Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows Ophrys scolopax subsp. Cornuta blooming in spring in Greece (Photo Jorun Tharaldsen)

oak galls: 114 50
oak scrub: 84 4, 8
oak forest: 50 20; 63 62; 68 24; 85 2; 88 44, 46, 49; 111 46
oak forest, ancient:115 19
oak forest, evergreen: 67 39
oak processionary moth: 94 44
oak root fungus: 27 60; 28 27
oak savannas: 74 7
oak wilt fungus: 24 40
oak woodland: 84 23; 93 6
oak woodlands, remnant: 87 11
oak, black: 15 60; 24 40; 27 14
oak, broad-leaved deciduous: 102 13
oak, California: 87 7; 112 30; 118 57
oak, Californian live: 28 31; 36 25
oak, coast live: 4 3, 9; 6 7, 8, 34; 24 40, 43; 30 18; 37 4; 51 34; 72 54; 74 4, 5; 77 16, 22; 80 24; 87 7, 10, 11; 90 13; 91 1, 60; 92 13: 98 3; 100 26; 103 47; 104 47, 48; 107 32; 112 26
oak, cork: 1 40; 10 17; 29 49; 36 30; 37 14; 42 74; 43 43, 44; 44 19, 33, 42; 47 18; 49 44; 51 41; 52 31, 40; 53 19, 53; 62 14; 71 33; 73 46; 76 41; 79 33, 34; 82 25; 85 3, 5; 86 68; 87 67; 89 59; 90 18, 71; 91 62; 92 17; 94 70; 95 49; 97 51, 53, 54; 104 9, 11, 12, 15, 16; 115 5; 117 66
oak, Cyprus: 39 48
oak, deciduous: 4 24; 44 16, 17; 63 9; 75 32; 83 12
oak, downy: 52 40; 70 48; 74 40; 79 18; 90 60; 115 18
oak, Engelmann: 87 7, 9-11
oak, English: 51 70; 88 61; 89 38; 93 51
oak, evergreen: 2 53; 3 54; 6 34; 48 13; 61 21; 62 63; 71 33; 90 60; 96 3; 102 11; 103 48
oak, golden: 15 60; 44 66; 68 56; 72 7; 86 52; 91 39; 107 54
oak, holly: 50 4
oak, holm: 4 24; 5 43; 6 12; 7 23; 29 69; 35 16, 66; 36 4, 24, 61, 62; 38 56-58; 39 45; 43 64; 44 39; 47 51; 49 3; 50 13; 51 41; 52 16, 33; 53 6, 12, 17, 21; 54 49; 55 24; 58 1; 60 26; 62 14; 65 10; 74 42; 77 97; 79 18, 20, 37, 48; 83 17; 84 56; 85 31; 86 52; 90 71; 91 62, 67; 92 17; 93 16; 97 51; 115 20, 64; 117 57
oak, interior live: 24 40; 28 26
oak, kermes: 16 28; 25 10; 36 8; 39 45; 45 19, 53; 47 51; 48 13; 49 44; 50 6; 51 14, 41; 54 26; 62 31, 43; 65 48, 49; 70 46; 72 4, 6; 77 97; 78 36; 81 17; 88 30; 90 71; 91 32, 39; 92 17; 93 11; 97 7; 107 54; 113 53; 115 23-25
oak, live: 27 4; 36 15; 44 6; 98 27
oak, Lusitanian: 49 44
oak, Mount Tabor: 76 6, 7
oak, native: 55 64; 91 52
oak, northern red: 68 19
oak, Palestinian: 76 7
oak, pedunculate: 68 18
oak, pin: 25 60; 76 42
oak, Portuguese: 92 17
oak, prickly: 51 42; 72 4; 85 37; 112 51
oak, prickly dwarf: 45 11
oak, Pyrenean: 51 12; 92 17
oak, ring-cupped: 15 60
oak, royal: 25 16
oak, scrub: 2 6; 118 62
oak, sessile: 76 43; 115 20
oak, shrubby: 87 54
oak, Tabor: 23 73
oak, Turkey: 53 18; 59 47; 100 52; 111 49
oak, valley: 24 40; 74 4; 104 47; 107 32
oak, Vallonea: 61 69; 87 54; 88 44, 47; 90 4; 96 14
oak, white: 15 60; 55 24; 110 35; 111 46
oaks: 1 5, 7, 8, 3 44; 4 5; 5 12, 51; 6 7, 8, 19, 20, 23, 34, 35; 9 16, 18; 10 15, 16; 15 6, 26, 28, 29, 50, 59-61, 69; 16 28; 17 13, 22; 19 58; 21 40, 62; 22 1, 49, 52; 24 1, 13, 15, 40-43, 45; 25 15, 27, 57, 60; 26 21, 36, 46; 27 51, 60; 28 6, 17, 29; 29 3, 24; 30 13, 14, 16, 18, 66; 32 50; 39 48; 40 40, 42; 41 13, 62; 42 33, 35, 61; 43 7, 8, 43, 44, 67, 70; 44 19, 43; 45 47, 61; 46 60; 47 20; 48 4, 27; 49 3; 50 7, 22; 51 2, 12, 14, 20, 31, 34, 35, 39, 43, 48, 80, 81; 52 7, 8, 56, 67; 53 8, 18; 55 1, 3; 58 1, 17; 59 48, 61; 61 52; 62 15, 31, 43, 48; 63 1-3; 65 6, 56, 59; S(1) 27, 29; 66 21, 39, 40; 67 39, 70; 70 58, 61, 63; 71 55; 72 6-9, 28, 29; 73 20, 26; 74 7, 13; 75 32, 41, 58, 59; 76 7, 40, 41, 45; 77 8, 11, 13, 19, 35, 87; 78 1, 5, 36; 81 17, 55, 72; 82 32; 83 12, 17, 35, 43, 62; 84 25, 53; 85 2, 5, 40, 44; 86 23, 32, 43, 68; 88 30, 35, 44-49, 52, 61, 65; 89 14, 16, 42-44, 72; 90 4, 9, 18, 19, 71; 91 1, 32, 33, 39, 51, 55; 92 13, 17, 51, 55; 94 10, 13, 14, 26-28, 39, 42; 95 16; 96 5, 10, 14, 27, 29, 37, 39, 62; 97 7, 34, 38, 70; 99 27, 44, 49; 100 4, 21, 52, 58, 61, 65; 102 11, 13, 56; 103 4, 43, 47, 48; 104 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 47, 48, 51, 64; 106 40, 71; 107 10; 108 47; 110 36, 35, 37, 38; 111 3, 47; 112 14, 48, 65; 114 8, 18; 115 73; 117 55, 57; 118 33, 34, 55
oak-leaf hydrangea: 110 37
oasis: 30 4, 9; 58 48; 65 14, 44; 81 50; 99 71
oats: 44 68; 88 44
oats, wild: 60 45; 667
obituary, Pierre Broussalis: 47 56, 57
obituary, Susan Bouchez: 70 57, 58
obituary, Piero Caneti: 36 6
obituary, Pierre Cuche: 72 56, 57
obituary, Barbara Diamantides: 113 68
obituart, Otto Fauser: 116 53-55
obituary, Marina Haidopoulou-Adams: 87 61-64
obituary, Marjorie Holmes: 68 58
obituary, John Jefferis: 85 66
obituary, Hugo Latymer: 35 5; 36 4
obituary, Meye Maier: 61 54
obituary: Vina (Davina) Michaelides: 110 61
obituary, Betty Molesworth-Allen: 31 3
obituary, Jocelyn van Riemsdijk: 91 65-67
obituary, Jill Stallworthy: 73 50
obituary, Nicholas Stavroulakis: 89 63
obituary, William Stearn: 25 4
obituary, Sally Razelou: 104 5
obituary, Lavinia Taverna: 12 42
obituary, Joan Tesei: 41 8
obituary, Bracey Tiede: 93 64
obituary, Richard Tiede: 102 64
obituary, Derek Toms: 33 3
Ochagavia carnea: 112 39
Ochi Day: 97 14
Ocimum basilicum: 20 41; 22 19; 29 39; 43 52; 56 45; 63 62; 72 19; 75 25; 85 10; 99 62
Ocimum basilicum 'Oriental Breeze': 56 45
Ocimum basilicum 'Pesto Perpetuo': 59 53
Ocimum canum: 43 52
Ocimum citriodorum: 43 52
Ocimum obovatum: 72 19
Ocimum sanctum: 43 53; 75 26
Ocimum tenuiflorum: 43 53; 75 26
Ocotea bullata: 16 17; 59 26; 88 59
Ocotea foetens: 39 69
Odonata: 100 41-43
Odontema: 64 25; 108 23
Odontema strictum: 83 60; 116 10
Odontema tubaeforme: 83 60
Oedopa sp. nr. capito: 50 44
Oenings, Peter: 96 34
oenological research: 103 5
Oenothera: 64 53; 69 28; 85 51; 94 61
Oenothera berlandieri: 23 75; 98 24
Oenothera biennis: 9 37; 115 51
Oenothera drummondii: 36 27
Oenothera macrocarpa: 74 46
Oenothera missouriensis: 9 38; 98 24
Oentohera odorata: 75 64
Oenothera rosea: 36 27
Oenothera speciosa: 9 38; 36 27; 69 27; 72 21; 84 37; 103 42; 116 8
Oenothera speciosa 'Rosea': 23 75
oenothera: 103 35
off-season: 102 5
offsets/off-shoots: 8 10-12, 14, 16; 24 34; S(2) 30-36; 86 11; 106 57, 59; 107 31
Oidium: 27 43; 60 44; 80 22; 103 5
Oikosteges: 59 36, 37, 40
oil seed rape: 64 51
okra: 56 48; 63 23; 64 15; 87 15; 97 48; 102 71
Olaus Magnus: 86 17
Old Bridge House: 90 3, 36-38
old-fashioned plants: 117 39
Old Man Saltbush: 102 14
Old Man’s Beard cactus: 82 8
Old Man's cactus: 4 2; 5 13
Old Nectar Garden: 89 42
Olea: 49 48; 115 76; 118 51
Olea capensis: 90 54
Olea europaea: 3 30; 9 37; 15 26, 30; 16 45, 46; 18 5; 20 11, 41; 21 14, 61; 28 22; 32 16; 35 11, 18; 36 29; 38 27; 41 42; 44 15; 52 33; 55 14; 58 51; 59 7, 54; 60 57; 62 43; 64 71; 66 31; 71 20, 34; 77 97; 78 42; 82 7; 84 14; 85 10; 86 19, 23; 89 30; 91 62; 92 17; 95 6; 99 65; 107 12; 113 58; 115 64; 117 32
Olea europaea ‘Montra’: 91 49; 107 12
Olea europaea ssp. europaea: 115 14
Olea europaea ssp. sativa: 64 2
Olea europaea ‘Swan Hill’: 92 34; 102 42
Olea europaea ssp. oleaster: 89 62
Olea europaea var. oleaster: 2 32; 14 25; 15 26, 30; 16 46; 22 39; S(1) 27
Olea 'Little Ollie': 55 67; 57 21; 91 49
Olea 'Majestic Beauty': 57 21
Olea oleaster: 99 65
Oleaceae: 82 63; 91 62
oleander: 2 53; 4 23, 31; 5 11, 29; 6 17, 25; 7 4; 8 45; 9 20, 44, 54; 10 13, 22; 11 7; 12 10, 21; 13 4, 37; 15 39, 47; 16 32; 17 1, 40, 54, 56, 72; 18 5, 6, 15, 52, 54; 19 5, 12, 32; 21 26; 22 51, 56, 71; 23 21, 56; 24 69; 26 4, 12, 47-49, 51, 53; 27 37; 30 52, 54; 31 8, 9; 32 3, 6, 24; 33 21, 30; 34 33, 38; 38 30, 58, 82, 88; 40 2, 40, 44, 53, 64; 41 26, 51; 42 14, 39, 74; 43 30, 40, 71, 80; 44 25, 43; 45 11; 46 37, 88; 47 50, 77; 49 19, 20, 31; 50 2, 6, 9, 30-32, 59, 72; 51 24; 52 33; 53 12; 55 26, 33, 47; 57 58, 70; 58 20, 59; 59 18; 60 14, 34, 43; 61 16, 63, 69; 62 19, 23, 37, 46, 56; 63 22; 66 27-29, 35, 44; 67 27; 68 5; 72 34; 74 2; 75 33, 56; 76 8, 44; 77 100; 79 6, 36; 80 67, 69; 81 21, 35; 82 8, 21, 22; 83 16, 20, 47; 85 12, 52, 53; 86 30; 87 2, 3, 44; 88 23; 89 60; 91 10, 20, 31; 92 23, 28, 31; 95 31; 96 29, 62; 97 10, 31, 42; 99 24, 25, 42, 44; 100 41, 65; 102 13, 31; 104 20; 110 32; 112 44; 113 53; 114 17; 117 9, 10, 12, 31-34, 57, 60, 65; 118 28, 53, 57
Olearia: 21 2
Olearia ciliata: 2 19
Olearia magniflora: 2 19
Olearia muelleri: 2 19
Olearia pannosa ssp. cardiophylla: 71 70
Olearia phlogopappa: 59 17
Olearia pimelioides: 2 19
Olearia pteridifolia: 2 19
Olearia ramulosa: 37 21
Olearia rudis: 2 19
Olearia stellulata: 59 17
Olearia traversii: 11 42
Olearia × haastii: 25 47; 59 17
oleaster: 52 5; 113 60
Olinia ventosa: 90 54
olive: 1 5, 7; 2 6, 9, 10, 16, 44; 3 42, 46, 54-56; 4 4, 18, 23, 24, 31, 45, 47, 50, 53; 5 18, 22, 23, 37, 46, 47; 6 12-17, 20, 40, 57; 7 4, 6, 8, 9, 23, 31; 8 45; 9 22, 30, 37; 10 23; 12 7, 9; 13 10, 47; 15 26, 30, 31, 36, 38, 39, 48, 59; 16 28, 45, 46, 54, 56; 17 18, 21, 37, 40, 55, 57; 18 5, 6, 15, 52, 54; 19 18-20, 24, 59, 64, 66, 78; 20 10, 12, 13, 24, 32, 39; 21 49, 57, 61; 22 1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 17, 21, 22, 42, 51; 23 22-24, 26-30, 32, 42, 53, 56, 73; 24 38; 25 13, 48, 51; 26 4, 5, 12, 36, 47, 64, 71; 27 29, 37, 52, 53, 83; 28 6, 7, 22, 24; 29 53; 30 52, 66; 31 9, 41, 43, 64; 33 30; 34 41-50; 35 1, 11, 12, 16, 46, 48, 51, 70, 76; 36 7, 8, 44; 37 3, 16, 29-32, 57; 38 27, 36, 49, 57, 58, 70, 78, 82, 88; 39 6, 21, 45, 60, 63, 65; 40 42, 45, 64; 41 29-43; 42 6-9, 72, 74; 43 8, 39, 41, 43, 61; 44 15, 19, 42, 43, 51, 64; 45 6, 7, 10, 11, 25, 35, 36, 53, 54; 46 51, 52, 63, 87; 47 5, 7, 8, 14-16, 29-31, 47, 49, 54, 58, 60; 48 68; 49 19, 21, 22, 41, 43, 65, 72; 50 5, 9, 22, 23, 64, 68, 70; 47 24, 26, 43, 44, 48, 49, 81; 52 15, 21, 25, 29, 30, 33, 36, 51; 53 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 28, 30, 38, 53, 56, 59, 61; 54 20, 48; 55 14, 26, 28, 50; 56 12, 13; 57 5, 10, 20, 25, 28, 29; 58 1, 9, 10, 17, 27, 29, 72; 59 13, 30-32, 53, 54; 60 9, 20, 31, 57, 58; 61 10, 48, 61, 70; 62 1, 7, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 31, 43, 58, 60, 63; 63 11-13, 16, 20, 33, 36, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 67; 64 2, 15, 26, 28, 69, 70; 65 8, 11-13, 27, 29, 43, 48, 54, 59; 66 5, 17, 18, 21, 31, 36, 60, 65; 67 5, 12, 15, 22-25, 41, 45, 46, 49; 68 4, 7, 36; 69 39, 62; S(2) 38; 70 20, 22, 34; 71 20, 34, 42, 43, 45; 72 24, 48, 56, 57, 61, 64, 72; 73 12, 41, 44, 45; 74 24, 48, 57; 75 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 43, 50, 53, 56; 76 41; 77 4, 5, 8, 11, 52-61, 97, 102, 105; 78 25, 35, 52; 79 15, 25, 29, 30, 37, 42, 51, 58; 80 45, 67, 68; 81 11, 14, 17-19, 47-49; 82 7, 19, 20, 24, 31; 83 15, 18, 20, 23, 42, 45, 47, 49, 50-53, 62; 84 14, 40, 48, 60; 85 5, 8-11, 14, 29, 31, 37, 46, 56, 58, 63, 67; 86 15, 19, 23, 25, 37, 52, 67; 87 14, 21, 24, 44, 46, 51, 52, 54, 56, 59, 67; 88 18, 23, 35, 44, 48; 89 12-15, 22, 24, 25, 30, 32, 33, 71; 91 11, 18-20, 23, 41, 42, 49, 51, 62; 92 4, 27, 29, 34, 38; 93 13, 34, 36, 40; 94 10, 13, 32, 39, 63, 65; 95 12-16, 18-23, 31; 96 5, 13, 20; 97 1, 7, 38, 39, 43, 46, 48; 98 3. 7, 24, 27, 28, 31, 38, 57, 59; 99 14, 16, 23, 36, 40, 42, 43, 45, 59, 61, 64, 65; 100 2, 47, 64; 102 11, 28-30, 33, 42, 45, 55; 103 29, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 61; 104 9, 17, 23, 29, 33, 51-53; 105 7, 16, 25, 35, 47, 48, 64; 106 40, 60-63; 107 5, 10, 12, 35, 37; 108 11, 12; 110 2, 19, 38, 39, 41, 45, 54; 111 34; 112 9, 20, 54, 65; 113 14, 43, 58-67; 114 36, 53; 115 7, 14, 55, 64; 116 7, 15, 18, 66; 118 36, 58
olive cultivation, biological: 118 46
olive, dwarf: 67 25; 91 51; 107 12
olive farming: 95 18
Olive Festival, Ollioules: 117 34
olive flowers: 118 41
olive foliage, density of: 77 53, 60
olive, non-fruiting cultivars: 67 25; 92 34
olive fly: 2 44; 4 53; 29 71; 41 30, 31, 37; 47 28, 29; 49 72; 53 59; 60 42, 43; 79 30; 81 47-49; 86 67
olive fly: 117 34
olive fly traps: 50 70; 79 30; 81 48; 102 28
olive groves: 2 16; 3 44; 4 4; 6 2; 10 21; 12 24, 34; 14 6, 16; 23 24, 29, 53; 25 44; 27 37, 51; 29 3, 69; 39 60, 66; 34 41, 43, 47, 49; 41 29, 30, 37; 42 6, 70; 43 44; 44 68, 69; 46 6, 10, 87; 47 4, 7, 8, 16, 28, 50, 59; 49 23; 52 22, 53; 53 2, 6, 10, 11, 22, 59; 55 14, 24-27; 56 20, 55; 57 6; 58 3; 60 34, 35; 61 56; 62 7, 71; 63 11, 62; 64 70; 65 27, 53, 54, 57; 69 61;70 20, 32; 71 51; 73 21, 23, 41; 75 43, 50; 77 18, 36, 44, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61; 78 25; 79 62; 81 54; 83 2, 14, 22, 26, 54-47; 85 29, 33, 63; 86 15; 87 16, 17; 88 18, 35; 89 33; 91 13, 32, 41; 92 26, 28, 29, 55; 93 6, 10, 37, 40; 94 64; 95 18, 19, 67; 96 51, 58, 61, 64; 97 1; 98 6, 8, 20, 26; 99 47, 49, 50, 61, 64; 100 44, 45; 102 28, 29, 33, 34; 103 36; 104 57; 105 24; 106 61, 64; 110 19, 39, 41; 111 32, 35; 113 60; 115 24, 53, 76; 116 2, 19; 117 60; 118 24
olives, hand-picking: 79 29-31
olive harvest/picking: 34 41, 43; 41 32, 34, 36; 42 85; 61 48, 71; 77 52, 54, 57; 79 29; 106 60-63; 111 31, 32, 34; 113 65; 115 55; 117 33, 34; 118 36
Olive Mill and Museum, Anogyra: 63 67
olive mill/press: 41 2, 33, 37, 39, 41, 42; 42 85; 44 68; 52 22; 53 42; 58 65; 59 60; 67 23, 25; 81 47; 92 30; 95 19; 96 63; 99 45, 46, 65; 102 28; 106 62; 111 33-35; 115 55; 117 33, 34; 118 36
olive oil: 41 29, 34, 37, 40; 42 85; 44 68; 46 16, 78-80; 53 28, 60; 61 11; 63 60; 65 27, 29; 67 23, 25; 7 35, 48; 77 4, 52, 61; 85 11; 86 67; 87 32; 89 12, 13; 91 11, 12; 92 29, 30; 93 6, 13; 95 19, 21, 23; 96 63, 66; 97 13, 15, 16; 99 62, 65; 102 34; 103 44, 61; 106 61, 62; 111 4, 31-35, 57; 113 58-67; 115 55; 118 41
olive oil, extra virgin: 106 62
olive oil soap: 60 57, 58, 60; 61 72; 65 27, 29
olive oil tasting: 117 34; 118 36
olive orchards: 44 41; 61 10; 67 24, 25; 87 53, 54; 100 65
olive pests: 63 53
olive pruning: 34 41-50; 77 52-61
olive quick decline syndrome: 94 39
olive scab: 55 12
olive suckers: 87 20
olive varieties: 111 32
olive variety, Agrinion: 113 66
olive variety Amfissa: 113 66
olive variety Arbequina: 113 65, 66
olive variety ‘Barouni’: 89 12
olive variety ‘Bjelika’: 111 6
olive variety Calletier: 113 65
olive variety Castelvetrano: 113 66
olive variety Cerignola: 113 66
olive variety Coratina: 113 65
olive variety ‘Frantoia’: 89 12; 113 64
olive variety Galega: 113 66
olive variety Hojiblanco: 31 33
olive variety Kalamata: 113 66
olive variety Koronaiko: 106 63; 113 65
olive variety Leccino: 113 64, 66
olive variety Lianolia: 99 50; 106 63
olive variety Manzanilla: 31 33; 113 60
olive variety Niçoise: 113 65, 66
olive variety Pendolino: 113 64
olie variety Picual: 113 64
olive variety Taggiasca: 113 65
olive variety ‘UC13A’: 89 12
olive variety ‘Velika Lastovka’: 111 6
olive, wild: 15 26; 16 45, 46; 20 23; 28 13; 41 6; 43 7, 79; 46 94; 53 8, 10; 51 20; 75 55; 81 19, 24; 82 52, 53; 85 5, 37; 103 44; 113 60; 115 5
olives, curing: 113 66
olives, eating: 111 32, 35; 113 66
Olivier, Laurence: 81 5
Olsen, Eric: 55 68
Olympic Games: 56 15; 59 54, 59; 63 12; 114 19
Olympic Games, ancient: 99 65; 113 58
Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028: 112 29
Olympic House, Nicosia: 59 54
Olympic Sports Association of Cyprus: 63 68
Ombu tree: 99 44
Omphalodes cappadocica: 91 62
Onagraceae: 9 38; 37 22
Oncocyclus irises: 80 56
Oncostema peruviana: 100 14, 40
Onion Festival: 102 34
onions: 4 45; 6 46; 7 7; 8 49; 49 24; 54 46; 57 29; 58 33, 37; 63 72; 67 15; 69 33, 61; 70 52, 55; 75 26; 81 22; 87 24, 34, 35; 92 44; 94 39, 46, 47; 104 52
onions, spring: 6 46
onions, wild: 103 46
Onixotis triquetra: 21 22; 77 42, 112
Onobrychis: 54 54
Onobrychis pindicola: 82 62
Onobrychis ptolemaica: 58 52
Ononis antiquorum: 26 60
Onopordum: 6 33; 100 65
Onopordum acanthium: 3 32
Onopordum cynarocephalum: 84 7
Onopordum illyricum: 88 67
Onopordum tauricum: 82 61
onosma: 96 12
Onosma: 45 13
Onosma echioides: 3 34
Onosma erectum: 25 43
Onosma frutescens: 16 27; 18 30; 80 55
Onosma pygmaeum: 82 61
Onosma tauricum: 3 34
Onymacris unguicuaris: 92 50
oomycetes: 76 46
Oophytum nanum: 111 25
Open Garden: 90 36, 42-45
Open Garden Scheme, Australia: 105 12
Ophioglossaceae: 82 63
Ophioglossum vulgatum: 82 63
ophiolite: 59 60
Ophiopogon jaburan: 38 28, 29
Ophiopogon japonicus: 16 6; 40 27; 43 32; 52 35; 53 34; 79 58; 92 7; 98 17
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens': 38 28; 40 27; 91 44; 92 14
Ophrys: 25 44; 54 56; 60 12; 70 10; 97 15; 100 44; 106 17; 107 25, 27
Ophrys apifera: 48 11; 53 18; 68 9; 81 20; 110 39, 43
Ophrys argolica: 110 44
Ophrys attica: 106 18
Ophrys bertolonii: 73 42
Ophrys bombyliflora: 16 31; 88 46; 113 28
Ophrys ferrum-equinum: 86 14; 88 46; 100 45; 106 18; 110 43, 44
Ophrys ferrum-equinum ssp. ferrum-equinum: 97 12
Ophrys fuciflora: 61 51
Ophrys fuciflora ssp. bornmuelleri: 100 46
Ophrys fusca: 45 11; 81 20, 58; 110 40
Ophrys fusca ssp. fusca: 110 44
Ophrys fusca ssp. iricolor: 28 33; 106 18
Ophrys hebes: 83 36
Ophrys helenae: 83 36
Ophrys icariensis: 88 46
Ophrys iricolor: 110 40
Ophrys kotschyi: 68 56
Ophrys lutea: 16 31; 25 40-42; 45 11; 81 20; 85 2; 90 22; 97 11; 106 18
Ophrys lutea ssp. galilaea: 106 18; 110 41, 42, 44
Ophrys mammosa: 97 11
Ophrys oxyrrhinchus ssp. celiensis: 53 11
Ophrys reinholdii: 61 51; 110 43
Ophrys scolopax: 67 9; 79 19; 81 20; 106 18; 110 44
Ophrys scolopax ssp. cornuta: 61 51; 73 42; 110 39
Ophrys speculum: 16 31; 68 9; 81 58; 90 22; 107 26; 110 40, 44
Ophrys sphegodes: 106 18
Ophrys sphegodes ssp. aesculapii: 110 44
Ophrys sphegodes ssp. atrata: 85 2
Ophrys sphegodes ssp. helenae: 82 55, 63
Ophrys sphegodes ssp. mammosa: 54 58; 61 51; 73 42; 82 59, 63; 97 11; 106 18; 110 43
Ophrys tenthredinifera: 16 31; 97 12; 106 18; 110 39
Ophrys umbilicata: 61 51; 106 18; 110 41
Ophrys umbilicata ssp. beerii: 84 61
Ophrys × delphinensis: 99 63
opium poppy: 9 25
Oplopanax horridus: 72 69
opportunist plants: 73 30
opuntia: 28 11; 31 56; 36 65; 67 11; 95 5; 118 60
opuntia fruits: 91 11
Opuntia: 19 32; 20 20; 21 6; 43 9; 45 27; 52 15; 54 67; 59 7; 63 45, 48; 70 3
Opuntia erinacea: 63 48
Opuntia ficus-indica: 19 32; 27 29; 28 22, 25; 45 20; 67 8, 77; 53 32; 54 16, 49, 51, 52; 55 49; 63 44, 45; 78 42; 81 17, 21; 83 16; 92 31; 94 6; 111 6; 113 53; 115 23
Opuntia humifusa: 63 48
Opuntia megacantha: 63 44
Opuntia microdasys: 97 8
Opuntia microdasys var. alba: 63 48
Opuntia tunicata: 63 48
Opuntia × vaseyi: 90 12
orach: 57 35; 79 34
orange: 3 7; 5 28; 6 40; 7 47; 8 30, 45, 56; 9 9; 12 7; 13 17; 15 38; 16 51, 52; 18 15, 26,  35; 19 10; 20 15, 17-19; 21 61; 22 21, 60; 23 23; 24 47; 26 29, 43, 44; 27 44; 28 6, 11, 21; 31 54; 32 35; 33 12; 38 10; 41 2; 42 8, 28, 54; 44 48; 45 50; 46 51, 53, 63; 47 3; 48 55, 56, 58; 49 22, 24, 25, 34, 35, 41; 50 18, 59; 52 29, 30; 53 37; 55 40; 57 29; 58 38; 59 11, 13; 60 21, 65; 62 3; 63 56, 59, 72; 64 12, 15, 41, 63; 65 26, 28; 67 15, 17, 18, 20; 69 14; 70 25; 74 32, 48; 75 2; 79 4, 6, 8; 80 8-10, 43, 45; 81 52; 82 28; 83 3, 34, 64-66, 71; 88 10, 31, 60; 89 33, 35-37; 91 11, 18, 20; 93 24, 26; 95 27, 47, 52; 97 8, 16, 40; 98 49; 102 36, 45; 104 22, 28, 52, 67; 105 62, 64; 106 47, 48, 53, 63; 113 19; 115 24; 117 43-46; 118 59
orange blossom: 82 28; 83 2; 92 6; 117 43
orange groves: 70 22, 23; 78 8; 82 27; 102 58; 106 53
orange tree, dwarf: 41 6
orange tree, espaliered: 41 3
orange, bitter/Seville: 23 21; 26 29; 27 33; 35 16, 51; 41 4; 48 55, 56, 59; 53 37; 62 3, 34; 78 70; 79 5, 40; 80 43; 83 66; 89 33-35; 92 4, 7; 97 8; 99 55; 102 36; 104 70; 108 69; 110 7; 113 18; 115 5; 116 11; 117 43
orange, blood: 49 24; 83 65; 89 34, 37; 107 8; 110 7
orange, Early Valencia: 107 8
orange, eating/sweet: 35 51; 47 57, 58; 49 24; 62 3
orange, marmalade: 49 24
orange, trifoliate : 102 38
orange, Valencia: 52 64
orange pincushion: 111 24
orangeries: 21 14; 22 11; 47 50, 54; 49 16; 55 18
orchard: 3 44; 5 13; 7 9, 10; 8 46; 24 6, 38, 50, 55; 27 45; 29 10, 12; 43 63; 44 6, 15, 16; 46 23; 47 3, 41, 47; 48 4; 49 22, 24, 44; 51 7; 52 2, 15; 53 21, 22, 37; 55 48, 51; 57 14; 58 14; 62 9, 33; 64 12, 15, 19; 65 47, 57; 66 9, 30; 67 18; 69 17, 39; 70 16, 22; 72 24; 73 21, 43, 66; 75 10; 76 43, 67; 79 39; 80 9, 12; 81 51, 52, 56; 84 48; 85 9, 12; 87 53; 89 8, 16, 37, 43, 54; 90 36; 91 42, 55; 92 55, 65; 93 24, 41; 94 16; 95 36; 96 64; 98 6; 100 67; 102 30, 31, 33, 34, 43, 45, 50; 104 51, 61; 105 35, 36, 38; 110 20, 38; 112 15; 115 22, 24, 61, 75; 117 60, 61, 63; 118 5, 53
orchid, Anatolian: 56 57
orchid, asparagus: 110 43
orchid, bee: 16 31; 17 53; 48 11; 57 55; 59 16; 65 49; 85 2; 93 59; 95 59; 97 11, 15, 23, 46; 99 17; 100 44, 45; 110 39, 43, 44
orchid, bird's nest: 54 56
orchid, bumblebee: 16 31; 113 28
orchid, burnt: 72 40
orchid, butterfly: 56 57; 72 40; 85 3, 4; 110 42, 44
orchid, common tongue; 110 39, 41
orchid, cymbidium: 50 19; 53 35
orchid dendrobium: 88 7
orchid, Delphi bee: 110 43, 44
orchid, dense-flowered: 56 57; 110 39, 40
orchid, dingy bee: 110 40, 44
orchid, early purple: 62 47; 82 55
orchid, early spider: 85 2; 102 25; 110 39, 40, 44
orchid, elder-flowered: 82 55
orchid, few-flowered: 110 43
orchid, four-spot: 83 36; 110 43, 44
orchid, fragrant bug; 110 43
orchid, frog: 72 40
orchid, giant: 79 19; 106 17; 110 42, 43
orchid, greater butterfly: 82 55; 110 43
orchid, green-winged: 82 55; 85 4; 110 39, 41
orchid, horned woodcock: 110 39, 41, 42
orchid, horseshoe: 86 14; 97 12; 110 43, 44
orchid, Italian: 110 42
orchid, king: 88 7
orchid, Komper's: 20 31
orchid, lady: 51 48; 60 32; 82 55; 110 43
orchid, Lady’s Slipper: 73 72
orchid, Lady’s Tresses: 64 23
orchid, lax-flowered tongue: 110 41
orchid, leek: 71 58
orchid, man: 73 42; 110 43
orchid, marsh: 72 40
orchid, milk: 110 43
orchid, mirror: 97 11
orchid, mirror of Venus: 110 40, 41, 44
orchid, monkey: 83 36
orchid, naked man: 110 42
orchid, Provençal: 110 43
orchid, pyramidal: 82 55, 58; 110 43
orchid, rare: 105 27, 28
orchid, Reingold’s bee: 110 43
orchid, Roman: 110 39
orchid, sawfly: 16 31; 97 12; 110 39
orchid, scented: 73 45
orchid, Shoreditch: 64 4
orchid, slipper: 53 35
orchid, small-flowered tongue: 110 41
orchid, three-toothed: 82 59
orchid, tongue: 16 31; 85 2, 3; 86 15; 97 23; 110 41
orchid, trident: 110 43
orchid, Vanda: 76 25
orchid, woodcock: 100 41, 44
orchid, woodcock bee: 79 19
orchid, yellow bee: 110 41, 42, 44
orchid hybrids: 85 4; 110 41 44
Orchidaceae: 47 61; 56 57; 61 51; 96 27; 105 28; 110 49
orchid tree: 117 55
orchids: 7 49; 15 43; 16 18, 31; 17 59; 18 59, 63, 64; 19 12, 31; 20 31, 32, 39; 21 58, 70, 71; 25 37, 40-42; 33 36; 35 16, 61; 36 46, 62; 37 18, 39, 43, 45; 41 13; 42 56, 71, 84; 43 25; 44 56; 45 11, 47; 47 61, 62; 48 11; 51 46, 48; 52 16, 64; 53 11, 18, 35; 54 56. 57; 56 4, 57, 59; 57 26, 28, 55; 59 44, 45; 60 12, 32, 55; 64 23, 24, 26; 65 28; 68 9, 56, 60; 69 5, 60, 67; 70 10, 47; 71 55; 72 40; 73 21, 42, 43, 51, 66; 74 38; 75 3, 32; 78 12, 69; 80 13, 18; 82 55, 59; 83 1, 31, 35, 39, 61; 84 27, 61; 87 59, 67, 68; 89 8, 59; 90 22; 91 25, 73; 93 29, 58, 59, 67; 94 6, 65; 95 45, 63; 96 27, 63, 67; 99 17, 36, 37, 63; 100 45, 46, 69; 104 13, 15; 106 17, 18, 28, 51; 107 4, 25-27, 36; 108 7; 114 51, 52; 116 34, 35; 117 12; 118 57
orchids, Mediterranean: 113 29
orchids, pot-grown: 72 41
orchids, wild: 43 8; 81 20; 97 2; 102 30; 107 25
orchis: 8 42; 35 16
Orchis: 35 16
Orchis anatolica: 45 47; 56 57; 61 51
Orchis anthropophora: 73 42; 110 43
Orchis boryi: 54 55; 88 46
Orchis canariensis: 93 68
Orchis comperiana: 20 31-33; 21 70-72
Orchis cordigera: 9 11
Orchis coriophora ssp. fragrans: 110 43
Orchis italica: 16 31; 17 59; 25 40, 42; 73 42; 88 46; 90 22; 110 42
Orchis laxiflora: 21 58; 48 11; 93 59
Orchis mascula: 56 4; 82 55, 63
Orchis pallens: 82 59, 63; 86 47
Orchis palustris: 25 41
Orchis papilionacea: 56 57
Orchis pauciflora: 73 42; 82 63; 83 39; 110 43
Orchis provincialis: 88 46; 110 43
Orchis purpurea: 48 11; 60 32; 61 52; 82 55, 63; 110 43
Orchis pyramidalis: 70 48
Orchis quadripunctata: 17 59; 21 70; 25 40, 42; 54 55; 67 9; 73 42; 82 59, 63; 110 43, 44
Orchis simia: 83 36
order beds: 69 4
oregano: 10 26, 29; 11 13, 30; 12 23; 26 12; 32 18; 29 39, 44; 40 2; 47 6; 48 20; 51 52; 56 65; 57 18; 58 31, 32; 59 37, 46; 60 20, 24, 25; 62 31, 33, 50; 64 15; 67 29; 72 16; 74 52; 75 22; 80 28; 84 38; 85 10; 88 36; 89 12, 31, 34; 91 62; 98 46; 99 62; 102 22, 27; 108 1, 24-31; 110 36, 46, 47; 117 28
oregano, Smyrna: 108 28
oregano oil: 108 25
oregano, prostrate: 112 44
oregano, wild populations: 108 31
Oregon Grape: 6 35; 102 16
Oreocereus celsianus: 75 2
Oreodoxa regia: 68 51
Oreopanax: 13 9
Oreopanax capitatus: 116 63
organic certification: 70 66
organic cultivation: 47 28; 48 66; 50 41; 53 11; 56 5, 37, 64; 57 71; 58 35; 59 48, 50; 65 12; 70 52, 54, 67; 71 68; 76 2; 89 31
organic demonstration garden: 89 48
organic farming: 6 41; 61 37, 45; 90 22
organic fertiliser: 6 46
organic gardens: 114 28; 115 72; 117 57
organic horn powder: 70 67
organic material: 115 50
organic material, loss of: 114 72
organic matter: 7 28, 40; 8 48; 10 17; 53 54; 55 41; 61 36, 37; 62 43; 63 49; 77 97, 98; 81 8; 83 44, 45; 89 49; 100 12, 21; 110 29, 32; 113 41, 47, 72; 114 69; 116 50
organic matter, lack of: 104 27
organic matter, low: 115 57
organic methods: 6 3; 7 35
organic mulch: 49 49; 51 22; 66 53; 77 89; 79 47
organic olive cultivation: 79 29, 30
organic pest control: 60 4, 42, 43, 46
organic principles: 61 39
organic produce: 84 43; 88 51
organic production: 99 58
organic vegetable garden: 103 60
organic vegetables: 72 41
organic waste: 102 56
organophosphate: 59 24
oriental fountain grass: 104 42
oriental hornbeam: 111 4
oriental plane: 39 47
oriental poppies: 71 52, 57; 113 34
origanum: 30 25; 40 43; 100 12; 108 25; 111 71; 114 37
Origanum: 36 27; 47 40; 50 12; 55 8; 56 55; 59 46; 62 50; 63 11, 62; 85 56; 91 62; 115 49, 66; 117 12
Origanum amanum: 16 37; 65 3; S(1) 33
Origanum ‘Barbara Tingey’: 114 37; 117 28, 29
Origanum ‘Bellissimo’: 111 72; 117 29
Origanum calcaratum: 16 37; 65 3; S(1) 33; 83 27; 108 26
Origanum dictamnus: 3 34; 25 11, 43; 30 23; 37 40, 41; 43 23; 49 40; 57 4; 59 54; 63 11; 71 6; 74, 46, 47, 53; 79 27; 85 56; 86 28; 94 46; 99 3, 74; 102 22; 103 56; 108 26; 114 37, 67, 68; 115 66; 116 65; 117 9, 27
Origanum dubium: 48 20; 108 25, 29, 30; 112 47
Origanum heracleoticum: 36 8; 72 16; 108 28
Origanum hybridum: 3 34
Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’: 114 37; 117 27, 28
Origanum laevigatum: 3 34; 22 25
Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen': 22 25; 42 81
Origanum libanoticum: 114 37
Origanum majorana: 10 29; 20 41; 36 8; 72 17; 74 46; 85 10; 108 28, 29; 115 24
Origanum majorana var. tenuifolium: 86 29; 108 28
Origanum microphyllum: 108 25
Origanum minutiflorum: 59 43, 44
Origanum onites: 32 18; 40 2, 42; 45 13; 71 6; 72 16; 75 22; 108 27
Origanum rotundifolium: 3 34; 117 29
Origanum scabrum: 72 13; 74 46; 108 26; 117 29
Origanum scabrum ssp. pulchrum: 72 13
Origanum sipyleum: 32 18; 114 37
Origanum ‘Soledad’: 86 29
Origanum symes: 108 25, 28
Origanum syriacum: 32 18; 48 24; 85 10, 32; 107 63; 108 30; 115 66
Origanum tournefortii: 16 37; 65 3; S(1) 33; 83 27
Origanum vetteri: 108 28
Origanum vulgare: 3 34; 10 29; 20 41; 36 8; 39 44; 56 65; 75 22; 78 66; 85 56; 111 18
Origanum vulgare 'Aureum': 21 68; 72 16
Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum: 10 29; 99 62; 108 1, 27; 110 46
Origanum vulgare ssp. viridulum: 108 28
Origo, Iris: 89 33
Oriolus oriolus: 86 23
Orlaya: 83 20
Orlaya grandiflora: 18 62; 100 47
ornamental cherries: 76 45; 103 28
ornamental gardens: 107 45
ornamental grasses: 59 57
ornamental gourds: 64 19
ornamental plants: 114 20
ornamental trees: 70 63; 71 33, 34; 75 43; 79 39; 85 32
ornithogalum: 102 25
Ornithogalum: 8 41; 70 48; 85 23; 106 28
Ornithogalum arabicum: 3 35; 20 26; 34 7; 45 13; 67 10; 70 10; 71 8
Ornithogalum armeniacum: 61 52
Ornithogalum creticum: 63 22
Ornithogalum collinum: 70 48
Ornithogalum lanceolatum: 65 48
Ornithogalum maculatum: 21 23; 77 43
Ornithogalum narbonense: 45 13; 70 48
Ornithogalum nutans: 3 35; 20 41; 56 56
Ornithogalum sibthorpii: 70 10
Ornithogalum tenuifolium: 52 64
Ornithogalum trichophyllum: 65 47
Ornithogalum umbellatum: 3 35; 20 41; 45 13; 48 12; 49 31; 70 10, 11; 71 8; 91 41; 100 10
Orobanchaceae: 82 63
Orobanche: 54 56; 83 38
Orobanche alba: 14 40
Orobanche cernua: 14 40
Orobanche crenata: 52 64
Orobanche loricata: 14 40
Orobanche orientalis: 14 40
Orobanche racemosa: 14 40
Orobanche rechingeri: 82 63
Orobanche reticulata: 14 40
Orostachys iwarenge 'Chinese Dunce's Cap': 57 20
Orphanides, Theodoros: 95 9; 111 11, 14; 112 72; 114 11-19
Orto Botanico di Napoli: 80 62
Orto dei Semplici Elbano: 79 33, 34, 37; 93 13-20
orti: 107 35
Orwell, George: 91 69
Oryctes nasicornus: 46 102
Oryza sativa: 96 27
Osage orange: 26 36; 67 44
Oscularia: 91 64
Oscularia deltoides: 18 32; 57 20; S(2) 22
Osler, Mirabel: 97 22; 99 49
Osmanthus: 55 26
Osmanthus aurantiacus: 19 66
Osmanthus delavayi: 18 24; 19 47; 38 18
Osmanthus fragrans: 19 66; 21 62; 38 18; 89 7
Osmanthus heterophyllus: 19 47, 62
Osmanthus × burkwoodii: 19 47
osmosis: 25 45, 46
osmotic desiccation: 48 39
Ossart, Eric: 81 50, 53; 87 70; 99 71
Osteospermum: 16 50; 21 18; 22 24, 52; 43 30; 55 14; 67 21; 84 38; 89 21; 110 51
Osteospermum acutifolium: 21 18; 77 38, 112
Osteospermum barberiae: 11 39, 40
Osteospermum 'Buttermilk': 33 28
Osteospermum ecklonis: 11 39; 30 23; 100 23; 116 64
Osteospermum fruticosum: 8 22; 43 33; 91 64; 103 19, 40
Osteospermum hyoseroides: 111 25; 115 25
Osteospermum jucundum: 11 39
Osteospermum moniliferum: 116 63
Osteospermum pinnatum: 21 18; 77 38
Osteospermum 'Silver Sparkler': 33 28
Osteospermum 'Whirlygig': 33 28
osteospermums: 27 63; 30 23, 24; 43 80; 66 33; 95 32; 97 30; 106 30
Ostia: 41 16, 20
ostiole: 116 42
Ostrya carpinifolia: 22 41; 40 46; 82 61; 115 18
Osyris alba: 14 54; 40 41
Osyris lanceolata: 81 17, 19; 82 48
Otanthus maritimus: 21 41; 45 48; 63 61
Othonna cheirifolia: 11 45; 30 24; 41 20; 59 5; 71 39
Othonopsis: 97 30
Othonopsis cheirifolia: 30 24
Otiorhynchus: 60 42
Otiorhynchus sulcatus: 46 102; 94 44; 114 47
Otis scops: 83 12; 97 17
Otto, King of Greece: 98 13, 18; 99 57; 114 11; 117 18
Ottoman Empire: 64 5; 114 13, 32
Ottoman gardens: 9 2, 4, 8, 9, 11; 10 7, 9, 10, 12-15; 63 57; 64 8; 78 61, 62; 98 64
Oudolf, Piet: 93 2; 95 27, 31, 42, 47; 107 45; 112 57; 115 23
Our Lady's Bedspread: 53 57
Our Lord’s Candle: 82 16
outcrops, rocky: 96 8
outdoor living: 112 52
outdoor room: 6 5, 11; 45 32, 33
outeniqua: 59 26
over-collection: 59 41, 43, 44
over-grazing: 6 34; 42 61, 70; 43 8; 46 69; 58 6; 59 41; 62 71; 63 8, 20, 55; 104 17, 18; 110 55, 58; 115 73
over-planting: 71 14
over-irrigation/watering: 48 38, 40; 62 40; 67 39; 70 52; 71 14; 73 10; 76 46; 77 94; 97 56; 107 30, 43
over-wintering: 46 14, 28, 33, 34; 93 53
Ovid: 57 53; 114 42
ox-bows: 69 62
oxalates: 84 40
Oxalidaceae: 84 38, 40
oxalis: 6 26; 28 16; 40 28; 41 71; 45 8, 25, 29; 53 32; 55 39; S(2) 12; 70 29; 71 43; 84 34-38, 41; 97 44; 104 16
Oxalis: 24 10; 40 29; 60 45; 61 72; 85 25; 102 5; 106 24
Oxalis acetosella: 38 21
Oxalis acetosella var. rosea: 45 8
Oxalis bowiei: 22 22; 71 43; 116 65
Oxalis montana: 73 72
Oxalis pes-caprae: 14 37; 16 29; 19 56; 20 28; 22 22, 43; 30 27; 35 48; 36 46; 37 36; 38 28; 40 28; 41 70; 42 70; 45 8; 47 3; 52 53; 54 24; 56 71; 63 11; 70 10; 71 43; 81 41; 84 34, 38-41; 85 72; 87 17; 92 28; 97 6, 49; 103 45; 104 67, 68; 110 34; 116 64
Oxalis rosea: 22 22
Oxalis triangularis: 59 57; 112 54; 116 63
ox-eye daisies: 42 53
Oxford Botanical Garden: 19 76; 28 65; 73 50
oxlip: 28 43
oxygen: 24 11, 48; 48 16; 52 5, 13; 62 1; 66 53; 71 39; 78 46; 80 42, 61; 82 32; 83 56; 85 62
Oxytropis: 54 54
oyster plant: 92 33; 105 9
Oziroe biflora: 115 20
ozone-depleting: 102 59
Ozothamnus ledifolius: 18 24
Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius: 11 44; 18 24; 19 50
Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius 'Silver Jubilee': 18 24

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