Mediterranean Garden Society
The Mediterranean Garden
The photograph at the top of this page shows Paeonia ‘Cardinal Vaughan’, a tree peony introduced to the West from China around 1900 (Photo Alisdair Aird)
pachycaul plants: 61 26
pachyforms: 60 64
Pachyphytum oviferum: 57 21
Pachypodium: 91 16
Pachypodium lamerei: 29 18; 43 58; 81 51; 91 49
Pachypodium namaquanum; 111 26
pachypodiums: 111 23; 113 16
Pachystachys: 108 23
Pachystegia insignis: 78 66; 89 19
Pacific Asia Museum: 28 58; 118 57
Pacific Bulb Society: 103 65; 105 70; 106 28
Pacific wax myrtle: 112 26
Padua University Botanic Garden: 23 10; 42 17-21; 55 60; 79 66; 98 10
Paeonia: 8 55; 15 71; 19 50; 21 62; 23 32; 39 78; 59 47; 82 34; 89 8
Paeonia anomala ssp. veitchii: 104 57
Paeonia arietina: 3 34
Paeonia broteri: 8 55; 73 19
Paeonia cambessedesii: 1 55; 4 50; 8 55; 21 62; 23 35; 39 78; 49 25
Paeonia clusii: 1 28, 30; 8 55; 23 35; 33 36; 42 71
Paeonia clusii ssp. rhodia: 73 51
Paeonia coriacea: 8 55
Paeonia corsica: 39 78
Paeonia daurica ssp. macrophylla: 104 58
Paeonia daurica ssp. mlokosewitschii: 67 62
Paeonia delavayi: 71 34
Paeonia ‘Destiny’: 115 37
Paeonia 'Joseph Rock': 29 69
Paeonia lactiflora: 19 50; 104 55
Paeonia lutea: 71 34
Paeonia mascula: 1 27, 30; 33 34; 59 43, 45; 61 53
Paeonia mascula ssp. hellenica: 1 29; 14 7; 33 35, 36; 117 1
Paeonia mascula ssp. mascula: 33 35
Paeonia mascula ssp. russi: 1 29; 23 35; 33 35, 36
Paeonia mascula ssp. triternata: 1 30; 33 35
Paeonia officinalis: 3 34; 115 18
Paeonia parnassica: 1 27, 29; 8 55; 33 34-36; 44 22; 117 1
Paeonia peregrina: 1 27; 23 35; 73 21; 82 60, 63; 83 35, 39
Paeonia rhodia: 1 28, 30; 8 55; 23 35; 33 36; 34 6
Paeonia rockii: 30 63
Paeonia ‘Souvenir de Maxime Cornu’: 71 55
Paeonia tenuifolia: 104 57, 58
Paeonia wittmannina: 104 58
Paeonia woodwardii: 104 57
Paeonia × suffruticosa: 19 50; 84 12
Paeoniaceae: 82 63
Page, Russell: 15 11; 16 14, 15; 17 13, 23; 20 71; 21 7-12; 25 54; 29 4; 30 9; 41 9; 45 31, 39; 46 74; 49 61; 64 25; 80 23; 81 5-10, 12; 83 59, 61; 94 56; 112 42
Pagnol, Marcel: 74 57; 80 21; 112 51
Pagoda Plant: 57 21
paint-brush lilies: 90 62
painted sage: 76 12
pak choi: 56 46
Palace of Caserta: 84 45
Palaces of Galiana: 29 8-12
Palacete y Jardines de Monforte: 80 12
Palacio de Viana: 79 9; 80 6
Palazzo Chigi: 46 60
Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola: 58 9
Palazzo Gradenigo: 58 14
Palazzo Reale Caserta: 80 62
Palazzo Soranzo Cappello: 58 12
paleo-endemics: 28 28; 63 10
Palermo Botanical Garden: 13 11-14; 19 3; 23 1, 60; 29 15; 36 30; 112 66
Palestine oak: 76 7
Palestinian Campion: 76 12
Palestinian Honeywort: 76 12
Paliurus spina-christi: 3 32; 22 37, 39; 83 17; 115 20, 53
Palladio: 28 5
Pallenis maritima: 68 9; 74 46; 76 13, 17; 81 21; 85 2; 110 50
Pallensis spinosa: 16 32
palm beetle/weevil: 68 40, 44-48; 87 53; 94 45; 95 50; 98 71; 104 21
palm branches: 42 27
palm groves: 113 13, 16; 114 17
palm house: 80 13
palm pests: 47 74, 75; 51 82; 54 71
palm, areca: 106 38; 115 9
palm, Alexandra's: 33 54
palm, blue Hesper: 87 8
palm, blue needle: 36 64
palm, cabbage: 33 55
palm, cabbage-tree: 93 8
palm, California cotton: 31 54; 111 5
palm, California fan: 31 57; 118 61
palm, Canary Islands: 1 33; 4 4; 35 16; 39 9; 41 4; 42 27; 62 7; 77 17, 68; 92 4, 26, 32; 102 12; 112 38
palm, Chilean wine: 4 5; 37 14; 77 19; 91 50; 118 60
palm, Chusan: 33 54; 103 73
palm, coconut: 9 9; 29 13; 50 47; 52 30
palm, Coquito: 21 16
palm, cotton: 102 12
palm, Cretan: 31 55; 36 32; 71 33; 95 50
palm, date: 1 33; 9 9; 19 5; 21 49; 26 61; 33 54; 55 71; 58 49; 65 56; 68 14, 41; 69 19, 21; 70 14, 23, 38; 79 55; 81 17; 82 27; 91 55; 93 21; 106 40; 113 13, 16
palm, date, Medjool: 65 44
palm, date, miniature: 5 9
palm, dwarf: 23 49, 62; 42 17; 51 13
palm, elephant’s foot palm: 113 15
palm, European/Mediterranean Fan: 1 5; 4 7; 9 20; 31 55; 53 18; 77 9, 21; 81 17; 87 8; 94 11; 112 65; 115 5
palm, fan: 1 33; 26 15; 35 48; 36 32; 42 79; 74 27; 74 27; 83 20
palm, fishtail: 33 55
palm, foxtail: 33 55
palm, Goethe's: 23 10; 42 17
palm, Guadalupe Island: 87 8
palm, jelly: 33 55; 64 24
palm, kentia: 4 2; 77 16
palm, king: 4 2; 77 16
palm, Kosi: 65 58
palm, Mexican Blue fan: 4 5; 33 55; 40 14; 77 19; 107 57; 113 16
palm, palma di San Pietro: 35 18
palm, palmetto: 32 29; 33 55; 59 13
palm, palmito: 115 5, 6
palm, parlour: 4 9; 77 22
palm, pindo: 32 59
palm, potted: 47 47
palm, pygmy date: 33 54
palm, queen: 5 25; 33 54
palm, Riu-Kiu: 33 55
palm, royal: 49 22
palm, sago: 19 62; 22 6; 65 56
palm, San José: 47 54
palm, San Jose Hesper: 87 8
palm, skyduster: 33 54
palm, spiny fibre: 4 7; 77 21
palm, Washington/Washingtonia: 102 12; 113 15; 115 6
palm, Yatay feather: 47 54
palm oil plantations: 107 48
Palmeraie, Marrakech: 62 8
Palmeral, Elche: 93 21-23
palms: 1 10, 32-36, 44; 4 1, 7; 5 5, 25; 7 46; 10 3-5, 22; 15 48; 17 65; 18 9, 16, 60, 64; 19 5, 24, 46, 62; 20 4, 5, 10, 52; 21 14; 23 30, 60, 62; 24 31; 26 1, 15, 17, 27, 30, 49, 54, 61, 65; 27 48, 59; 28 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 36, 37, 66; 29 13, 15, 53; 32 6, 7, 18, 26, 58; 35 17, 18, 46; 36 13, 31, 63-66; 38 18, 71, 80; 40 9, 13, 16; 42 27, 80; 43 14, 15, 41, 62; 44 36, 56; 45 54, 55, 71; 46 1-8, 21, 27, 34, 51, 92; 47 40, 47, 52, 54, 62, 70, 74, 75, 76; 49 22, 25, 61; 50 47, 48, 59; 51 13, 56, 81, 82; 52 13, 33, 55, 67; 53 31, 33, 35; 54 71; 55 14, 40; 56 15-18; 57 25, 55, 56, 67, 71; 58 4, 20, 48; 59 11, 12, 22; 60 14; 61 71; 62 1, 2, 64; 66 31, 47; 67 21, 22, 32, 42; 68 6, 40, 41, 43-46, 48, 49; 69 9, 61; 70 14, 62, 63; 71 33, 55; 72 60; 73 56; 76 40, 42, 44, 45; 78 1, 13; 79 8, 51, 52, 58, 60; 80 7, 13; 81 12 21, 50, 52-54; 82 6, 7, 13, 30-32; 83 16, 61; 84 12; 87 7, 53, 67; 88 15, 23; 89 7; 91 12, 19, 47, 52; 92 5, 7, 8, 28, 32, 65; 93 21-24, 25, 26, 36; 95 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 62-54; 96 63; 87 26, 30l 38; 98 14; 99 42, 44, 70, 71; 100 2, 58; 101 25; 102 12; 104 12, 21; 105 50, 64; 106 31; 107 16, 18; 112 39, 41; 113 15, 16, 18, 24, 26; 114 47, 67; 115 9-11; 116 4, 10, 14, 28, 66; 117 17, 55, 60, 62-64; 118 54, 60, 62
palms, infected: 63 12; 68 40, 41, 46
pampas grass: 7 47; 29 5, 6; 40 54; 43 61; 46 32; 51 81; 54 7, 22; 55 2; 66 35; 67 27; 75 24; 91 23; 99 58
Pan-Australian Conference 2019: 97 3, 71
Pan-Australian Conference, Second: 99 4; 100 2; 101 1, 70; 104 1, 3
Pancratium: 90 61
Pancratium maritimum: 2 52; 3 35; 15 34; 20 41; 21 41; 31 29; 34 6; 38 82; 52 16; 59 57; 63 61; 73 22; 76 16, 17; 80 55; 93 31; 96 2; 98 56; 100 46; 106 64; 107 63; 114 53; 117 19
Pancratium illyricum: 85 5; 89 61
Pandanus: 118 64
pandemic: 103 57, 67, 72; 104 26; 105 5, 21; 106 14; 108 26; 110 4; 111 16; 115 10
Pandion haliaetus: 71 67
Pandorea: 3 7; 14 28; 16 38, 39; 42 55, 57, 58; S(1) 17, 21, 22; 70 70; 71 60; 76 27
Pandorea brycei: 16 39
Pandorea jasminoides: 16 38; 20 24; 30 26; 45 65; 59 6; S(1) 21; 67 41, 62; 70 69; 76 24, 27; 91 69; 112 24; 115 30; 117 16
Pandorea pandorana: 42 55, 57; 70 69; 90 32; 92 24; 114 72
Pandorea pandorana 'Alba': 20 24; 21 68
Pandorea pandorana ;Golden Showers’: 99 26
Pandorea ‘Red Eyes’: 75 3
Panicum virgatum: 36 27
Panofsky, Erwin: 74 28
pansies: 1 48; 4 43; 5 10; 16 47, 48; 19 8; 20 15, 45; 27 50; 46 58; 47 20; 64 42; 70 29; 84 20; 100 13
pansies, heartsease: 20 45
pansy 'Crown': 16 48
pansy 'Super Majestic': 16 48
Papaioannou, John: 98 33, 35
Papaver: 43 31
Papaver argemone: 89 58; 110 22
Papaver californicum: 24 15
Papaver dubium: 16 27; 58 59
Papaver gracile: 61 50
Papaver nigrotinctum: 54 59
Papaver orientale: 13 46
Papaver rhoeas: 3 34; 14 28; 16 27; 19 30; 20 41; 22 44; 25 12; 33 26; 43 7; 45 14; 52 64; 54 59; 57 4; 58 59; 67 9; 69 26, 28; 73 43; 80 55; 82 43, 46; 83 35; 84 26, 33; 86 12; 89 58; 100 69; 101 69; 106 18
Papaver rhoeas Mother of Pearl Group: 103 54
Papaver somniferum: 3 34; 9 23; 18 6; 54 24; 70 26, 29; 78 41, 42; 82 44; 113 24
Papaver somniferum Paeoniiflorum Group: 71 70
Papaver umbonatum: 76 12
Papaveraceae: 54 63; 117 20
papaya: 20 17; 42 61; 64 70; 74 71; 76 72; 79 62; 81 52; 114 28
Paper Gardenia: 73 63
paper daisy: 116 16
paper wasps: 64 53
paperbark: 116 16
paperwhites: 100 13; 106 15
Paphipedilum: 53 35
Papilio machaon: 64 40; 83 11
Papilionaceae: 15 40; 55 30; 64 45
papyrus: 4 6, 8; 9 27; 12 24; 13 7, 8; 16 51; 20 7; 22 22; 31 49; 38 21; 77 19, 21; 83 60; 89 59; 118 54
papyrus, Nile: 81 51
Papyrus: 40 19; 41 4; 42 27; 95 58
Paracaryum aucheri: 105 26
Paracelsus: 97 57
paradise gardens: 105 34
Paradisea liliastrum: 72 70
Paraguay nightshade: 89 12
parana pine: 116 52
Paraserianthes lophantha: 75 31; 104 20
parasites/parasitic plants: 19 46; 20 42; 21 38; 35 43; 60 49; 61 51; 65 46; 78 39; 85 3; 106 55; 108 51
parasitic wasp species: 4 35; 42 41
Parasyringa sempervirens: 5 5
parc à l'anglaise: 45 54
Parc Citroën: 80 59
Parc et Castel Ste Claire: 101 14
Parc St Bernard: 85 16; 101 14
Parco Amphitheatrum Naturae (PAN): 108 70
Parco della Favorita: 23 61
Parietaria diffusa: 20 45
Parietaria judaica: 82 46
Parietaria officinalis: 56 3
Paris daisies: 39 9, 13; 77 68, 72
Park for the Preservation of Flora & Fauna, Crete: 59 67; 63 58; 67 48; 98 53
park plantings: 99 25
parkinsonia: 62 27
Parkinsonia: 25 48; 42 78; 93 25
Parkinsonia aculeata: 4 18; 10 22; 13 14; 26 16, 50; 28 31; 39 22; 54 4; 59 7, 70; 62 26; 67 62; S(2) 38; 78 9, 13; 107 58; 113 56; 115 39; 116 64
parks: 117 37-39, 41, 42
parkways: 114 21, 22
Parma Botanic Garden: 30 50, 51
Parmentiera alata: 13 13
Parnassos: 19 52; 20 1
Parolinia: 39 71
Parolinia glabriuscula: 39 71
Parolinia platypetala: 39 71
Paronychia kapela: 11 43
Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentenjano e Costa Vicente: 6630
Parrotia: 9 44
Parrotia persica: 27 32; 82 26
Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana: 71 34
parrot’s beak: 91 62
Parry, Christopher Charles: 70 70
parsley: 7 6; 10 20; 28 44, 48; 46 29; 49 25; 54 46; 58 31, 32, 37, 38; 60 24; 62 35, 55; 64 40;
67 64; 70 50; 72 18; 75 23; 79 72; 80 29; 97 40
Parsley Tree: 1 21
parsnips: 56 42; 70 55
parterres: 6 11; 12 7, 8; 14 14; 21 10; 24 6; 26 64; 27 4, 7; 30 9; 34 5; 42 7, 14; 45 34, 57; 49 3, 61; 52 33, 34; 55 28; 56 15, 16; 57 24; 61 10; 69 32; 74 31; 75 8; 79 42; 82 5-7; 84 12, 57; 90 17, 19; 92 66; 93 7, 28; 95 44, 45; 98 20; 101 13; 104 67, 68; 107 14; 114 46, 64
parterres, clipped: 107 45
Parthenocissus: 19 47; 22 55; 75 34
Parthenocissus henryana: 43 18; 56 34; 88 16; 102 19
Parthenocissus quinquefolia: 19 47; 35 14; 47 24; 56 34; 80 42; 92 34; 105 8
Parthenocissus tricuspidata: 19 47; 62 46; 77 100; 92 4
Parthenon: 51 45; 90 10; 97 34, 36; 98 13, 58; 99 38
partial root drying: 24 72
partridge-breasted aloe: 56 27
Parus caeruleus: 83 12
Parus major: 83 12
Pascal: 45 58
passiflora: 16 42; 17 33, 71; 18 22, 28; 38 22; S(1) 34
Passiflora: 7 6; 19 5, 66; 22 21; 26 49; 33 30; 71 63; 78 42
Passiflora amethystina: 55 38
Passiflora antioquiensi: 99 22; 112 39
Passiflora caerulea: 11 15; 18 22; 19 47, 48; 22 21; 40 23; 45 21, 64; 55 37; 80 42
Passiflora caerulea 'Constance Elliott': 11 45
Passiflora coccinea: 55 38
Passiflora edulis: 4 13; 17 33; 18 22; 19 47; 45 64; 55 38; 64 69; 69 15; 70 14; 74 71; 114 29; 115 23
Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa: 74 71
Passiflora incarnata: 118 12
Passiflora incensa: 55 38
Passiflora ligularis: 69 15; 70 14; 74 71
Passiflora mixta: 3 8
Passiflora quadrangularis: 17 71; 19 62; 55 38
Passiflora racemosa: 99 22
Passiflora vitifolia: 55 38
Passiflora × allardii: 55 38
passion flower: 19 8, 32, 67; 26 30; 40 23; 42 58; 49 16, 22; 55 37; 56 9, 10; 62 10; 64 18, 19; 80 42; 91 53; 99 22; 103 28; 106 60; 114 29; 115 23
passion fruit: 49 12; 74 71; 89 17 \; 114 23; 118 12
passion vine: 33 31
Pastinaca lucida: 52 16
pastis: 97 29, 32
pasture: 79 20, 21, 23; 91 30
Paterson, Gerald: 112 14
Patersonia: 51 7
Patersonia occidentalis: 112 7
Paterson's Curse: 57 27
pathogens: 113 50, 52
paths: 15 5, 7, 13, 15; 16 6, 8-11, 43, 68; 17 16, 31-33, 56, 57; 18 1, 7, 21, 22, 55; 19 25, 28, 61, 62, 66-68; 20 19; 21 59, 60; 22 55; 24 1, 8, 22, 40, 45, 48, 60, 65; 25 2; 26 28, 32, 34, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52. 54, 64; 27 12-14, 19, 20, 37, 54; 28 6, 22; 29 17, 48, 50, 67; 39 56, 58, 65; 41 5, 54; 44 10; 45 10, 14, 17-20; 47 5, 6, 8, 22, 42; 52 4, 5, 7, 8, 26, 35, 45; 57 12, 15, 16, 55, 57; 60 13, 19, 26; 62 11, 13, 15, 37; 69 6, 26-31, 33, 61, 69; 91 14, 43, 44-45; 107 5-8, 13, 14, 33, 35, 36, 54; 110 24, 25, 58; 112 13, 28, 50
paths, gravel: 55 21, 35; 101 21; 102 28; 110 59
pathes, gravel, natural: 106 32
paths, masonry: 74 31
paths, pebble: 66 10; 79 47, 48
paths, sand: 4 5; 77 19
patio: 4 18, 32, 42; 5 1, 9, 10; 6 5; 19 9-11, 64; 20 10, 13, 36; 22 4, 5, 9, 49; 27 14; 29 11; 30 16, 17, 41, 42; 32 29; 33 85; 41 2, 4, 57, 58; 42 13; 43 59, 60, 65; 45 50, 59; 47 24; 49 22, 35-37, 40, 41; 50 5, 7, 9, 12, 16; 52 58; 55 24; 57 18, 19, 21, 46; 67 44; 70 25, 27, 56, 57; 78 30; 79 6, 8, 9; 80 5-8; 93 13; 94 6; 101 18-3, 35, 41, 45, 47; 112 27, 43, 44, 46, 50, 51; 114 62; 115 5 ; 116 7, 9; 118 16
Patio de la Acequia: 79 6
Patio de Lindaraja: 79 8
Patio de los Comares: 79 6
Patio de los Naranjos: 64 56
Patio Festival: 79 9; 80 5
Patrinia villosa: 20 28
paulownia: 7 22, 23; 13 37; 28 15
Paulownia: 20 23, 25; 43 13; 46 28; 76 45
Paulownia imperialis: 19 59
Paulownia lilacina: 7 23
Paulownia tomentosa: 7 22, 23; 19 59; 46 33; 78 66; 111 52; 118 13
Pausanias: 1 34, 36; 72 64; 88 48
pavilion: 9 6, 8, 12, 13; 62 10; 84 11-13
paving: 6 6, 7, 9, 13, 20; 15 12, 17; 16 8, 10, 28; 17 18, 31, 32; 18; 20 11, 19; 22 46, 49, 57 22, 27; 24 8, 61; 26 6; 27 7, 10, 11, 14, 54, 67; 28 43; 29 68; 30 9; 31 40; 32 48; 33 29, 30; 34 20; 43 14, 29-31, 57, 59; 44 2, 10, 11, 53; 46 35, 52; 47 3, 8, 9, 16, 22-24, 49; 51 26, 36; 52 24; 55 8, 22, 35, 67; 61 26; 65 35; 67 69; 69 2, 47; 71 27; 102 16; 112 52, 53; 116 33
paving, concrete: 117 9
paving, pebble: 6 13
pavonia: 102 26
Pavonia hastata: 30 25; 59 6; 67 12; 116 65
Pavonia lasiopetala: 67 62
Pavonia missionum: 90 48
Pavonia praemosa: 30 25; 59 6; 67 12
Pavonia racemosa: 3 39
pawpaw: 69 15, 21; 70 17; 71 50; 74 71
Paxton, Joseph: 74 29; 79 65
Pax Romana: 75 5
Paxton, Sir William: 63 27, 28
Paysandisia archon: 46 7, 8; 47 75, 76; 50 47, 49; 68 48, 49, 51; 103 73, 74
Paysandisia larvae: 103 73
Payne, Theodore: 87 9, 10
pea, edible: 107 67
pea gravel: 6 11
peacock iris: 111 63
peas: 110 53
peach: 3 24, 44; 4 11; 5 29; 9 23; 10 14; 17 55; 18 6; 19 8; 26 12; 30 51; 31 55; 32 8; 35 48; 42 10; 43 63; ;47 47; 49 22; 50 19; 53 38, 55; 57 29; 60 44, 65; 62 58, 60; 65 47; 70 22, 25; 79 40; 91 11; 99 45; 103 5; 108 57, 69; 116 70
peach, lemonata: 118 14
peach blossom: 78 62; 118 59
peach leaf curl: 16 55; 60 44
peach potato aphid: 116 70
peak flowering season: 116 63
peanut: 57 33; 70 52
pear: 6 15; 9 16; 10 15; 16 32; 17 55; 24 4, 7, 41, 55; 25 38; 29 12; 32 8; 43 49; 47 22; 48 41, 49; 49 21, 44; 51 80, 81; 53 8, 38; 56 5, 42, 49, 53; 57 10; 60 65; 62 33, 34, 58, 61, 62; 63 72; 66 41; 70 25, 48; 71 55; 73 35, 50; 75 71; 79 39; 88 16, 48, 51, 53; 89 8, 13; 91 11; 92 27; 93 5; 98 64; 101 10; 102 13, 33, 43, 45; 104 46; 105 35; 106 40; 114 43; 115 59
pear, almond-leaved: 104 44, 45
pear, Callery: 21 9
pear, Cinnamon: 56 53
pear, Greek heirloom variety: 62 33
pear, Manchurian: 89 14
pear, wild: 45 46; 62 20, 26; 65 28; 85 37; 88 44; 101 7, 50; 104 17, 44, 45
pear, Williams: 118 44, 45
pear orchards: 104 47
Pearl Acacia: 5 44
Pearson, Dan: 80 47; 94 55; 95 62; 96 46; 107 45
Pearson, Henry Harold: 71 17
peas: 2 44; 6 46; 8 50; 49 24; 52 34; 55 4; 56 34, 37, 41, 42; 61 60; 63 36, 72; 70 55; 75 1; 89 31
peas, black-eyed: 56 46, 47
peat: 3 47, 48; 6 37; 15 42, 43; 18 38; 20 43, 44; 22 18; 24 11, 47; 41 70; 43 28; 44 39; 52 70; 56 44; 72 65; 74 20; 96 25; 101 9; 107 37, 38
peat-based compost: 107 38
peat bogs: 55 41
peat pots: 74 21
peat, renewable sourced: 76 56
peatlands: 102 58
Pebble Beach: 55 2, 3
pebble garden: 4 4; 77 17
pebble maze: 91 53
pebble mosaics: 99 46
pebbles: 19 65; 20 26; 22 6, 12, 54, 56; 26 48, 54; 43 17, 25, 59, 65; 47 6, 49; 50 9, 10, 12; 56 25, 44; 76 50; 80 20; 86 27; 87 75; 93 31, 33; 97 53; 99 74; 100 12, 32, 36; 103 9; 105 61
pebbles, river: 66 10; 102 16; 112 43
pecan trees: 10 25; 43 64; 47 25; 69 6; 105 51; 110 7; 113 21
Pech Merle: 74 41
pedunculate oak: 68 18
Peggy Guggenheim Collection: 58 15
Peisistratos: 87 21, 22, 24; 98 17; 105 39 ; 117 41
pelargonic acid: 114 48
Pelargonium: 4 56; 5 27; 19 63, 65; 20 27, 52; 21 23; 22 52; 41 4; 54 23, 59; 84 31; 91 64; 113 53
Pelargonium crispum: 103 20, 40
Pelargonium cordifolium: 17 2
Pelargonium crithmifolium: 111 26
Pelargonium domesticum: 15 44; 112 53
Pelargonium fragrans: 116 64
Pelargonium fulgidum:111 27
Pelargonium gibbosum: 20 27
Pelargonium grandiflorum: 47 8, 10
Pelargonium graveolens: 78 22; 82 52; 87 31; 118 22
Pelargonium hortorum: 112 53
Pelargonium papilonaceum: 17 2
Pelargonium peltatum: 10 5; 15 44; 87 28, 31; 95 51; 112 53
Pelargonium scabrum: 21 23; 77 42
Pelargonium sidoides: 24 9; 57 18
Pelargonium sidoides ‘Burgundy’: 80 69
Pelargonium suaveolens ‘Orange Fizz’: 97 57
Pelargonium tetragonum: 88 15
Pelargonium tomentosum: 17 2; 59 5; 85 17; 89 16; 92 23
Pelargonium zonale: 15 44; 26 24, 26; 47 8, 10; 95 51; 104 16; 116 64
Pelargonium × hortorum: 22 52; 61 69
Pelargonium Bronze butterfly: 104 16
pelargonium, ivy-leaved: 16 24; 19 26; 20 26; 112 53
pelargonium, lemon-scented: 97 45
pelargonium, peppermint-scented: 45 36
pelargonium, regal: 112 53
pelargonium, rose-scented: 113 53
pelargonium, scented: 48 20; 92 5
pelargonium, scented-leaved: 112 53
pelargonium, zonal: 46 37; 87 26; 107 23
pelargoniums: 1 18; 3 39; 4 23, 42; 6 11; 7 7; 10 22; 11 33; 12 7, 8; 15 44; 16 18, 21, 24, 29; 17 2; 18 53; 24 9; 25 57; 26 49; 27 82; 28 49; 32 8; 37 14, 15; 49 12, 22, 59; 55 8; 60 6; 64 24; 67 51; 71 19, 20, 54, 56, 60; 72 27; 76 37; 80 6; 83 12, 57; 87 31, 49; 88 23, 57; 89 27; 92 23; 94 65; 96 14; 97 56; 98 22; 99 69; 101 42, 44; 105 8; 112 53; 115 7
Pelion: 110 38, 39, 42-44; 113 54, 55
Pelion architecture: 99 66
Pelion Orchid Centre/Museum: 90 69; 91 73; 96 67; 99 37; 110 42
pellitory: 73 19
pellitory-of-the-wall: 56 3; 82 46
Pelophylax ridibunda: 116 57
Peloponnese: 19 63, 65; 20 27, 52; 22 19; 25 40-42; 28 21, 35, 66
Peltaria emarginata: 82 61
Peltophorum dubium: 78 12
pencil pine: 100 2
Pennisetum: 40 19; 69 36; 91 44
Pennisetum alopecuroides: 31 8; 36 27; 66 32; 72 21; 104 43
Pennisetum clandestinum: 36 27
Pennisetum incomptum: 36 27
Pennisetum orientale ‘Fairy Tails’: 104 42
Pennisetum setaceum: 48 26; 59 53, 54; 62 11; 76 12; 104 42
Pennisetum setaceum cultivars: 104 42
Pennisetum setaceum 'Purpureum': 59 53
Pennisetum villosum: 36 27
Pennisetum × advena ‘Cherry Sparkler’: 104 42
Pennisetum × advena ‘Fireworks’: 104 42
Pennisetum × advena ‘Rubrum’: 104 42
Pennisetum × advena ‘Summer Samba’: 104 42
pennyroyal: 10 32; 62 32
Penstemon: 84 24, 25; 85 25, 26; 91 60
Penstemon barbatus 'Cambridge Mix': 57 19
Penstemon harbourii: 70 70
Penstemon eatonii: 85 26; 97 6
Penstemon digitalis ‘Red Husker’: 116 13
Penstemon grandiflorus: 85 26
Penstemon heterophyllus: 103 48
Penstemon 'Palace Purple': 57 19
Penstemon parryi: 85 26
Penstemon spectabilis: 82 16
Penstemon ‘Tupelo Purple’: 116 18
penstemons: 15 7, 18; 21 26; 28 30; 30 17; 43 12, 15; 55 28; 77 36; 84 24; 102 26
Pentas lanceolata: 47 52
Pentas lanceolata 'Star Clusters': 25 70
peony: 1 7, 27, 29, 30; 8 53; 9 16; 11 17; 12 8, 18; 13 4; 14 7, 18; 15 39, 71; 17 2; 19 66; 20 50, 51; 21 62, 70; 23 32-36, 60; 29 69; 33 19, 34; 35 69, 70; 39 78, 79; 42 24; 43 41; 44 19, 20, 25, 27; 45 47; 49 25; 50 25, 60; 52 16, 21, 34; 55 8; 56 60; 59 47; 71 49; 72 38; 73 19, 21, 51; 77 11; 81 36; 83 5, 39; 84 12, 53; 86 29; 88 36; 90 51; 94 13, 58; 96 50; 97 26; 104 55-58; 110 16; 113 55; 115 18
Peony Poppy: 21 26
peony, 'Feng dan Bai': 51 59
peony, herbaceous: 115 38
peony, Itoh: 115 38
peony, Mediterranean: 50 60; 52 56
peony, Mediterranean herbaceous: 8 55
peony, Moutan tree: 30 63
peony, tree: 19 66; 20 50, 51; 29 50; 44 27; 50 25; 54 46; 71 52, 55; 91 17; 104 57; 115 37
peony, wild: 104 57
Peperomia: 58 64
pepper tree: 10 4; 19 68; 24 9; 25 8; 30 20, 54; 31 56, 57; 38 20, 21; 43 64; 45 18; 50 59; 53 3; 59 11; 61 64; 62 26; 66 31; 70 34; 78 10; 80 45; 93 12; 102 11; 113 53; 115 53; 116 18; 117 54; 118 61
pepper tree, Brazilian: 76 7
Pepper-Bark: 71 20
peppermint: 42 63, 64; 42 63, 64; 56 64; 70 26; 94 48; 99 66
peppers: 1 53; 3 48; 42 56, 57; 55 50; 56 38-40, 42; 57 29, 72; 58 39, 41; 62 35; 63 72; 64 15; 67 15; 70 52, 55; 76 51; 81 22; 83 57; 89 31; 101 18, 19; 102 71; 104 52; 114 21
peppers, green: 49 24
peppers, red: 58 37
perennial shrubs: 62 48, 57
perennials: 47 6, 9, 13, 20, 62; 51 1, 14; 69 65; S(2) 13; 89 54, 57; 90 68; 91 14, 16, 38, 39; 115 19, 53, 56; 116 18, 33, 34; 118 20, 58
perennials, herbaceous: 46 21
perennials, summer: 47 2
perfume: 3 10; 26 27, 47, 48, 50-52; 33 30, 31; 34 6; 35 36, 38, 40; 36 20, 21, 34; 40 2, 9, 38; 41 4; 42 37; 43 51, 52, 55; 44 56; 47 3; 48 12, 68; 51 55, 56, 59; 54 38; 60 20, 23-25, 38; 62 50; 65 24, 53; 71 34; 76 26; 77 64, 65; 78 28-30, 53, 55; 79 4, 5; 80 8; 82 37, 38, 43; 83 34, 57, 60; 88 39, 57; 91 16; 93 14, 15, 58; 97 38; 98 23. 48, 50-52; 100 45; 103 38, 40; 105 35; 106 17; 107 12; 108 54; 117 57, 61; 118 49, 54, 59
perfume industry: 52 40; 61 10; 72 20
pergola: 2 7, 9; 3 7, 8, 11, 25; 4 4; 5 37; 6 12; 8 17, 34, 45; 9 5, 15; 10 4; 11 25, 50; 12 3, 9, 20, 23; 13 7, 8; 15 38, 47, 48; 16 7, 38; 17 15, 42, 56; 18 2, 4, 5, 8; 19 62, 64; 22 1, 12; 27 8, 54; 28 4, 15; 29 3, 55; 30 67; 31 50, 51; 32 35, 55; 33 21, 31, 71; 34 32, 65; 35 24, 40, 41, 43, 69; 36 62; 37 37; 38 8, 10, 21, 22, 59; 40 37; 41 55; 42 24-26, 28, 74-76; 43 6, 12, 30, 41; 45 11, 57; 46 54, 61, 62; 47 5, 9, 17, 41, 46; 49 3, 22, 23, 41, 42; 50 17; 51 36, 55; 52 66; 53 21, 22; 54 32; 55 36, 70; 56 9, 36; 57 16, 22, 29, 34, 55; 58 17; 59 32; 60 19; 62 15; 64 11, 12, 15, 17-19, 24; 65 53, 56; S(1) 21; 67 41, 43; 69 15; S(2) 37; 70 19, 23; 71 54; 74 13; 76 24, 26, 33; 77 18; 79 9, 40, 41, 55; 80 12, 45; 81 63; 82 7, 8, 22, 53; 84 12-14, 48, 50; 85 18; 86 54; 89 9, 33, 44; 91 14, 15; 9 5, 6, 8, 31, 66; 93 11-13, 36, 38, 39, 55, 56; 94 60, 64; 95 41, 45, 49, 55; 96 14; 97 1; 98 15; 99 37, 40, 45; 101 6, 42, 65; 102 58; 103 38; 106 38, 47, 48; 107 12, 17; 108 69; 110 35; 111 6, 48; 112 14, 67; 114 41; 117 9, 38, 51, 52; 118 12, 54, 55
Peri, Jacopo: 74 29
Pericallis cruenta: 39 9; 77 68
Pericallis hybrida: 39 9; 77 68; 118 51
Pericallis lanata: 39 9; 77 68
Pericles: 84 64
perilla: 58 37
Perilla: 54 3
Perilla crispa: 46 12
Perilla frutescens 'Atropurpurea': 22 31; 54 3
Perilla frutescens var. nankinensis: 46 12
Perilla frutescens var. purpurascens: 90 49
Periploca graeca: 55 38
Periploka laevigata ssp. angustifolium: 103 56
peristyle: 70 27
periwinkle: 4 2, 32; 6 23, 26; 7 6; 8 45; 12 22; 23 30; 29 4; 45 25; 48 12; 49 44, 61; 50 9, 13, 14; 53 56; 62 15, 49; 68 7; S(2) 12; 77 16; 81 21; 89 16; 102 15; 103 28, 40
periwinkle, Madagascar: 46 11; 81 56
perlite: 15 42, 43; 23 35; 58 72; 61 19; S(2) 25; 72 65; 74 20, 23; 81 70; 82 41; 99 54; 100 57; 115 59
permaculture: 33 47; 49 65; 59 38; 102 59
Permaculture Association: 102 58
permeable rock: 87 22, 24
Permitted List (Australia): 60 48, 49, 52-56
perovskia: 29 44; 35 64; 102 26
Perovskia: 43 47; 49 70; 55 28; 70 6; 92 28; 101 8; 102 34; 116 49
Perovskia atriplicifolia: 1 13; 15 19; 39 6, 44; 91 38; 103 36; 112 48
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire': 36 28; 47 47; 50 10
Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Blue Steel’: 117 56
Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’: 64 36; 75 45; 85 32, 33; 86 26; 107 8; 115 68
Perovskia ‘Lacey Blue’: 83 22
Persea americana: 11 44, 45; 69 15; 70 12; 74 71; 115 24
Persea indica: 39 69
Persea thunbergii: 44 36
Persephone: 118 1, 2
Pershore College: 71 11, 12
Persian buttercup: 102 54
Persian ivy: 70 36
Persian lilac: 10 12; 117 41; 118 29
persimmon: 4 27; 6 28, 29; 8 45; 9 16; 10 10; 22 13; 27 14; 35 16; 43 63, 65; 47 47; 49 12; 52 56; 64 15; 76 41; 78 30; 79 40; 82 29, 40; 83 3, 57; 89 34; 91 41, 50; 92 27, 30, 47; 93 50; 95 27, 45; 102 33, 48-50; 104 52; 106 40; 110 6; 111 76; 117 32
persimmons, dried: 102 49
Persoonia: 58 46
persoonia: 37 14
perspective: 47 22, 23; 74 28-30
Peruvian lily: 16 31
pest control: 5 39; 55 11; 60 1, 4, 5, 46, 47; 61 60; 65 36; 80 68; 83 68; 114 56
pest control, natural: 84 23
pest control, organic: 55 17; 60 4, 42, 43, 46
pest management: 105 69
pest-free: 85 53; 108 33
pesticide-laden crops: 114 22
pesticides: 3 56; 4 10, 11, 44, 53; 7 38; 8 37, 51; 10 20; 16 24, 47; 17 49; 18 38; 19 55; 23 19; 24 42; 25 34; 47 29; 48 8, 25; 50 42; 52 57; 53 11, 22; 56 62; 57 71; 59 48; 60 4, 42, 46; 61 39; 68 6; 69 22; 70 67; 72 2; 75 35; 83 7, 49; 84 23, 43; 85 40, 41, 44, 45; 87 53; 91 48; 94 41; 99 30; 102 59; 104 7; 105 52, 56; 112 20; 113 25; 114 20, 48, 61; 116 50, 70, 71; 118 64
pesticides, highly toxic: 76 63
pesticides, non-organic: 79 30
pesticides, organic: 7 41
pest-ridden: 5 25
pests: 2 2; 3 48, 49; 8 16, 17, 37, 51; 11 52; 14 19, 38, 40, 55; 17 48-51; 43 24, 43; 45 58; 46 7; 48 62; 52 12; 53 14, 52; 54 6, 71; 55 11-13; 56 15; 58 31; 60 3, 4, 11, 42, 49; 61 36, 37, 39; 63 12, 23, 25, 53, 72; 64 36, 70; S(1) 3, 11; 69 57, 58, 66; S(2) 25, 28, 36; 70 57, 58, 66; 71 14, 25, 27; 72 2, 33, 34, 37, 44; 75 33, 35; 76 47, 60, 63; 77 23 24; 78 1, 3, 55, 57, 71; 80 29; 81 21; 83 7, 49; 84 59; 88 53; 89 31, 49; 94 38, 39, 43-45, 49; 98 71; 105 5, 6, 56; 114 43, 46-48; 115 60, 62; 116 50, 70; 117 12, 13, 29, 57, 66; 118 7
pests, invasive: 64 3
pétanque: 75 10; 97 5
Petaloudes Valley, Rhodes: 90 7
Petasites fragrans: 53 23
Petasites hybridus: 82 61
Petitmengin, Marcel: 97 34-36
Peto Garden: 40 4, 8, 9
Peto, Harold: 40 4-6, 8, 10; 46 74; 49 61; 52 20; 76 66
Petra: 101 60, 62
Petrea volubilis: 67 40; 76 25; 91 55; 92 49; 114 29
petrified forest: 49 35
petrichor: 97 5; 100 8; 105 24; 106 15; 111 45
petrochemical products: 79 37
Petromarula pinnata: 25 42-44; 63 11; 104 23
Petrophagia grandiflora: 25 42
Petrorhagia dubia: 82 61; 85 3
Petrorhagia glumacea: 79 17; 86 45
Petrorhagia saxifraga: 19 50
Petroselinum crispum: 75 23
Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum: 72 18
pe-tsai: 56 46
Pettis, Andi: 96 47
petunia 'Falcon': 16 48
petunias: 1 48, 49; 4 43; 5 10; 16 47, 49; 18 49; 20 16; 25 18, 70; 26 29, 47; 32 6; 33 28; 46 25; 56 42; 72 27; 116 49
Peucedanum: 6 32, 33
Peumus boldus: 14 2
pezoules: 101 6, 9
Pewter Bush: 108 21
Pfaueninsel: 79 66
pH test: 110 47
pH value: 8 47; 22 17; 30 38, 43; 53 44; 56 33, 38; 67 38; 69 19, 40, 57; 74 21; 83 56, 57; 97 19 ; 112 3
Phacelia: 70 54
Phacelia tenuifolia: 39 52
Phaedranthus: 3 7
Phaedranthus buccinatorium: 20 22; 28 13, 15; 56 10
Phagnalon graecum: 2 31; 59 7
Phagnalon rupestre: 100 7
phalaenopsis: 15 43
Phalaris arundinacea: 46 31
Phalaris canariensis: 96 31
Phallus impudicus: 72 69
phanerogam: 49 5, 7; 77 81
pharmaceutical plants: 29 14; 99 66; 117 18
pharmaceutical properties: 108 26
pharmaceutical research: 65 1
pharmacognosy: 55 60; 58 4
pharmacopeia: 79 34; 93 18; 117 4, 6
Phaseolus acutifolius: 57 34
Phaseolus caracalla: 11 15; 42 17; 65 22
Phaseolus lunatus: 57 34
pheasant's eye: 45 47; 77 102; 84 32; 102 30
phebalium: 37 14
Phedimus kamtschaticus ‘Variegatus’: 117 56
Phelypaea boissieri: 108 51
Phengaris arion: 74 37
phenolic compounds 83 51
phenotype: 117 70
pheromone traps: 6 41; 68 43, 44
pheromones: 60 43, 46; 107 26
pheromones, plant: 64 61
Phidias: 97 36
Philadelphaceae: 28 28
philadelphus: 7 36; 32 3; 33 19; 97 24
Philadelphus: 6 13; 35 37; 41 47, 48; 45 61; 77 64; 79 6
Philadelphus aureus: 12 9
Philadelphus coronarius: 34 13; 35 18; 72 9; 84 12; 118 13
Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus': 35 37; 77 64
Philadelphus × purpureomaculatus 'Beauclerk': 35 37; 77 64
Philadelphus × purpureomaculatus 'Belle Etoile': 29 67; 35 37; 77 64
Philesia magellanica: 44 34
Philip of Macedon: 97 42
phillyrea: 62 14
Phillyrea: 15 26; 16 46; 18 24; 39 45; 40 8, 41; 52 9; 54 26; 66 35; 99 47; 101 8
Phillyrea angustifolia: 15 26; 21 42; 22 38, 39; 29 21; 39 21; 53 12, 17; S(1) 27; 67 62; 68 9; 71 30, 31; 77 110, 111; 85 31; 93 13; 95 6; 110 13; 114 47; 115 65
Phillyrea latifolia: 18 24; 20 41; 52 35; 53 23; 59 7; 62 43; 65 50; 75 3; 77 97; 85 36; 98 8; 115 20
Phillyrea media: 53 23
Philodassiki/Filodassiki Botanical Garden: 87 2, 44, 72; 88 34-38, 71; 99 36
Phikodasiki Society: 111 59, 73
philodendron: 26 51; 53 33; 104 12; 116 10
Philoloche rostrata: 99 69
Philopappou Hill: 87 51
Philodendron giganteum: 82 13
Philodendron ‘Xanadu’: 90 28
Phlebodium aureum: 21 68
Phlebophyllum lanatum: 108 21
phlomis: 11 42; 13 5, 55; 27 66; 57 27; 59 9; 60 31; 61 50; 63 20, 22, 24; 66 23; 67 12; 69 40, 41; 72 16, 39; 77 2; 83 20; 85 26, 43; 88 39; 99 54; 102 13, 26, 40; 104 17, 18, 21; 110 25; 111 38; 112 45; 115 7, 40; 118 16
Phlomis: 1 16; 4 50; 5 33; 6 33; 8 43; 15 18; 16 26, 31; 17 62, 63; 18 62; 36 13; 40 41-43, 46, 47; 48 24; 54 61; 62 31; 64 51; 73 7, 9; 77 116; 83 11; 85 25, 26; 87 17; 88 43; 100 9; 101 8 ; 102 10; 107 7, 41; 112 44; 114 66; 115 5, 66; 116 15; 117 12, 71
Phlomis armeniaca: 40 46
Phlomis aurea: 21 68; 32 18
Phlomis bourgaei: 40 42, 43; 72 13; 73 13; 110 25
Phlomis bovei ssp. hosmariensis: 39 6
Phlomis bovei ssp. maroccana: 110 13, 25
Phlomis cashmeriana: 67 29
Phlomis chimerae: 40 41
Phlomis chrysophylla: 39 6; 110 13; 115 66; 116 6
Phlomis cretica: 18 62; 24 30, 32; 63 61
Phlomis fruticosa: 2 31; 3 32; 6 24; 8 41; 10 23; 13 12; 16 26; 19 52; 20 41; 24 30, 32; 25 10, 47; 28 22; 32 18; 36 28; 39 22, 45; 45 11, 20, 22; 50 6; 57 4, 21, 46; 59 6; 60 8; 62 48; 68 36; 69 26, 28; 71 39; 72 39; 78 66; 79 58; 82 58, 62; 83 20; 84 19; 85 26; 91 62; 92 33; 97 17, 65; 100 44; 102 8; 103 45; 105 12; 110 54, 57; 112 53; 113 55; 114 72
Phlomis grandiflora: 40 43-45, 48; 105 25, 26
Phlomis herba-venti: 18 62
Phlomis herba-venti ssp. pungens: 72 39
Phlomis italica: 6 24; 15 18; 24 11; 29 21; 31 8; 36 28; 50 11; 52 16; 59 6; 80 1; 84 19; 86 28
Phlomis lanata: 21 68; 24 30, 32; 76 14; 97 8; 114 68
Phlomis lanata ‘Pygmy’: 110 13
Phlomis ‘Le Chat’: 86 29; 114 68
Phlomis leucophracta: 40 47; 61 50; 85 26
Phlomis longifolia var. bailanica: 110 13
Phlomis lunariifolia: 40 47-49
Phlomis lychnitis: 39 6; 85 26
Phlomis lycia: 17 63; 36 51; 40 41, 43-45, 54; 48 18, 23; 72 13; 73 13; 75 4
Phlomis ‘Marina’: 115 66
Phlomis nissolii: 40 46; 99 54
Phlomis purpurea: 11 44; 16 31; 18 62; 68 9; 78 66; 102 42; 103 15; 110 25; 116 6
Phlomis purpurea 'Alba': 39 6
Phlomis purpurea ssp. almeriensis: 39 45
Phlomis purpurea × crinita: 85 34
Phlomis purpurescens: 110 13
Phlomis russeliana: 32 18; 67 74; 84 19; 92 28; 110 36
Phlomis samia: 40 46; 110 25
Phlomis viscosa: 73 9
Phlomis × alanyense: 40 48
Phlomis × cytherea: 72 13; 73 13; 85 33; 99 54; 115 66
Phlomis × mobullensis: 40 44
Phlomis × muglensis: 40 44
Phlomoides: 17 62
phlox: 42 10; 57 25
phlox, creeping: 98 22
Phlox paniculata: 12 28; 14 23
Phlox subulata: 59 6; 80 22
Phoenicurus ochrurus: 97 17
Phoenix: 7 46; 68 44
Phoenix canariensis: 1 33; 10 4, 5; 19 24, 26, 28; 26 15; 32 33; 33 54; 35 16; 36 64; 39 9; 41 4; 43 14; 46 3, 5; 56 16, 18; 63 16; 67 42; 68 41, 48, 49, 51; 70 14; 77 68; 81 13; 82 31; 92 4; 95 45, 50, 52; 102 12; 112 38, 39
Phoenix dactylifera: 1 33; 13 14; 18 6; 20 5; 26 15; 32 29, 32; 33 54; 35 17; 56 16; 58 51; 60 57; 68 41, 51; 69 15; 70 14, 23; 79 8, 55; 82 6, 27, 30, 31; 93 21; 95 52, 56
Phoenix reclinata: 68 51; 95 54; 115 9
Phoenix roebelenii: 5 9; 33 54; 68 51; 82 7, 13 116 10
Phoenix sylvestris: 66 47; 68 51; 82 27, 30
Phoenix theophrasti: 1 33; 14 30; 15 75; 31 55; 32 32; 36 32; 46 3; 56 16; 58 20; 63 10, 12, 13, 61; 68 48, 49, 51; 71 33; 95 50
Phoracantha: 107 58
Phoracantha semipunctata: 94 24
Phormium: 14 17; 21 28; 39 17; 55 14; 118 61
Phormium ‘Apricot Queen’: 116 35
Phormium 'Dusky Chief': 21 68
Phormium tenax: 33 30; 36 13; 39 44; 47 16; 91 59
Phormium tenax 'Variegatum': 42 74
Phormium 'Yellow Wave': 43 20
phormiums: 55 67; 69 36; 99 41
phos chek: 51 22
phosphate fertiliser: 62 62
phosphates: 39 26, 31, 49; 41 30; 58 51; 88 68
phosphorus: 25 47; 56 38; 74 17
phosphorus bombs: 28 7
phosphorus levels, low: 112 3
Photinia: 15 45; 19 12; 47 20; 49 55, 56; 64 24; 89 8
Photinia beauverdiana: 44 32
Photinia glabra: 82 22
Photinia 'Red Robin': 14 26
Photinia serratifolia: 44 32
Photinia serrulata: 49 53, 54
Photinia × fraseri 'Red Robin': 19 47; 36 28
photinias: 27 38; 51 21; 77 88; 82 22; 114 47
photinias, Japanese: 110 36
photographing plants: 80 57
photosynthesis: 48 16-19, 21; 58 70; 73 8, 9; 75 20; 78 38; 87 30
photosynthesis, reduced: 113 50
photovoltaic panels: 81 26
Phragmipedium kovachii: 35 61
phreatocytes: 23 75
Phrinax: 1 33
phrygana: 2 31; 30 31; 39 21, 54; 45 8, 10, 16, 20; 51 15, 38; 54 25, 26; 57 3; 61 49; 62 31, 66; 63 9, 10, 42, 60-62; 64 4, 31; 65 6; 66 5, 6, 8; 67 8, 10; 71 42; 74 1, 34; 75 11; 77 48; 79 14, 16; 80 41; 85 31, 33, 34; 86 44; 87 14, 17, 24, 41, 44; 88 30, 36; 96 5; 97 7, 8; 99 61, 65; 100 9, 10; 101 5, 6, 50; 105 24; 106 14, 15, 17, 18; 108 3, 11, 13; 110 2, 19, 23, 38, 55, 57, 62; 117 70
Phrygana Zine: 116 67
phryganic: 95 12
Phryne: 117 24
Phygelius: 8 7
Phyla: 70 2, 5; 72 26
Phyla canescens: 72 25; 91 39
Phyla filiformis: 72 25; 91 39
Phyla nodiflora: 36 27; 38 28; 43 28; 50 34; 65 36; 72 21; 112 48, 49
Phyla nodiflora var. canescens: 67 69
Phylica ercoides: 112 39
Phylica frutescens: 91 64
phylicas: 59 25
Phyllitis scolopendrium: 115 21; 116 21
Phylidonyris novaehollandiae: 105 5; 112 53
Phyllocnistis citrella: 4 34, 45; 6 47
Phyllosma: 19 36, 39; S(1) 38, 40
phyllostachys: 32 7
Phyllostachys: 21 16; 46 2; 48 8; 89 7
Phyllostachys aurea: 19 47; 47 52; 70 4; 79 55; 84 12
Phyllostachys flexuosa: 87 7
Phyllostachys nigra: 18 9; 33 31; 38 22; 40 14; 65 23
Phyllostachys nitida: 19 47; 29 52
Phyllostachys pubescens: 47 50
Phyllostachys pubescens 'Bicolor': 47 50
Phyllostachys sulphurea: 47 50
Phyllostachys × rubromarginata: 117 56
Phylloxera: 47 33; 72 43; 74 39; 103 5; 114 18
Phylloxera-resistant: 6 41
Phymosia rosea: 116 64
physalis: 33 28; 105 53
Physalis alkekengi: 9 23; 22 14
Physalis ixocarpa: 57 35
Physalis peruviana: 69 15; 70 13
Physocarpus capitatus: 30 18
Physocarpus capitatus 'Diabolo': 57 18
Physostegia: 40 19
Phytolacca americana: 55 37
Phytolacca dioica: 26 16; 64 31; 93 8; 99 44
Phytolacca octandra: 1 20
Phytolacca pruinosa: 40 36
Phytophthora: 24 40, 41; 32 50; 33 41; 35 21; 76 46-51; 88 43; 92 38; 94 39, 40; 115 52
Phytophthora infestans: 75 33; 76 46
Phytophthora syringae: 61 35
phytosanitary certificate: 28 16; 29 71; 103 65
phytosanitary products: 72 2
Piacenza: 58 4
Piano, Renzo: 81 23; 87 45
Pic St Loup: 70 46, 49; 110 57
Picasso: 99 37
Picea: 6 17; 10 13; 15 10
Picea abies: 84 13; 95 45; 117 67
Picea omorica; 73 48
Picea rubens: 96 36
Picea smithiana: 76 45
pickaxe: 110 10, 11
pickerel weed: 42 82; 45 20
Pickeringia montana: 24 15
picon: 63 46
picturesque aesthetic: 98 14
Pierce’s Disease: 80 67; 83 47
pieris: 89 8
Pieris: 59 15
Pieris brassicae: 117 57
Pieris 'Forest Flame': 40 39
Pierpont Morgan Orchid House: 96 70
Pierre Bergé Museum of Berber Arts: 113 15, 16
pigeonberry: 102 14; 115 32
pigface: 22 52; 57 14; 69 32; 88 31
pig’s ear: 116 15
Pikionis, Dimitris: 84 64
Pilea microphylla: 116 10
Pilgerodendron uviferum: 44 35
Pileanthus peduncularis: 112 8
Pileanthus vernicosus: 112 8
Pimelea: 21 2
Pimelea ferruginea ‘Bonne Petite’: 71 58
Pimelea macrostegia: 71 58
Pimelea physodes: 71 70; 105 10
Pimenta acris: 13 13
pimiento: 49 20
pimpernel: 16 30; 22 44; 53 57
pimpernel, blue: 22 44
pimpernel, scarlet: 22 44
Pimpinella anisum: 81 21; 82 45; 101 50; 110 47
Pimpinella bicknelli: 67 62
pin oak: 25 60; 76 42
Pinaceae: 82 63
pincushion: 91 63
Pincushion Flower: 21 26; 91 64
Pincushion, Gordon Bay: 88 34
Pincushion Hakea: 21 28; 30 30
Pincushion, orange: 111 24
Pindar: 105 37
Pindo palm: 32 59
pine bark: 102 16
pine chips: 65 18
pine cones: 44 41; 46 101; 51 30; 118 32, 34, 37
Pine Lodge Garden: 46 96
pine needles: 10 18; 39 31; 40 70-72; 41 75; 43 79; 45 26, 47; 51 63; 72 23; 80 28; 83 17; 94 8, 27, 44; 97 7; 104 18, 19, 25, 57
pine processionary moth/grub: 94 44; 96 14
pine wood/forest: 8 40; 10 17, 21; 40 34, 35; 42 35; 44 67; 58 2, 19; 61 49; 71 42; 83 17; 85 2; 102 26; 105 24, 26, 27; 115 11; 118 31, 33
pine seedlings: 85 3
pine, Aleppo: 3 14; 8 18; 19 5; 28 7, 8, 14; 29 24, 35; 31 9; 35 17; 36 30; 37 16; 39 2, 47; 47 51; 51 13; 53 17; 54 20; 58 17, 20; 60 9; 62 14, 15; 64 29; 65 49; 67 15; 68 36; 71 33; 80 19; 83 17, 19; 84 14, 15; 86 25; 87 27; 96 14; 96 7, 36; 100 65; 103 8; 106 14; 108 15; 118 31
pine, black: 39 47; 73 48; 76 41; 83 19; 105 25; 111 4; 112 20; 115 17; 118 36, 37
pine, black Dalmatian: 83 17
pine, bristlecone: 51 72; 63 13
pine, Bunya: 37 14
pine, Calabrian: 39 47; 40 42
pine, Canary Island: 29 6; 43 58; 52 17; 54 20
pine, Corsican: 85 4
pine, Corsican black: 26 33; 82 70
pine, Coulter: 31 58
pine, dwarf: 25 15
pine, gray: 28 26
pine, Italian stone: 25 57; 44 15; 92 28
pine, maritime: 19 5; 47 18; 62 14, 15; 85 3; 89 6
pine, Monterey: 7 19; 25 57; 54 20; 98 10
pine, Scots: 8 18
pine, stone: 10 17; 38 56, 57; 40 9; 48 29; 62 43; 74 41; 77 97; 84 13; 88 30; 89 15; 98 7; 100 2; 107 57; 112 32; 114 53; 118 12
pine, sugar: 31 58
pine, Torrey: 90 13
pine, umbrella: 4 24; 23 18, 20, 44, 46; 27 81; 30 68; 31 10; 40 72; 42 50, 74; 44 3; 46 3; 47 53; 49 44; 55 40; 59 30; 60 20, 24; 62 2; 66 35; 68 4, 9, 53; 71 7, 33, 60; 74 41; 76 41; 83 57; 84 57; 92 17; 97 12, 31, 59; 103 8; 118 12
pine, Weymouth: 35 17
pine nuts: 112 32
pineapple: 4 2; 52 30; 59 21; 69 15, 18, 20, 53; 77 15; 98 10
Pineapple Flower: 35 38; 77 65
pineapple guava: 9 34; 52 56; S(2) 14; 91 41; 107 6
pineapple mint: 10 32, 42; 19 68; S(2) 27, 28
Pineapple Plant: 1 20
pineapple sage: 3 17; 5 17; 10 31; 24 20; 63 38; 64 69; S(2) 5; 72 33
pines: 1 5; 3 10, 11, 54; 4 33; 5 43, 45, 52; 7 23; 8 18, 41, 49; 10 3-5, 9, 13, 41; 15 20; 17 13, 17, 53-57; 18 15, 22; 19 5, 24, 25; 20 23; 22 1, 10; 23 18-20, 44, 46, 61; 26 12, 29, 33, 36, 46, 52, 65; 27 37, 56; 28 12, 19; 29 6, 35; 30 9, 20, 65; 36 15; 37 43, 44; 38 24, 58, 64; 39 10, 22, 69; 40 34, 35, 47, 71; 42 6, 9, 39, 64, 70, 74; 43 4, 5, 7, 8, 23, 58, 79; 44 3, 19, 41, 42, 45; 45 16, 17, 20, 27, 47, 50, 53, 71; 46 1, 59, 60; 47 5, 16, 20, 48, 63; 48 41; 50 5, 6, 9, 68; 51 5, 8, 12, 19, 24, 26, 37, 40, 42, 43, 46, 48, 60, 80; 52 1, 5, 67; 53 4; 54 20, 26, 38; 55 24, 40, 64, 68; 56 12, 15, 60; 57 5, 42, 47, 55; 58 1, 2, 3, 57; 59 11, 30, 53, 61, 62; 60 9, 12, 13; 61 17, 50; 62 2, 14, 15, 17; 63 5, 9, 12, 13, 60; 64 29; 65 56; S(1) 24; 66 30, 39, 47; 67 22, 23, 26; 69 15; 70 3, 46, 62, 63; 71 7; 72 8; 75 32, 36, 48; 77 9, 69, 74, 86; 78 19, 69; 79 15, 48, 51, 56; 80 28; 81 19, 26, 30, 33; 82 35, 47, 53; 83 16, 18; 84 14, 27, 46, 53; 86 23, 46; 87 28, 49; 88 22, 23, 34, 35, 41; 89 6, 16, 57; 90 9; 91 33, 34; 93 11, 28, 57, 58; 94 8, 10; 95 15; 96 14, 7, 39, 62, 64; 97 7, 25, 27, 30, 34, 59, 70; 99 16, 44, 56, 61, 67; 101 25; 102 43; 103 4; 104 34, 36, 57; 105 25, 48; 106 14, 40; 107 5, 49, 57; 108 4, 11, 14; 110 2, 18, 26; 111 50; 112 39, 42, 44, 65; 113 53; 114 8, 36, 45, 53; 115 6, 11, 17, 18, 26; 117 57, 59, 60; 118 16, 31-35, 62
pines, burnt: 110 22
Pinguicula crystallina: 87 68; 111 13
Pinguicula hirtiflora: 82 63; 111 13
Pink Dusty Miller: 76 13
Pink-Flowering Currant: 30 14, 18; 91 60; 103 46
Pink Muhly: 104 42
pink, Seriphos: 76 18
Pink Trumpet tree: 70 63
Pink Trumpet Vine: 115 30, 64; 118 12
pinks: 17 43; 42 71; 43 31; 49 25; 60 14; 7619; 87 20; 91 61; 92 24; 118 20, 21
pinks, dwarf: 42 82
Pinsent, Cecil: 25 64
Pinus: 24 22; 36 30; 42 64; 49 48; 70 43; 72 8; 100 70; 102 11; 115 76
Pinus aristata: 51 72
Pinus brutia: 10 5; 20 32; 39 47; 40 34, 35, 40, 41; 42 69; 61 49; 63 12, 61; 95 54; 115 26
Pinus bungeana: 43 36
Pinus canariensis: 3 7; 10 4, 5; 25 57; 39 69; 43 58; 51 12; 52 17; 82 30, 31; 95 45, 50, 52
Pinus cembra: 44 20
Pinus coulteri: 19 24, 25; 31 58; 73 46
Pinus halepensis: 1 5, 30; 3 30; 7 33; 8 18; 14 6; 19 24; 22 39; 25 8; 31 9; 35 17; 39 47; 43 8; 45 14, 22; 47 8, 51; 51 11, 13, 37, 42; 52 5; 57 5; 58 20; 59 4, 7; 61 49; 62 14; 64 29; 67 15; 70 46, 48; 71 33; 73 47; 77 9; 78 69; 79 54; 81 19; 82 53; 83 17; 84 14; 94 10; 95 14; 97 31; 98 7, 6; 108 14; 111 4; 112 65; 113 53; 118 31
Pinus halepensis ssp. brutia: 42 69
Pinus insignis : 98 10
Pinus lambertiana: 31 58
Pinus longaeva: 63 13
Pinus maritima: 7 36; 10 13
Pinus mugo: 43 23
Pinus 'Mugo Mops': 18 22
Pinus nigra: 7 36; 39 47; 73 45; 75 40; 76 41; 82 63; 86 46; 105 25; 115 17; 118 36
Pinus nigra ssp. dalmatica: 83 17
Pinus nigra ssp. laricio: 85 4
Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii: 51 12
Pinus pinaster: 3 30; 19 24; 44 41; 47 18; 49 47; 62 14; 89 6
Pinus pineaster ssp. escarena: 85 3
Pinus pinea: 3 30, 38; 6 12, 15; 10 5, 13, 17; 14 25; 15 20; 18 6, 22; 19 24; 22 39; 23 44, 46; 25 8, 57; 26 15; 31 10; 32 10; 35 16; 36 30; 40 71; 42 50; 44 15; 45 22; 46 3; 47 8, 53; 49 44, 48; 54 28; 57 5; 59 7, 30; 62 43; 64 29; S(1) 24;68 9; 71 33; 77 97; 80 12, 55; 82 30, 31; 83 57; 84 13; 89 62; 92 17, 27; 95 29, 58; 97 12, 31, 59; 98 7; 103 44; 104 18, 19; 107 5, 57; 112 32; 113 53; 114 53; 118 12
Pinus radiata: 19 25; 25 27, 57; 28 31; 54 20; 98 10; 112 37
Pinus resinosa: 96 36
Pinus sabiniana: 28 26
Pinus strobus: 35 17
Pinus sylvestris: 7 36; 8 18; 73 48
Pinus torreyana: 19 24; 28 31; 90 13
Pinus wallichiana: 76 45
Pinus yunnanensis: 24 22
pioneer plants: 6 23; 22 37-41, 55; 25 8; 46 73; 54 24; 59 26; 63 22; 67 70; 97 7; 102 27; 104 20; 118 47
pioneering garden: 107 34
Pipe Plant: 31 53
Pipe Vine: 84 24
Piper sarmentosum: 56 46
Piptatherum miliaceum: 2 32; 96 31
Piranesi: 98 21
pirates: 112 36, 65
Pisa University Botanical Garden: 23 10; 55 58, 60; 93 15; 97 58
pistachio: 6 40; 11 44; 13 10; 40 70; 45 4; 46 51; 47 3, 8; 53 22; 60 57; 64 20, 31; 65 47; 69 15, 21, 61; 70 17; 71 42, 43; 74 71; 76 41, 42, 72; 90 10; 102 13; 104 30; 105 53; 106 40; 117 34
pistachio, Chinese: 83 32; 89 14
pistachio, wild: 104 35
pistacia: 61 14; S (1) 16; 72 6; 111 76
Pistacia: 39 69; 43 8; 49 55, 56; 66 35; 68 34-36; 71 34; 72 7, 8; 76 7, 72; 101 8
Pistacia atlantica: 23 75; 36 51; 40 70; 49 53, 54; 58 51; 59 7; 61 52; 64 31; 76 7, 42; 100 23; 113 25
Pistacia chinensis: 12 21; 21 3; 27 14; 104 30
Pistacia lentiscus: 1 5; 3 30; 4 40; 6 25; 15 26, 50; 16 42, 46; 19 52; 21 42; 22 38, 39; 23 61; 24 30, 32; 25 10, 16; 27 30; 29 21, 23, 26; 30 22, 52; 31 9; 33 23; 36 8; 39 16, 21, 44; 40 70; 42 67; 43 8; 44 61; 45 17, 20, 26, 53; 46 53; 47 51; 50 6; 47 51; 51 14, 41; 52 4, 8, 9; 54 26; 57 3; 59 7, 12, 65; 60 7; 61 6; 62 14, 19, 24, 43; 65 50; S(1) 27, 34; 66 6, 7, 31; 67 13, 62; 68 9, 34; 70 7, 48, 49; 71 30, 31, 73; 72 11; 74 41, 71; 76 8, 42; 77 1, 9, 97, 110, 111; 79 44, 59; 80 1, 4, 19, 23, 39; 81 17, 19, 24; 82 7, 49, 53; 83 17, 56, 62; 85 31; 86 28, 70; 87 14; 90 5; 91 6; 92 4, 8; 93 11; 94 10; 95 48, 58; 97 7, 17; 99 52; 100 65; 101 50; 102 11; 105 44; 107 6, 8, 49; 108 11, 12; 111 64; 112 51, 65; 113 53; 114 36; 115 5, 22, 53, 65; 117 63
Pistacia lentiscus var. chia: 90 5
Pistacia mutica: 76 42
Pistacia palaestina: 76 7
Pistacia terebinthus: 3 30; 10 13; 28 22; 34 7; 39 44; 40 34, 35, 70; 44 61; 60 13; 74 41; 77 2; 79 19; 82 7; 86 42; 93 11; 100 65; 101 50; 105 48; 115 20, 53, 64; 117 12
Pistacia terebinthus ssp. palestina: 25 16
Pistacia vera: 1 7; 7 49; 11 44; 40 70; 59 7; 64 31; 69 15; 70 17; 74 71; 77 11; 82 7; 94 13
Pistia stratiotes: 8 38
Pistosia dactylifera: 46 7, 8
Pisum sativum: 71 68; 82 62; 85 3; 107 67
pisums: 79 14
Pitanga: 92 49
pitcher plant: 31 53; 67 40; 118 54, 57
pitfall traps: 68 43
Pittosporaceae: 37 21; 91 59, 60
pittosporum: 4 4; 5 10; 7 35; 8 18-20; 10 6; 23 46; 38 21, 75, 82; 50 9, 72; 60 34; 62 46; 69 36; 74 2; 77 17, 100; 88 31; 89 16; 97 45; 104 28; 105 6, 13; 113 20; 115 6; 116 8
Pittosporum: 7 46; 14 17; 21 28; 22 21; 52 12; 59 22; 60 20; 63 22; 64 2, 3, 9; 65 18; 68 36, 39; 72 21; 86 29; 89 8; 93 28; 102 11; 104 20
Pittosporum brevicalyx: 21 68
Pittosporum garnetti: 29 43
Pittosporum heterophyllum: 8 18; 98 51
Pittosporum 'James Stirling': 15 19
Pittosporum phillyreoides: 2 19
Pittosporum rhombifolium: 83 34
Pittosporum tenuifolium: 18 24; 19 66; 55 26; 107 14
Pittosporum tenuifolim ‘Golf Ball’: 92 34
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Silver Sheen’: 91 60
Pittosporum tobira: 1 16; 7 47; 10 4; 12 9, 22; 17 37; 19 47; 22 21; 23 46; 25 14; 27 38; 34 29; 35 14, 36; 39 22; 40 15; 47 3, 20; 50 6; 55 26; 57 46; 58 20; 59 54; 60 8; 62 46; 67 13; 68 36, 38; 70 23, 62; 71 34; 76 45; 77 64, 100; 79 40; 80 12, 20; 81 61; 82 30; 84 4; 86 26, 27; 89 27; 90 18; 92 28; 95 45; 97 30; 98 27, 51; 99 58; 102 31; 103 40; 108 69; 110 7; 113 20; 117 40; 118 28
Pittosporum tobira ‘Miss Muffet’: 92 34; 105 6
Pittosporum tobira 'Nana': 1 16; 13 46; 17 34; 26 24, 26; 40 15; 55 28; 72 22; 83 22; 98 27; 99 41; 107 8
Pittosporum truncatum: 8 19; 84 36
Pittosporum undulatum: 3 8; 4 4; 26 16; 44 6; 67 62; 77 17; 80 68; 104 28; 111 64
Pittosporum yunnanensis: 44 32
Pittsburgh ivies: 70 35
Pitzer College: 91 57
place names in Attica: 80 66
plagensoil: 55 44
Planchon: 49 7; 77 81
plane, London: 117 55
plane tree: 1 30, 43; 2 33; 3 45; 8 45; 9 16, 32, 33; 10 14; 26 7, 15, 65; 27 37; 28 6, 7; 31 8, 21, 57; 35 4, 18; 38 58, 79; 42 39, 80; 43 62; 45 38, 47; 46 29; 47 45, 51; 51 22, 28, 43; 52 67; 54 38; 59 30, 31; 63 60; 64 2, 3, 9; 65 18; 66 31; 67 41; 70 62; 72 64; 73 47, 56; 74 52; 79 51; 80 45, 46; 81 26, 71; 82 22, 24; 84 60; 86 44; 87 43, 45; 88 34, 35; 101 5; 104 51; 105 18, 27, 37, 47; 106 53; 110 38; 111 4; 118 61
planetary garden: 61 13
planetary heating: 110 12, 15
plant associations: 96 43
plant biodiversity: 105 41
plant catalogues: 117 56
plant classification: 63 28
plant collections: 55 16
plant collectors/collecting: 69 46, 47, 51; 70 70; 71 63; 111 10; 112 71
plant colonies: 45 44
plant communities: 1 5; 51 11, 14-17; 62 14; 63 22; 68 5, 7; 71 11; 72 5; 77 9; 80 66; 84 22; 87 6; 90 13; 94 12; 95 9, 55; 96 43-45; 100 70; 103 9, 10; 112 37
plant consciousness: 113 30, 31; 117 47
plant cover: 14 37
plant density: 83 46
plant distribution: 97 56
plant diversity: 23 9, 12; 25 70; 72 38; 95 53
plant extracts: 61 37
Plant Finder: 3 38, 40
plant growth regulators: 62 58
plant guilds: 59 39
plant-hunting/hunters: 89 65, 66; 95 68; 98 64, 65; 108 5; 111 9; 115 41
plant identification: 51 76; 103 7; 107 18
plant import restrictions: 54 25
plant lists: 114 2
plant metabolism: 61 39
Plant Micro-Reserve Network, Cyprus: 68 55
plant pathogens: 83 49; 117 67
plant patrimony: 105 52
plant poaching: 111 23
plant research: 80 13
plant sculptures: 71 35
plant stress: 113 51
plant trials: 94 1, 49-52; 95 74, 75
Plantaginaceae: 82 63
planting holes: 114 70
planting pockets: 104 18
planting saucers: 114 38
planting technique: 113 43
plants’ natural cycles: 100 ; 105 52
Plantago: 64 60; 69 49
Plantago cynops: 39 45
Plantago erecta: 55 1
plantain (banana): 98 10
plantains: 60 45; 64 60; 67 69; 75 30
plantation sugar gums: 45 43
plantes vagabondes: 98 55
planting bowls: 75 3
planting depth: 101 8
planting distances: 71 72; 76 29
planting hole: 62 44, 51
planting saucers: 101 9, 10
planting season: 31 57
planting time: 103 16
planting trees: 99 32; 102 55, 56
planting wells: 101 9
planting zones: 45 30; 50 1
Plantus-Süd: 22 67
Plasmodium: 75 31
plastic-based weed mat: 102 15
plastic netting: 111 48
plastic shade cloth: 10 29
plastic sheeting: 76 57
plastic tunnels: 60 46
Platanthera chlorantha: 82 55, 63; 110 43
Platanus: 49 55, 56; 66 31; 72 8
Platanus occidentalis: 92 13
Platanus orientalis: 1 30; 3 30; 10 14; 14 5; 18 6; 23 10; 28 6; 39 47; 42 17; 45 47; 61 50; 64 3; 67 40; 87 45; 99 62, 63; 105 29, 47; 111 4
Platanus orientalis ‘Digitata’: 71 33
Platanus racemosa: 48 28; 82 13; 87 18; 105 18; 112 30
Platanus × acerifolia: 35 18; 49 53, 54; 64 3; 117 55
Platanus × hispanica: 35 14; 43 62; 71 34; 82 30; 95 52; 117 55
Plath, Sylvia: 110 19
platiopuntia: 36 65
Plato: 9 4; 51 54, 56; 77 28; 105 38, 47
Platycapnos spicata: 5 45
Platycerium: 26 51
Platycerium bifurcatum: 53 33; 75 66
Platycladus orientalis: 39 44
Platycladus orientalis 'Aurea': 39 44
Platycodon: 55 36
pleaching: 115 75
Plecostachys serphyllifolia: 31 42; 91 64
plectranthus: 107 63; 110 36
Plectranthus: 1 20; 39 7; 78 16; 93 25
Plectranthus argentatus: 25 53; 36 13; 78 16; 105 14
Plectranthus australis: 92 13
Plectranthus barbatus: 92 13; 102 42; 105 13; 112 54
Plectranthus behrii: 45 23
Plectranthus ecklonii: 78 16; 89 43; 95 36
Plectranthus forteri ‘Marginatus’: 78 16
Plectranthus madagascariensis var. madagascariensis: 24 9
Plectranthus neochilus: 59 56; 93 34
Plectranthus parviflorus: 92 13
Plectranthus saccatus: 79 58
Plectranthus saccatus ‘Velvet Idol’: 105 14
Plectranthus scutellarioides: 83 61
Plectranthus verticillata: 116 65
Pleiogynium timoriense: 72 7
pleiospilos: 93 66
Pleiospilos: 100 36
Pleiospilos nelii: 116 65
Pleistocene: 63 6, 10
Pleurophyllum speciosum: 27 61, 64
Pliny: 1 34; 9 5; 12 13; 46 66; 49 6; 55 31; 56 19; 57 51; 74 28; 75 29, 31; 76 62; 77 28
Pliny the Elder: 48 4; 80 28; 81 67; 86 16; 97 57; 101 65; 116 40
Pliny the Younger: 81 57; 97 59
Plocamia calabrica: 72 14; 73 13
ploughing: 67 32; 79 21
ploughing, deep: 73 40
plum: 5 33; 8 45; 18 6; 22 13; 25 38; 26 12; 27 38; 29 12; 35 16; 42 10; 49 21, 22, 24; 52 15; 53 24, 38; 54 39; 56 5, 49; 58 38; 62 58, 60, 61; 63 72; 70 22; 80 28; 89 8; 91 41; 92 27; 98 46, 64; 101 43, 59; 102 32, 33, 45; 104 23, 29, 34; 105 53; 108 69; 110 7; 112 20, 21; 114 25, 38-40; 115 24
plum blossom: 102 32
plum, cherry: 35 16
Plumbaginaceae: 40 40; 82 63; 91 60
plumbago: 7 5; 8 45; 11 31; 12 21; 14 45; 15 47; 17 56; 18 14, 17, 28, 59; 23 21; 26 29, 60; 30 25, 27; 35 38; 41 47; 43 15, 40, 57, 80; 53 31; 54 72; 56 25; 62 5; 72 27; 77 1; 80 2; 83 57; 85 58; 87 55; 88 29, 30; 89 12, 15, 23; 90 20; 96 62; 97 45. 59; 98 23; 99 2, 20, 48, 71; 103 40; 104 30; 108 53; 112 20 44; 114 29, 36; 115 30, 31, 34, 39, 57; 117 15, 17, 61
Plumbago: 9 19; 19 5, 12, 68; 20 52; 21 11, 12, 59, 60; 22 1, 22, 43; 47 3; 55 14; 67 42; 69 37; 71 63; 93 25; 114 37; 116 49
Plumbago auriculata: 1 40; 4 23; 11 40, 42; 17 33, 38; 18 53; 19 65; 22 22; 32 6; 56 34; 60 8; 67 13, 44; 68 35; 71 71; 76 23; 80 2; 82 6; 83 57; 84 37; 86 30; 97 59; 99 19-21; 100 23; 102 39; 103 23; 107 8; 108 53; 114 26, 29; 115 30; 116 64
Plumbago auriculata ‘Alba’: 99 41
Plumbago auriculata ‘Blue’: 99 41
Plumbago auriculata ‘Dark Blue’: 80 2
Plumbago auriculata ‘Imperial Blue’: 80 2; 99 19
Plumbago auriculata ‘Royal Cape’: 80 2
Plumbago auriculata ‘Royal Cobalt’: 99 19
Plumbago capensis: 10 4; 22 17; 39 6; 46 28; 47 9; 55 40; 59 17; 97 59; 99 19
Plumbago capensis 'Alba': 20 28
Plumbago 'Royal Cape': 28 47
Plume flower: 108 20
plumeria: 29 18; S(2) 23-25; 105 7
Plumeria: 19 40-43; 25 32; 34 33; 56 9; S(2) 23; 76 40; 92 33; 99 42; 111 42; 112 52
Plumeria alba: 114 29
Plumeria ‘Black Red’: 92 33; 112 53
Plumeria ’Bowen Yellow’: 92 33; 112 53
Plumeria ‘Fruit Salad’: 101 42
Plumeria rubra: S(2) 23, 25
Plumeria rubra f. acutifolia: 19 40, 43; 52 55; S(2) 23, 25
plunge bed: 71 37-39, 41
Plutarch: 104 60
Pnigalio mediterraneus: 4 35, 36, 45
Pnyx: 84 64
Poa: 69 36
Poa annua: 38 28
Poa labillardierei: 79 48
Poaceae: 37 22, 23; 76 12; 91 60, 61; 96 27, 28
poached egg daisies: 110 50
pobblebonk: 71 51
Podachaenium eminens: 46 34
podalyria: 89 19
Podalyria myrtillifolia: 59 25
Podarcis liffordi: 78 69
Podarcis muralis: 83 11
Podocarpus: 72 9
Podocarpus elongatus: 71 21
Podocarpus falcatus: 59 26
Podocarpus gracilior: 70 63
Podocarpus latifolius: 59 26; 88 52, 59
Podocarpus lawrencei: 12 48
Podocarpus macrophyllus: 76 45; 80 68
Podocarpus neriifolius: 47 18
Podocarpus totara: 80 68
Podospermum purpureum: 82 61
podranea: 43 14, 15
Podranea: 14 28; 16 39, 42; 18 26; 19 63; S(1) 17, 21, 22; 70 69, 70; 76 27; 113 17
Podranea brycei: 16 39; S(1) 21
Podranea ricasoliana: 1 15; 11 39, 40; 16 42; 18 26; 19 6; 30 26; 35 41; 45 65; 56 34; 59 6; 63 38; S(1) 21, 34; 70 69; 71 61; 76 24; 78 66; 93 25; 103 38; 105 50; 107 6; 115 30, 31, 64; 117 15; 118 12
Poets’ ivy: 70 38
Pohutukawa: 6 34; 13 26; S(1) 15
poinciana: 83 33; 107 23; 115 39
poinsettias: 3 47; 6 44; 15 26, 47, 48; 33 61; 59 12; 65 28; S(1) 27; 89 27; 103 20; 114 26
Point Lobos: 55 65
poison oak: 28 30; 30 14, 18; 55 64; 74 6; 81 45
poisoning the soil: 70 42, 43, 45
poisonous plants: 30 34, 35; 41 51, 52; 43 67; 46 14; 50 38, 43; 53 50; 55 37, 38; 56 47; 73 34; 76 6, 9, 61; 85 52; 104 20; 114 18
poisons, poisoning: 55 57, 58, 60; 66 40, 44
pokeweed: 1 21; 55 37
Polemonium caeruleum: 54 54
Polianthes: 22 62
Polianthes tuberosa: 74 53; 82 34
Poliomintha longiflora: 57 18
political correctness: 60 1, 2, 5
politics of food: 65 61
Poliziano: 54 40
Polka Dot Plant: 46 11; 108 18
Pollan, Michael: 54 2
pollarding: 6 4; 46 33; 49 35; 62 1, 3; 69 24; 80 44, 46; 81 72; 92 13; 95 28; 101 46; 104 70; 115 75
pollen: 50 39; 51 38; 60 38; 63 9, 44; 64 52, 54; 74 22, 23; 83 8; 84 27; 85 42; 86 6; 93 37, 38, 50; 99 69; 101 17; 103 68; 104 44; 107 57; 111 19; 112 6; 114 41; 115 72; 116 26-28; 117 20; 118 41
pollen analysis: 29 13
pollen evidence: 63 9, 59
pollinating agents/species: 21 22; 64 51; 75 34; 77 42; 84 23; 85 40, 42, 63, 64; 112 7; 113 29
pollinating insects: 114 61
pollination: 21 22; 44 46; 57 32, 33; 64 52, 53; 65 45; 70 14, 15, 17; 74 22, 59; 77 42, 75; 88 54; 89 53; 93 37; 97 9; 98 70; 107 25; 113 29; 114 38; 116 26, 40, 42, 44; 117 23, 67
pollination by bees: 70 15
pollination by flies: 84 7
pollination by hand: 88 58
pollination by insects: 115 45
pollination by lizards: 103 68
pollination by wind: 70 17; 92 63; 115 43
pollination, manual: 70 14
pollination, self: 70 12
pollination, uncontrolled: 107 30
pollination window: 115 49
pollinators: 4 28; 21 22; 42 52; 48 14; 55 13; 64 46, 51-53, 55; 100 17, 19; 101 32; 103 46, 67; 104 48; 107 26; 111 18; 114 38; 115 49, 72; 117 20, 21, 23, 24
pollinators, natural: 106 70
pollinators, night: 115 51; 117 20
pollution: 19 12; 21 34; 25 68; 27 53; 58 35; 62 1, 26; 64 61; 65 9; 71 25; 81 71; 85 62; 88 25, 34; 98 46; 116 26
polytunnels: 69 61; 76 57, 58; 104 52; 114 38
Polycalymma stuartii: 110 50
Polycarena aurea: 21 23; 77 43
polygala: 26 29, 51; 29 36; 102 14
Polygala: 47 18; 57 41; 71 60; 91 64; 93 25
Polygala balansae: 73 65; 81 55; 100 69
Polygala crista-galli: 61 65
Polygala dalmaisiana: 17 34
Polygala fruticosa: 59 25
Polygala grandiflora: 83 57
Polygala helenae: 61 65
Polygala monspeliaca: 57 42
Polygala myrtifolia: 1 40; 11 44; 17 55; 25 16, 32, 33; 29 35; 30 25; 39 17; 47 10; 59 25; 79 58; 85 18; 97 6; 100 69; 103 40; 116 64
Polygala sfikiana: 61 65
Polygalaceae: 91 59
Polygonacea: 82 63; 91 60
Polygonatum: 5 26; 29 49
Polygonatum multiflorum: 18 6; 20 41; 90 29
Polygonatum odoratum: 57 1
Polygonia c-album: 64 44
Polygonum aubertii: 1 49; 45 64; 54 3
Polygonum baldschuanicum: 18 28; 38 22; 62 27
Polygonum carneum: 72 40
Polygonum idaeum: 63 11
Polygonum scoparium: 85 33
Polypodium: 95 6
Polypodium vulgare: 82 46
Polypogon monspeliensis: 57 39, 42
Polystichum munitum: 6 35; 38 21
polystyrene: 101 71
Pomaderris elliptica: 44 36
pomegranate: 5 1; 6 24; 8 45; 9 16; 10 15; 11 8; 12 23; 13 7; 16 51, 52; 17 38, 39; 18 6; 19 17, 18, 59; 20 10, 12-14, 36, 39; 21 62; 22 5, 6; 24 55; 25 8, 38; 26 4, 30; 27 38, 53, 54; 28 43; 31 8; 32 6, 7; 34 4, 6; 38 27, 31-35, 88; 41 6; 43 63; 44 48; 45 27; 46 57, 60, 62; 47 47; 49 21, 34, 35, 41; 50 10, 72; 52 29, 30, 33; 53 38; 54 31; 55 34, 71; 56 25, 31, 32; 57 23, 50; 60 9, 57, 65; 61 63; 62 4; 64 15, 31; 67 12, 15; 69 49; 70 22, 25; 71 43; 72 39; 74 25, 27; 75 56; 76 41, 44; 77 6, 47, 77; 79 6, 40; 80 10, 65; 81 17, 24, 52; 82 7, 32, 39, 49; 83 3, 18, 69; 84 53, 67; 85 31; 86 30; 87 4, 20; 88 23, 31; 89 34; 91 10; 92 4, 27, 35; 93 5; 94 65; 95 27; 99 47; 100 46; 101 10, 59; 102 13, 33; 103 28, 40; 104 27, 45, 52, 67; 105 9, 35, 53; 106 40; 107 57; 108 69; 111 49; 113 24, 25; 114 28; 115 23, 24, 41, 64; 117 40; 118 2
pomegranate varieties: 38 32
pomegranate, dwarf/miniature: 22 5; 26 48; 56 25; 79 6; 80 10; 91 62
pomegranate, ornamental: 92 55
pomegranate, recipes: 38 34
pomegranate, sterile cultivars/ non-fruiting: 54 31; 66 44
pomelo: 50 18; 102 36; 117 44
Pompeii: 1 42; 5 1; 10 44; 16 51; 18 4-6; 29 13, 14; 44 22; 64 58; 80 63; 81 67, 68; 83 67; 84 47-49; 88 18
Poncirus trifoliata: 18 29, 35-37; 73 46; 102 38
pond, fishpond: 70 55; 96 24, 35; 102 41
pond, lily: 53 23; 55 41; 56 1; 62 9; 74 24; 79 47
pond mud: 70 16
pond, swimming: 59 27, 28
pond, turtle: 96 10
Pont du Gard: 45 52, 53; 47 50; 117 56
Pontederia: 40 19
Pontederia cordata: 30 21; 42 82; 45 20; 55 41
Poodle Plant: 24 15
pool, bathing: 56 16
pool, reflecting: 9 2, 12
pool/pond: 1 4, 50; 2 12, 38; 3 6, 11, 25, 36; 4 4, 6, 7, 14; 5 9-12; 6 8, 9, 45; 8 36-39; 9 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 13, 16, 27; 10 4, 14, 38; 11 7, 9; 13 7, 9, 15, 17, 38, 42; 14 5; 15 48; 16 15, 20, 21; 17 56, 58; 19 64-66, 67, 69; 20 35; 21 11, 12, 59, 60; 22 10, 13, 14, 49; 23 61; 24 8, 10, 18, 60, 64; 25 8, 9, 50, 53, 64; 26 48, 51, 54; 27 7, 8, 54; 29 5, 10, 11, 48, 55; 30 20-22, 51; 31 10, 49, 51, 54, 57, 58, 73; 32 6-8, 12, 45; 34 4, 8, 9, 10, 65; 35 12, 14, 63, 66, 70; 37 8, 53; 38 14, 21, 43, 72, 76, 80; 39 4, 6, 81; 40 5, 6, 21; 41 4, 55, 57, 60; 42 10, 14, 26, 39, 78, 81; 43 12, 31, 39, 42, 61, 62, 65; 44 33, 54; 45 12, 14, 32; 46 95; 47 14, 16, 47, 49, 50, 51; 48 27; 49 3, 15, 16, 44, 61; 50 43; 51 49, 50, 58, 61, 71; 53 15, 19, 33, 34; 54 55, 57; 56 14, 72; 57 3, 55, 56; 58 9; 59 30, 31, 52; 60 19, 36; 62 9; 63 22; 64 7, 12, 13, 15, 24-27, 29, 88; 65 56; 66 20; 67 21, 28, 38; 69 5, 7, 49; S(2) 9, 40; 70 22-25, 28; 71 51, 54, 56, 74; 72 8-10; 73 3; 75 35, 38, 49; 76 42, 44; 77 8, 17, 19, 21; 78 55; 79 8, 47, 53, 54, 58, 60, 61; 80 8, 9, 12, 29, 36; 81 10, 14, 28, 31, 32, 34, 51, 53-55; 82 9, 20, 21, 23; 83 41, 60, 62; 84 22, 24, 46, 52, 55, 56; 85 16; 87 45, 49, 51; 88 53, 58; 89 57, 63; 90 12, 15, 17; 91 15, 26, 52; 92 7, 14, 17, 34, 66; 93 22, 28, 55; 94 4, 6, 10; 95 11, 17, 44-47, 58; 96 39, 40, 46, 59; 98 3, 16, 40; 101 12, 13; 102 10, 28, 46; 103 13; 105 11, 17, 30, 54; 106 53, 54; 111 17; 112 16, 48, 55; 113 18; 115 21, 22; 116 8-10; 117 31, 61, 62; 118 53-55, 59, 61, 62
pool, raised: 113 37
poor man’s weatherglass: 118 42
popcorn cassia: 96 10
Pope, Alexander: 19 23; 51 2; 53 6
poplar, silver: 47 52
poplar, white: 107 57
poplars: 1 43; 29 48; 46 29; 50 59; 51 43; 53 3; 62 43; 70 34, 63; 77 97; 81 71; 82 31; 88 35; 89 41; 95 27; 117 57
poppies: 15 7; 16 26, 32; 17 55; 19 30; 25 12; 27 14, 66; 34 6; 40 58; 42 61, 75; 43 31; 44 4, 66; 49 21, 34; 53 24, 56, 57; 56 55; 57 4, 28, 47, 50; 58 59; 60 32; 64 2, 19; 66 11; 69 26, 27, 32; 70 26; 74 38; 77 36; 78 62; 80 9; 82 43; 83 35; 84 26, 32; 86 12; 89 40; 96 12; 97 13; 98 22; 101 26, 69; 102 25, 30, 67; 105 48; 106 18; 110 56; 111 45; 113 24; 118 61
poppies, corn: 22 44
poppies, opium: 9 25
poppies, oriental: 71 52, 57; 113 34
poppies, peony-flowered: 71 69
poppies, prickly: 93 3
poppies, Semitic: 76 12
poppies, Shirley: 71 27
poppies, Welsh: 18 70; 55 28
poppies, wild: 55 28
poppy brittlebush: 105 20
Populus: 15 10; 49 55, 56; 62 43; 77 97
Populus alba: 3 30; 10 14; 39 45; 47 52; 49 53, 54; 82 30; 95 46; 117 54
Populus deltoides: 96 35
Populus euphratica: 72 6
Populus fremontii: 70 63
Populus nigra: 3 30; 49 53, 54
Populus tremuloides: 96 35
Porcinai, Pietro: 46 90; 85 71
porkbush: 93 35, 36; 103 32
poroporo: 25 33
Port Jackson wattle: 54 16
Porter, Hal: 76 40
Portuguese broom: 54 19
Portuguese laurel: 40 8; 102 11
Portuguese oak: 92 17
portulaca: 16 49; 23 24; 28 44; 58 34; 83 29
Portulaca: 43 49
Portulaca oleracea: 33 51; 37 39; 57 35; 62 35
Portulaceae: 91 64
Portulacaria: 88 53
Portulacaria afra: 30 54; 75 17; 79 56; 91 64; 93 35, 36; 95 24-26; 103 32, 34; 106 42, 43, 46; 112 36
Portulacaria afra 'Variegata': 57 19
porous rock; 87 24
Posidonia: 49 14
Posidonia oceanica: 80 61; 83 56
postage stamps: 88 68
post-fire recovery: 51 8
pot-bound: 66 27; 83 27; 102 20; 106 45; 112 61; 113 42-44
pot gardens: 75 13, 14, 16
pot pourri: 51 53; 79 73
potager: 5 2; 26 13, 52; 35 34; 52 22, 24; 53 21, 27, 30; 60 36; 67 30; 71 25, 68; 73 52; 75 10; 77 7; 78 5; 80 28, 29; 89 29-32; 97 26; 102 25
Potamogeton crispus: 8 37
Potamogeton natans: 8 37
Potamon fluviatilis: 40 40
potash: 56 40; 62 62; 74 17
potassium: 39 26, 49; 48 39; 63 72
potassium nitrate: 25 46, 47; 74 18
potassium soap: 70 53
potato blight: 75 33; 76 46
potato bush: 47 48
potato patch: 46 58
potato, ‘Majestic’: 94 47
potato ‘Mona Lisa’: 67 65
potato ‘Rosabelle’: 67 64, 65
potato, Spanish: 35 53
potato ‘Wilja’: 94 47
Potato Vine: 91 61; 92 55; 103 38
potatoes: 6 46; 8 50; 29 58; 35 51; 49 22, 24; 51 62; 53 50; 56 38; 57 29, 34; 58 42, 69, 71; 60 49, 51; 61 47; 62 32, 37; 63 11; 67 64-66; 70 52, 55; 76 46, 51; 80 29; 87 59; 94 39, 47; 102 71; 118 29
potatoes, seed: 67 64-66
potatoes, sweet: 35 53; 58 42
potentilla: 47 24; 87 47
Potentilla: 49 31
Potentilla fruticosa: 14 26
Potentilla neumanniana: 73 64
Potentilla repens: 78 42
Potentilla reptans: 60 45
Potentilla tabernaemontani: 73 64
Potentilla tommasiniana: 115 20
Potentilla verna: 74 46
pots: 104 31, 36-49, 52; 105 60; 106 21-24, 26, 41-43; 107 2, 23, 30, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44
pots, clay: 99 40, 73, 74; 101 70; 105 60
pots, coloured: 113 14
pots, plastic: 99 73, 74; 101 70; 105 60
pots/potted plants: 7 3; 19 5, 9, 27, 37, 40, 41, 43, 63-65, 67; 20 26, 44; 21 34, 41, 61, 69; 22 11-13, 17, 20, 22, 43, 54, 57, 64, 70, 72; 23 13, 21-23, 39, 44, 59; 24 6, 20, 34, 47, 48, 61; 25 32, 35, 49, 53, 55, 70; 26 13, 27, 41, 42, 47, 50, 53, 63, 66, 72; 27 22, 52; 28 17, 35, 39, 46, 49; 29 52; 30 5; 41 3, 4, 24, 43-45, 47, 48; 42 28, 29, 32, 75; 43 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 40, 41, 57, 60; 50 1, 14, 18, 19; 53 37; 55 8, 14, 24, 25, 27, 52-56, 66; 56 1, 7, 11, 19, 22, 25, 26, 41, 44, 51; 61 28; 63 23, 37, 40; 65 21; 69 63; 75 8, 13, 15, 18, 21-23, 26, 46, 60, 64
pots with water reservoir: 71 37-39
Potter, Beatrix: 101 48
potting compost: 20 43; 48 62; 61 42, 44, 70; 63 37; 70 53; 71 38, 39; 90 39; 105 61; 115 59
potting compost, cactus: 100 35
potting compost, orchid; 100 57
Poulenc: 85 15
poultry house: 62 25
powdery mildew: 60 43, 44; 70 68; 75 33; 94 50, 51; 113 51
Power, Nancy Goslee: 45 33, 38; 46 100
Powhatan: 102 49
pozzolano: 23 36; 70 67; 81 66; 103 9
prairie: 107 46
pralinage: 72 71
Prangos trifida: 90 23
Prasium majus: 59 6; 115 13
Prasophyllum occidentale: 71 58
Pratia pedunculata: 91 60
Pratolino Garden: 48 65
Praxiteles: 117 24
praying mantis: 23 30; 25 32; 60 46; 97 17; 100 65
precipitation: 41 17; 47 9; 48 42, 43; 69 49
precipitation deficit: 46 68
precipitation levels: 106 8
precipitation patterns/rates: 114 59; 118 30
predators: 7 41; 47 29, 75, 78, 80; 48 18, 20; 49 70; 75 33; 100 31, 43; 105 17; 116 70
predators, natural: 46 8; 48 62; 61 37; 105 56
pre-Greek language: 74 52
prehistoric: 85 2, 9
pre-Raphaelites: 58 62
prescribed burning: 51 10, 39
Prespa: 59 66
pricking out: 96 2; 97 10
Prickly Cone Flower: 58 45
prickly ivy: 82 47
prickly pear: 18 16, 42; 19 32, 33; 27 29, 84; 45 20; 47 77; 52 15; 53 32; 54 16, 49, 51-53; 55 49; 56 3; 59 12, 13, 16; 63 44-46; 70 38; 72 48; 83 16; 88 51; 90 12; 92 31; 94 6; 95 23; 102 33; 111 6; 113 53; 118 70
Pride of Bolivia: 66 69
Pride of Madeira: 24 9; 40 23; 72 7; 76 47; 91 61; 102 13
primary school teachers, training: 76 3, 69; 80 52
Primavera: 57 50, 52
Primavera alla Landriana: 75 65; 87 72
primrose trees: 82 7
primroses: 19 31; 21 26; 27 32; 42 53; 49 59; 57 49; 64 15; 65 33; 74 61; 76 40, 63; 85 51; 106 51, 52; 107 72
Primula: 92 72
Primula auriculata: 72 40
Primula calliantha: 30 63
Primula elatior: 28 43
Primula frondosa: 31 14
Primula palinuri: 54 54
Primula spicata: 30 63
Primula veris: 20 41; 42 53; 82 63; 107 72
Primula vulgaris: 20 41; 27 32; 33 27; 42 53; 106 51; 107 72
Primulaceae: 82 63; 100 22
primulas: 41 3; 47 20; 80 15; 87 47; 89 67
Princess Grace Park, Monaco: 79 56
Princess of Wales Conservatory, Kew: 76 24
Priona: 80 58
Pritchardia beccariana: 1 33
privet: 6 5; 7 35; 9 44; 10 26; 17 32, 35, 36; 21 28; 32 3; 35 24; 40 16; 41 51; 51 21; 53 23; 56 25; 64 42, 44; 72 35; 77 88; 80 43; 85 23; 91 69; 93 50; 102 13; 108 70; 111 40; 114 41
privet, golden: 21 28
privet hedges: 111 40
probiotic; 83 51
processed foods: 114 22
processionary caterpillars: 45 27; 58 57; 60 43; 64 29; 66 39; 69 15; 75 33; 78 55; 114 45; 116 50
Prodigal Son, the: 100 25
productive gardening: 74 56; 110 29
prohibited export of wild plant material: 62 72
project for collecting plant data: 111 53
Prometheus: 56 55; 76 53; 99 64
promethrin: 26 27
propagation: 19 39, 43; 20 26, 30, 62; 21 6, 26, 33, 47, 72; 22 28, 30, 31; 23 9, 63; 24 24, 27; 25 2, 28, 31, 63; 28 26, 35, 61; 29 34; 30 41, 42, 71; 31 22, 46, 80; 33 68; 34 6, 7, 14, 19, 28, 30, 34, 46; 40 1, 21; 41 13; 44 39; 45 10, 20, 23, 26, 27, 64; 46 23, 25, 43, 65, 81; 53 66; 61 20; 66 5, 8, 60; 70 44, 60; 71 3, 37, 49, 51, 69; 74 59, 60; 80 52; 83 68; 88 6, 38, 71; 89 29, 53; 94 16; 98 7, 53-55; 104 7, 17, 25, 38; 108 14, 18, 20; 110 1, 37; 118 4-6
propagation by division: 88 58; 107 22
propagation by layering: 93 60
propagation by seed: 107 22, 28, 59
propagation by softwood cuttings: 107 23
propagator: 69 13
propagule: 60 49, 50
propolis: 55 51; 58 40; 70 53; 74 49
Prosopis: 23 75
Prosopis juliiflora: 31 39
Prospero autumnale: 42 69; 63 15, 33; 66 6; 68 37; 70 8; 77 102; 95 6, 13; 97 5; 99 17; 100 10; 110 58
prostanthera: 37 14
Prostanthera: 21 25; 43 81; 69 36
Prostanthera baxteri var. sericea: 36 13
Prostanthera incisa: 43 81
Prostanthera lasianthes: 92 24
Prostanthera ovalifolia: 43 81
Prostanthera rotundifolia: 43 81; 91 60
protea: 5 3; 44 66; 49 14; 51 5; 53 35; 59 23-25; 71 18, 20, 21; 79 53; 83 1; 88 53, 54, 60;
89 51, 53; 91 64; 102 13; 103 8; 104 27; 105 55; 111 29; 112 18
protea family: 78 45
Protea, King: 59 25; 71 21; 88 60; 111 24
Protea, Pincushion: 88 54
protea species: 78 2
Protea, Thistle: 88 54
Protea: 21 23, 47; 24 8, 9, 11; 27 20; 28 16; 71 19; 91 64
Protea coronata: 16 17
Protea cynaroides: 16 17; 24 9; 37 43; 59 23; 71 21; 88 60; 90 55; 111 24; 112 38
Protea eximia: 16 17; 112 38
Protea grandiceps: 112 38
Protea laurifolia: 16 17; 21 23; 77 42
Protea mundii: 16 17
Protea neriifolia: 16 17; 37 43
Protea neriifolia 'Pink Mink': 21 65, 68
Protea nitida: 21 23; 77 42
Protea obtusifolia: 28 16; 88 54
Protea 'Pink Ice': 55 69; 112 38
Protea scolymocephala: 88 54
Protea susanna × magnifica ‘Susara’: 79 53
Protea susannae: 112 38
Proteaceae: 16 72; 18 32; 24 9; 30 30; 37 21; 51 6; S(2) 22; 71 19, 68; 89 51; 91 64; 106 31; 108 7; 112 6, 38
Protected Designation of Origin: 107 4
protected flora: 107 20
Protected Geographical Indication: 84 51
protected plants/species: 76 42; 79 21, 27; 88 52; 93 26, 44
protected sites: 23 19
protective fencing : 108 38
proto-continents: 97 56
Proust, Marcel: 60 14; 91 69
Prout, Samuel: 98 65
Prunella vulgaris: 55 1; 67 69
pruning: 2 43; 3 11, 24, 25, 48, 49; 4 44, 45; 5 4, 19; 6 15, 18, 34; 7 1, 18, 20, 23, 35; 8 38; 9 35; 10 6, 10, 12, 16, 27-33, 48; 11 17; 12 29, 30; 14 28, 29; 15 18, 24, 31, 33, 47, 59; 16 17, 18, 37, 39, 40, 45, 55; 17 21, 35, 38, 43, 44, 48; 18 27, 28, 38, 41, 56; 19 6, 8, 9, 43, 68; 20 10, 12, 23; 21 69; 22 20, 27, 28, 31, 46, 48, 49, 55, 56, 72; 23 22, 43, 74; 24 16, 18, 24; 25 13, 14, 16, 53; 27 6, 8, 20, 49; 28 11, 22, 24, 35, 38, 47, 72; 29 20, 21, 32, 36, 42, 43, 60; 30 17, 41, 61; 31 9, 24, 35, 39, 51; 32 37; 33 39, 61; 34 3, 19, 28, 29; 35 24, 34, 36-38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 52, 84-86; 36 7; 38 16, 31, 32, 49, 51; 41 22, 29, 36, 45; 42 27, 40, 42, 58, 75, 76; 43 8, 16, 18, 43, 44, 62, 65; 44 22, 69; 45 26, 27, 29, 35, 44, 63, 64; 46 5, 65, 88, 94; 47 16, 21, 24, 28, 29, 30, 46, 59; 48 62; 49 12, 47, 65; 50 23, 48; 51 19, 22; 52 12, 34; 53 8, 10, 33, 60, 61, 66; 55 25; 56 12, 14, 18, 32, 33, 51; 58 26, 28, 30, 59; 59 28, 76; 60 7; 61 5, 8, 30, 31, 34, 35, 48, 64, 71; 62 23, 24, 26, 28, 43, 53, 58, 59-62; 63 72; 64 69; 65 29; S(1) 9, 11, 17, 18, 20-23, 33; 66 6, 8, 18, 23, 26, 27; 67 25, 32; 68 63; 69 28, 33, 57, 58; S(2) 11, 14; 70 18, 60, 68; 71 13, 14, 43; 72 72; 74 26; 75 46; 76 8, 11, 24, 27, 29, 30-33; 77 86, 89, 97; 78 9, 10, 29, 33, 45, 53, 55, 56, 70; 79 2, 10, 11; 80 39, 43, 45, 66; 81 17, 28, 44; 84 19, 21, 29; 85 34, 57; 86 28, 31, 33, 34; 87 14, 31, 54, 58; 88 9, 15; 89 27, 57, 58; 90 59; 91 23; 92 13, 29 44, 45; 93 11, 16, 37, 50, 53; 94 17, 18, 40, 51; 95 15, 16, 18, 38; 96 14,; 97 24, 40-43, 45, 46; 98 24, 45, 48, 52; 99 21, 28, 30, 41; 100 31, 56; 101 35, 36, 34, 47, 53; 102 7, 23, 24, 27, 49; 103 14, 15, 29, 44, 45, 64; 104 21, 25, 26, 52; 105 5-10, 44, 52, 57; 106 15, 62; 107 8, 23; 108 12, 19, 20, 21, 33, 34, 46, 57, 58, 69; 110 5, 21, 34, 35-37, 48; 111 4; 112 45, 46, 48, 55, 57; 115 37, 62; 118 14, 15, 19, 32, 55
pruning into balls: 115 6, 7
pruning, goat: 103 17; 105 25, 26
pruning, heavy: 71 74
pruning, judicious: 108 13
pruning, light: 103 17; 108 33
pruning, minimal: 108 13
pruning, regular: 99 47
pruning, renovation: 107 8
pruning, wind: 103 17; 105 8, 26
pruning almonds: 99 29, 30
pruning lemons: 74 48-50
pruning olive trees: 31 31, 33; 34 41-50; 77 52-61; 99 50; 102 28, 30; 106 62
pruning roses: 101 41; 106 15
pruning saw: 61 71
prunings: 58 32, 41; 62 20; 63 25
prunus: 23 58; 42 8; 44 34; 52 67; 66 39, 41;88 16; 102 13
Prunus: 6 15, 24, 25; 15 10, 40; 18 12; 19 47, 59; 20 41; 21 10; 22 23, 37; 49 55, 56; 61 34; 72 7; 76 51
Prunus amygdalus: 71 34; 101 50
Prunus armeniaca: 10 14; 22 23; 85 12; 115 49
Prunus avium: 49 53, 54; 118 14
Prunus cerasifera: 10 14; 49 53, 54; 80 68; 88 14; 101 43
Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra': 35 6; 79 11
Prunus cerasifera var. pissardii: 74 39
Prunus cerasus: 10 14; 114 38; 115 24
Prunus domestica: 114 38; 115 24
Prunus dulcis: 10 14; 20 41; 57 5; 64 2; 83 18; 84 14; 101 50; 108 15; 115 23, 49; 118 22, 49, 50
Prunus emarginata: 24 15
Prunus ilicifolia: 24 15; 28 31; 96 9
Prunus laurocerasus: 4 26; 6 15; 14 26; 15 40; 19 47; 66 36; 89 6; 90 18
Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken': 19 47
Prunus lusitanica: 14 26; 117 54
Prunus padus: 49 53, 54
Prunus persica: 10 14; 70 25; 118 14
Prunus prostrata: 84 5; 105 25
Prunus sargentii: 2 11; 21 10
Prunus spinosa: 14 25; 22 37
Prunus subhirtella: 33 12; 42 27
Prunus ‘Ukon’: 117 54
Prunus webbii: 28 22
Prunus zabeliana: 14 26
Prunus × domestica: 10 15; 35 16
Psalm 121: 101 23
Psephellus barbeyi: 72 39
Psephellus bellus: 74 46; 77 3; 85 32
Pseudobombax ellipticum: 65 45
Pseudocordylus subviridis: 103 68
Pseudcydonia sinensis: 91 40; 107 54
Pseudofumaria alba ssp. acaulis: 73 48
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum: 37 22
Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides: 17 56; 28 15
Pseudomonas syringae: 61 35; 62 61
Pseudomonas syringae pv aesuli: 94 43
Pseudopanax laetus: 46 22
pseudo-steppe: 45 16
Psidium guajava: 13 14; 69 15; 70 4, 15; 74 71
Psoralea bituminosa: 100 48
Psoralea oligophylla: 59 25
Psoralea pinnata: 59 25
Psorothamnus emoryi: 31 57
Psorothamnus spinosa: 31 57
Psydrax odorata: 83 34
pteridophytes: 92 63
Pteris cretica: 3 34
Pteris vittata: 17 7
Pterocarya fraxinifolia: 71 34; 72 9
Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus: 16 17; 59 26
Pterocephalus multiflorus: 40 35
Pterocephalus pinardii: 105 25
Pteronia glauca: 21 23; 77 42
ptilostemon: 30 24; 75 3; 108 14
Ptilostemon: 40 25
Ptilostemon chamaepeuce: 2 46; 16 26; 29 1; 30 23; 36 8; 37 36; 39 22; 40 42; 45 14; 57 4; 59 6; 66 7; 67 9; 71 6, 8; 74 35; 75 12; 76 21, 22; 86 14; 97 10; 100 8; 106 52; 108 13; 111 56; 112 50; 114 66, 68; 115 53, 66; 116 8
Ptilotrichum cyclocarpum: 82 61
Ptilotus: 112 7
Ptilotus spathulatus: 37 22
Ptolemy Lathyrus: 107 71
Pudding Pipe Tree: 56 11
Puerto de la Cruz Botanic Garden: 52 18
Pulicaria dysenterica: 78 42
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction: 101 11
pulmonaria: 46 55
Pulmonaria officinalis: 83 70
pulsatilla: 31 70
Pulsatilla alpina: 20 69
Pulsatilla montana: 115 20
Pulsatilla vulgaris: 42 55
pulses: 61 60; 87 24
Pultenaea daphnoides: 37 21
Pulvinaria regalis; 94 43
Puma concolor: 101 34
pumice: 57 20; 85 57; 100 35, 36
pump units/pumps: 26 39; 27 32, 41, 44; 51 27
pumpkin 'Galeux d'Eysines': 58 34
pumpkin 'Marina di Chioggia': 58 34
pumpkin 'Turk's Turban': 58 34
pumpkin 'Victor': 58 34
pumpkin 'Winter Luxury': 58 34
pumpkins: 55 64; 56 37, 39; 58 34; 61 26; 64 15; 81 22, 56; 83 71; 87 14
Punica: 61 34; 116 51
Punica granatum: 3 30; 10 15; 17 38; 18 6; 20 14, 41; 21 62; 22 5, 37, 39; 35 14; 36 29; 38 27, 31; 52 33; 54 32; 55 14, 15; 58 52; 59 7; 62 4; 64 31; 67 59; 70 25; 71 34; 74 25; 81 52; 82 7, 39; 83 18; 92 4, 35; 113 24; 114 28; 116 65
Punica granatum ‘Nana’: 91 62
Punica granatum var. nana: 17 38; 22 5
Punica 'Legrelliae': 54 32
pupae: 64 40, 42, 44; 72 30
purin d'orties: 60 46, 47; 80 26
Purple Fan: 91 64
Purple Fountain Grass: 76 12
Purple Heart: 113 25
Purple sage: 108 47
purple viper's bugloss: 19 56; 57 27
purslane: 33 51; 37 39; 57 35; 62 35
Puschkinia libanotica: 11 43
Puschkinia scilloides: 80 54
pussy willows: 51 81; 72 9
Putoria calabrica: 72 14; 73 13
puya: 31 11; 67 22
Puya: 93 25
Puya alpestris: 43 21
Puya chinensis: 112 39
Puya mirabilis: 71 70; 107 63
Puya raimondii: 55 76
Puya spathacea: 3 8
Pycnonotus barbatus: 51 55
Pycnstachys urticifolia: 85 20
Pycreus polystachyos: 80 61
pyracantha: 19 28; 21 12; 25 83; 32 9; 42 76; 79 48; 112 59
Pyracantha: 50 5-10; 66 35; 102 13
Pyracantha angustifolia: 14 26
Pyracantha coccinea: 2 32; 3 32; 14 26; 17 33; 20 41; 22 36, 37, 39, 41; 50 5; 72 9; 112 51
Pyracantha yunnanensis: 14 26
Pyracanthus: 47 3
pyramidal bugle: 81 43
Pyrenean oak: 92 17
pyrethrins: 60 4
pyrethrum: 116 70
Pyrethrum coccineum: 72 40
Pyrgos Vasilissis/The Queen’s Tower: 96 58; 99 57
pyrocumulus clouds: 102 17, 18
pyrocyclonic winds: 102 17
pyrophytes: 22 45, 47; 51 16
Pyrostegia: 3 7; 14 28; 16 39; S(1) 17, 21
Pyrostegia venusta: 12 7; 16 39; 32 35; 42 28; 45 65; S(1) 21; 70 69; 103 20; 106 48
Pyrus: 10 15; 15 9, 10, 19; 72 7
Pyrus amygdaliformis: 10 15; 88 44; 101 50; 104 44, 45
Pyrus calleryana: 88 15; 95 56
Pyrus communis: 70 25
Pyrus pyraster: 22 40
Pyrus salicifolia: 76 41, 42
Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula': 12 7
Pyrus spinosa: 70 48; 85 37
Pythagoras: 93 30; 105 23; 107 3
Pythia: 117 39
Pytiocamba: 33 82
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