 ; 108 25, 31
ethnobotanical plants: 79 60
ethnobotany: 67 39; 107 45
Etruscans: 113 61
Etz Hayyim Synagogue: 89 63, 64
EU Birds Directive: 86 21
EU definition of native species: 110 17
EU four freedoms: 97 27
EU Protected Geographical Indication: 83 65
EU regulation list, invasive plants: 104 42
eucalypt, mountain: 88 33
eucalypt scrub: 70 33
Eucalyptus: 3 8; 5 4; 14 37; 15 10, 27, 58; 16 18, 70; 17 5, 13; 18 44; 42 64, 81; 43 61, 65, 81; 52 40; 54 20; 59 54; 61 69; 64 71; 70 43, 45; 72 7; 73 34; 87 6, 11; 93 24; 99 35; 102 11; 107 58; 112 3, 10; 116 16; 118 7
Eucalyptus albopurpurea: 107 59
Eucalyptus baxteri: 92 38
Eucalyptus bicolor: 71 55
Eucalyptus bridgesiana: 69 6
Eucalyptus caesia: 25 24
Eucalyptus caesia 'Gungurru': 36 13
Eucalyptus caesia ‘Silver Princess’: 74 26 ; 92 37
Eucalyptus caesia ssp. magna ‘Silver Princess’: 69 13; 70 44
Eucalyptus caleyi ssp, caleyi: 107 59
Eucalyptus camaldulensis: 21 16; 31 36; 36 13; 37 21; 54 68; 71 51; 79 55; 91 14; 92 36; 108 32
Eucalyptus citriodora: 21 60; 31 10; 38 2; 79 55; 82 13, 26
Eucalyptus cladocalyx: 25 22; 70 44
Eucalyptus cladocalyx var. nana: 25 22, 24
Eucalyptus cneorifolia: 25 23
Eucalyptus coccifera: 12 48
Eucalyptus cordata: 36 13
Eucalyptus cosmophylla: 25 24; 38 85
Eucalyptus crucis: 71 70
Eucalyptus diversicolor: 100 51
Eucalyptus eremophila: 25 23
Eucalyptus erythrocorys: 23 73; 25 23; 69 12; 70 44; 71 70; 118 7
Eucalyptus fasciculosa: 38 85
Eucalyptus fibrosa: 65 19; 83 30
Eucalyptus ficifolia: 4 12; 36 5
Eucalyptus forrestiana: 69 13
Eucalyptus globulus: 3 38; 18 44; 24 22; 25 8; 26 46; 44 41; 49 47; 54 19; 57 24; 59 7; 64 29; 70 22; 78 21; 79 55; 91 32; 92 36; 93 71; 98 10; 105 51; 113 20, 21
Eucalyptus gomphocephalus: 3 39; 5 24
Eucalyptus gunnii: 23 58
Eucalyptus largiflorens: 71 55
Eucalyptus lehmannii ssp. parallela: 107 59
Eucalyptus leucoxylon: 23 75; 25 23; 70 44; 85 23; 94 24; 107 60
Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. leucoxylon: 37 21
Eucalyptus leucoxylon var. macrocarpa: 25 23
Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. megalocarpa: 69 12; 70 45; 94 24
Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. petiolaris: 69 12; 85 23
Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’: 69 12
Eucalyptus macrocarpa: 21 16; 37 17, 21; 69 13; 92 38
Eucalyptus mannifera: 21 16
Eucalyptus marginata: 100 51; 117 67
Eucalyptus megacornuta : 71 70
Eucalyptus melliodora : 70 44; 94 24
Eucalyptus nicholii: 38 22
Eucalyptus nitens: 44 33
Eucalyptus oreades: 83 31
Eucalyptus ovata: 108 7
Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. niphophila: 12 48
Eucalyptus petiolaris: 107 60
Eucalyptus platypus: 23 75; 71 70
Eucalyptus platypus var. heterophylla: 25 23
Eucalyptus polyanthemos: 70 44; 104 28; 118 7
Eucalyptus preissiana: 25 24
Eucalyptus pulverulenta: 38 68
Eucalyptus pyriformis: 2 45
Eucalyptus regnans: 73 24; 80 15
Eucalyptus scorparia: 25 23
Eucalyptus sideroxylon: 70 44; 92 37
Eucalyptus sideroxylon ‘Rosea’: 69 12; 70 45
Eucalyptus spathulata: 92 37
Eucalyptus tereticornis: 104 28
Eucalyptus tetragona: 71 70
Eucalyptus tetraptera: 69 13
Eucalyptus torquata: 69 11; 70 45; 71 70; 95 41
Eucalyptus tricarpa: 69 6
Eucalyptus viminalis: 71 54
Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana: 108 7
Eucalyptus woodwardii: 69 11; 70 45; 85 23
Eucalyptus youngiana: 2 45
eucalyptus bark: 106 14; 107 59, 60; 108 32
eucalyptus, stringy bark: 21 25; 51 19; 53 19; 77 86
eucalyptus/eucalypt: 3 10; 5 13, 45; 7 19, 35; 8 45, 49; 10 25; 19 62; 20 23, 54; 21 1, 16, 25, 60; 22 12, 51; 23 29, 30; 24 40; 25 8, 20-26, 57; 26 30, 60, 72; 29 34, 65; 30 54; 31 9, 55; 34 12; 35 4, 48, 49, 85; 37 2, 43, 57; 38 68; 44 6, 41, 43; 45 16, 25, 48; 47 16, 18; 48 20; 49 47, 48, 63; 50 23; 51 19, 24, 26, 43, 81; 52 42, 67; 54 49; 55 34, 69; 57 24; 62 7, 13, 15, 20, 27, 41; 64 10, 29, 72; 65 19, 34, 47, 56; S(1) 10, 29; 67 20, 49, 63; 69 6, 7, 11-13; 70 22, 23, 33, 41-45, 72; 74 27; 76 45; 77 95; 78 8, 11; 79 55; 82 14; 83 30, 47; 87 3; 89 17; 91 3, 32, 33, 35; 92 21, 36, 50-54; 93 24, 52, 71; 94 23; 95 41; 96 39; 97 46; 100 3, 58, 65; 102 44; 103 8; 104 27, 34; 105 51, 55; 107 10, 18, 57; 108 6, 7, 32, 34; 110 32; 112 5; 113 53; 114 16, 32; 115 22; 117 15; 118 10, 55, 59
eucalypt, multi-stemmed: 100 51
Euchaetis: 19 39
Eucomis: 20 26
Eucomis vandermerwei: 90 68
eucomis: 88 58
eugenia: 4 4; 5 12; 77 17
Eugenia: 44 6
Eugenia aromatica: 31 43
Eugenia caryophyllus: 42 63
Eugenia jambos: 49 12
Eugenia uniflora: 92 49
Eugenia ventenati: 11 33
euonymus: 9 44; 72 9
euonymus hedge: 99 14, 15, 45
Euonymus: 1 8; 47 3, 20; 60 7; 66 35; 72 28; 77 12; 93 28; 94 14; 95 45
Euonymus europaeus: 5 44; 44 45; 73 48; 77 74
Euonymus fortune: 106 43
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’: 8915
Euonymus fortunei var. radicans: 22 55
Euonymus japonicus: 5 25; 29 21, 22; 31 8; 35 14; 39 44
Eupalinos of Megara: 87 22
Eupatorium atropurpureum: 90 26
Eupatorium ianthinum: 5 5
Eupatorium ligustrinum: 11 42; 19 47
Eupatorium purpureum: 42 82
Euphorbia: 5 53; 8 5; 17 24, 27; 23 29, 30; 24 40; 25 8, 20-26, 57; 26 30, 60, 72; 45 59; 54 54; 55 60; 56 55; 57 55, 56; 61 69; 62 49; 64 71; 68 15; 69 26, 32, 37; 70 49; 91 61; 93 59; 95 61; 103 60; 107 41; 113 28; 115 66; 118 68
Euphorbia acanthoclados: 19 52; 25 11; 112 45
Euphorbia acanthothamnos: 30 22; 39 20; 40 42; 45 13; 48 17; 57 4; 59 6; 67 10; 73 17, 43; 79 56; 87 41, 42; 88 40; 98 1; 100 8; 105 24; 110 45; 111 56; 116 6
Euphorbia amygdaloides: 29 30; 40 45; 82 62; 104 54
Euphorbia biglandulosa: 3 33
Euphorbia cactus: 28 24
Euphorbia caerulescens: 79 56
Euphorbia candelabrum: 81 14
Euohorbia caput-medusae: 111 24
Euphorbia ceratocarpa: 75 45; 85 31; 107 8; 115 66
Euphorbia characias: 2 15; 3 53; 10 23; 11 42; 12 3; 14 23; 19 52; 22 12; 25 11, 14; 29 20; 30 23; 32 34; 36 8, 27; 39 44; 48 10; 57 4; 59 6; 60 13; 61 50; 62 20, 25; 6926; 77 30; 82 8, 62; 83 20; 86 12; 87 14; 95 16; 96 39
Euphorbia characias ‘Blackbird’: 92 33
Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii: 22 12; 29 24, 27; 40 41, 46; 6045; 6172; 66 36; 92 14, 33; 105 9; 110 12, 13
Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii ‘Lambrook Gold’: 57 21
Euphorbia ‘Copton Ash’: 74 46
Euphorbia cotinifolia : 83 32, 33
Euphorbia cyparissias: 3 35
Euphorbia cyparissias ‘Tall Boy’: 74 46
Euphorbia dendroides: 6 25; 10 23; 12 16; 13 12, 35; 15 26; 16 24; 19 52; 21 65, 67; 22 38; 23 61; 25 16; 28 22, 24; 29 24, 27; 32 18; 36 8; 37 39; 39 20; 40 45; 52 5; 57 4; 596; 613, 52; 63 6; S(1) 27; 67 10; 69 49; 73 16-18; 74 35; 75 12; 76 21; 77 30; 78 66, 69; 79 43; 80 3, 4; 83 20; 85 5; 87 39, 41; 88 40; 89 57, 58; 95 6; 98 1; 99 50; 100 8; 105 9; 107 50; 108 13; 115 66; 117 12
Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’: 104 38
Euphorbia enterophora: 106 45
Euphorbia graminea ‘Glitz’: 103 21
Euphorbia grandidens: 79 56
Euphorbia heliscopia: 22 43; 48 10; 79 14
Euphorbia hierosolymitana: 6152; 65 48; 101 58
Euphorbia ingens: 4 3; 63 22; 77 16; 81 53, 55; 104 22; 118 54
Euphorbia 'Jade Dragon': 21 67
Euphorbia kotschyana: 61 52
Euphorbia lambii: 92 33; 105 9
Euphorbia lathyris: 11 42; 97 23
Euphorbia lydenburgensis: 103 22
Euphorbia maculata: 101 16
Euphorbia marginata: 25 18; 46 57; 98 22
Euphorbia marginata 'Summer Icicle': 24 28
Euphorbia melitensis: 91 6; 115 12
Euphorbia mellifera: 31 8; 40 14; 57 61; 82 22
Euphorbia milii: 4 2; 17 19; 76 21; 77 16; 93 35, 36; 97 41; 106 42, 45; 113 26; 116 64
Euphorbia monchiquensis: 78 59
Euphorbia myrsinites: 2 15; 3 33; 11 42; 17 32; 22 12; 24 28; 25 11; 28 24; 36 27; 49 32; 57 18; 75 41; 82 62; 84 18; 96 39; 110 13; 112 50
Euphorbia nicaeensis: 74 46
Euphorbia oblongata: 91 61
Euphorbia officinarum: 73 65; 81 55; 100 69
Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus: 79 56
Euphorbia orphanidis: 114 15
Euphorbia paniculata ssp. monchiquensis: 78 59; 104 13
Euphorbia pithyusa: 39 44; 72 13
Euphorbia platyclada: 106 42
Euphorbia polychroma: 19 28
Euphorbia pulcherrima: 12 3; 15 26; 65 28; S(1) 27; 105 27
Euphorbia resinifera: 73 66; 79 56; 81 57; 100 69
Euphorbia rigida: 10 23; 13 12; 25 15; 40 41, 45; 48 10; 57 18; 60 13; 71 70; 72 13; 84 18, 21; 86 46; 103 14, 21, 55; 104 22, 24; 105 26; 110 37; 112 50; 115 66
Euphorbia segetalis: 70 49
Euphorbia vegetalis var. pinea: 116 64
Euphorbia spinosa: 72 22
Euphorbia tirucalli: 81 51; 113 15
Euphorbia umbellata: 73 61
Euphorbia veneris: 59 53, 56; 93 44
Euphorbia virgata: 117 12
Euphorbia virosa: 111 26
Euphorbia wulfenii: 3 33; 19 52
Euphorbia × martinii: 29 20
euphorbia, columnar: 82 53
euphorbia, evergreen: 90 70
euphorbia, giant: 113 16
euphorbia, pencil: 66 44
euphorbia sap: 72 69
euphorbia sphinx caterpillar: 31 8
euphorbia, spiny: 48 17
euphorbia, succulent: 48 21
euphorbia, tree: 57 4; 69 49; 91 16; 98 1; 100 8; 107 50
Euphorbiaceae: 54 63; 60 42; 82 62; 91 61
euphorbias: 4 2; 40 14; 52 17;  56 12, 31; 60 64; 63 20, 22, 53; 66 35, 44; 68 9; 70 32; 71 54, 57; 72 16, 68; 74 24; 75 12, 32; 77 16; 79 56; 80 14; 81 24, 35; 83 2, 62; 85 43; 85 43; 88 15, 41; 89 16, 46, 63; 92 33, 38; 97 23; 98 1; 99 71; 102 13; 104 17, 18, 21; 105 4, 9, 12; 110 13; 113 26; 115 40; 117 12
Euplagia quadripunctaria: 90 8
Euptelea polyandra: 44 36
Euripides: 97 36; 98 34
European Capital of Culture: 78 4
European Commission: 72 2
European Fan Palm: 4 7
European Food Safety Authority: 115 57
European Garden Photography Award 2018: 94 63
European Landscape Convention: 63 14
European Palm Society: 93 23
European Ramblers’ Association: 101 10
European Regional Development Fund: 111 4
European Spindle Tree: 44 45; 77 74
European wild ginger: 115 20
Euryale ferox: 8 38
euryops: 111 38
Euryops: 9 45; 13 8; 47 17
Euryops chrysanthemoides: 5 25; 11 39, 40
Euryops linearis: 116 63
Euryops pectinatus: 5 25; 11 41; 19 50; 40 24; 47 16; 67 62; 76 14; 91 63
Euryops virgineus: 4 20, 21
Eustachys distichophylla: 67 60
Eutaxia: 69 36
Evandale: 71 57
Evans, Sir Arthur: 10 2, 3, 5; 56 15, 16; 63 12, 58
evaporation: 2 14; 24 44, 47-49, 53, 72; 25 47, 49; 26 23; 27 47; 28 21, 24; 31 34; 33 87; 34 9, 51, 52, 54, 56; 39 27; 48 17-19, 21, 38, 41, 42, 62; 53 45, 54; 55 20, 46; 63 46; 64 38, 39; 67 7; 69 2, 49; 78 38; 80 26; 83 41, 42, 45; 84 44; 103 15; 107 38; 116 15
evapotranspiration: 26 10; 63 61; 73 17; 88 39; 93 54; 100 8, 9; 103 32; 107 50; 112 23; 113 39
Evax pygmaea: 110 55
Evelyn, John: 5 22; 60 65; 68 30
evening primrose: 9 37, 38; 25 37; 64 53; 72 21; 85 51; 92 24; 103 42; 115 51
evergreen: 2 23, 24, 26, 46; 3 16, 48; 4 18, 21, 25, 27, 29, 30; 5 24, 25, 33, 42, 43; 6 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 52, 53; 7 6, 13; 8 5, 18, 23, 28, 29, 32; 9 16, 23, 32, 34; 10 8, 11, 16, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31; 19 36, 62; 20 29, 60; 21 5, 12, 25, 40, 47; 22 1, 29, 38; 23 58; 24 13, 15-18, 24, 25; 25 35; 26 11, 20, 21; 27 26, 49, 50; 28 26, 30, 31; 29 6, 23; 30 14, 17; 31 27, 38, 41, 42, 56; 32 24; 33 21, 30, 39; 39 18, 21, 22, 23, 69; 40 15, 25; 41 28; 42 14, 45, 87; 43 31; 44 32; 45 44, 63; 46 52; 47 19, 45, 46, 49, 51, 63; 48 16, 17; 49 13, 48, 55, 68; 50 13; 51 20, 31, 48; 52 67; 53 19, 32, 33, 38, 40, 47; 54 26, 28; 55 26; 58 1, 24, 27, 52; 59 7, 9, 15; 60 6; 62 19, 42, 46, 48; 63 6, 17, 22, 60; 65 36, 37; S(1) 2, 3, 5, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31, 38; 67 12, 23, 39; 68 4, 9, 36; 69 38; S(2) 3, 13, 14, 38; 70 26, 35, 36, 60; 71 33, 50; 72 8, 33; 73 12, 60, 62; 74 5, 48; 75 2, 14, 46, 64; 76 7, 8, 10, 23, 24, 27, 41, 67; 77 28, 47, 87 96, 100; 78 10, 11, 13, 18, 36, 69; 79 43; 80 12, 13, 66; 81 29, 44, 45, 71; 82 22; 84 18; 85 10, 45, 47, 49; 86 32, 55; 88 10, 11, 54; 91 49; 93 7, 11, 49; 96 5, 7, 8, 23, 25, 45; 98 8, 14-16, 49-52; 99 3, 64; 100 25, 26, 30, 58; 102 7, 11, 14, 15, 19, 22, 70; 103 14, 15, 17, 25, 46, 56; 104 14, 19, 20, 22; 105 20; 106 24, 25, 27; 107 6, 16, 23, 61; 108 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 33; 110 36; 112 30, 35; 113 56; 114 17; 115 15, 20, 37, 42, 52. 55. 64; 116 8, 28; 117 17, 37, 38, 40, 43, 53-55; 118 12
evergreen bulbous plants: 67 12
Evergreen Currant: 6 35; 30 14, 18; 107 32
evergreen hedges: 61 11
evergreen oak: 71 33
evergreen trees: 70 26, 60; 87 44
evergrey: 3 16; 46 52; S(2) 4; 107 6
everlasting flowers: 9 22, 23; 39 9, 11; 52 55; 54 49; 72 39; 77 68 70; 93 59
everlasting pea: 64 54
everlastings: 91 59; 110 49, 50; 112 10
Evernia prunastri: 88 47
Evodia, Little: 83 31, 34
Evodiella muelleri: 83 31, 34
evolutionary convergence: 117 23
evolutionary divergence: 112 20
Exeter elm: 93 51
Exhibition on Greek forests: 97 70
exotic fruits: 69 15; 118 53
exotic species: 4 31, 49, 50; 5 33; 6 2, 17, 25, 34; 9 1, 18, 19; 26 13; 47 4, 10-13, 19; 50 59; 54 2, 7-10, 15, 18, 21, 22, 24, 65, 68; 55 12, 14, 15, 19, 66; 57 3, 15; 58 4, 17; 63 11; 64 2, 3, 23, 24, 61; 67 44; 68 7, 10; 69 16, 53, 63; 70 45; 71 26, 52; 74 42; 75 21, 24, 34, 38; 83 7; 84 53; 85 16, 25, 39, 49, 50, 64; 88 21; 89 6, 14, 46; 92 68; 95 53; 98 7, 8, 10-12; 103 13, 14; 104 13, 14; 106 48; 111 3; 112 37; 114 12
expanded clay tufa balls: 66 54
exsiccates: 49 4, 8, 9; 77 78, 80, 82, 83
extinction: 57 8; 59 41, 43; 65 5; 78 2; 81 12, 46; 108 7
extinction, at risk of: 73 6
extreme climate conditions: 117 49
extreme cold: 113 50
Extreme Fire Danger: 114 4, 5
extreme weather events: 61 26; 94 49; 97 19, 20; 106 9; 118 4
Eyck, Jan van: 117 45
eyebright: 57 26

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