Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows Narcissus gaditanus native to the deep south of Spain and Portugal (Photo Alisdair Aird)

Nabonnand brothers: 43 78
Naked Ladies: 100 21; 104 40; 106 14, 44
Namaqua National Park: 111 23
Namaqualand: 99 68, 69
Namaqualand daisies: 111 23
Namibian Desert Beetle: 92 50
Nangawooka Flora Reserve: 37 2
Nageia nagi: 71 33
nandina: 13 9; 48 41; 105 13, 16
Nandina: 32 70
Nandina domestica: 21 28; 36 33; 39 15; 55 26; 59 7; 66 35; 71 36, 60, 61; 75 64; 96 14; 103 40; 111 52
Nandina domestica 'Firepower': 36 34
nano-climates: 70 53
Naples Botanic Garden: 84 45
Napoleon: 55 32; 74 52; 81 68; 85 2; 88 39; 96 60; 103 4; 116 19; 117 55
Narbonne flax: 79 22
Narcissus: 1 8; 3 35-37; 4 51; 16 26; 17 58; 18 64; 76 15; 82 33; 87 17; 91 62; 92 62; 94 14 ; 100 13; 106 47; 116 63; 118 42
Narcissus albimarginatus: 23 49
Narcissus asturiensis: 20 69
Narcissus broussonetii: 23 50
Narcissus bulbocodium: 20 69; 103 56
Narcissus byzantinus: 11 19
Narcissus canariensis: 23 50
Narcissus cantabricus: 23 51; 32 19
Narcissus cavanillesii: 15 35, 36; 23 49, 52; 32 56
Narcissus 'Charity May': 4 52
Narcissus cyclamineus: 21 72; 80 16
Narcissus dubius: 5 45
Narcissus elegans: 23 48-50, 52
Narcissus 'February Gold': 4 52
Narcissus ‘Fortune’: 111 37
Narcissus ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’: 106 47
Narcissus ‘Harbinger of Spring’: 111 37
Narcissus ‘Ice Follies’: 111 37
Narcissus jeanmonodii: 81 56
Narcissus jonquilla: 48 12; 100 13
Narcissus 'King Alfred': 27 32
Narcissus 'LemonGlow': 4 52
Narcissus nobilis: 20 69
Narcissus obsoletus: 67 9; 70 9; 75 47; 87 48; 100 10
Narcissus orientalis: 11 19
Narcissus papyraceus: 3 35; 11 19; 18 69; 23 50, 52; 24 11; 25 7; 31 41; 32 56; 43 7; 45 13; 63 34; 67 9; 68 37; 70 9; 71 8; 73 63; 77 103; 84 38; 100 10, 13; 106 15; 116 6, 64
Narcissus papyraceus ssp. polyanthus: 48 12
Narcissus perezlarae: 15 36
Narcissus poeticus: 3 35; 11 19; 20 41; 54 68; 73 45; 82 55, 60; 84 32; 100 69
Narcissus pseudonarcissus: 11 19; 42 53
Narcissus requienii: 5 45; 32 19
Narcissus rupicola ssp. watieri : 81 56
Narcissus serotinus: 3 35; 11 19; 15 35-37; 21 72; 23 50-52; 25 7; 27 32; 31 4; 32 56; 45 13; 52 63; 57 4; 59 16; 63 33; 65 7; 77 102; 95 6
Narcissus 'Sol d'Or': 18 69
Narcissus 'Susy': 4 52
Narcissus tazetta: 3 35; 11 19; 16 26; 20 8; 25 13; 27 32; 32 19, 56; 42 84; 42 84; 55 36; 59 57; 70 26; 76 16; 82 34, 38; 84 38; 100 13, 44; 116 63
Narcissus tazetta 'Canaliculatus': 23 46
Narcissus tazetta ‘Constantinopolitanus’: 82 34, 38
Narcissus tazetta ‘Double Roman’: 82 38
Narcissus 'Tête-à-Tête': 23 50; 102 27
Narcissus triandrus: 21 72; 35 61; 49 31
Narcissus viridiflorus: 15 34-37; 23 49, 52; 31 4; 32 56
Narcissus × alleniae: 23 52
Narcissus × obsoletus: 23 50
Narcissus, dwarf: 106 28
narcissus: 2 43; 5 53; 9 11; 19 64; 20 8, 26; 22 3, 15; 23 30; 25 13; 27 14, 32; 31 3; 32 56; 35 36; 38 81; 42 7, 14; 43 44; 48 14; 49 25, 40; 52 56; 55 36; 58 22; 59 10, 13; 64 10; 70 26; 73 65; 74 52; 77 92; 78 33; 84 38; 87 59; 92 26; 96 7; 97 29, 41; 98 23, 29; 99 47; 100 66; 102 30; 103 37; 106 47, 71; 110 58, 60; 112 46; 113 55; 116 35
narcissus, paper/paperwhite: 20 26; 24 11; 25 13; 35 36; 47 3; 60 20; 63 34; 77 63; 100 13; 106 15
narcissus, pheasant’s eye: 63 33; 77 103
narcissus, tazetta: 60 22
Nardo: 93 62; 103 20
narrow-leaved willow: 31 57
naseberry: 70 13
Nasrid gardens/palaces: 74 26; 79 4, 6
Nassella tenuissima: 77 112; 85 33; 107 7
nasturtium: 6 44; 9 20; 22 15; 23 30; 26 29, 54; 27 50; 28 39, 44; 32 8; 35 51; 40 9; 43 8, 48; 45 41; 46 31, 55; 53 32; 58 28, 41; 62 11; 72 18; 75 26; 87 26, 29, 30; 102 67; 103 23, 40; 105 52; 108 2
nasturtium ‘Milkmaid’: 76 21; 85 53
nasturtium, tuberous: 57 35
Natal Plum: 31 56; 49 12; 76 10; 87 57; 100 24
National Arboretum Washington, D.C,: 94 51
National Botanic Garden of Wales: 23 11; 63 27-31; 71 11
National Botanic Garden, Canberra: 21 5
National Flower of Israel: 76 15
national flowers: 44 66
National Garden, Athens: 46 3; 47 12; 54 33; 64 31; 98 13-19; 99 37; 105 40, 41; 114 19
National Park of Alta Murgia: 84 15
National Park of Mount Parnitha: 25 42; 75 40, 42
National Park of Scandola, Corsica: 71 30; 77 110
National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago: 93 16, 17
National Rhododendron Gardens, Australia: 71 49
National Tree of South Africa: 88 59
National Trust: 57 22, 60, 61; 98 40, 41, 65; 103 11, 35
native climbers: 85 34; 87 34
native frangipani: 112 22
native geophytic flora: 97 5
native habitats: 100 44
Native Lilac: 91 59
native plant communities: 107 32
native plant garden: 69 57; 71 50; 73 68; 77 89
native plant nurseries: 28 31
native plants: 2 4, 29, 50, 51; 3 16, 27, 53; 6 1, 8, 14, 19, 21, 34, 36; 9 1, 19, 20, 21, 31; 12 14; 15 2, 5-7, 57, 61-64; 16 1, 5, 22, 24, 42, 61, 66; 17 2, 5; 18 2, 30, 39, 55, 66; 19 2, 23, 74, 79; 20 3, 34, 57, 59; 21 1, 5, 6, 25, 27, 33, 46, 47, 52, 55, 56, 65; 22 2, 17, 43, 47, 53, 54, 59, 66; 23 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 54, 56, 62, 75, 76; 24 19; 25 1, 58; 26 5, 13, 21; 27 12, 17-19, 24, 53, 59; 28 31, 56, 58, 61, 60; 30 13, 16, 22, 59; 31 17, 60, 61; 32 18, 68, 69; 33 5, 86; 35 2, 26, 82; 36 1-3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 50, 71, 72; 37 1-5, 12, 14-16, 18, 19, 27, 36, 52, 56, 58; 38 20, 31, 40, 57, 63, 65, 67, 68, 83, 86; 39 12, 16-18, 21, 39, 40, 47, 73; 41 12-14, 26; 44 8, 53, 61; 45 25, 61; 46 33, 42, 84, 86, 95, 98; 47 6, 8, 10-12, 38; 48 51; 49 36, 44, 62, 67, 71; 50 30; 51 8, 20, 22, 34, 35, 51, 52, 71, 72; 52 4-7, 9, 13-15, 20, 22, 23, 40, 48, 55-57, 62, 63; 53 4, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 28, 33, 36, 44, 45, 47, 51, 72; 54 2, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 65, 68; 55 1, 2, 25, 66; 57 2-5, 7, 34, 35, 42; 58 17, 20, 22, 44; 59 2, 15, 40, 43, 58; 60 30; 61 2, 28, 29, 52; 63 2, 12, 15, 20, 33, 44, 50, 58, 60, 69; 64 3, 22, 27, 63, 64; 65 18, 34, 50, 67; 66 23, 63; 67 58; 68 4-7, 9, 28, 29, 39, 41, 65; 69 4, 5, 8, 9, 26, 36, 39, 54, 56-58, 63; 70 2-5, 10, 34, 39, 41, 59-61, 63, 71, 72; 71 33, 48-56, 58, 62, 69, 74; 72 4-6, 10, 11, 23, 26; 74 7; 75 2, 18, 34, 37, 42, 47, 50; 76 2, 4, 6, 34, 35, 40, 70; 77 29, 34-36, 45, 87, 92, 85, 87; 78 1, 2, 4; 79 12, 14, 34, 35, 49; 80 10, 17, 26, 34, 39, 47, 50, 55, 66; 81 45, 46; 82 12, 16, 24, 33-35, 37, 53; 83 7, 8, 10, 13, 16; 84 22-25, 31, 35, 36, 38, 53, 64, 72; 85 10, 20, 26, 28, 29, 39, 43-46, 49, 51, 60, 62-65; 86 3, 4, 14, 16, 22, 23, 32, 56, 60, 62, 63; 87 3, 5-12, 16, 26, 62, 67, 69; 88 2, 4, 6, 7, 33, 35, 36, 38, 54, 64-66; 90 3, 11, 14, 15, 22; 91 1, 4, 6, 16, 22, 26, 41, 48, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57; 93 1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 30, 40, 46, 50; 94 29, 65; 95 16; 96 6-9, 18, 21, 23, 42, 45, 67; 97 10; 100 5; 102 60; 103 11; 104 13, 47, 64; 107 6, 21, 64; 108 5, 7, 8, 14, 33, 45; 111 3, 19; 114 25, 28, 30, 32; 115 49, 53
native plants, Australian: 91 3; 92 20, 2; 97 19; 103 9; 112 4, 5, 20; 114 34
native plants, Californian: 91 1, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 57, 60, 61; 103 46; 112 29, 30, 37; 118 56
native plants, Cyprus: 96 71
native plants, Greek: 96 57, 58; 107 36
native plants, local: 105 56, 58
native plants, Maltese: 91 4
native plants, New Zealand: 103 64
native species, endangered: 78 1
native trees: 66 23; 71 55, 56; 83 31, 34; 87 10, 11; 91 50;  92 17, 22
native/natural vegetation: 67 10, 11; 92 12
native wildlife: 100 3; 108 7
native woodland: 83 8
Natrix tessellata: 73 49
Natura 2000: 23 19; 63 14, 70; 68 55; 75 37; 79 20
natural communities: 72 9
natural cycles of plants: 100 8
natural drainage: 67 18
natural dyes: 63 47
natural ecosystems: 60 50
natural flora: 60 29
natural habitat gardens: 107 48
natural medicines: 117 5
natural/native habitats: 53 11, 33; 54 7, 9, 20, 24, 63; 65 7, 9; 100 44
Natural History Museum, Los Angeles: 88 64; 91 2, 55
Natural History Museum University of Athens: 111 11
natural hybrids: 74 5, 71
natural landscape: 51 1
natural predators: 4 34; 61 37; 94 38
natural resources: 97 56
natural rock garden: 8 40, 43
natural seed bank: 78 45
natural vegetation: 79 54
natural water reserves: 97 56
naturalised plants: 19 28, 46, 49; 22 21, 61; 25 13; 46 77; 47 9, 10; 53 40; 54 4, 5, 7-9, 16, 21, 24, 25, 49; 55 31, 45, 48, 49; 58 4; 60 49, 62; 63 26, 44; 68 29, 31, 32; S(2) 17, 19; 70 3; 74 26, 60, 61; 79 68; 83 22; 88 13, 31; 90 37; 92 49; 96 3, 23; 97 23, 56; 98 20, 23, 24, 29, 65; 100 15, 21, 22; 102 51, 52, 54; 103 48; 104 21, 42; 106 22, 26, 33; 110 17; 112 21; 116 41; 118 24
naturalistic planting: 95 61; 98 42, 43
nature park/reserve: 55 65; 67 17, 53; 69 5; 74 37; 81 13; 82 27; 85 1; 92 8 62
Naufraga: 57 9
Naufraga balearica: 57 9
Nauplius: 39 71
navelwort: 56 56; 91 62
nectar: 23 54; 64 40, 41, 43, 46, 52-54; 69 11, 25; 70 35, 60, 63; 74 5, 22, 27; 77 44, 45, 109; 78 38; 83 8, 30, 34; 84 22, 24; 85 43; 100 14, 21; 103 46, 68; 104 44; 110 47, 55; 112 7, 53; 115 27, 48, 50, 55, 60, 72; 116 26-28, 30; 117 19, 20, 22, 25; 118 58
nectar guides: 117 21
nectar plants: 100 14; 111 19
nectar production: 117 23
nectaries: 107 69
nectarines: 9 23; 25 60; 60 65; 62 60; 106 40; 118 14
Nectaroscordum siculum: 61 5
needle palm: 32 30
needlegrass: 24 11
neem: 58 40; 116 70; 118 54
neem oil: 55 5; 70 53; 74 49; 107 42, 44
neem tree: 56 48
Nefertiti: 60 58
Negev Desert: 65 46
Nelson: 81 68
Nelumbo lutea: 21 12
Nelumbo nucifera: 4 2, 8; 8 37, 38; 13 12; 23 61; 29 50; 77 15, 21; 87 7; 88 1; 116 9; 118 54
nematodes: 60 4, 43; 67 71; 74 16; 94 45; 103 74
Nemesia: 21 23; 22 24; 91 64
Nemesia cheiranthus: 21 23; 77 43; 106 29
Nemesia menziesii ‘Baby Blue Eyes’: 99 27
nemophila: 42 8
Neobuxbaumia polylopha: 4 3; 77 16
Neobuxbaumia polylopha 'Crestata': 36 16
Neolitsea sericea: 71 34
neonicotinoids: 72 2; 88 70
Neoregelia princeps: 4 5; 77 18
Neotinea lactea:110 43
Neotinea maculata: 56 57; 110 39
Neotinea tridentata: 73 48; 82 59, 63; 110 43
Neottia nidus-avis: 54 56
Neottia ovata: 82 55, 63; 105 28
Nepal Trumpet Flower: 57 44
Nepalese blue bamboo: 108 32
Nepenthes: 99 36; 118 57
Nepenthes alata: 83 61
Nepenthes dickinsonia: 31 53
Nepenthes rajah: 83 61
nepeta: 85 25, 27; 105 13, 16; 110 30
Nepeta: 6 33; 11 17; 19 52, 68; 30 25; 36 13; 40 19, 56; 55 8; 65 17; 69 26; 84 38; 91 62; 115 49; 116 24, 49
Nepeta cataria: 57 20
Nepeta curviflora: 85 27
Nepeta italica ssp. italica: 105 25
Nepeta mussinii: 10 33
Nepeta nuda ssp. albiflora: 40 45
Nepeta parnassica: 19 52
Nepeta racemosa: 74 46; 86 28, 29
Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’: 92 31
Nepeta tuberosa: 85 27
Nepeta ‘Walker’s Blue’: 92 33
Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’: 110 30
Nepeta × faassenii: 21 26; 27 4; 30 18; 39 45; 40 25; 114 68; 116 63
Nephrolepis: 58 64
Nephrolepis cordifolia: 4 9; 77 22
Nerine: 90 61
Nerine bowdenii: 11 43; 18 69; 64 37; 104 37; 106 59; 115 36; 118 23
Nerine bowdenii ‘Winter Cheer’: 104 37
Nerine cvs.: 24 10
Nerine filifolia: 106 59
Nerine sarniensis: 64 37; 106 59
Nerine undulata: 106 59
nerine, golden: 91 13
nerines: 28 47; 29 50; 49 12; 56 25; 72 22; 90 37; 97 20, 26; 104 37; 106 46, 47, 57-59; 118 24
Nerium: 54 61; 66 35; 77 116
Nerium oleander: 3 32; 4 11, 12; 6 12; 10 13; 17 39; 18 6, 25, 52; 19 65; 21 16; 22 38, 39, 41; 25 14; 30 52; 32 3; 34 33; 35 12, 14, 18; 36 29; 43 30; 47 77; 50 11, 30; 52 33, 70; 57 17; 58 20; 61 69; 62 46; 64 71; 67 43; 72 55; 76 8; 77 100; 80 1; 81 14; 82 8, 45, 48; 83 16; 85 12; 87 2; 95 5; 97 10; 102 45; 113 53; 115 5, 59; 117 40
Nerium oleander 'Gotsis': 43 71
Nero: 81 66
nesting boxes: 75 35; 83 9; 85 45; 102 32; 105 53
Nestor’s Cup: 83 57
nets: 56 18
nettle infusion: 74 50
nettle tea: 23 54; 77 45
Nettle Tree: 10 9; 31 9; 35 18; 53 12; 77 45; 81 17; 82 23
nettles: 19 55; 22 41; 23 54; 47 61; 52 56; 56 64; 58 36, 40; 60 46; 62 47; 72 24; 77 44, 45; 78 57; 83 70; 97 49; 111 50; 118 42
nettles, stinging: 113 28, 37
New German Style: 96 44
new-mown grass: 111 44
New Perennial Style: 96 27, 31, 43
New South Wales Christmas Bush: 89 54
NewYear flower count: 112 38; 116 63, 65
New York Highline: 93 2; 96 47
New York Times: 74 1,2
New Zealand Christmas Tree: 6 54; 25 31; 26 46; 65 1; 113 53
New Zealand Flax: 29 5; 33 30; 91 59; 92 23; 97 43; 116 35
New Zealand maidenhair fern: 108 35
New Zealand native plants: 103 64
New Zealand spinach: 57 35
New Zealand Tea Tree: 9 59
New Zealand trees: 76 68
newcomer species: 79 20
Newton, Sir Isaac: 42 79
Newton’s apple tree: 88 53
Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanic Garden: 57 70; 61 52; 68 68
Nicolson, Harold: 110 16
nicotiana: 17 57; 35 34; 55 35; 58 24; 95 47; 99 17
Nicotiana: 14 19, 40; 19 68; 35 34; 20 27; 46 12; 77 62; 115 51
Nicotiana attenuata: 58 46
Nicotiana glauca: 3 32; 10 23; 96 14; 98 53; 100 65
Nicotiana langsdorfii: 75 64
Nicotiana sylvestris: 11 30; 75 64
Nietzsche: 53 21
Nieuwoudville: 21 18, 19, 24; 77 39, 41, 43
Nigella: 20 41, 46; 21 26; 22 12; 66 36; 92 26
Nigella arvensis: 50 6; 71 6; 79 15; 84 31; 106 54
Nigella ciliaris: 93 45
Nigella damascena: 3 33; 9 25; 17 58; 20 41; 21 26; 32 25; 62 56; 69 26, 28; 71 6; 79 15; 82 58, 64; 84 31, 33; 85 52; 91 62; 95 6; 98 24; 100 45; 102 31; 103 45; 106 18, 54
Nigella gallica: 74 37
Nigella hispanica: 3 34
Nigella sativa: 78 42
night-scented stock: 28 39
nightshade: 83 43
Nile Lily: 2 23; S(1) 2
Nile Papyrus: 81 51
Ninebark: 30 14, 18
Ninfa: 15 39; 17 47; 19 72-75; 33 10; 48 4-9; 49 68; 54 40; 64 58; 79 22; 80 64; 84 53; 94 55
Niño, el: 16 28; 84 1
Niobe: 99 27
Nitkitsky Botanical Gardens, Yalta: 76 41
nitrates: 26 38; 41 47; 44 62; 84 44
nitrites: 84 44
nitrogen: 2 44; 4 11; 8 49, 50; 15 42, 43; 16 40; 18 56; 19 42, 43; 20 16; 21 23, 24; 22 62; 25 55; 39 26, 30, 49; 41 30; 44 68; 47 59; 54 6; 55 23; 56 38, 40; 58 70; 59 23; 62 62; 63 72; 74 17; 75 34; 113 52; 117 23; 118 72
nitrogen cycle: 84 44
nitrogen fertiliser: 39 10; 44 62; 61 37; 62 72; S(1) 3; 73 41; 77 69
nitrogen fixation: 48 25; 52 15; 53 59; 74 17; 77 43; 117 23
nitrogen robbery: 6 46; 7 40
nitrogen, artificial: 55 19
nitrogen, soluble: 113 72
Noailles, Charles, Comte de: 46 75, 77; 85 15, 16
Noailles, Marie-Laure de: 85 15
Nobelius, Carl Axel: 73 27
Nodé-Véran, Toussaint-François: 49 8; 77 82
noise: 94 4, 6-8
Nolana paradoxa: 26 54
nolina: 17 2; 21 16; 22 62
Nolina: 13 8; 64 25
no-water garden: 112 33
no-dig gardening: 111 69
no-till techniques: 102 58
no-watering policy: 69 42
Nomenclature and Specimen Database of the Missouri Botanical Gardens: 60 51
non-chemical methods: 70 54
non-flammable materials: 114 62
non-grass lawn: 94 25-28; 112 47, 48
non-invasive grasses: 104 42, 43
non-native plants: 53 55; 69 51; 111 51
Noogoora Burr: 50 45
Noongar: 105 11
Nopalxochia: 22 55
noria: 117 31
norepinephrine: 69 70
Norfolk Island Hibiscus: 78 11; 114 33
Norfolk Island Pine: 4 14; 19 22; 67 22; 78 18; 83 31; 89 16; 112 38; 114 32; 118 27
North, Marianne: 71 63; 98 65
North coastal scrub: 24 13, 14
northern red oak: 68 19
Norton Simon Museum: 28 58; 45 33; 91 54; 118 59
Norway spruce: 117 67
Notinea lacteal: 88 46
Notocactus leninghausii: 4 2; 77 16
Novalis: 107 27
noxious weeds: 50 38
nuits d’étoiles: 105 52
Nuphar lutea: 8 37; 13 12; 23 61; 115 21
nurse trees: 49 50
nursery, Sparoza: 45 10, 21, 22, 25-27; 61 16, 17, 19, 20
nut, Chufa: 20 34, 35; 22 72
nut, Tiger: 20 34; 22 72
nutmeg tree: 63 6
nutrient content: 112 33
nutrient cycling: 70 2, 4
nutrient density: 97 19
nutrient use: 70 42
nutrients: 3 47; 24 11; 26 33, 34; 27 4; 48 14, 16, 39; 53 44, 45, 69; 53 16; 56 43, 62; 59 10, 76; 62 44; 63 49, 50, 53; 64 49; 66 23, 53; 69 66; 70 42, 43, 53, 56; 72 43, 65; 74 20, 21, 23; 76 29, 46, 48; 77 98; 82 14; 84 44; 88 58; 104 27, 28; 108 38; 111 68; 113 41, 42, 48, 49; 114 61; 115 19, 50, 76; 118 71, 72
nutrients, lack of: 110 56
nutrients, low: 112 35
nuts/nut trees: 53 37; 55 4; 61 35; 62 31; 72 7; 85 43
Nymphaea: 8 37; 13 12; 53 19; 87 7
Nymphaea ‘Blue Beauty’: 102 41
Nymphaea ‘Blue Triumph’: 102 41
Nymphaea caerulea: 47 50
Nymphaea ‘James Bryden’: 63 22
Nymphaea ‘Lotus’: 83 62
Nymphaea 'Maria': 42 83
Nymphaea nouchali: 59 28
Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea: 79 54; 83 60; 99 59
Nymphaea tetragona ‘Helvola’: 104 15
Nymphaea 'Tina': 31 54; 118 59
Nymphaea ‘Virginia’: 116 9
Nymphaeaceae: 82 7
nymphaeum: 82 6, 10; 88 19; 107 13, 15
Nymphalis antiopa: 6445
nymphs: 88 18, 46, 47
Nyssa sylvatica: 21 3

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