Mediterranean Garden Society
The Mediterranean Garden
The photograph at the top of this page shows Linum flavum, golden flax, growing wild on Mount Falakro in northern Greece (Photo Alisdair Aird)
L’Amastuola: 65 10
La Carmejane: 75 4-10; 76 67; 79 48
La Carrasca: 95 41
La Casella: 19 64, 65; 52 24; 58 6
La Casita del Arroyo: 28 58
La Chèvre d'Or: 38 9
La Concepción: 32 31; 106 48
La Cutura: 36 14-16
La Ferme de Gerbaud: 53 28
La Foce: 35 69; 89 33
La Fondazione Archeologia Arborea: 107 35
La Granja: 67 51, 53
La Landriana: 15 38, 69; 41 9; 59 71; 80 64; 94 57 ; 95 65
La Louve: 65 15; 66 9, 11, 14-16, 55-58; 75 7; 76 67; 79 49; 103 12, 13; 104 71; 110 30
La Mortella: 39 81, 82; 4470; 61 4; 62 6; 64 16, 25; 79 66; 80 60, 61; 81 5-12, 64; 82 71; 83 57-59, 61, 62; 91 38, 70; 94 56; 95 65; 113 36
La Mortola: 2 9, 10; 3 4, 5, 8-10; 5 49; 8 33-35; 15 78; 17 47, 66; 19 61; 28 15, 19; 37 63, 68; 40 59, 61, 62; 4426; 51 51; 52 25, 26, 55, 58; 53 6; 54 70; 71 14; 76 32, 65; 79 53, 66; 81 62; 82 26; 103 12, 14
La Mouissone: 52 22; 58 6
La Niña: 107 2; 112 60
La Pietra: 58 62
La Pitchoune: 75 4
La Trobe, Charles Joseph: 90 3, 31-34; 91 74; 92 1, 19-25
Labiatae: 24 22; 36 8
Lablab purpureus: 65 24
Lablab purpureus 'Ruby Moon': 35 42
laburnum: 41 51; 96 35
Laburnum anagyroides: 61 34; 64 51
labyrinth: 29 54; 55 70; 89 44; 92 66; 93 28; 95 44-46; 99 15
Lace Aloe: 56 27
lacebugs: 64 51
Lacerta: 97 17
Lacerta viridis: 73 49
lacewings: 49 70; 60 43; 75 33
Lachenalia: 24 10; 27 24; 28 47, 49; 71 19; 85 25; 104 38
Lachenalia aloides: 59 56; 104 39
Lachenalia aloides var. quadricolor: 27 24; 106 23
Lachenalia arbuthnotiae: 111 37
Lachenalia bulbifera: 104 39
Lachenalia dehoopensis: 106 33
Lachenalia elegans: 21 19; 77 39
Lachenalia flava; 111 37
Lachenalia luteola: 111 37
Lachenalia mathewsii: 111 37
Lachenalia mutabilis: 21 20; 77 39; 106 23, 29
Lachenalia nervosa: 104 39
Lachenalia punctata: 104 39
Lachenalia purpureocaerulea: 104 39
Lachenalia quadricolor: 106 23; 111 37
Lachenalia unifolia: 21 20; 77 39
Lachenalia violacea: 21 20
Lachenalia viridiflora: 106 23
lachenalias 83 1; 88 54, 58; 106 23; 111 37; 115 38
Lachnostachys eriobotrya: 112 7
lack of scent: 106 71
Lactobacillus: 83 51
Lactuca: 79 14
Lactuca perennis: 64 54
Lactuca sativa: 38 28
Lactuca sativa 'Grand Rapids': 58 45
Lactuca serriola: 83 70
lad’s love: 88 41; 98 46; 105 14; 116 22
Lady Banks’ rose: 112 29
Lady Campbell Weed: 57 27
Lady of Elche: 93 21, 22: 95 41
Lady of the Night: 2 8; 35 37; 56 9; 77 65; 111 43
Lady orchid: 60 32
ladybird larvae: 54 6; 60 4, 43
ladybirds: 10 20; 17 48; 49 70; 51 61; 54 68; 60 46; 75 33; 84 23; 85 1, 45; 86 36
ladybirds, harlequin: 78 55
lady's bedstraw: 57 26
Lady’s mantle: 113 54
Lady’s Slipper orchid: 73 72
lady's smock: 51 61; 100 44
Laetilia coccidivora: 63 45
Lafourcade, Dominique: 45 35, 55; 47 45; 76 66; 79 47
lagerstroemia: 52 55; 95 75; 108 58
Lagerstroemia: 29 32; 46 19; 52 34; 62 56; 85 24; 94 48, 4; 94 49, 50; 95 75; 100 51; 102 13
Lagerstroemia ‘Acoma’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia ‘Early Bird Purple’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia fauriei: 11 35; 94 51
Lagerstroemia fauriei ‘Kiowa’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia ‘Hopi’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica: 1 2; 11 34; 50 17; 55 53; 66 27; 67 49; 70 62; 71 34; 72 35; 83 32, 34; 89 9; 94 49-51; 99 79; 111 4; 118 61
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Alba’: 99 54
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Caroline’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Centennial’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Coral Filli’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Eveline’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Houston’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Indybra’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Indycam’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Indyfus’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Indynei’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Indyvio’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Milaperl’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Milarosa’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Milarosso’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Milavio’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Pixie White’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Red Filli’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Rosea’: 110 6
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Twilight’: 94 51, 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Veerle’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Victoria’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Violet Filli’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica ‘Whit VIII’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia indica × L. fauriei: 101 43
Lagerstroemia indica × fauriei ‘Natchez’: 107 11
Lagerstroemia limii: 11 35
Lagerstroemia ‘Sarah’s Favorite’: 94 52
Lagerstroemia ‘Sioux’: 94 51, 52
Lagerstroemia ‘Tuscararo’: 94 51, 52
Lagerstroemia ‘Zuni’: 94 52
lagoon: 106 32, 63, 64
Lagunaria: 49 55, 56; 82 11
Lagunaria patersonii: 2 19; 28 19; 49 53, 54: 78 11; 82 7, 10; 114 33; 115 64
Lagurus ovatus: 3 30; 9 25; 45 48; 68 5; 88 13; 95 6
lake: 4 7; 26 47, 51; 52 20, 34; 68 18, 21, 23, 24; 69 62, 67; 70 32; 72 39; 73 48; 77 20; 79 8; 82 3, 27, 57; 89 5, 6, 41, 54, 59, 61; 90 17, 19; 92 40; 95 5, 6; 96 35, 36, 39; 98 16, 17, 54; 112 30, 58
Lake Albano: 84 56
Lake Como: 89 5, 9
Lake Ichkeul: 95 5
Lake Léman: 71 32
Lake Marathon: 60 3
Lake Nemi: 54 49; 60 26
Lake Neuchâtel: 90 31, 33
lakeside gardens, Momtreux: 116 51
Lakeside Park: 55 75; 63 50
Lake Trasimeno: 112 57, 60
Lamarckia aurea: 96 31
Lambert, Constant: 58 62
Lambeth Palace: 116 41
Lambley Gardens and Nursery: 93 50; 110 29
lamb's ears: 12 30; 22 30; 40 26; 49 40; 91 62; 116 15, 16; 118 42
lamb’s lettuce: 64 49; 70 55
Lamiaceae: 24 22; 40 43, 47; 43 81; 73 7, 10; 76 14; 82 62; 84 6; 85 10, 25; 91 60, 62, 63; 96 7; 97 34; 110 45, 47
lamium: 28 44
Lamium: 6 33; 84 28-30; 113 28
Lamium album: 22 44
Lamium amplexicaule: 22 44
Lamium garganicum: 82 55, 62
Lamium garganicum ssp. pictum: 25 41
Lamium maculatum: 3 31; 59 2; 84 29
Lamium moschatum: 25 12; 45 14; 79 14; 84 29
Lamorran: 46 96
Lamour, Philippe: 103 5
Lampranthus: 11 39; 18 32; 20 26; 22 52; 57 61; S(2) 22; 83 26, 27; 93 25
Lampranthus aurantiacus: 18 32; S(2) 22
Lampranthus deltoides: 31 66; 57 20
Lampranthus spectabilis: 32 7; 33 26; 43 32
Lancaster, Roy: 45 56; 91 23, 25
Land Art: 45 33; 46 17; 67 24
land husbandry, exploitative: 73 39
land management practices: 70 60
land usage: 118 9
Landerer, Xaver: 117 18
landfill: 118 4, 8
landraces: 58 68
landscape: 15 57, 59, 62; 16 8, 14; 17 13, 16, 17; 18 13, 14; 19 28; 20 54-57; 21 25, 59; 22 45-48, 51, 68, 69; 49 1-3, 11, 29, 48, 67
landscape art: 61 14; 67 24
landscape damage: 63 76
landscape designers/professionals: 28 31; 28 54; 47 65-67; 93 9
Landscape Institute: 87 61
Landscape Succession Strategy: 100 4
landscaping: 14 24-27; 25 13; 28 2, 21
landscaping, non-flammable: 22 48
Landseer: 64 61
landslides: 51 80; 118 37
Lane Fox, Robin: 85 71; 87 1, 47; 103 18, 20; 111 51; 116 66
Lange, Ludwig: 98 13
Lanitis carob mill, Limassol : 103 72
lantana: 9 19; 23 24; 26 30; 46 28; 55 50; 56 25; 62 56; 64 19, 47; 66 27; 67 11; 68 14; 70 3; 81 14; 91 20; 92 29; 97 44; 99 42; 100 23; 102 13; 103 36; 104 23; 113 53; 115 32
lantana hybrid: 30 27
Lantana: 3 39; 13 8; 18 13, 14; 22 20; 39 6; 41 26, 72; 43 15, 30, 48; 47 18; 59 54; 64 25; 67 46; 69 30; 70 3; 75 34; 92 28; 110 7; 115 49
Lantana camara: 1 40; 11 42; 15 72; 19 47; 35 12; 43 15; 47 8; 54 3, 16; 55 53, 54; 64 54; 66 27, 32; 71 60; 7237; 82 6; 100 23; 104 22; 115 31; 116 64; 117 16
Lantana camara ‘Bandana Cherry’: 101 21
Lantana camara ‘Orange Sunrise’: 101 21
Lantana camara × montevidensis: 20 22
Lantana montevidensis: 27 54; 39 6; 43 15; 55 54; 57 18; 71 60; 95 56; 98 29; 101 15; 103 38; 104 22; 112 48; 116 63
Lantana montevidensis ‘Alba’: 110 7
Lantana sellowiana: 11 44, 45; 12 31; 19 47
Lantana × hybrida: 12 31
Lantana, dwarf: 14 23
Lao Tzu: 108 12
Laodicea callipyge: 1 32
Lapageria rosea: 45 46; 112 40
lapagerias: 57 23
Lapeirousia: 21 23
Lapeirousia laxa: 90 37
Lapeirousia laxa var. alba: 20 26
Lapeirousia oreogena: 21 19, 22; 77 39, 42
lapeirousias: 21 23; 77 43
Lapiedra martinezii: 15 34
Lapis lacedaemonius: 87 39
Lappula squarrosa: 17 58
larch: 100 52
Large-fruited South Australian blue gum: 25 23
Larix: 15 10
Larix laricina: 96 35
larkspur: 9 25; 25 12; 55 28; 58 59; 59 2; 60 32; 70 29; 71 27; 72 39; 78 62; 84 24, 32; 100 44; 105 25; 106 18; 107 3; 108 40; 115 50; 118 25
larkspur, forking: 114 53
Larrea tridentata: 31 57; 118 61
larvae: 46 7, 102, 102; 86 23; 87 32; 94 40, 41, 45
larvae, beetle: 112 45
larvae, Paysandisia: 103 74
larval cocoons: 103 73
larval host plant: 83 8
Larvivora svecica: 86 18
Lascaux: 74 41
Lasiandra: 43 14
Lasiopetalum baueri: 2 19
Lasiopetalum behrii: 2 19
Lasiopetalum schulzenii: 2 19
Lasthenia californica: 55 2
lateral buds: 62 58, 59
latex: 101 64
lathyrism: 107 68
Lathyrus: 55 8; 107 67, 68
Lathyrus ‘Atlantis’: 107 70
Lathyrus belinensis: 61 50; 107 69
Lathyrus ‘Betty Maiden’: 107 70
Lathyrus ‘Blue Ripple’: 107 70
Lathyrus ‘Charlie’s Angel’: 107 70
Lathyrus cicera: 85 3
Lathyrus clymenum: 93 59; 107 68; 110 54
Lathyrus digitatus: 82 62
Lathyrus grandiflorus: 82 62; 105 28
Lathyrus ‘Gwaur Cymru’: 107 70
Lathrys japonicus: 107 69
Lathyrus ‘Jilly’: 107 70
Lathyrus ‘King Size Navy Blue’: 107 70
Lathyrus latifolius: 20 28; 22 14; 64 54; 107 69
Lathyrus latifolius 'Albus': 20 28
Lathyrus laxiflorus: 82 62; 105 28
Lathyrus ‘Midnight’: 107 70
Lathyrus ‘Millennium’: 107 70
Lathyrus ‘Mollie Rilstone’: 107 70
Lathyrus niger: 107 69
Lathyrus nissolia: 82 62
Lathyrus ochrus: 85 2
Lathyrus odoratus: 56 34; 66 36; 107 67, 69; 115 59
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Matucana’: 90 68
Lathyrus oleraceus: 107 67
Lathyrus ophaca: 60 52
Lathyrus pannonicus: 107 69
Lathyrus ‘Pip’s Maroon’: 107 70
Lathyrus rotundifolia: 107 69
Lathyrus sativus: 107 68
Lathyrus tingitanus: 3 31; 78 66; 116 6
Lathyrus tuberosus: 60 52
Lathyrus ‘Unique’: 107 70
Lathyrus vernus: 73 48; 82 62; 115 20
Lathyrus vestitus: 107 69
Lathyrus ‘Windsor’: 107 70
Latymer, Hugo: 100 62; 103 38; 117 60
Laudakia stellio: 61 52; 115 22; 117 51
Launaea cervicornis: 78 69
Lauraceae: 44 36; 91 62
laurel: 2 33; 4 31; 6 15, 24; 7 35; 10 11, 12; 20 19, 29; 23 21, 22, 46; 28 6; 35 16; 47 8, 11; 48 49; 55 40; 58 16; 60 23, 57; 61 14; 64 67; 66 18, 21; 67 27; 81 28; 93 68; 96 5; 99 43; 100 43; 103 4, 8; 104 34
laurel, Alexandria: 54 27
laurel, Azores: 52 17
laurel, Indian: 107 11
laurel, saw-tooth: 90 19
laurestines: 98 8
laurisylva/laurisylvan woods: 63 6, 14
Laurus: 5 33; 49 55, 56; 115 76
Laurus azorica: 39 69; 52 17
Laurus nobilis: 2 31; 3 30; 4 26; 7 6, 49; 8 18; 10 11, 31; 11 8, 25; 13 23, 45; 15 40; 17 32; 18 6; 20 41; 21 33; 22 41; 23 46; 25 14; 27 38; 29 39; 30 41, 54; 35 6, 14, 16; 36 8, 29; 39 24; 49 30, 31, 53, 54; 52 33, 34; 55 33; 56 14; 59 47; 60 57; 62 46; 64 51, 67, 71; 71 34; 72 18; 75 23; 77 100; 78 30; 79 56; 81 18; 82 7; 89 8; 92 5, 17; 93 11; 95 52; 99 55, 58; 102 11, 45; 107 6; 110 7; 111 4; 113 20; 115 20, 53, 65; 117 39, 53; 118 11, 28
Laurus nobilis ‘Baby Bay’: 108 1
laurustinus: 1 5; 4 15; 5 46; 6 23, 53; 7 35; 8 18; 22 6, 71; 24 69; 25 14; 31 9; 36 24; 39 16, 22; 40 1-3; 47 3, 20; 49 41; 53 10, 12; 56 25; 62 43; 66 58; 72 3; 73 69; 77 9, 97; 81 29; 94 11; 102 13; 110 36; 112 65; 115 65
lava powder: 70 68
Lavandula, Shepherd’s Flat: 70 34
Lavandula: 6 33; 10 28; 14 25, 26; 19 50, 65; 20 41; 21 62; 30 18; 36 8, 27; 38 28; 39 38, 73, 74; 40 56; 43 30; 54 61; 57 2; 64 71; 66 36; 76 51; 77 116; 82 8, 50; 85 56; 91 62; 94 40; 102 7; 107 7; 110 47; 114 68; 115 59, 66; 117 12; 118 51
Lavandula angustifolia: 13 20; 20 41; 22 28; 25 14; 36 8; 39 73, 75-77; 45 11; 47 16; 50 2, 6; 59 7; 66 31; 70 48, 49; 80 22; 61 16; 82 43, 47; 84 19, 21; 86 26; 89 30; 103 23, 41; 104 22; 107 42; 118 42
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Snow’ : 103 23
Lavandula angustifolia 'Grappenhall': 39 44
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote Blue’: 84 19
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote Pink’: 86 29; 118 25
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’: 84 19
Lavandula angustifolia 'Seal': 39 44
Lavandula angustifolia 'Silver Frost': 57 21
Lavandula angustifolia ssp. angustifolia: 42 30
Lavandula angustifolia ssp. pyrenaica: 42 29
Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple': 39 38, 44; 84 19; 86 29
Lavandula allardii: 116 65
Lavandula atriplicifolia: 39 74
Lavandula bramwellii: 39 74
Lavandula buchii var. buchii: 67 62
Lavandula canariensis: 39 74; 116 63
Lavandula canariensis ssp. fuertaventurae: 39 74
Lavandula dentata: 1 14; 22 28; 25 10; 29 4, 19, 20; 38 21; 39 7, 45, 73, 77; 47 16; 49 40; 59 5, 7; 60 8; 64 37; 67 9, 29; 68 36; 71 54; 80 1; 83 22; 84 19; 85 56; 89 30; 92 8, 28; 98 23; 102 28; 103 41; 104 22; 112 58; 115 49
Lavandula dentata ssp. dentata: 116 63
Lavandula dentata var. candicans: 29 20 ; 80 22; 86 30; 112 50; 115 66; 116 63
Lavandula dentata var. dentata: 42 31, 32
Lavandula dentata var. dentata 'Linda Ligon': 42 32
Lavandula dentata var. dentata 'Royal Crown': 42 32
Lavandula dentata ‘Imi n’Ifri’: 86 29
Lavandula erythraeae: 39 75
Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Grey': 59 5, 7; 100 6
Lavandula 'Hidcote': 22 28
Lavandula hybrida 'Lady': 10 29; 17 33
Lavandula hybrids:19 50
Lavandula lanata: 1 14; 39 77; 42 30-32; 80 1
Lavandula latifolia: 39 76, 77; 42 29, 30, 21; 50 2; 98 23
Lavandula lusitanica: 16 29
Lavandula maroccana: 42 30
Lavandula multifida: 24 12, 27; 25 10; 39 6; 42 36; 43 44; 71 73; 98 23; 99 52; 116 63
Lavandula multifida 'Blue Wonder': 42 36
Lavandula Munstead': 15 18; 22 28
Lavandula officinalis: 82 43
Lavandula pedunculata: 39 76; 42 33-35; 68 9; 78 66; 81 57
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. pedunculata: 42 34
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. lusitanica: 42 34
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. pedunculata 'Atlas': 42 34
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. pedunculata 'James Compton': 42 34
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. pedunculata 'Papillon': 42 34
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. sampaiana: 42 35
Lavandula pedunculata ssp. sampaiana Purple Emperor': 42 35
Lavandula pinnata: 36 13; 116 64
Lavandula qishnensis: 39 74
Lavandula samhanensis: 39 74
Lavandula spica: 3 33
Lavandula stoechas: 1 14; 3 33; 10 18, 19, 29; 16 29; 17 57; 20 41; 21 68; 22 28; 25 10, 16; 26 12; 32 19; 39 73, 76; 40 40; 42 33; 57 2; 66 31; 73 66; 85 5, 56; 98 23; 100 69; 105 54; 116 6
Lavandula stoechas ssp. luisieri: 42 33, 35
Lavandula stoechas ssp. luisieri 'Tickled Pink': 42 33
Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas 'Liberty': 42 33
Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas: 42 33, 34
Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas 'Bella Signora': 42 33
Lavandula stoechas 'Wings of Night': 21 68
Lavandula 'Twickel Purple': 22 28
Lavandula viridis: 39 76; 42 33, 35
Lavandula viridis hybrid 'Avonview': 42 35
Lavandula viridis hybrid 'Helmsdale': 42 35
Lavandula viridis hybrid 'Marshwood': 42 35
Lavandula viridis hybrid 'Regal Splendour': 42 36
Lavandula viridis hybrid 'Willow Vale': 42 36
Lavandula viridis 'Silver Ghost': 42 36
Lavandula × allardii: 42 32; 59 7; 75 45
Lavandula × cadevalli: 42 34
Lavandula × chaytorae: 42 31
Lavandula × chaytorae 'Andreas': 42 30
Lavandula × chaytorae 'Richard Gray': 39 44; 42 30; 67 29
Lavandula × chaytorae 'Sawyers': 39 77; 42 30
Lavandula × ginginsii: 42 32
Lavandula × ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Grey': 39 77; 67 9; 80 1; 115 66
Lavandula × heterophylla: 42 32; 63 62; 75 45
Lavandula × heterophylla ‘African Pride’: 85 32; 115 66
Lavandula × heterophylla 'Devantville': 39 44
Lavandula × intermedia: 39 73; 50 2; 52 2
Lavandula × intermedia 'Alba’: 39 44; 62 32
Lavandula × intermedia 'Dutch': 39 44; 62 32
Lavandula × intermedia ‘Edelweiss’: 84 19
Lavandula × intermedia 'Fred Boutin': 57 20
Lavandula × intermedia 'Grappenhall': 42 30
Lavandula × intermedia 'Grosso': 62 32; 84 19; 85 32
Lavandula × intermedia 'Provence': 62 32; 75 45
Lavandula × intermedia 'Seal': 42 30
Lavandula × intermedia 'Super': 115 66
Lavandula × intermedia ssp. aurigerana: 42 29
Lavandula × intermedia ssp. intermedia: 42 29, 30
Lavandula × intermedia 'Super': 62 32
Lavandula × limae: 42 35
Lavandula × losae: 42 30; 73 13
lavandula: 115 40
lavatera: 23 24
Lavatera: 13 8; 14 18; 19 50, 56; 20 41; 22 16, 38; 46 19
Lavatera acerifolia: 30 70
Lavatera arborea: 3 31; 16 32; 19 56; 20 41
Lavatera assurgentiflora: 30 70
Lavatera 'Barnsley': 41 26
Lavatera cretica: 3 31; 16 32; 19 56
Lavatera maritima: 21 42; 82 46; 92 8; 114 52
Lavatera olbia: 21 42; 22 38
Lavatera olbia 'Rosea': 1 13; 41 28
Lavatera phoenicea: 30 70
Lavatera punctata: 78 66
Lavatera rosea: 40 39
Lavatera thuringiaca: 21 67; 41 26; 71 34
Lavatera trimestris: 40 39
Lavatera × clementii: 96 39
lavender: 1 5, 8, 14; 2 9, 15; 3 8, 42, 45; 4 25, 32, 33; 5 15, 25, 33, 46; 6 12, 18, 24, 52; 7 4, 6; 8 4, 7; 9 1, 16, 19; 10 17, 26-29; 11 17, 31; 12 7, 24, 25; 13 3; 14 16; 15 2, 59; 16 29, 32; 17 1, 3, 30, 40, 54, 55, 72; 18 3, 22, 24, 27, 63; 19 5, 9, 25, 26, 65, 66; 20 48, 53; 21 6; 22 1, 6, 17, 28; 23 23, 37, 56, 59; 24 8, 17, 21, 27, 28, 67; 25 10, 68; 26 4, 5, 53, 67; 27 12-14, 66, 82; 28 47; 29 65; 30 16, 18; 31 50; 32 50; 33 30; 34 5; 35 32, 64, 69; 36 67; 39 73, 74, 77; 40 8; 41 43; 42 28, 29-36, 54, 75; 43 12, 15, 30, 44, 47, 80; 44 47; 45 11, 36, 53; 47 11, 14-16, 47; 48 41, 49, 68; 49 34, 38, 40, 44; 50 2, 6, 9, 11; 51 2, 19, 20, 22, 48, 51, 52, 61; 52 36; 53 28; 55 26; 57 2, 46; 58 14, 54, 59; 59 9, 37; 60 31; 61 63, 68; 62 5, 6, 7, 25, 32, 48, 51-53; 63 40, 77; 64 15, 19, 25, 41, 42, 45, 47; 65 69; 66 10, 12, 18, 21, 31, 32, 37, 58; 67 22, 29, 44, 51; 69 33, 40-42; 70 33, 34, 47, 48; 71 51, 73; 72 48; 73 7, 69; 74 58, 38, 57; 75 26, 34, 45, 56; 76 41, 46; 77 9, 12, 76, 86, 87, 89; 78 2, 36; 79 41, 45, 72, 73; 80 1, 28, 48; 81 21, 24, 28; 82 8, 43, 44, 47; 83 11, 22; 84 17, 18, 21, 50; 85 5, 43; 87 46, 49, 52, 54-56; 88 22, 39; 89 33; 91 11, 16, 20, 51, 53, 54, 62; 92 28, 29, 31, 55; 93 11, 14, 16, 34, 58; 94 11, 14, 48; 95 46, 49; 97 22, 24, 30, 31,43; 98 23, 24, 27, 1, 46, 48; 99 41, 46; 100 12; 101 53; 102 13, 25, 32, 42; 103 14, 36, 40, 41; 106 18; 107 41, 42; 110 36, 47, 57; 111 49; 112 14, 22, 45, 47, 48; 115 29, 57; 116 18-20; 117 15, 63; 118 16, 25, 42, 61
lavender, winter-flowering: 115 49
lavender bags: 62 32; 80 26
lavender cotton: 4 41; 22 6; 33 24; 91 62; 113 55
lavender oil: 73 44; 82 43, 47
lavender, English: 89 30
lavender, French: 5 10; 16 29
lavender, hybrid: 53 29
lavender, hybrid 'Joan Head': 48 24
lavender ‘Munstead’: 79 72
lavender, oregano-scented: 24 27
lavender, Spanish: 79 33; 93 14
lavender, toothed: 104 22
laverbread: 110 65
lawn clippings: 11 46; 58 32
lawn grasses: 67 69
lawn grasses – Cynodon dactylon: 31 37
lawn grasses – Cynodon ‘Santa Ana’: 43 27; 67 68, 69
lawn grasses – Paspalum vaginatum: 31 37
lawn grasses – Pennisetum clandestinum: 31 37
lawn grasses – St. Augustine grass: 31 37
lawn grasses – Stenotaphrum secundatum 'Common': 31 37
lawn grasses – Zoysia: 31 37
lawn grasses – Zoysia tenuifolia: 48 25; 67 68
lawn mower: 67 68; 83 25; 94 28; 102 45; 111 50
lawn mowing: 58 35; 105 57
lawn, non-grass: 94 25-28
lawn substitutes/alternatives: 48 25; 50 34; 66 67; 67 14, 46, 67, 68; 70 5; 74 3; 75 51; 84 28, 59; 85 32, 40; 88 52; 89 47; 94 25-29; 103 61
lawns: 1 6; 2 15, 33; 4 4, 5, 32; 5 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, 46, 47; 6 5, 9, 17, 20, 34, 45, 54; 7 27, 29, 30; 8 5, 7, 8, 21, 42-45; 9 18, 20, 28, 37; 10 21, 27; 11 51; 12 7, 8, 19, 20; 13 19, 20, 39; 14 17, 20, 23; 15 2, 12, 15, 16, 19, 57; 16 9, 20, 28, 47, 58; 17 56; 18 17; 19 23, 25-27, 64, 67; 20 11, 12, 19-21, 38; 21 10, 11, 25-27, 44, 59, 60; 22 10, 46, 54, 56, 57, 59, 68; 23 7, 44, 75; 24 46; 26 30, 45, 49, 52, 64, 68, 69; 27 6, 9, 17, 19, 37, 38, 43; 28 41, 42, 44, 48; 29 22, 33, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52, 69; 30 28, 61; 31 35, 37, 60; 32 21, 45, 48, 56; 33 3, 48, 85; 34 15; 35 38, 49, 67, 69; 36 16, 17, 62; 37 2, 6, 9, 15, 17, 18, 25, 47, 56; 38 73; 39 5, 63, 65; 40 6, 13, 20, 21; 41 8; 42 7; 43 12, 13, 17, 22, 27-33, 48, 61, 63, 64; 44 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 47; 45 10, 36, 44, 45, 57; 46 28, 31, 34, 52, 55; 47 22, 41, 46-48; 48 25, 27, 30, 34, 42, 43; 49 1, 2, 25; 50 23, 34, 59; 51 19, 22, 25, 63, 65, 70; 52 22, 72; 53 4, 21; 57 4, 12, 17, 29; 58 2, 5, 10, 12, 14, 20, 39, 53; 59 1, 26, 28, 55; 60 2, 35, 37, 46; 61 10, 12, 28; 62 19, 21, 55; 63 17, 49; 65 20, 35, 37, 38; 66 5, 6, 10, 18, 19, 21, 37, 54, 71, 72; 67 14, 28, 67-70; 68 4, 6-8, 10, 66; 69 26, 30, 32, 36; 70 31, 58, 63; 71 14, 26, 33, 52; 72 24, 25, 36, 37; 73 57; 74 2, 3, 24, 31, 56, 57; 75 10, 51, 56; 76 40; 77 9, 10, 17-19, 23, 24, 66, 76, 89; 78 53; 79 39, 42, 49, 58; 80 32, 36, 38, 39; 81 13, 29, 41-43, 54; 82 13-15, 24, 30, 31, 53; 83 25, 42; 84 16, 28, 39, 46, 47, 49, 58; 85 20, 39, 40; 87 24, 50; 88 21, 51-53, 59; 89 16, 17; 90 35, 51; 91 2, 39, 41, 42, 48, 49, 53; 92 14, 22, 55; 93 2, 56; 94 8, 12, 25; 95 6, 38, 41; 97 23, 41; 98 29, 30; 99 15-17, 44, 45; 100 19, 23; 101 13, 16, 28, 29, 31, 71; 102 16, 25, 45; 103 21, 35; 104 13; 106 50; 107 35; 110 4, 5; 111 44, 49, 50; 114 1; 115 6, 7, 55, 59; 116 35; 117 41; 118 40, 51, 52
lawns, artificial: 65 37, 38; 66 71; 93 55, 56; 112 15, 47, 48,61; 113 21, 22, 34
lawns, chemical: 55 19, 22
lawns, English: 55 12, 19-21
lawns, Freedom Lawn Movement: 55 19
lawns, flowering: 72 24, 26
lawns, none: 104 13
Lawrence, D.H.: 42 39; 63 32; 77 101; 80 63; 107 76
Lawson, Henry: 76 40
Lawson's cypress: 40 16
Layard, Lady: 60 18
Layard, Sir Henry: 60 17; 98 65
layering: 28 l6; 43 39; 69 32; 72 44; 74 47; 93 60; 105 50; 116 41
Layia platyglossa: 55 2
Le Clos du Peyronnet: 19 63; 20 2; 52 27; 76 68
Le Clos Pascal: 79 49
Le Corbusier: 6 6; 35 11; 74 66; 85 15; 113 4
Le Jardin des Antipodes: 79 62
Le Jardin Secret: 105 62-64
Le Monde: 74 1, 2
Le Nôtre: 47 66; 56 18; 73 28; 79 65
Le Vastiveral: 61 2; 76 30
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design: 85 56
leadwort: 99 19
leaf bleaching: 87 26-28, 30
leaf borers: 34 37
leaf botrytis: 104 55
leaf cutter bee: 81 33
leaf drop: 103 47
leaf fall, later: 114 41
leafhopper: 80 67; 83 48
leaf litter: 85 42; 115 51
leaf miner: 6 47; 10 25; 19 57
leaf mould: 10 17, 20; 15 19; 18 56; 53 3; 71 69; 78 24; 97 27
leaf scorch: 41 45; 56 26; 78 54
leaf spot fungus: 35 21
leaf viruses: 39 12; 77 71
leafy salads: 59 75
Leaning Pine Arboretum: 29 65; 46 98; 87 16
Lear, Edward: 12 11; 21 57; 77 26
leatherjackets: 76 60
leaves held vertically: 100 9
Lebanese cuisine: 85 10
Lecanora: 88 47
Lechenaultia: 51 7
Lechenaultia biloba: 112 11
Lechenaultia biloba ‘Royale’: 71 58
Lechenaultia linarioides: 112 7
Lechenaultia macrantha: 106 34; 112 10
lechenaultias: 71 58
L'Ecluse, Charles de: 49 6; 56 2; 57 38; 77 80; 100 14, 38
Lechenaultia biloba: 100 51
LED lights: 102 61
leek orchis: 71 58
leeks: 8 50; 37 34; 58 33; 70 52, 55; 94 47; 104 52
leeks, wild: 43 6; 48 10; 78 36
Leeward Islands: 114 27
Légion d’Honeur: 101 12
Legousia: 117 11
Legousia hybrida: 20 45
Legousia speculum-veneris: 82 61
Legume family: 115 42
legumes: 8 49; 41 30; 57 29; 58 70; 62 71, 72; 89 51; 104 50
Leguminosae: 28 34; 39 69, 72; 49 69
leguminous plants: 22 36, 37, 56; 47 59; 82 22
Lehms, Georg Christian: 98 54, 56
Leigh Fermor, Patrick: 75 53; 83 40; 94 34; 117 2
Lemna: 8 38
lemon: 2 7, 8; 3 7; 4 22, 23, 52; 6 12; 7 9, 47; 8 45, 56; 10 9, 27, 29, 33, 44-48; 15 38; 16 52; 17 56, 57; 18 11, 12, 14, 16; 19 10; 21 61; 22 21, 34; 23 21, 26, 46; 25 32, 55; 26 29, 36, 52; 28 6; 29 3, 13; 32 7; 35 48, 51, 63, 65, 69, 70; 36 62; 37 37; 38 20, 76; 39 65; 42 54, 55; 43 13, 15, 36, 39-42, 45; 46 16, 53; 47 4, 22; 48 49, 57, 59; 49 22, 34, 41; 50 18; 52 29, 56; 53 37; 55 50, 54, 55; 56 4, 7, 12, 13; 60 21, 65; 62 9; 63 59; 64 15, 21; 66 27; 67 15; 69 14; 70 22, 23; 73 71; 74 48-51; 75 2; 78 51, 70; 79 6, 25, 47; 81 18, 52; 83 64-67; 84 51; 88 9, 31; 89 33-35; 90 51; 91 11; 92 8; 93 12, 24; 94 22, 45, 47, 70, 71; 95 52; 97 40; 98 49; 99 54; 100 67; 102 21, 33, 36, 38, 45; 104 22, 29, 52; 106 40; 110 7; 113 18 57; 115 24; 117 43, 44, 55. 60; 118 54
lemon, beldi: 74 51
lemon, Berna: 93 71, 72
lemon, Japanese: 73 46
lemon balm: 10 29
lemon cultivar ‘Berna/Verna’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Cuatro Estaciones’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Eureka’: 74 51; 89 34; 92 34
lemon cultivar ‘Feminello’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Fino’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Genova’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Interdonata’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Lisbon’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Luna’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Monachello’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Polyfora’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Santa Teresa’: 74 51
lemon cultivar ‘Villafranca’: 74 51
Lemon Festival: 3 52
Lemon-flowered Gum: 69 11
lemon gardens, Lake Garda: 83 65, 66
lemon grass: 17 57; 43 55; 56 46; 75 21, 24; 96 28
lemon groves/orchards 80 63; 84 51; 102 58
lemon hedge: 74 50
lemon, Meyer: 57 18; 62 34; 74 51; 101 22
lemon verbena: 10 33; 31 45; 43 63; 45 35; 51 52, 54; 60 23; 62 36; 75 26; 85 23; 94 48; 99 66
Lemonade Berry: 24 14
lemonata peach: 118 14
Lenormand: 108 30
Lenten rose: 21 29; 52 16
Lentibulariaceae: 82 63
lentils: 52 34; 58 70; 62 71; 91 11
lentisk/lentiscus: 2 33; 3 38; 4 33, 40, 50; 15 26; 16 42, 46; 18 2, 15, 16; 22 1, 51; 23 56; 24 69; 25 10; 27 30, 31; 29 24; 30 22; 31 9, 11; 34 7; 36 8, 24; 38 49; 39 16; 40 40, 70; 43 79; 45 11; 47 5, 8, 51; 50 6; 51 14, 41; 52 4, 5, 6, 8; 53 8, 10; 57 3; 58 8; 59 12, 65; 62 14, 19, 20, 24, 25, 31; 66 58; 68 4; 70 7, 48; 72 39; 74 41; 75 56; 76 8; 77 1; 80 1, 39; 82 53; 83 17; 87 59; 93 11; 94 63; 95 38, 46; 97 7, 34, 7; 98 27; 101 6, 7; 102 10, 11; 103 44; 105 44, 45, 48; 107 17; 112 51; 113 53; 115 5, 6, 65
Leonardo da Vinci: 44 1; 56 61
leonotis: 26 51
Leonotis leonurus: 39 7; 91 63; 99 56; 116 64
Leonotis ocymifolia: 59 6
Leontice leontopetalum: 65 46; 101 62
Leopard Tree: 83 32
Leopard’s Gorge: 88 53
Leopoldia comosa: 65 46; 70 10, 11; 73 44; 80 55; 80 60; 92 26; 93 37, 38; 100 10; 102 31
Lepanto, Battle of: 53 1
Lepechinia hastata: 67 62; 102 26
Lepidium sativum: 67 64
lepidoptera: 64 54
Lepidozamia: 81 11
Lepismium cruciform: 86 8
Leptoplax emarginata: 82 61
leptospermum: 55 69; 67 21; 76 45
Leptospermum: 5 45; 6 14; 21 47
Leptospermum citratum: 80 68
Leptospermum laevigatum: 2 19; 79 50; 91 59
Leptospermum lanigerum: 12 46
Leptospermum petersonii: 80 68
Leptospermum scoparium: 17 34; 21 25; 29 33; 91 59; 114 72
Leptospermum scoparium 'Nicholsii': 18 24
Leptospermum scoparium 'Red Damask': 11 44; 29 33, 34
Leptospermum scoparium var. rotundifolium: 21 25
Leptospermum scoparium 'White Swan': 29 67
LeRoy, David: 55 69
Les Cèdres: 15 41; 18 58; 19 75; 52 20; 54 70; 58 4, 5; 95 68
Les Colombières: 79 60 ;
Les Confines: 76 66; 79 47, 48
Leschenault de la Tour, Jean-Baptiste: 106 34
lesser celandine: 64 60
Lessertia frutescens: 65 1
lettuce: 1 44, 48, 53; 4 45; 6 46; 7 7; 8 50; 28 44; 29 44; 49 42; 55 38; 58 35, 41, 44; 61 46, 47; 67 64; 69 61; 70 55; 102 71
lettuce, red: 58 37; 70 50
Leucadendron: 71 19; 82 39; 102 13; 114 64
Leucadendron argenteum: 55 69; 71 21; 90 54
Leucadendron 'Cloudbank Jenny': 21 65, 68
Leucadendron cordifolium: 111 24
Leucadendron discolor: 21 65, 68; 38 22
Leucadendron eucalyptifolium: 16 17; 59 24, 25
Leucadendron gandogeri: 21 65, 68
Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset': 53 35
Leucadendron salignum: 21 23; 59 25; 77 42
Leuadendron strobilinum: 90 55
leucadendrons: 37 43; 43 15; 69 38; 104 27
Leucaena leucocephala: 54 68; 59 1; 78 66
Leucanthemum: 57 41
Leucanthemum monspeliense: 57 42
Leucanthemum vulgare: 42 53; 78 66
Leucanthemum × superbum: 22 25
Leucojum: 20 26; 23 51; 72 70; 96 7; 100 13; 101 70
Leucojum aestivum: 1 8; 20 26; 54 59; 77 13; 89 59; 94 15; 100 13
Leucojum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant': 20 26
Leucojum autumnale: 3 35; 15 37; 20 26; 23 51
Leucojum ionicum: 100 10
Leucophyllum: 76 10; 107 7
Leucophyllum candidum: 12 27; 30 70; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum candidum ‘Silver Cloud’: 12 27; S(1)14
Leucophyllum candidum ‘Thunder Cloud: 12 27; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum frutescens: 12 26; 27 55; 30 70; 47 52; 48 23; 52 55; 59 54; 63 17; S(1) 13, 14; 73 13; 75 45; 83 22; 85 23; 86 26; 89 27; 112 9; 115 49, 65
Leucophyllum frutescens ‘Green Cloud’: 12 27; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum frutescens ‘White Cloud’: 12 27; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum frutescens var. compactum: 12 27; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum langmaniae: 12 27; 54 62; S(1) 14; 72 14; 73 13; 77 116; 115 65
Leucophyllum langmaniae ‘Green Star’: 12 27; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum minus: 12 27; 30 70; S(1) 14
Leucophyllum pruinosum ‘Purple Bouquet’: 91 49
Leucophyllum × ‘Rain Cloud’: S(1) 14
Leucophyta: 21 2
Leucophyta brownii: 80 22, 23; 84 20, 21; 89 19; 112 4; 116 16
Leucopogon parviflorus: 79 50
leucospermum: 115 39
Leucospermum: 71 19; 91 63
Leucospermum bolusii: 88 54
Leucospermum cordifolium: 111 24, 29
Leucospermum cuneiforme: 16 16; 88 54
Leucospermum oleaefolium: 71 21
Leucospermum reflexum: 71 21
Leucospermum 'Scarlet Ribbon': 21 65, 68
levada: 96 38
Levant Company: 98 64
Levisticum officinale: 75 23; 83 70
Lewis, Dylan: 89 40, 41
lewisia: 11 33; 29 42; 43 17
Leyland cypress: 88 62
Leymus condensatus ‘Canyon Prince’: 112 26
libertia: 91 59
Libertia chilensis: 116 4
Libertia ixioides ‘Goldfinger’: 91 59
Libbertia peregrinans 'Goldfinger': 57 18, 20
Library of Alexandria: 105 39
lichen: 15 7; 39 54; 77 36; 78 36; 81 20; 83 15; 86 44; 88 47; 93 49; 99 50; 104 48; 111 19, 67; 112 28
Licorice Plant: 91 63; 105 16
Licuala peltata: 1 33
LIFE+: 75 37
lifting plants: 97 26
Light, Colonel William: 72 46, 49
light, intensity of: 55 53
light levels: 116 18
light, play of: 78 4, 7; 80 48
light pollution: 65 46; 106 53
lighting: 22 9; 47 42; 85 4
lightning: 51 4; 58 43; 114 4
lignotuber: 71 55; 94 24; 102 11; 107 59, 60
lignum vitae: 114 29
Ligorio, Pirro: 84 55
ligularia: 13 9: 97 43
Ligusticum lucidum ssp. huteri: 17 7
Ligustrum: 7 49; 15 41, 68; 22 38; 23 22; 32 3; 35 24; 49 50, 55, 56; 66 35, 36
Ligustrum japonicum: 47 10, 11
Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum': 5 25; 15 41
Ligustrum lucidum: 49 53, 54; 116 47; 117 54
Ligustrum ovalifolium: 29 12; 82 30
Ligustrum texanum: 15 41
Ligustrum vulgare: 22 38; 80 43; 111 40
ligustrum: 114 47
lilac: 6 13; 9 32; 12 8, 20; 40 54; 42 9, 24; 44 45; 47 5; 49 25, 59; 51 46, 47; 59 33; 60 9; 61 34; 64 40, 46; 72 9; 77 74; 84 12; 111 49; 113 54
lilac, Persian: 10 12
lilacs, hybrid: 55 8
Liliaceae: 37 21, 22; 48 10; 51 7; 54 26, 63; 61 38; 73 2; 82 63; 91 61, 63; 96 27; 100 15, 17
lilies: 1 42; 6 55; 9 11, 37; 11 12, 17, 19; 12 11; 19 8; 20 25; 28 17; 29 50; 33 30; 35 39; 37 12, 18, 21; 38 21, 74, 79; 42 9, 14; 48 49; 49 12; 52 53; 57 23; 60 19; 70 26, 29; 71 43, 52; 72 40; 77 26, 66; 79 1; 87 67, 68; 100 18; 101 70; 103 19; 105 17, 37; 111 70
lilies, Cape: 16 20
lilies, foxtail: 89 67
lilies, George: 16 18
lilies, Japanese: 79 1
lilies, Madonna: 2 6; 6 16; 35 39; 55 27; 57 1; 62 49, 50; 72 22; 77 66; 84 7; 102 67
lilies, oriental: 18 49; 56 25
lilies, Oriental Trumpet: 85 21
lilies, 'Pink Perfection': 33 28
lilies, 'Regale: 33 28
lilies, tiger: 56 25
lilies, Turk's Cap: 19 8; 78 62
lilies, water-lily: 19 69; 21 12; 23 30, 61; 25 8; 30 21
Lilioceris lilii: 5 26; 94 41
lilium: 13 34
Lilium: 82 33; 94 41
Lilium akkusianum: 80 56
Lilium albanicum: 87 68
Lilium asiaticum: 100 17
Lilium ‘Black Beauty’: 100 18; 101 70
Lilium candidum: 2 6; 3 35; 6 16; 11 19; 18 6; 20 41; 35 39; 49 12; 54 59; 57 1; 59 57; 70 26; 77 66; 82 33; 84 7-9; 87 68
Lilium carniolicum: 87 68
Lilium chalcedonicum: 87 68
Lilium ciliatum: 80 56
Lilium formosanum: 78 66
Lilium henryi: 1 8; 26 59; 77 13; 94 15; 100 18
Lilium humboldtii: 100 18
Lilium 'Leslie Woodriff': 37 10
Lilium longiflorum: 19 8; 96 38; 100 17
Lilium martagon: 11 19; 19 8; 20 41; 35 39; 77 66
Lilium martagon ssp. cattaniae: 87 68
Lilium monadelphum: 72 40
Lilium ponticum: 11 9
Lilium regale: 2 20; 4 42; 35 39; 77 66; 104 40; 115 38; 116 6
Lilium rhodopeum: 87 68
Lilium szovitsianum: 11 19
lillypilly: 51 21; 69 8; 77 88; 79 11; 83 34; 92 34; 102 11, 20; 105 9, 12; 110 36; 112 56
lillypilly, weeping: 11 27, 33
lily beetle: 5 26; 6 55; 78 55; 94 41
Lily of the Incas: 14 2
Lily of the Nile: 40 27; 43 32; 91 63; 100 19; 118 11
lily of the valley: 11 32; 29 50; 36 16; 41 51; 46 55; 51 60; 57 1; 73 49; 78 54; 118 25
lily of the valley tree: 110 35, 36
lily pond: 19 69; 25 8; 48 6; 74 24; 79 47; 87 7; 89 44; 91 54; 116 8, 9
lily turf: 40 27; 52 35
lily, Kaffir: 22 24
Lima bean: 57 34
Limbarda crithmoides: 75 55; 97 31
lime (fruit): 43 45, 55; 47 48; 48 49; 65 56; 75 2; 91 11; 102 45; 114 28; 115 20; 117 44
lime, Kaffir: 89 34
lime, Tahitian: 89 34; 92 34
lime (substance): 18 10, 16; 46 44; 58 33; 61 37; 74 20, 21; 104 38
lime-haters: 94 21
limescale: 96 13; 102 41
lime tolerance: 1 24, 25; 25 24; 30 30; 50 8; 52 57; 53 44; 78 36
lime tree (linden): 7 37; 26 15; 51 60; 74 39; 81 71; 84 13; 105 55
Limenitis reducta: 83 11
limequat: 10 48, 49; 52 56; 83 71
limestone: 8 18, 27; 15 31, 32; 16 22; 17 20, 24; 18 21; 20 9, 12, 22; 54; 21 57; 22 17, 57; 25 23; 28 12, 16; 47 7, 53; 55 25, 66; 56 7, 19, 59; 62 42; 64 21, 22; 65 15, 47; S(1) 15; 66 10; 67 38; 69 18-20; 70 39, 46, 48; 73 1, 14, 42, 48; 5 40, 49; 76 20; 77 96; 78 36; 79 19, 23, 50; 80 19, 20; 82 4, 11, 24, 70; 83 71; 84 6, 14; 88 13, 54; 90 9; 91 5; 92 8, 33, 34, 43; 93 6, 32, 44; 94 24; 112 42; 114 54; 115 5, 9, 12, 13, 16-19; 118 11
limestone pavement: 74 44; 83 15, 16; 110 57
limestone schist: 7 5
Limnanthes douglasii: 10 20
Limodorum abortivum: 61 51; 85 3; 88 46; 104 13; 110 43
limonaia: 52 33, 34
limoncello: 10 46; 62 34
Limoniastrum: 39 23
Limoniastrum monopetalum: 2 15; 5 25; 39 22; 41 18; 45 14, 22; 59 7; 60 8; 68 36; 69 49; 79 45; 87 44; 98 57; 116 19, 20; 118 47
Limoniastrum monopetalum ‘Carnaval’: 85 31
Limonium:26 49; 52 16; 54 49; 69 32; 118 51
Limonium arborescens: 39 9, 11; 77 68, 70
Limonium articulatum: 83 17
Limonium auriculae-ursifolium: 18 62
Limonium biflorum: 67 58
Limonium caprariense: 67 61
Limonium ferulaceum: 67 58
Limonium fontguerrii: 67 58
Limonium latifolium: 103 37
Limonium melitense: 91 6
Limonium monopetalum: 11 42
Limonium perezii: 39 9, 11; 77 68, 70; 92 33
Limonium playphyllum: 103 37
Limonium pruinosum: 74 46
Limonium psilocladon: 92 14
Limonium puberulum: 39 11; 77 70
Limonium ramosissimum: 18 62; 92 14
Limonium rigualis: 92 8
Limonium sinuatum: 3 33; 9 23; 54 49; 95 16
Limonium speciosum: 11 42
Limonium strictissimum: 57 9
Limonium sventenii: 39 10, 11; 77 69, 70
Limonium vulgare: 95 8
limoniums: 52 17
Linaceae: 37 22
Linaria: 14 19
Linaria purpurea: 3 32
Linaria triornithophora: 3 22; 21 68
Linaria ventricosa: 73 65; 81 55
Lind, James: 83 66
linden: 21 10; 22 52; 28 44; 50 1; 60 22, 38, 40, 41; 68 23; 72 9; 103 28; 110 6; 113 20, 21, 23
Linden Gardens: 37 3
linden, pleached: 21 10
Lindera benzoin: 71 34
Lindera praecox: 5 5
Lindley Library: 27 28; 35 1, 3, 34, 43; 36 2, 3, 61; 37 5, 62, 67; 38 6; 71 64
Lindsay, Norah: 42 5, 9
linear perspective: 74 28
ling: 59 15; 82 48; 83 17
Linnaeus: 19 41; 20 62; 21 33; 29 32; 49 6, 7; 52 37, 38; 57 38-41, 43; 69 53, 55; 71 63; 72 25; 77 80; 78 48; 80 71; 86 71; 97 57; 98 64; 100 38-40; 103 50, 53
Linnaean botany: 114 30
Linnean Society: 52 37, 38; 68 60; 69 55
Linum: 20 7, 27; 116 49
Linum angustifolium: 70 48
Linum arboreum: 74 46, 47
Linum austriacum: 73 66; 81 57; 85 38
Linum bienne: 70 48; 78 42
Linum campanulatum: 3 33; 70 48; 73 1
Linum flavum: 73 43
Linum leucanthum: 110 19
Linum marginale: 37 22
Linum maritimum: 16 32
Linum narbonense: 3 33; 70 48, 49; 79 22, 24; 114 51
Linum perenne: 112 50
Linum tauricum: 73 43
Linum trigynum: 16 32
Linum usitatissimum: 3 33
Linum usitatissimum ssp. angustifolium: 78 42
lion’s ear: 91 63
lippia: 34 7; 60 23; 102 27
Lippia: 38 28; 94 27, 28
Lippia canescens: 54 67
Lippia citriodora: 31 45; 36 27; 47 18
Lippia cordata: 27 54
Lippia lycioides: 43 61
Lippia nodiflora: 36 27; 38 28; 43 28; 50 34; 72 21; 94 25, 28
liquid feeds: 70 51
liquid manure: 6 46
liquidambar: 22 13, 52; 90 7, 8; 110 35
Liquidambar: 96 39; 102 46
Liquidambar formosana: 83 32
Liquidambar orientalis: 40 43; 90 7
Liquidambar styraciflua: 89 7; 90 16
liquorice: 45 66; 55 30-33; 59 47; 60 32; 82 22; 91 63; 117 7
Liriodendron: 102 46
Liriodendron tulipifera: 35 6; 54 38; 73 46; 81 8; 89 8; 117 55
liriope: 35 69
Liriope muscari: 30 23; 38 28, 29; 49 30, 32; 52 36; 59 6; 86 29; 103 56
Liriope muscari ‘Variegata’: 64 24
Liriope ‘Royal Purple’: 90 29
Liriope spicata: 38 21; 43 32
Liriope spicata 'Gin-ryu': 52 35
Lismore Castle: 90 37
listed garden: 56 16
Listera ovata: 54 56
Litchi chinensis: 69 15; 70 16; 74 71; 92 47
lithocarpus: 19 68
Lithocarpus densiflorus: 24 40
lithodora: 91 62; 115 29
Lithodora: 45 13
Lithodora diffusa: 16 31; 18 62; 48 61; 91 62
Lithidora fruticosa: 64 1; 70 49; 73 1; 114 51
Lithodora hispidula: 20 41; 73 1
Lithodora rosmarinifolia: 18 62; 59 14; 73 1
Lithodora zahnii: 75 2
lithops: 93 66; 100 32-36; 111 23, 26
Lithops: 18 30; 30 60; 59 55; S(2) 20; 100 33
Lithops herrei: 111 28
Lithops karasmontana: 100 35
Lithops marmorata: 111 26
lithospermum: 12 10; 91 62
Lithospermum: 14 35
Lithospermum diffusum: 3 33
Lithospermum purpurocaerulem: 3 33
Lithospermum rosmarinifolia: 59 14
litter layer: 70 42
Little Petra: 101 60
Little Sparta: 53 6; 55 62; 61 23; 80 58
Littonia: 1 21
littonia:111 38
live oak: 25 16; 27 4, 12, 14
livestock: 61 6, 10, 14; 62 70; 84 40; 100 30, 31; 102 43; 115 21
Livia: 46 60, 62; 83 67
liverworts: 113 42; 114 59
Livingstone Daisies: 83 28
living stones: 100 33, 36
Livistona: 19 24; 26 15; 59 22; 68 51; 80 13; 95 54; 99 37
Livistona australis: 5 5; 32 30; 33 55; 59 54; 69 9; 93 8
Livistona chinensis: 13 14; 18 8; 95 30; 115 9
Livistona decipiens: 33 55; 68 51
Lixouri: 70 32; 71 51; 86 56; 89 2, 10-15; 93 49
Llorente, Teodoro: 95 52
Lloyd, Christopher: 46 21, 22; 50 71; 61 1, 2; 64 35; 83 5; 95 60, 65; 100 62; 111 18
Lloyd Wright, Frank: 55 63; 79 1
L'Obel, Mathias de: 49 6; 57 38; 77 80
lobelia: 4 43; 5 10; 26 49; 31 10; 55 27; 80 9; 89 53; 107 14
Lobelia alata: 37 22
Lobelia bridgesii: 40 12
Lobelia cuneifolia: 59 26
Lobelia erinus: 33 28
Lobelia laxiflora: 3 8; 39 7; 101 15; 102 26
Lobelia paxtoni: 46 31
Lobelia pedunculata: 91 60
Lobelia telekii: 108 21
Lobelia tupa: 40 14; 95 32
Lobelia valida: 25 71
Lobeliaceae: 37 22
Lobesia botrana: 6 41
lobster flower: 93 34
Lobularia maritima: 3 33; 10 19; 82 47; 95 16
local ecosystems: 61 12
local tree species: 66 21
lockdown: 101 1-4, 61, 71; 102 1, 2, 30, 32, 34, 55, 71, 72; 103 1, 3, 24, 27-29, 50, 57, 72; 104 3, 17, 30, 70; 105 1, 4, 69; 106 15-17, 60, 61, 65, 66; 107 55; 108 1; 110 4. 6
locust bean: 100 25, 30; 115 42; 118 49
locust tree: 47 53
locusts: 4 14; 28 53; 63 24; 69 38; 72 35; 75 35; 60 50; 100 31
loganberries: 6 47; 89 31
loggia: 58 13; 84 47
logging: 59 7
logic of place: 74 57
Lokrum: 98 5-12
Lollium: 34 28
Lollium perenne: 43 27
lomandra: 37 14; 105 15; 112 6
Lomandra confertifolia ssp. rubiginoa ‘Seascape’: 112 55
Lomandra densiflora: 37 22
Lomandra longifolia: 71 58; 79 50; 101 42
Lomandra multiflora ssp. dura: 37 22
Lomatia ferruginea: 44 31
Lomatia hirsuta: 44 35
Lomelosia: 101 8; 115 53
Lomelosia cretica: 103 56; 112 45, 47, 50; 114 68
Lomelosia minoana: 73 13; 74 46; 86 29; 90 68; 100 7; 103 14; 104 24; 115 66
Lomelosia simplex ssp. dentata: 90 24
lomelosias: 114 37
London plane: 117 55
London rocket: 64 4
London Olympic Park: 96 44
Long Riders’ Guild: 90 63
Longwood Gardens: 24 8, 12; 71 11; 72 41
Lonicera: 6 23; 10 20; 16 46; 19 32, 47, 48, 52; 21 42; 22 14, 38; 39 17; 66 36; 75 34; 82 61; 92 31; 102 13
Lonicera caprifolium: 3 32; 10 4; 62 46; 77 100
Lonicera etrusca: 1 5; 4 50; 11 15; 77 9; 83 11; 94 11; 115 20
Lonicera fragrans: 2 11
Lonicera fragrantissima: 19 47, 48; 35 35; 53 23; 77 62; 112 58; 115 58
Lonicera hildebrandiana: 37 11; 43 18; 79 10; 102 19; 116 33; 118 55
Lonicera implexa: 1 5; 16 46; 21 42; 22 38; 50 6; 60 9; 77 9; 85 3; 94 11; 98 8
Lonicera japonica: 81 61
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana': 19 32; 27 33; 115 64
Lonicera korolkowii: 71 72
Lonicera nitida: 19 47, 48; 38 21; 47 49
Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold': 57 17
Lonicera nummularium: 19 52
Lonicera periclymenum: 3 32
Lonicera pileata: 47 18
Lonicera × heckrottii: 108 33
loofah, Abyssinian: 22 19, 23
loosestrife, gooseneck: 82 59
Lophomyrtus × ralphii: 91 59
Lophomyrtus × ralphii 'Katheryn': 57 17
Lophomyrtus × ralphii 'Purpurea': 57 18
Lophophora williamsii: 75 2
loquat: 4 27; 6 47; 8 45; 10 10; 19 17; 26 31, 52, 54; 27 38, 40; 34 7; 35 16, 48; 41 4; 43 63; 46 57; 47 47; 49 12, 22, 25; 50 10; 52 31; 53 38; 57 29; 59 21; 61 71; 62 56; 66 35; 67 15; 71 34; 79 40; 81 18, 52; 82 7; 83 3, 57; 86 27; 89 8; 97 38, 45; 102 11; 104 28; 105 27; 108 69; 115 63; 116 11, 27, 28, 32; 117 40; 118 29
Loranthaceae: 82 63
Lorca, Federigo Garcia: 35 10; 42 37; 65 22
Loropetalum chinense: 11 40, 41; 38 17
Loropetalum chinense 'Fire Dance': 43 49
Los Angeles County Arboretum: 21 54; 22 68; 27 79; 28 1, 31, 58-61; 29 63; 31 59; 87 9; 88 64; 91 53; 115 68; 118 57
Los Angeles Natural History Museum: 91 2, 53
Lotononis hirsuta: 21 23; 77 42
lotus: 4 2, 8; 8 38; 23 61; 28 48; 31 10, 49; 40 19; 47 47; 53 23; 79 61; 113 18; 116 9; 118 53, 54
lotus, American: 21 12; 118 54
lotus, East Indian: 87 7
lotus, Indian: 118 54
lotus, sacred: 4 8; 72 9; 77 21; 88 1
Lotus spp.: 39 72
Lotus australis: 37 22
Lotus berthelotii: 39 9, 10, 72; 45 64; 77 68, 69; 91 62; 99 74; 118 51
Lotus creticus: 73 7
Lotus corniculatus: 82 62; 84 32; 86 46
Lotus eremiticus: 39 10; 77 69
Lotus glaucus: 39 72
Lotus maculatus: 39 10, 72; 77 69; 118 51
Lotus pyranthus: 39 10; 77 69
Lotus tetragonolobus: 97 12
Lotusland: 4 1-4, 7; 5 8, 40; 28 30, 59; 45 25; 67 25; 77 15-22; 87 70; 88 65; 91 50; 92 3; 118 53
Loudon, John Claudius: 92 22; 98 11
Louis XIV: 67 68; 76 18; 117 46
lovage: 43 54; 75 21, 23; 83 70
Lovelock, James: 101 72
love-in-a-mist: 9 25; 11 30, 32; 17 58; 20 46; 21 26; 22 12; 50 6; 55 28; 84 31; 85 52; 91 62; 100 45; 106 54
love-in-idleness: 64 4
love-lies-bleeding: 9 23; 46 12
low-maintenance garden: 101 72; 105 56
low nutrient medium: 96 44, 46
low water environment: 49 67; 60 71
low water regime: 65 18
low water requirements: 14 25, 31, 32; 59 37; 98 23, 55, 56
lower soil temperatures: 106 20
lucerne: 43 16; 64 2
Lucretius: 116 48
Ludwigia grandiflora: 54 67
Luffa aegyptiaca: 22 19
Luffa cylindrica: 22 19
Luma apiculata: 18 23; 67 22; 69 35, 38; 91 61; 112 40
Luma chequen: 48 20
lunar calendar/gardening: 53 61; 61 45, 47; 63 71; 80 28; 83 53
Lunaria annua: 32 25; 34 13; 60 23; 75 64; 97 38; 98 24; 106 54
lupin, Russell's: 46 55; 65 34
lupin/lupine: 15 7; 19 79; 22 56; 25 19, 37; 28 33, 34; 42 55; 55 28; 57 25; 59 13; 65 34, 48, 54; 73 66; 77 36; 81 36; 84 24, 27; 90 12; 92 24; 97 13; 102 30; 110 40
lupins, annual: 106 51
lupins, perennial: 106 51
lupins, tree: 55 28
lupins, wild: 103 26
Lupinus: 45 61; 84 24, 25
Lupinus albifrons: 29 24, 27; 90 12
Lupinus albus: 40 8
Lupinus angustifolius: 65 34
Lupinus arboreus: 110 12
Lupinus densiflorus 'Ed Gedling': 19 79
Lupinus hirsutus: 28 34
Lupinus lutens: 40 8
Lupinus micranthus: 28 34; 110 40
Lupinus pilosus: 76 12; 106 51
Lupinus texensis: 93 2
Luscinia megarhynchos: 83 12; 86 23
Lutyens, Edwin: 5 13; 14 13; 40 4, 25; 60 18
Lutzia cretica: 116 64
Lycaena phlaeas: 64 42
lychee: 69 15, 21; 70 16; 74 71; 76 72; 92 47
lychnis: 15 18; 64 35
Lychnis: 36 13; 61 59
Lychnis coronaria: 11 43; 22 25; 44 47; 45 23; 57 19; 64 37; 77 76, 112; 80 22; 86 28; 91 62; 92 28; 113 54
Lychnis flos-jovis: 20 27
Lychnis viscaria 'Splendens': 1142
Lycianthes rantonnetii: 19 50; 59 20; 89 12; 108 54; 116 51, 63
Lycopersicon: 9 39; 71 63
Lycopersicon esculentum: 39 49; 56 38
Lycopodium annotinum: 59 43, 44
Lycoris: 90 37
Lycoris aurea: 75 3; 91 13; 106 45
Lycoris radiata: 75 3
Lymantria dispar: 66 39
lyme grass: 81 19
Lyon Botanic Garden: 8 35
Lyonothamnus floribundus: 91 49
Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. asplenifolius: 105 18
Lysimachia arvensis: 118 42
Lysimachia atropurpurea: 82 59, 63
Lysimachia minoricensis: 17 8; 23 13
Lysimachia nummularia: 40 19; 72 21
Lysimachia punctata: 82 63
Lythraceae: 7 14; 94 50
Lythrum junceum: 21 58
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