Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows low-growing Fritillaria davisii seen on the coast of the Mani peninsula in Greece (Photo Alisdair Aird)

Fabaceae: 15 40; 37 21; 54 63; 65 1; 80 57; 82 23, 62; 89 51; 91 59, 61, 62; 98 70; 100 25, 48; 107 23
Fabiana imbricata: 19 50
Fabiana imbricata violacea: 11 42
Fabricia: 39 74
Facebook Headquarters: 85 59-61
Falco eleanorae: 71 67
Fagaceae: 82 62; 91 60, 62
Fagus: 15 40
Fagus sylvatica: 35 6; 82 62; 89 8
Fairchild, Thomas: 69 52
Fairholme: 89 53
fake boulders: 57 19
Falco peregrinus: 86 24
Falkia repens: 72 25; 80 68
Fallopia baldschuanica: 38 22; 62 27
Fallopia japonica: 46 33
fallow: 76 51; 84 41
false acacia: 23 58; 30 54; 40 34, 35; 47 53
false coriander: 56 45
false heath: 58 44
false helleborine: 54 58
false kapok: 23 60; 36 30
false mandrake: 27 83
false pepper: 19 10; 80 45l 100 23
false pine: 71 6
false puka: 96 26
false sarsaparilla: 21 29
famers' markets: 58 35
famine crops: 100 26
fan flower: 91 60
fan palm: 6 24; 26 15; 74 27
farming: 61 5, 6, 36, 39, 45; 62 38
farming practices/techniques: 62 71
farming, modern: 62 70, 71
farming, Roman: 62 70
farming, traditional: 67 5
Farrand, Beatrix Jones: 42 9; 101 12
Farrar, Reginald: 30 61-63; 42 10; 87 47
fastigiate: 27 6
Fat Hen: 75 28; 83 43
Fatsia: 8 7
Fatsia japonica: 46 22, 33; 89 8
Faucaria: 59 55
Faulkner, Una: 44 60
fauna: 29 1, 42; 53 54; 59 29
fauna, local: 47 10
feather grass: 104 42
feather reed grass: 91 61; 104 42
febrifuge: 42 63
Federal Endangered Species Act: 28 28
Federation Daisy: 105 16
Fedia cornucopiae:3 33; 81 57
feeding, regular: 97 26
feeding plants: 29 30; 43 24, 25; 56 39, 40; 100 61; 102 28; 104 55, 56
Feijoa: 80 21; 85 18
Feijoa sellowiana: 9 34-36; 25 33; 38 73; 47 16; 52 56; S(2) 14; 91 41
Feijoa sellowiana 'Apollo': 9 35; S(2) 13
Feijoa sellowiana 'Coolidge': 9 35; S(2) 15
Feijoa sellowiana ‘David’: 9 35; S(2) 15
Feijoa sellowiana 'Gemini': 9 35; S(2) 15
Feijoa sellowiana 'Mammoth': 9 36; S(2) 15, 16
Feijoa sellowiana 'Robert': 9 36; S(2) 16
Feijoa sellowiana 'Triumph': 9 36; S(2) 16
Feijoa sellowiana 'Unique': 9 36; S(2) 16
feijoas: 12 25; 38 22; 43 15; 60 14; 100 52
felicia: 12 9
felicia, dwarf: 91 63
Felicia: 7 47; 21 27; 99 41
Felicia aethiopica: 91 63
Felicia amelloides: 2 28; 11 39, 40; 17 33, 38, 39; 40 25; 42 8; 43 33; 59 17; 62 5; 71 58; 97 30; 100 23; 103 37, 40
Felicia filifolia: 13 8; 57 10
Felicia heterophylla: 14 23
Felicia hispida: 11 39, 40
Felis silvestris: 97 54
felling: 72 29; 78 1; 90 10; 108 11
felty germander: 30 33; 77 48; 106 55
fences: 52 10, 53
Fenestraria: 52 52
fennel: 7 7; 10 20; 12 14, 23; 20 15; 35 46; 37 34-36; 38 53; 46 62; 53 28, 56; 56 64, 65; 64 40, 51; 69 32; 72 16; 75 22; 77 29; 82 45; 83 11; 86 37; 88 30
fennel, common: 54 19
fennel, Florence: 58 33 
fennel, giant: 56 55; 59 16
fenugreek: 75 25
feral pests: 70 2
Ferdinanda eminens: 46 34
Ferfugium japonicum: 26 27
fern, aquatic: 93 62
fern, asparagus: 4 6; 77 20; 91 63; 97 41; 103 40
fern, ladder: 4 9; 77 22
fern, maidenhair: 19 66; 21 29; 26 61; 42 39; 53 34, 35; 56 25; 59 10; 82 20, 46; 105 27
fern, man: 73 24
fern, native: 90 29
fern rusty-back: 82 47
fern, staghorn: 4 9; 53 33; 75 66; 77 22; 92 20
fern, sword: 56 25
fern, tree: 53 32, 35; 57 25; 62 14, 15, 17; 64 21; 67 22; 71 49, 54; 73 25, 26; 79 10, 12, 13; 80 15; 81 8, 11; 83 59, 61; 88 33; 89 54; 95 32; 98 46; 104 12
fern, wood: 74 6; 91 60; 104 47; 107 32
fern garden: 4 9; 77 22
fernery: 40 17; 44 33; 52 31; 71 57; 79 12
ferns: 19 66; 21 29, 48; 24 22; 25 37; 26 27, 51; 27 59; 30 16; 32 18; 36 31; 37 15; 38 20, 84;
41 4, 13, 24; 43 24, 41, 62; 46 23, 92; 47 52, 62; 49 30; 51 50, 60; 55 8, 68; 57 6; 58 15; 64 21, 24; 74 61; 76 44; 79 54, 58; 80 12; 81 8, 21, 45; 83 31, 56, 59, 60; 84 25, 45; 78 8, 59; 92 20, 42, 63; 93 68; 94 39; 95 6, 47, 53; 104 48; 105 29
Ferraria: 27 22; 106 27
Ferraria crispa: 88 12
Ferrer, Mathilde: 92 7
ferrerets: 71 67
ferric phosphate: 60 43
Ferocactus: 81 15
Fertile Crescent: 58 48; 72 7
fertiliser: 2 24, 25, 43, 44; 4 10, 35, 42-44; 5 5; 6 21; 7 20, 30, 38-41; 8 51; 11 52; 14 17, 18;
15 24, 42, 43; 16 40, 54; 18 1; 19 42, 43, 46; 20 43; 21 47; 22 56; 23 35, 36, 54, 75; 24 35, 49; 25 9, 46, 47, 66; 26 39, 40; 28 35; 29 44; 31 31; 32 28, 69; 33 13, 58, 67; 34 18, 34, 40; 39 25; 41 37; 43 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 41, 55, 62; 44 62, 68; 45 11; 46 70, 72; 47 59; 48 62; 49 14, 15, 57; 51 43; 53 46, 52, 55, 59; 55 19; 56 40, 43, 64; 58 33; 62 38; 63 53, 56; 65 37; S(1) 3, 4; 66 23, 37; 68 4; 69 22, 57; 70 16, 67; 72 67; 75 27, 34, 60; 76 30; 79 47; 85 30, 40, 45, 57; 86 31; 91 58; 99 30; 100 12, 61; 101 41; 104 56; 105 9, 13, 56, 59; 106 21, 71
fertiliser, artificial: 104 7
fertiliser, blood and bone: 89 10
fertiliser, bonemeal: 1 9; 23 35; 25 47; 27 22; 68 32; 77 13; 94 16
fertiliser, chemical: 6 37; 7 38; 56 62; 58 38, 51; 68 6
fertiliser, cocoa bean shells: 25 8
fertiliser, compound: 56 43
fertiliser, controlled release: 74 20
fertiliser, general: 7 77 24; 104 56; 108 21
fertiliser, granular chemical: 74 50
fertiliser, ground lupin seeds: 25 55
fertiliser, high potash: 6 44; S(1) 19, 20, 22
fertiliser, hoof and horn: 1 9; 25 47; S(1) 33; 77 13; 94 16
fertiliser, industrial: 102 56
fertiliser, inorganic: 4 11
fertiliser, liquid: 56 40, 43; 74 20, 21; 87 11
fertiliser, natural: 55 42; 58 38
fertiliser, nitrogen: 2 24; 5 18, 54; 39 10; 58 70; 62 72; S(2) 10, 25; 73 41; 77 69
fertiliser, nitrogen, synthetic: 102 58
fertiliser, organic: 6 46; 7 20; S(1) 11
fertiliser, phosphate/phosphorus: 62 62; 74 17
fertiliser, potassium: 98 49
fertiliser, potassium phosphate: 94 43
fertiliser, slow release: 72 41; 85 57; 89 42
fertiliser, super-phosphates: 25 35
fertiliser-free: 78 5
fertility, low: 55 23
Ferula: 6 33
Ferula communis: 3 31; 10 35; 13 35; 16 26; 32 30; 37 34; 39 35; 40 46; 43 23; 45 49; 56 55; 65 48; 82 60; 95 6; 100 65
Ferula kuhistanica: 8 53
Ferula tingitana ‘Cedric Morris’: 95 61
Ferulago nodosa: 108 51
fescues: 91 60; 105 19
Festuca: 40 19; 69 36; 91 60
Festuca arundinacea: 43 27
Festuca arvernensis: 77 112
Festuca californica: 6 35; 74 7; 103 48; 104 42; 105 18
Festuca elatior: 43 27
Festuca filiformis: 78 66
Festuca glauca: 3 30; 8 23; 17 33; 30 23; 36 27; 38 28; 72 21
Festuca idahoensis: 105 18
Festuca ovina var. glauca: 4 5; 77 19, 112
Festuca punctoria: 3 30
Festuca 'Roma': 41 20
Festuca rubra: 43 27
feverfew: 10 28; 32 25
feverfew, golden: 21 26
Ficaria verna: 64 60
fiction: 24 55-57
ficus: 64 13; 74 24; 95 51
Ficus: 10 10; 18 7; 49 55, 56; 87 6; 102 11; 106 48
Ficus australis: 26 16; 83 23
Ficus bellingeri: 26 16
Ficus benghalensis: 21 60
Ficus benjamina: 70 23; 89 21; 107 5, 8, 9
Ficus benjamina ‘Baby Ben’: 101 42
Ficus caprificus: 104 59
Ficus carica: 3 30; 7 49; 18 5; 20 13, 40; 28 22; 33 42; 36 29; 47 77; 49 53, 54; 64 2; 66 65; 81 18; 83 18; 85 10; 91 61; 104 59; 107 14
Ficus carica ‘Black Genoa’: 92 34
Ficus carica var. caprificus: 33 42
Ficus elastica: 46 25; 88 51
Ficus macrophylla: 21 15; 23 60; 26 16; 36 30; 38 24; 71 57; 72 54; 87 53; 93 8
Ficus magnolioides: 13 13, 14; 26 16; 36 30; 72 54; 95 52
Ficus microcarpa: 13 14; 26 16; 36 30
Ficus nervosa: 13 14
Ficus nitida: 70 23; 107 6, 8
Ficus palmeri: 91 55
Ficus platypoda: 71 52
Ficus pumila: 22 55; 58 64; 87 6
Ficus pumila × carica: 87 6
Ficus repens: 5 10; 22 55; 58 64
Ficus retusa: 26 16; 36 30, 32
Ficus rubiginosa: 13 12; 26 16; 83 23; 87 6
Ficus rubiginosa 'Australis': 26 16
Ficus sycamorus: 13 12
Ficus watkinsiana: 26 16
Fiddlewood: 83 33; 93 34; 98 49
field maples: 52 35; S(2) 13
field marigold: 102 30
field scabious: 102 31
fieldstones: 104 48
fig: 2 9; 4 23; 5 33; 6 12, 24; 7 5, 6, 8, 9, 37, 49; 8 45, 56; 9 18, 20, 26, 28-30; 10 22; 11 10; 12 23; 15 48; 16 28; 18 4-6, 16, 60; 19 6, 8, 18, 32, 34, 66; 20 12, 13, 38; 22 5, 7, 13; 24 55; 26 12; 28 3, 11; 33 42; 35 45-47; 38 52; 40 9, 64; 42 14, 26; 43 44, 49; 44 42, 43; 45 4, 47; 46 94; 47 8, 16, 22, 77; 49 12, 23, 29, 44; 50 1, 7, 64; 52 15, 30, 34; 53 8, 21, 38, 53; 55 71; 56 9, 49; 57 10, 29; 60 9; 61 10; 62 50; 64 2, 19, 32; 66 41, 65; 67 5, 15, 27; 68 5; 70 22; 71 45; 72 48; 73 50; 75 39, 56; 76 41; 78 5; 81 17, 18, 28, 30; 83 18; 84 60; 85 9, 10, 44; 87 20, 24, 44;
88 30, 44; 89 8, 34; 91 10, 11, 61; 92 27, 34; 93 24; 95 27; 97 41; 98 32, 38; 99 36, 45, 47; 100 2; 101 53, 59; 102 11, 22, 45; 103 23; 104 29, 34, 52, 59-62; 105 13-16, 24, 35, 53; 106 40
fig 'Adriatic': 10 11
fig 'Brown Turkey': 10 11
fig 'Calimyra': 10 10
fig 'Grosse Verte': 10 11
fig 'Marabout': 10 10
fig 'San Piero': 10 10
fig, creeping: 5 10; 22 55
Fig Caper: 76 9
fig cultivation: 104 61
fig drying: 104 59
fig harvesting: 104 62
fig pollination: 104 60, 61
fig variety Smyrneika: 104 61
fig variety Vasilika: 104 61
fig wasp: 10 10; 66 65; 104 60, 61
fig, wild: 104 59-61
figwort: 16 27; 97 23
Filago: 83 17
filipendula: 66 23
Filippi, Ilario: 83 69
Filippi, Olivier: 96 43, 45; 97 53, 55; 98 71; 99 54, 57, 75; 100 4, 6, 11, 63, 71; 101 4, 9; 102 2, 7, 14, 16, 26, 32, 70; 103 12, 22, 54-57; 104 23, 28; 106 10, 55; 107 40, 47, 49, 50, 63; 108 72
Filodassiki/Philodassiki Botanical Garden: 87 2, 44, 72; 88 34-38, 71; 99 36
Filoli: 28 55
filtration tank: 84 44
Finca de Ariant: 71 67, 68; 95 1; 98 2
Finca El Otero: 88 21-24; 91 21, 24
fir: 6 17; 17 13; 19 30; 21 26; 23 62; 26 21, 22; 30 66; 55 40; 66 10; 72 60; 75 40; 88 35;
90 9; 93 28; 97 70; 104 54
fir bark: 15 6; 24 11; 77 35
fir, Caucasian: 76 43
fir, Douglas: 27 4; 49 63
fir, Greek: 51 42; 85 38; 88 36
fir, Sicilian: 57 9
fir, silver: 78 2
fir, Spanish: 47 18
fir, Syrian: 73 48
fire: 8 41; 9 29; 23 28; 26 11; 28 3, 4, 7-9; 31 6, 54, 58; 33 48, 82; 36 7, 10; 37 3; 38 20; 41 15; 42 12, 33, 61, 70; 43 8; 44 41, 43, 63; 45 63; 46 44, 69; 47 51, 59; 49 21, 46-48, 50, 53-55, 63; 50 4, 42, 44, 68, 69; 51 2-5, 7-17, 19, 20-43, 45, 46, 79, 80, 81; 55 6, 15, 34, 36, 48, 49, 67; 57 6, 9, 42; 58 23, 24, 43, 44, 60; 59 52, 61, 62, 71; 62 64; 63 9, 30, 56, 65; 64 4, 28, 48; 65 16, 58; 68 8, 33, 56, 59; 70 2, 20, 59; 73 1, 35, 46; 74 1, 2; 75 2, 40-42, 48, 54; 77 4, 85-90;
81 14, 19; 82 16, 25; 84 27; 85 36; 86 39, 44; 87 2; 90 10, 56; 91 18, 19, 35, 48, 58; 92 50, 52;
94 3; 96 1, 7, 18, 31, 45, 71; 100 21, 22, 27, 43, 70; 101 27-31; 102 11; 104 51; 106 9, 19, 31, 49, 53
fire-adaptated/adaptation: 44 63; 49 48; 51 17, 42
fire authorities: 104 26
fire bombing: 51 31
fire buffer zone: 49 51
fire, controlled burns: 108 7
fire danger: 103 48; 104 26
fire-dispersed seeds: 102 14
fire ecology: 49 62
fire, emergency evacuation plan: 101 28; 104 13
fire, flowering initiated by: 90 61
fire hazard/risk: 22 45; 24 42; 37 16, 44; 41 30; 51 10, 38; 58 23; 60 50; 64 26; 77 93; 87 62; 92 29, 52;  96 7, 31; 101 31; 102 15; 107 46, 69
fire ladder: 51 35
fire, no-go zone: 104 27
fire pit: 74 12
fire, prescribed: 50 54; 51 38
fire prevention: 51 22, 40; 77 89; 101 27
fire-proofing: 101 28
fire protection: 51 25, 26
fire reduction strategies: 51 20; 77 87
fire regime: 54 14; 70 2
fire, regular: 107 49
fire regulations: 55 25
fire retardants: 101 28; 104 29; 105 3
fire, safety from: 92 54
fire season: 102 15
f ire, spread of: 101 27, 29
fire suppression: 35 3
fire suppression policies: 28 28
Fire, Thomas: 92 3
fire, trigger for germination: 102 14
firebreak: 22 49, 50, 52; 49 51; 51 26, 27, 34, 40; 55 48; 102 15
fire-damaged forests: 5 4
fire-fighters: 51 22; 73 1; 77 85, 87, 89
fire-fighting: 6 6; 49 50; 51 18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 79; 70 20
fire-fighting equipment: 22 50
fire-fighting resources: 101 27; 104 13
fireflies: 53 23; 78 45; 108 51
fire-following plants: 24 15
fire-promoting: 49 48
fire-prone plants/habitats: 22 46; 24 42; 51 5, 7, 8, 10, 24, 36; 58 44; 74 2
fire-resistant plants: 21 48; 22 46, 49, 51; 47 43; 49 52; 51 14, 43; 52 17, 58; 55 67; 100 27; 104 16
fire-retardant plants: 2 8; 22 50; 47 43; 51 19, 20; 77 86, 87, 114; 100 50; 102 14, 18
fires, bush: 51 4, 18, 21, 22, 29, 31, 79; 55 6; 65 16; 70 33; 77 85 88; 84 2; 89 11, 53; 100 3, 54; 104 28
fires, bush, Black Saturday: 69 35
fires, bushfires:  101 27, 28; 102 11-13, 17, 18 44
fires, canopy: 51 37
fires, crown fires: 102 17
fires, forest: 8 40; 9 28; 14 3; 19 82; 20 32; 28 8; 51 40, 45; 52 39; 53 4; 61 50, 66; 62 14; 71 24, 42; 75 38, 42; 80 19; 97 23, 30, 49; 98 31; 102 55; 107 49
fires, fuel: 51 4, 8, 10, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 35, 36, 38, 39, 81
fires, ground: 22 46, 52; 51 37, 40; 51 37, 40; 102 16
fires, mega: 102 17
fires, part of life cycle: 102 14
fires, periodic: 30 17
fires, spot: 102 17
fires, wildfires: 22 50, 51, 53; 26 21; 71 55; 91 35, 48, 58; 101 27, 31; 102 27, 31; 103 49; 106 8; 107 25
fire-safe: 51 81
firesafe landscaping: 49 52
fire-sensitive: 49 52
fire-setting: 51 16
fire-stimulated flowering: 51 5; 100 17, 21
Firewheel Tree: 83 31
fire-wise: 51 20; 77 87
firestorms: 51 29, 33
fireweed: 54 5
firewood: 67 18, 20; 70 41, 43; 74 38; 78 9, 11
Firmiana platanifolia: 19 47; 38 17
Firmiana simplex: 38 17; 71 34
fish: 6 45; 8 37, 39; 19 64; 22 14; 44 50; 56 47; 58 15; 59 66; 60 4; 70 28; 76 44; 82 21; 84 42-44, 51; 86 40; 89 44, 63; 96 24, 25, 39; 99 36; 104 15
fish – comets: 96 39
fish – goldfish: 6 45; 29 50; 47 15; 75 35; 105 17, 54
fish – koi carp: 47 50, 52; 48 27; 53 34; 90 15; 92 7; 96 39, 59; 105 54
fish – mosquito: 99 59
fish – shubunkins: 96 39
Fish, Margery: 22 31, 32; 54 28
fishpond: 55 20; 70 55; 96 24, 35; 102 41
fittonias: 58 64
Flacourtiaceae: 91 61
flags (iris): 105 30-32
flagstones: 74 24
Flame Bush: 76 10
Flame Poppy: 24 15
Flame Tree (Brachychiton): 107 58
Flame Tree (Delonix regia): 18 8; 83 31
Flame Tree (Kolreuteria bipinnata): 80 3
Flame Vine: 32 36
Flame-Flowered Dove's Bill: 39 10; 77 69
flamenco salvia: 32 36
Flaming Illawarra Tree: 83 34
flammable: 102 11. 15. 16; 107 49
flammable dross: 101 27
flammable green waste: 101 30
flammable oils: 100 3
flammable plants: 51 10
flammable risks: 101 28, 29
flammable vegetation, clearance of: 22 45, 47
flammability: 51 5, 18, 38, 42; 55 6; 77 85, 87
flax: 20 7; 21 18, 28; 43 47; 70 47; 72 40; 81 57; 96 12; 106 63
Flax-Leaved Paper-Bark: 59 22
flea beetles: 60 42
fleas: 87 37
fleabane: 30 16, 18; 64 42; 75 28
fleece, protective: 55 15; 70 55
Fleming, George: 46 26
fleshy-leaved plants: 27 49
Fleur de l’Air: 67 24
fleur-de-lys : 105 31
flies: 64 51; 72 19; 78 22, 46; 84 7; 101 53
Flinders, Captain Matthew: 72 46
Flinders Chase National Park: 68 67
flood control: 24 53; 81 26
flood irrigation: 58 40; 67 17, 18, 20; 93 24
flood plains: 69 62; 91 14
flooding: 98 20, 72; 101 60; 106 6, 8, 9, 57
flooding prevention: 70 13, 17
flooding, urban: 98 67
flooding, winter: 69 19; 98 27; 99 49
floods: 3 12; 4 10, 16; 7 5, 34; 10 18; 19 54; 20 18; 27 49; 28 39; 35 40; 36 2; 38 46, 81, 82;
47 50, 52; 48 32, 39; 50 40, 42, 43; 51 42, 79; 55 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 45, 48, 49; 58 14, 51, 54; 59 29; 61 6; 67 26, 29, 44; 68 29; 69 20, 21, 36; 71 24; 78 5; 82 31; 88 7, 25, 32; 95 50, 53; 86 1; 99 52; 101 53; 106 9; 107 65
floods, flash: 55 6, 49; 91 66; 101 60
floods, regular: 50 30
floodwater: 50 40
Flora Graeca: 12 11-18; 50 26, 28; 76 18, 20; 77 26, 31-33; 84 69; 90 69
Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana: 76 20
Floracult plant fair: 87 72
flora of the Algarve: 78 58-60
flora of Eastern Andalucia: 78 60, 61
flora of the Silk Road: 80 54
Floral/floristic kingdom of the Cape: 88 57; 89 51
floral trunks: 63 35; 77 104
Florence Charter: 56 16
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council: 54 3
floss-silk tree: 43 59
flower arrangements: 96 32, 34
flowering lawn: 72 24, 26
flowering trees: 70 63; 71 60
fluroxpyr: 84 40
fly-tipping: 86 45, 47; 89 26
Focas-Cosmetatos Foundation: 36 7
Fockia edulis: 91 16
fodder: 60 40; 96 28
Foeniculum: 6 33; 83 14
Foeniculum vulgare: 3 31; 20 40; 27 29; 45 49; 54 19; 63 17; 83 11
fog: 4 24; 7 5; 24 13, 41; 25 58; 26 10; 27 13; 41 36; 44 6; 45 36; 48 27; 65 40; 67 46; 75 22; 92 50; 100 64
fog, coastal/sea: 70 59; 74 8, 9; 88 56
foliage: 27 7, 11-13, 23, 24, 38, 50, 59; 29 1, 6, 16, 23, 24, 33, 35, 42; 40 8, 15, 24; 41 4; 44 9, 36; 45 42; 46 23, 24, 28, 30, 41, 42; 47 2, 43, 48; 48 63; 51 62; 53 38; 59 6; 64 13, 25, 29, 37, 39, 54; 65 22; 74 7, 25, 27, 33, 61; 75 3, 11, 15, 60, 64; 85 2, 8, 10, 12, 17, 22, 23, 26, 28, 32, 48, 52, 53; 100 70
foliage plants: 40 14
foliage, adapted to drought: 25 47, 48
foliage, aromatic/scented: 8 22; 19 35; 20 61; 29 24; 30 27, 32; 34 70; 43 33, 81; 45 12; 47 63; 49 59; 55 8; S(1) 37; 63 38; 78 29; 80 66; 82 52; 84 25; 85 25; 86 32; 91 68; 92 9, 24; 100 8; 102 40, 45; 104 48; 106 22; 107 49; 108 39, 43, 45
foliage, autumn/fall: 19 66, 68; 20 61; 21 3, 52; 55 12, 26, 38; 74 6; 79 48; 82 26; 83 31, 34; 84 54; 85 8, 12; 93 34
foliage, blue: 85 2
foliage, blue-green: 45 20; 57 48; 84 29; 97 56; 98 56
foliage, blue-grey/grey-blue: 73 12; 78 9, 38; 86 6; 93 1; 103 55; 104 29; 107 13; 108 34
foliage, blueish: 40 46; 64 29; 75 11; 100 51; 102 42; 103 21
foliage, bold: 56 42; 90 26
foliage, bronze: 15 7; 29 24, 33; 42 8, 51; 43 17, 21; 46 14; 57 18; 77 36; 93 2; 94 19; 106 42
foliage, carpeting: 73 13
foliage, chalky white: 48 27
foliage, changing: 74 25
foliage, colour of: 71 6
foliage, coloured: 71 52; 93 35
filage, coppery: 107 29
foliage, crinkled: 108 42
foliage, dark: 47 23; 53 12; 89 15
foliage, dark green: 55 53; 60 6; 83 4
foliage, decorative: 105 55
foliage, delicate: 90 7
foliage, downy: 35 38; 77 66; 83 17
foliage, evergreen: 30 17; 60 7; 89 33
foliage, feathery: 74 61; 84 28, 31; 85 52; 98 46
foliage, felty: 3 14, 15; 6 23; 45 48; S(2) 2; 88 11; 91 49, 55
foliage, fern-like: 101 32; 107 23
foliage, filigree: 42 51; 93 43
foliage, finely-cut: 84 31; 103 57; 108 33
foliage, flammable: 100 3
foliage, fleshy: 84 19
foliage, glaucous: 6 24; 9 34; 23 58; 25 24, 29; 27 12; 29 50, 67; 30 23, 29; 46 33; 50 6; 62 25; S(2) 14, 20, 22, 30, 33, 34; 82 22; 94 21, 22; 97 56; 98 55; 107 59
foliage, glossy: 33 39, 40; 48 16, 27; 88 39; 97 43, 56; 98 52; 106 17, 42, 45
foliage, golden: 35 37; 47 23; 77 36, 65
foliage, grey: 3 14, 15; 4 5, 31; 6 23; 9 1; 30 32; 35 21, 27, 28, 51, 64; 36 13, 18; 37 11; 39 5, 6, 18; 41 28; 42 73; 43 62; 44 36, 47; 46 14, 54; 47 16, 52; 48 19, 20; 49 40; 52 54; 54 26;
55 26; 57 21, 28, 48, 58, 67; 61 17, 19; 62 48; S(1) 8, 9, 13; 66 10, 57; 67 9; 68 36; 69 23, 24, 41; S(2) 2; 71 6, 50, 52, 54; 72 11, 13, 16, 23; 74 34; 77 36, 65; 78 23; 79 45, 47, 50; 82 16; 83 17; 84 19, 21; 85 10, 28; 87 76; 88 39; 90 48; 93 11; 96 66; 97 13, 30; 98 57; 101 32; 103 56; 104 48; 105 15; 106 42, 43, 56; 107 57; 108 21, 41, 44, 47
foliage, grey/silver: 20 22, 26, 61; 21 29; 22 6, 28-32; 25 10, 11, 14, 30, 53; 27 12, 21, 55, 66; 29 20, 23, 24, 35, 67; 30 22-25, 33; 31 8, 42, 50, 52; 33 26, 28, 78; 34
foliage, grey-green: 3 16; 10 31; 30 28, 31, 32, 34; 32 24, 30; 35 29; 36 11, 13; 40 24; 42 81; 44 47; 45 25; 47 3, 16; 49 40; S(1) 9; 63 40; 69 5, 12; S(2) 4; 72 11, 13; 73 22; 75 11, 64; 77 50, 76; 78 22; 79 49; 80 12; 82 17; 85 11; 86 32, 33; 88 41; 89 24; 93 34; 96 53; 102 40; 103 14; 104 28, 29; 105 19; 106 55; 107 6, 33; 108 26, 29, 30
foliage, imposing: 46 34
foliage, lacy, fine-textured: 33 2; 47 23; 93 34; 98 47; 103 46; 105 14
foliage, lanceolate: 104 30
foliage, leathery: 1 7; 6 24; 51 23; 67 23; 77 11, 90; 88 39; 96 5; 98 52; 99 54; 107 6; 108 21
foliage, light grey: 73 13, 14
foliage, lush: 104 55; 105 13
foliage, marbled: 8 41; 31 25; 56 23; 99 24
foliage, multicoloured: 93 35
foliage, pendulous: 78 18
foliage, pewter: 108 41
foliage, pungent: 86 33
foliage, purple: 44 34; 46 30; 71 52; 90 49; 103 55; 105 19
foliage, purplish bronze: 46 12
foliage, red: 78 37; 107 29
foliage, red and purple: 66 39
foliage, reddish-black: 90 2
foliage, reddish-bronze: 107 33
foliage, rush-like: 75 14
foliage, rust-tinted: 31 41
foliage, scented/fragrant: 74 52; 85 17
foliage, sclerophyllous: 6 23
foliage, semi-succulent: 103 55
foliage, silver: 4 5; 6 23; 7 15; 10 18; 15 7; 35 29, 38; 36 21; 37 10; 39 6, 11; 40 24-26; 41 18, 19; 42 9, 30, 32, 73; 43 20, 57, 60, 62, 63; 44 47; 45 59; 47 16, 23, 52; 48 19, 24; 53 12, 22; 57 21, 48, 58, 67; 61 17, 19; 62 16, 64; S(1) 14; 63 17; 69 11, 14, 41; 71 52, 54; 73 7, 16; 74 34; 75 11; 76 14; 77 18, 36, 69, 74-76; 79 47, 55; 80 18, 22; 84 21; 85 23; 86 28, 33; 87 44, 46; 88 39; 89 14, 19; 91 48, 51; 93 43; 96 45; 98 27 31, 46; 100 63; 102 27; 103 15, 56, 57; 105 14; 107 18; 108 41, 45
foliage, silver-green: 105 19
foliage, silver-grey: 5 20; 73 7; 74 25, 26; 75 64; 78 16; 80 18; 86 34; 88 41; 93 34; 99 54; 102 1; 103 13, 14, 17; 108 13
foliage, silver markings 76 56; 77 103; 79 68; 97 43, 56
foliage, silver-veined: 43 18
foliage, silvery blue: 47 54; 82 26; 83 61; 92 8
foliage, silvery-spotted: 59 2; 84 29
foliage, silvery-white: 8 21
foliage, sombre: 62 28
foliage, spiky: 67 23
foliage, striped and mottled: 39 17
foliage, succulent: 41 20; 75 47; 100 33
foliage, suede-brown: 93 35
foliage, tomentose: 73 13
foliage, variegated: 10 42; 19 32, 82; 20 25, 27, 71; 21 28, 29; 22 30; 24 9, 28; 25 30; 38 29; 39 15; 40 19; 42 32, 73; 43 19; 46 13, 32, 41; 47 47, 53; 57 18; 59 53; 60 7; 65 16; S(2) 27, 29; 70 38; 71 54; 75 64; 76 24; 78 16; 84 29; 88 9; 89 21; 94 17; 97 41; 103 21, 34, 40; 105 48; 107 13
foliage, velvety: 74 26; 85 17; 93 35; 99 54; 102 27; 106 43; 108 17
foliage, velvety grey: 67 62; 73 13
foliage, waxy: 4 31; 61 17; 106 42
foliage, weeping: 74 26
foliage, white: 4 5; 45 14; 47 23; 48 19, 24; 53 12; 77 18
foliage, woolly: 84 19, 20; 85 22
foliage, yellow: 63 17; 70 36
foliage, yellow-green: 93 34
foliar feed: 55 51; 74 50
foliar pathogen: 76 46
follies: 44 30, 33, 34; 58 5; 79 8, 48; 99 47
Fondazione William Walton: 83 61
Fontchâteau: 44 30, 33, 34
Food and Agriculture Organization: 103 51
food chain: 51 46; 70 2; 74 38; 99 36; 100 43
food crop: 66 65
Foothill penstemon: 103 48
Foothill sedge: 107 32
Foodland: 65 61
food-producing trees: 61 10
food web: 83 7
foot traffic: 67 69; 72 24, 25; 74 44, 45, 47; 75 51; 84 28
Ford, Ford Madox: 61 5, 15
Ford, Gordon: 20 54-58
forest bell bush: 108 20
Forest Edge: 70 30
Forest Hall: 71 51
forest management: 51 38
forest red gums: 104 28
forest school: 88 1
forest trees: 70 62
Forestier, Jean-Claude Nicolas: 41 58, 67; 43 61, 64; 46 74; 49 61
forests: 27 14, 17, 19; 51 7, 12, 24, 29, 38, 40, 79; 65 6, 39, 40, 60; 66 5, 19, 39, 40, 42, 71
Forficula: 16 54
forget-me-nots: 14 6; 21 26; 29 52; 34 13; 42 8; 57 23; 62 5; 87 47
formal gardens: 79 8, 41, 43; 80 49, 62; 92 65
formic acid: 60 40, 47
forsythia: 23 44; 72 9; 96 36; 99 22
Forsythia: 42 25, 27; 57 46; 61 34, 35; 64 51; 74 39
Forsythia intermedia × ‘Spectabilis’: 23 44
Forsythia ovata: 23 44
Forsythia suspensa: 16 6; 98 18
Forsythia viridissima: 16 6; 98 18
Forsythia × intermedia: 47 12
Fortnight Lily: 91 63
Forsskal, Pehr: 98 64
Fortune, Robert: 40 60
Fortunella: 18 35, 37
Fortunella margarita: 11 43; 18 41; 89 34
fossils: 75 10; 90 5, 32; 106 43
Foster, Norman: 23 11; 45 52
fountain grass: 104 42
fountains: 3 11; 5 10, 12; 15 38, 47, 48, 68; 16 14, 52; 17 18; 18 4, 5; 19 1, 65, 66; 20 17, 48; 21 14, 22 10, 60; 24 6, 60; 25 64; 26 48, 52, 54, 65, 66; 27 4, 14, 20; 28 5, 6, 36; 29 14; 30 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 65; 31 49, 50, 54, 57; 32 3, 4, 6-8, 45, 61; 33 32, 85; 34 3, 4, 8, 9; 35 12, 14, 57, 60; 36 61; 37 15, 46; 38 76; 39 63; 41 4, 58, 60, 61, 63; 42 13, 24; 43 58, 59, 62, 63; 45 50, 52; 46 91; 47 6, 22, 41, 47, 49, 51; 48 27, 30; 49 3, 34, 36-40; 51 55, 56, 71; 52 20, 34; 53 15, 33, 64; 56 1; 57 17, 18, 20, 24, 55; 58 5, 9, 15, 16; 59 31; 62 9; 63 27; 64 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 24, 25, 27; 65 56, 57; 67 44, 58; 70 23, 27, 28; 71 33, 36; 74 29, 31; 76 44; 78 62; 79 8, 47, 58; 80 12; 81 10, 12, 53, 54; 82 6, 7, 9, 10, 23, 51; 83 41, 59, 60; 84 12-14, 46, 48, 52, 55; 85 45; 86 23; 87 49, 51, 59; 88 18, 34; 90 17; 91 14, 54; 92 6; 94 57; 95 11, 43, 46, 49; 96 58; 98 9; 101 13; 102 46, 61, 62; 104 51, 52; 105 63, 64
fountain, bucket: 95 11
fountain, drinking: 68 16
fountain, spring-fed: 105 27
fountain, wall: 68 16; 107 14
Fouquieria columnaris: 31 56; 90 13
four o'clocks: 8 45; 22 21; 27 32; 92 31; 102 34; 103 41
four-season gardening: 102 5
Fox Hollow: 6 8, 9
foxglove: 11 17, 30; 32 70; 33 28; 41 51; 46 58; 49 40; 51 60; 56 9; 74 11; 78 72; 85 28; 89 16, 44; 92 24; 98 45; 105 55
foxtail lily: 89 67
Fra Carnevale: 74 38
Fragaria: 49 32
Fragaria californica: 6 35
Fragaria chiloensis: 55 1; 91 60
fragrance: 3 39; 4 56; 5 20, 39; 8 5; 10 26, 31, 33, 44; 27 12-14, 32, 33, 35, 38, 59; 29 15, 16, 50; 31 24, 29, 66, 67; 32 19; 33 28, 31; 34 11-13, 15, 30; 35 18, 36; 37 11; 38 17, 24; 39 15; 41 19, 58; 42 9; 43 44, 81; 44 46; 45 50; 47 3, 4, 8, 12, 17; 48 68; 49 44; 50 31; 51 52, 53, 57, 70; 52 3, 39, 40; 53 23, 52; 54 35, 38; 56 19, 20, 23, 34-36; 62 6, 33, 34; 65 24, 36; 60 20, 22, 23, 60; 61 34; 62 2, 45, 57; S(1) 24, 35; 63 34; 66 12; S(2) 23; 71 21; 72 15, 16, 39, 40; 73 8, 9, 20, 63, 64; 74 2, 30, 31; 76 8, 40, 62; 77 75, 99, 102, 103, 109; 78 14; 79 72; 80 29, 43, 66; 82 16, 55; 84 8, 17; 85 4, 6, 22, 32, 34, 36; 86 28; 88 8, 13, 14, 51, 53, 54; 89 44; 91 49, 53, 69; 93 20; 94 48, 53; 96 2,3, 7, 9; 98 8, 29, 46, 50, 52, 69; 99 45; 100 8,10, 13, 17, 21; 101 20; 102 9, 19, 21, 22, 38; 103 46; 104 70; 105 45, 54, 64; 106 15, 64, 65, 71; 107 6, 14; 108 1, 36
Franczuk, Brother Stefan: 81 36-39
frangipani: 17 22; 19 41; 20 17, 48; 28 14; 42 28; 43 14, 16; 56 9; 64 13; S(2) 24; 83 34; 92 33; 96 62; 97 41; 101 42, 43; 105 7, 8, 13
Frangula californica: 86 33; 87 16
Frankenia corymbosa: 74 46, 47
Frankenia laevis: 43 28; 67 68; 72 21; 85 32; 94 25, 28
Frankenia thymifolia: 11 44
frankincense tree: 91 16
Franklinia alatamaha: 71 33
frantoio : 95 19, 20, 22
Fraser, Charles: 74 26
Fraxinus: 49 55, 56; 75 63; 102 46
Fraxinus angustifolia: 92 17
Fraxinus angustifolia ssp. ornus: 54 59
Fraxinus griffithii : 83 32
Frxinus nigra: 96 35
Fraxinus ornus: 3 30; 22 36, 40; 49 53, 54; 73 44; 75 63; 82 63; 85 5; 90 60; 92 8; 95 46
Fraxinus velutina: 28 31
Freckle Face: 108 18
Freer, Adam: 98 64
Freesia: 1 8; 6 24; 11 44; 77 12; 91 63; 94 14; 106 28
Freesia alba: 82 37
Freesia 'Burtonii': 28 48
Freesia leichtlinii: 82 37
Freesia refracta: 27 23; 59 57; 82 37
Freesia laxa: 88 15; 90 37; 100 15
Freesia laxa ssp. azurea: 90 68
Freesia leichtlinii: 18 43; 75 46; 100 10
Freesia refracta ‘Alba’: 88 11
freesias: 4 43; 5 37, 53; 11 30; 12 7; 16 18, 19; 18 15; 19 12; 27 21-23; 31 41; 41 6; 47 3; 49 34, 37; 55 27; 56 25; 57 56; 59 25; 69 28; 91 63; 100 15; 101 20; 106 71
fremontodendron: 31 52, 60; 43 14
Fremontodendron: 22 17; 28 69; 36 25; 38 17; 45 61; 55 76  
Fremontodendron californicum: 11 44; 48 61; 71 34
Fremontodendron californicum ‘Margo’: 15 7; 77 36
Fremontodendron mexicanum: 64 34, 36
French broom: 54 19
French lavender: 16 29
French National Ivy Collection: 70 40
French Revolution: 103 4
frescoes: 12 11; 46 60, 62; 77 26
Fresh Woods: 89 45
freshwater gasteropods: 8 39
Freylinia lanceolata: 11 44, 45
Friars’ Balsam: 90 7
Friar's Cowl: 22 43; 81 20; 95 49
Frick Collection: 21 7
Friends of Mount Athos: 104 53
Friends of Kings Park: 107 21
Friends of the Earth Keepers’ Project: 91 6
Friends of the Trees: 87 44; 88 35
Friendship Plant: 91 26
Fringe Lily: 71 58
Fringilla montifringilla: 86 18
fritillaria: 33 36; 100 66, 67
Fritillaria: 5 26; 14 7; 60 52, 53; 80 55; 94 41
Fritillaria acmopetala: 3 34; 61 51, 52; 80 55
Fritillaria alburyana: 80 55
Fritillaria camtschatcensis: 2 16
Fritillaria davisii: 80 17
Fritillaria elwesii: 61 53
Fritillaria epirotica: 82 63
Fritillaria graeca: 3 34; 20 40; 45 13; 56 59; 65 7; 67 9; 68 37; 70 10; 73 51
Fritillaria graeca ssp. thessala: 54 55; 82 63
Fritillaria imperialis: 52 61; 80 17, 55; 102 51
Fritillaria kurdica: 80 54
Fritillaria libanotica: 3 34
Fritillaria messanensis: 3 34; 20 40; 39 54
Fritillaria minima: 80 54
Fritillaria montana: 73 45; 82 55, 63; 100 69
Fritillaria obliqua:19 78; 25 11; 35 29; 57 4; 65 7; 68 37; 70 10; 76 22; 100 10; 106 17
Fritillaria persica: 62 69; 65 48; 80 55
Fritillaria pontica: 20 40; 39 54
Fritillaria pyrenaica: 2 16
Fritillaria sibthorpiana: 12 16; 77 30
Fritillaria thessala ssp. ionica: 8336
Fritillaria tuntasia: 18 62
Fritillaria verticillata: 2 16
Fritillaria whittallii: 61 53
fritillaries/fritillarias: 2 16; 27 65; 39 53; 52 60; 80 17, 55; 88 36; 89 67; 96 36, 38; 102 1; 105 25
fritillary, snake’s head: 81 72
frog hoppers: 33 31
Fronteira Palace: 73 68
frost-burnt: 66 57; 70 56
frost damage: 47 9, 11; 55 13; 57 60-62; 58 40; 66 53; 70 55; 74 50
frost damage to olives: 34 43, 44; 77 54, 55
frost, brief: 103 64
frost, late: 101 72
frost, light: 8 36; 107 23; 108 23
frost, prolonged: 108 43
frost, severe: 102 25
frost, sharp: 103 73
frost/freeze: 419-24, 27, 51; 5 43; 6 27, 46; 7 5, 7, 16, 19, 23, 32, 35, 36; 8 13, 29, 30, 36, 47, 48; 9 35; 10 8, 17, 38, 45, 48; 11 35, 37-45, 52; 12 18, 26; 13 10, 25, 47; 14 16; 15 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 33, 71; 16 19, 40, 45, 48, 64, 67; 17 25, 48; 18 22, 30, 32, 35, 40; 19 54; 21 25; 22 10; 23 22, 34, 43; 24 24, 25; 25 32, 33, 59; 26 10, 24, 30, 49; 27 38, 62; 28 27, 35; 29 3, 32, 36, 51; 30 17, 30, 43; 31 24, 30, 53; 32 23, 26, 35, 57, 70; 33 13, 16, 25; 34 2, 28, 39, 43, 44, 58;
35 21, 25, 35-37, 86; 36 19, 71; 38 15, 32, 36, 37, 68, 69; 39 9, 18, 55; 40 21, 24; 41 43, 44; 42 25, 26, 30, 32; 43 11, 13, 14, 37, 40, 52, 55, 56, 81; 44 39; 45 41; 46 20, 34, 49; 47 30, 59; 48 2, 3, 53; 51 54; 52 1, 28, 29, 39, 47; 53 37, 52, 53, 66; 54 28, 41, 61; 55 14, 15, 47, 48, 50, 51; 57 22, 44, 60-62; 58 25, 39, 40, 57; 59 37; 60 9, 65; 62 3-5, 13; 63 11, 53; 64 28, 31;
65 19, 23, 25; S(1) 3, 6, 7, 10, 16, 20, 22, 37; 67 15, 25, 39, 46, 66; 69 1, 12, 23, 62; S(2) 2-8, 13, 18, 20, 24; 70 30, 41, 55; 71 32, 37, 48; 72 4, 7, 20, 23, 27, 33, 57; 74 18, 40; 75 12, 22, 46; 76 23, 25, 36, 45; 77 54, 55, 63, 65, 107, 115; 78 9, 21, 38; 79 36, 72; 80 40; 82 40; 83 52; 84 18; 85 24; 86 8, 10; 88 7, 29; 89 14, 34; 90 42, 46, 62; 91 11; 92 60; 93 37, 53, 60; 94 17, 20, 23; 95 30-32; 96 23; 97 71; 98 19; 99 21; 100 53, 58; 102 21, 45; 103 9, 34, 46; 104 57; 107 24; 108 14, 17, 19, 23, 32, 58
frost-free conditions/climate: 6 43; 29 3, 36; 35 37; 39 10; 40 12, 25; 44 30; 47 19; 49 60; 55 15; 58 25; S(1) 17; 67 15; 70 55; 76 9, 23; 77 64, 68, 69; 78 13; 79 50; 88 ; 100 55; 104 16
frost-free winters: 71 48
frost-prone: 105 4
frost-resistant/hardy: 31 27; 39 77; 55 47; 56 26; S(1) 7; 70 54; 72 4; 74 48; 76 63; 84 60; 103 9
frost-sensitive/tender: 21 25; 55 26; S(1) 19; 76 26; 78 13; 95 53
frost-tolerant: 108 17
frosts, late: 70 55
frosts, light: 71 69; 93 26
frosts, rare: 96 26
frosts, spring: 99 28
fruit: 40 8; 56 2, 4, 5, 39, 41, 44, 50-53; 61 8, 10, 14, 25, 27, 47, 48, 60; 70 12, 15, 17, 18, 25, 28, 34, 52, 58, 62; 74 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 48-51, 56; 76 2, 4, 8, 15, 68, 72; 77 24; 78 9, 43; 91 11, 33, 37-39, 52, 45, 58, 50; 93 12, 13, 26, 41; 95 18, 23, 27, 36, 46, 60-62; 101 5, 46, 53, 59, 63; 102 25
fruit, cultivation by Ottomans: 98 64
fruit fly: 2 44; 45 35
fruit salad plant: 93 60, 61
fruit set: 58 32
fruit, soft: 70 51
fruit trees: 3 49; 6 13, 47; 7 4; 9 13, 15, 23, 37; 30 9; 40 72; 41 4, 58; 42 50; 43 39; 46 1, 56, 87; 49 19, 22, 25, 42; 51 20, 31; 53 23, 37, 38, 63, 66; 55 34, 51; 58 9, 12, 38; 60 9, 14, 19; 61 8, 10, 14, 47, 48; 62 3, 15, 31, 38, 58-62; 63 23, 56, 72; 64 19; 67 40, 52, 58; 70 28, 34, 52, 63; 71 34, 60; 72 24; 73 27, 57; 74 31; 77 87; 79 39-41, 49; 80 14, 28; 81 18, 21, 55; 82 27; 83 11; 84 13; 85 3, 20, 29; 87 7, 24; 88 18, 29, 51; 91 39, 42; 92 26, 27, 44; 93 18, 48, 50; 94 65; 95 61; 96 58; 99 47, 57; 102 28, 47; 104 22, 29, 51, 59, 67; 107 16, 35, 54
fruit trees, dwarf: 52 36
fruit trees, heirloom: 93 18
fruit trees, old varieties: 107 35
fruit trees, traditional Cypriot: 75 39
fruit trees, tropical: 70 12, 18; 79 60; 81 52
fruit trees, wind-tolerant: 101 10
Fuchsia: 8 7; 46 14; 94 42
Fuchsia boliviana: 53 33, 35
Fuchsia 'Fanfare': 21 67
Fuchsia magellanica: 71 60
Fuchsia magellanica ‘Pumila’: 78 18
Fuchsia regia ssp. reitzii: 67 62
Fuchsia triphylla: 71 53
fuchsia gall mite: 94 42
Fuchsia Gum: 69 13
fuchsias: 9 11, 38; 11 12; 19 68; 22 12; 25 53; 33 26, 33; 40 8; 46 24; 47 5; 49 21; 51 62; 70 29; 7426; 78 17; 97 41; 98 22; 104 15
Fukuoka, Masanobu: 7 38, 39; 52 57; 53 22, 59; 102 59
Fuller, Buckminster: 62 18; 95 12
Fumana: 42 69
Fumaria: 14 35
Fumaria capreolata: 22 43
Fumaria officinalis: 64 54
FUME: 74 1
fumeroles: 80 61
fumitory, ramping: 22 43
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: 92 11, 15, 18
Fundación Enrique Montoliu (FUNDEM): 53 15, 16; 92 6; 95 47, 68
Fundación Vida Silvestre Mediteránea: 71 67, 68; 95 38
fungal diseases/infection: 2 43, 44; 4 44, 51; 5 36; 6 47; 15 29, 42; 16 72; 17 49; 19 42, 43, 46; 21 36; 24 40-43; 27 43, 49; 37 29; 42 76; 50 72; 58 32; 62 61; 65 19; S(1) 20, 30; 69 14; S(2) 25; 70 18, 43, 52, 53; 73 60; 76 31, 46; 92 44; 94 38, 42, 43; 99 29; 103 5; 107 19, 42, 50
fungal damage: 100 4
fungal invasion, fatal: 74 16
fungal pathogens: 88 56
fungal spores: 3 48
fungicidal paint: 61 35
fungicides: 6 2, 44, 47; 39 13; 51 27; 55 51; 58 37, 38, 40, 72; 60 44; 69 13, 22; 70 53; 72 66; 76 58; 77 71
fungicides, broad spectrum: 107 42
fungicides, natural: 72 66
fungus, fungi: 2 20, 21; 46 71, 103, 104; 50 44; 56 61, 62; 59 25; 63 24; S(1) 17; 74 22; 85 43, 64; 92 38; 94 42, 43
Furcraea: 22 62; 29 5, 18; 37 12; 81 54; 93 25
Furcraea foetida: 43 22
Furcraea foetida 'Mediopicta': 37 9
Furcraea gigantea: 43 22
Furcraea longaeva: 95 31
furcraeas: 17 24; 43 21; 99 50; 102 20; 108 21
furrows: 48 45
Fusicladium eriobotryae: 6 47
Fuyu: 102 49
fynbos: 15 58; 16 19; 18 65; 19 35; 21 19; 24 13; 27 21; 39 26; 59 25, 28, 29; 65 1, 8; S(1) 37;
71 18, 19, 21, 22; 72 9; 77 39; 88 53-55, 57, 60; 89 41, 53, 54; 90 55, 56; 96 5; 103 34, 63

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