Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows Tulipa kaufmanniana in the Tien Shan mountains during an MGS trip to Uzbekistan (Photo Alisdair Aird)

Tabebuia: 13 13; 81 11
Tabebuia chrysantha: 16 41; S(1) 23; 83 33
Tabebuia chrysotricha: 3 39; 70 63
Tabebuia impetiginosa: 70 63
Tabebuia ipe: 65 45
Tabebuia rosea: 16 41; S(1) 23; 83 34; 107 58
Tabernaemontana divaricata: 73 63, 64
Table Mountain: 71 17, 18, 20; 90 54-57
Table Mountain National Park: 89 54; 90 54
Tabor oak: 23 73
Tadelakt: 105 63
tadpoles: 29 48; 51 62; 53 23
Tagetes: 1 48; 19 9; 22 15; 26 64; 46 9, 10, 14, 18, 57
Tagetes erecta: 47 10
Tagetes glandulifera: 64 68
Tagetes hybrid cultivars: 46 9
Tagetes lemmonii: 92 33; 102 40; 105 9
Tagetes minima: 80 29
Tagetes minuta: 54 24; 64 68; 70 53
Tagetes patula: 80 29
Taj Mahal: 6 9
Tall Sand Mallee: 25 23
tamarillo: 26 72; 57 35; 70 18
tamarind: 25 48
tamarisk: 10 16; 18 16; 26 29; 31 57; 35 48; 49 19; 56 25; 60 14; 65 54; 81 29; 85 5; 97 31; 99 22; 103 37; 106 40
Tamarix: 7 36; 10 16; 23 75; 32 22; 48 41; 54 19; 62 43; 66 31, 32, 35; S(2) 38; 78 66; 99 22
Tamarix africana: 78 60; 95 6
Tamarix aphylla: 58 52
Tamarix gallica: 3 30; 21 42; 22 37, 39; 95 46
Tamarix parviflora: 47 8; 103 37
Tamarix pentandra: 3 30
Tamarix ramosissima: 41 17; 89 8
Tamarix tetrandra: 3 30; 58 52
Tambakis, Nicolaos: 98 14, 16
Tamus communis: 54 30
tan stoves: 69 53
tanacetum: 7 48
Tanacetum sp.: 82 61
Tanacetum balsamita: 14 6; 54 24; 88 36
Tanacetum cinerariifolium: 60 4
Tanacetum densum: 50 11; 74 46; 85 32; 86 28
Tanacetum densum ssp. amani: 48 24; 69 41; 103 57
Tanacetum haradjanii: 103 57
Tanacetum parthenium: 32 25; 54 24
Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum': 21 26
Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum: 36 13; 91 62
Tanacetum vulgare: 10 32; 16 32
tangelos: 91 11
tangerines: 55 40; 106 47
tanning: 88 47, 49; 90 4
tanoak: 24 40, 41
tansy: 10 27, 32
Taphrina deformans: 16 55; 60 44
taproot: 48 15; 91 23; 92 54; 99 28; 100 30, 33, 36; 104 16
Taraxacum: 60 45; 82 61; 97 5
Taraxacum campylodes: 101 16
Taraxacum officinale: 28 41; 37 40; 101 16
Tarkovsky: 98 55
taro: 79 60
taro, black: 47 47
taro, giant: 47 25; 53 33
tarragon: 7 6; 28 43; 43 54; 75 21, 23, 31
tarragon, French: 75 23
tarragon, Russian: 75 23
tarweed: 74 4
Tasmanian Blue Gum: 98 10
Tassel-cord Rush: 91 64
tassel hyacinth: 56 56; 93 37, 38; 102 25
tasselled grape hyacinth: 8 41; 65 54; 92 26; 100 10; 102 30
tawhiwhi: 91 60
Taxodium: 21 3
Taxodium distichum: 29 52; 64 21; 72 8
Taxodium mucronatum: 5 5; 64 21
taxonomy: 59 64
Taxus: 7 36; 14 17; 76 51; 102 11
Taxus baccata: 20 41; 65 59; 84 12; 89 61; 105 30
tayberries: 6 47; 91 40; 107 54
tea: 76 41, 43
Tea Tree: 5 45; 6 14; 21 25; 67 21; 69 8; 79 50
Teatro di Piazza d'Occasione: 50 56
Teatro Olimpico: 74 29
teasel: 19 30; 64 41; 85 43
technical fixes: 107 52
tecoma: 43 15, 16, 61
Tecoma: 3 7; 14 28; S(1) 17, 19, 22, 23; 93 25
Tecoma australis: 92 24
Tecoma capensis: 16 39, 40; 47 19; 52 13; S(1) 22, 23; 62 46; 66 47; 67 62; 68 36; 70 68; 76 23; 77 100; 78 66; 88 63; 91 20, 64; 96 13; 99 26; 102 27; 103 25, 38
Tecoma capensis ‘Apricot’: 85 53
Tecoma capensis 'Aurea': 16 40; S(1) 22
Tecoma capensis 'Lutea': 16 40; S(1) 22
Tecoma fulva ssp. garrocha: 67 62
Tecoma latrobei: 90 32; 92 24
Tecoma stans: 16 39, 40; 26 70; 61 69; S(1) 22; 70 62, 69; 78 10, 13; 99 26
Tecoma × smithii: 99 26
Tecoma × smithii ‘Orange Bells’: 85 23; 99 26
tecomaria: 1 18; 55 25
Tecomaria: 14 28; 15 23; 16 1, 39, 40; 19 8; 20 52; 59 56; S(1) 17, 19, 22
Tecomaria capensis: 10 4; 16 1, 39, 40; 19 62; 22 55; 23 59; 60 6; 62 46; S(1) 22
Tecophilaea cyanocrocus: 7 46; 59 17; 80 16
tectonic activity: 90 8
Teline: 57 41, 42
Telles, Gonçalo Ribeiro: 92 11, 15
Telopea mongaensis: 44 33
Telopea ‘Shady Lady’: 71 59
Telopea speciosissima: 71 59
TEMA: 59 45
temperature: 55 1, 5, 10, 12, 13, 32, 46, 47, 50, 53
temperatures, germination: 19 9
temperatures, high: 50 1
tempest: 67 26
temple: 58 9, 10, 14
temple of Aphaia, Aegina: 27 55
temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens: 98 13, 16, 19
temple of Poseidon, Sounion; 98 62; 99 38
temple of Zeus, Olympia: 99 65
temples, decorative: 76 44
Templetonia: 7 47; 9 44
Templetonia retusa: 2 19; 26 46; 76 10
Temu divaricatum: 44 32
tender plants: 52 2, 3, 30, 31; 55 12, 13, 15, 69; 57 60-62; 60 6; 63 37, 41, 48; 72 27; 93 26, 29, 53; 100 62; 108 14
tender subtropicals: 79 61
tennis court: 59 32
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: 94 9; 98 71
tepary bean: 57 34
terebinth: 47 51; 74 41; 77 2; 79 19; 87 55; 101 50; 105 48; 106 40
Termessos National Park: 61 53
Terminalia catappa: 28 71, 72; 29 72; 30 57
termites: 43 5; 83 30
terrace: 15 12; 16 9; 25 2, 51; 26 27, 40, 47-50, 66; 27 46, 53; 28 44; 29 19; 31 49, 51, 53;
32 13, 23; 33 59; 62 48; 63 37; 65 21; 76 44; 80 15; 81 9, 15, 16, 18, 55; 82 19, 20; 84 29, 31, 47, 51, 55; 86 12, 25; 88 5, 19
terraced landscapes: 85 8, 13, 14
terraces, abandoned: 101 5, 6
terraces, stabilisation of: 108 38
terracing: 6 5, 15; 9 19, 22; 10 23; 15 58; 16 11, 47, 48, 54, 58; 17 18; 18 12, 14, 15, 17; 19 12, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69; 20 12, 23, 42; 21 57-59; 22 1; 23 26, 30; 25 7, 9, 10, 37, 64; 26 5, 12, 35, 51; 27 5-8, 10, 50, 54-56; 28 5, 22; 29 3, 4, 50, 53; 30 14, 17, 23, 25; 31 5, 8, 10, 11, 54, 56, 67; 32 4, 7, 16; 33 19, 36, 48; 34 6, 10, 19; 46 76, 77, 87; 47 16, 18; 49 1, 3, 11, 12, 22, 35, 37, 40; 50 5, 6, 9, 10; 51 22; 52 20-23, 25, 26, 36; 53 36, 53, 54; 55 24, 27, 29, 42, 43, 45-48, 50, 68; 56 5; 58 5, 6, 16; 61 10, 11; 62 24; 63 8, 9, 12, 13, 33, 42, 43; 65 54; 67 10, 12, 15, 16, 21, 23, 31, 42, 51; 71 6, 38, 42, 43; 72 7, 12, 28, 42, 57; 74 57; 79 44, 48, 49, 60, 62; 80 19-21; 82 51, 55; 83 18, 20; 85 8-11, 14, 16, 18; 88 44, 46, 49; 89 5, 29, 31; 91 1, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 21, 38, 39, 51, 55, 77; 93 10, 12, 58; 94 27; 96 5, 14, 37, 64, 66; 97 6, 8, 22, 38 45; 107 35, 54, 75
terracotta urns: 94 65
TerraCottem: 46 72, 73; 55 48; 71 65
terrasse végétale: 74 44, 45; 76 66
TerraWet: 28 22
terroir: 61 12; 72 44, 58; 83 66
tessellated gums: 65 19
test gardens: 103 6, 8-19
Testudo graeca: 1 48
Testudo graeca ssp. ibera: 40 41
Testudo hermanni: 1 48; 105 53
Testudo marginata: 1 48; 16 22; 51 45; 97 17
Tethian Tertiary Period: 93 44
Tetraclinis: 21 48
Tetraconozole: 107 42
Tetradenia riparia: 93 34; 107 63
Tetragonolobus purpureus: 97 12; 100 48
Tetragonia tetragonioides: 57 35
Tetratheca thymifolia: 91 60
Tetrapanax: 57 61
Tetrapanax papyrifer: 11 39; 31 8; 46 28, 33
Tetrastigma voinierianum: 13 7
teucrium: 11 47, 54; 26 29; 30 23, 31; 51 2; 66 7, 23; 67 12, 44; 71 72; 73 7; 75 46; 77 2; 80 3; 81 24; 88 39; 89 17, 19, 39; 97 8, 24; 100 12; 102 12; 104 23, 24
teucrium, green: 55 26, 28
Teucrium: 6 13, 33; 13 3; 21 62; 25 10; 36 13, 28; 47 20; 48 20, 24; 50 11; 51 46; 52 7; 54 61; 57 69; 66 8, 10; 69 37; 75 11; 77 47, 116; 91 62; 107 7
Teucrium ackermanii: 50 11; 74 46, 47; 80 3; 86 28; 104 24
Teucrium alyssifolium: 30 34; 77 50
Teucrium aroanium: 3 34; 9 31; 30 34, 64; 72 21; 74 21; 77 50; 85 22
Teucrium aureum: 74 46
Teucrium botrys: 80 3
Teucrium brevifolium: 18 62; 19 53; 67 9; 80 3, 4
Teucrium capitatum: 2 31
Teucrium carthaginense: 99 54
Teucrium chamaedryoides: 80 3
Teucrium chamaedrys: 2 28, 29; 14 23; 17 33; 18 62; 25 8, 10; 27 4; 30 31; 36 8; 43 33; 72 21; 74 46; 77 47; 80 3; 84 37; 86 28; 91 38; 107 14
Teucrium cossonii: 30 23, 31; 50 11; 69 41; 72 21; 74 46, 47; 77 47; 86 28; 104 24
Teucrium creticum: 25 10; 71 6; 73 7
Teucrium divaricatum: 18 62; 24 30, 32; 29 23, 26; 99 54
Teucrium dunense: 67 62
Teucrium flavum: 3 34; 11 43; 25 10; 30 31, 32; 32 18; 59 7; 67 12; 69 28; 77 47; 80 3, 4; 86 28
Teucrium flavum ssp. glaucum: 92 8
Teucrium francisci-werneri: 30 34; 77 50
Teucrium fruticans: 3 34; 4 26; 6 23; 7 13; 10 18; 19 26; 22 29, 36-39; 25 10, 14; 29 21; 30 32; 36 8, 28; 43 63; 47 16, 49; 50 11; 52 1, 70; 55 26; 59 6; 60 8; 65 16; 66 31, 32, 35; 67 46; 68 46; 71 34; 75 46; 76 10; 77 48; 79 50; 80 3; 83 20; 85 26, 32; 86 28; 88 42; 89 27, 72; 92 33;
93 11; 99 17, 48; 103 15
Teucrium fruticans ‘Agadir’: 67 10; 88 42
Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum': 24 12; 66 8; 67 10, 12; 68 36; 71 71; 75 46; 80 3; 84 36; 85 26; 86 28; 88 42; 89 28
Teucrium fruticans ‘Ouarzazate’: 85 26
Teucrium fruticans ‘Silver Box’: 102 42
Teucrium gracillimum: 82 46
Teucrium halacsyanum: 21 58; 30 34; 77 50
Teucrium hircanicum: 30 32; 69 27, 28; 77 48
Teucrium kotschyanum: 105 24
Teucrium luteum: 74 46
Teucrium marum: 30 32; 77 48; 85 33
Teucrium montbretii ssp. pamphylicum: 40 44
Teucrium polium: 19 52; 21 41; 25 10; 30 24, 33; 59 5, 7; 77 47, 48; 80 3; 87 41; 106 55
Teucrium polium ssp. areum: 32 18
Teucrium polium ssp. capitatum: 19 53; 30 33; 77 49
Teucrium pyrenaicum: 85 22
Teucrium rosmarinifolium: 3 34
Teucrium rouyanum: 50 11
Teucrium siculum: 3 52
Teucrium subspinosum: 48 18
Texan wax-leaved privet: 5 25
Texas mountain laurel: 96 26 
Texas Sage: 63 17
Texas Silverleaf: 12 26; S(1) 13
Thai basil: 43 51, 53, 54
Thalia dealbata: 72 8; 81 51
Thalictrum orientale: 25 42
Thapsia nitida: 104 13
thatched roofs: 59 34
Thaumetopoea pityiocampa: 58 57; 64 29; 94 44; 96 14
Thaumetopoea processionea: 94 44
thaw: 71 60
The Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain: 104 50
The Company’s Garden: 88 50, 51; 106 31
The Garden of the Virgin: 104 50, 52
The Garden House, Buckland Monachorum: 96 45, 46
The Gardener’s Chronicle: 74 29
The Getty Center: 92 11, 12, 15, 18
The Grampians National Park: 70 33
The Hillside Club: 74 13
The Journey of the Sun: 101 36, 37
The Lemon Tree Trust: 105 69; 108 68
The Mount: 101 11
The Odyssey: 105 35, 36
The Queen’s Tower/Pyrgos Vasilissis: 96 58; 99 57
The Sally Gardens: 104 2
The Secret Garden of the Soul: 64 16-20, 23
theatre, natural: 61 23
theft: 68 28, 69
Themeda triandra: 37 23
Theocritus: 26 61
Theodore Payne Foundation: 69 57; 87 9, 12
Theophrastus: 5 1; 12 13; 16 33; 17 41; 26 60, 61; 54 27, 30; 55 31; 59 65; 60 62; 63 8; 68 30; 73 12; 74 53, 54; 77 5, 6, 28; 84 69; 93 30; 96 32; 97 57; 104 60; 105 38, 42, 45, 47; 108 25, 26
Theotoky Estate Vineyard: 96 63; 99 45
Theotoky, George: 99 44
Theotoky mansion: 99 43, 44
thermal insulation: 59 34
thermal baths: 84 56
thermal pools: 64 27
thermals: 86 19
Thermopsis barbata: 80 57
Thesmophoria: 76 52
Thevet, André de: 85 54
Thevetia: 93 25
Thevetia peruviana: 2 53; 30 25; 47 77; 57 3; 63 62; 67 43; 85 51
thigmotropism: 63 44
thiomethoxam: 88 70
thirsty plants: 99 26
thistles: 19 55; 22 42; 23 30, 53, 54; 26 12; 28 11; 45 59; 47 61; 52 56; 60 45; 62 47; 63 20, 25; 64 40-42, 44, 51, 54, 61; 67 32; 68 5, 9; 69 26; 72 24; 77 44, 45; 78 48; 81 21; 85 43; 87 41; 92 26; 97 18; 98 32; 103 50, 55; 104 18, 25
thistles, sow: 64 51
Thomas Garden: 89 53
thomasia: 43 15; 71 49
Thomasia: 71 70
Thomasia quercifolia: 105 13, 16
Thomson, David: 46 32
thorn apple: 27 53; 31 22
thorns/thorny: 101 53; 106 5, 42, 45
thoroughwort: 64 4
threat to wild bulbs: 74 59
threatened/endangered species: 2 2-4; 28 28; 35 59; 39 10, 12, 13; 46 68; 57 8, 9; 59 44; 61 66; 71 17, 33, 53; 75 37; 76 4; 77 71, 73; 78 2, 44; 79 28; 80 18; 81 13; 108 5
threshing floor: 82 24
thrift: 43 31; 66 31; 73 12
thrips: 64 51, 54
thuja: 8 49; 108 11
Thuja: 21 48; 27 37; 48 41; 49 48; 102 11
Thuja occidentalis: 21 16; 47 10
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragda': 27 6
Thuja orientalis: 39 44; 47 10T
Thuja orientalis 'Aurea': 39 44
Thuja plicata: 96 36; 102 45
Thunberg, Carl Peter: 99 19; 108 23
thunbergia: 28 14, 16
Thunbergia alata: 20 27; 65 23, 24; 90 39-41; 103 20; 108 23
Thunbergia alata 'Bakeri': 20 26
Thunbergia grandiflora: 4 12; 15 47; 20 22; 26 48; 28 13; 55 56; 57 56; 76 24; 89 40; 90 40; 99 25, 25; 104 12; 108 53
Thunbergia gregorii: 85 17, 21; 90 40; 95 38; 99 26; 103 20
Thunbergia mysorensis: 15 41
thunder: 79 22
thunderstorms: 7 5; 103 28, 44
thuya: 7 36
Thymbra capitata: 70 49; 75 3; 77 2; 80 1; 85 31, 36; 86 45; 87 41; 97 59; 98 22; 101 48, 50
Thymbra spicata: 73 10
thyme: 1 5; 3 45; 4 31; 5 33; 6 20; 7 6, 48; 8 4; 10 17, 31; 11 13, 30, 31; 14 16; 15 17; 17 72; 19 26, 52; 22 6; 23 23; 25 16, 37; 26 4, 31, 53; 27 29-31; 29 39, 40, 44; 43 31, 32, 44, 54; 45 47, 53; 47 1; 48 20; 49 34; 51 46, 48; 53 28, 29; 57 18, 25; 59 10, 18, 37, 46, 54, 56; 60 9, 24;
62 31, 36, 47, 52; 64 19, 42, 44, 54, 61; 65 36; 66 12, 16; 67 39; 72 16, 39, 40; 74 45, 52; 75 3, 10, 21; 76 40; 77 9; 78 35, 36, 60, 72; 81 20; 83 15, 17, 20, 27, 29; 84 38; 85 2, 43; 86 25, 38; 87 19; 88 25, 30, 36, 44, 52; 89 12, 31, 34; 91 41, 52, 62; 92 31; 94 11, 28, 40, 48; 97 4; 98 27, 32; 99 66; 101 48, 50, 53; 102 8, 10, 22, 28; 103 20; 105 25; 106 15, 17; 107 36
Thyme Pink Bells: 91 60
thyme liqueur: 62 36
thyme, creeping: 2 15; 8 22; 10 31; 22 6; 45 13; 47 16; 55 67; 61 63; 98 24, 46; 100 65
thyme, garden: 29 39
thyme, German: 25 16; 98 27
thyme, golden lemon: 10 31
thyme, lemon-scented: 72 18; 75 21; 81 24; 89 12, 42
thyme, silver: 22 6
thyme, wild: 50 22; 62 33; 93 38
thyme, woolly: 30 16, 19
Thymelaceae: 82 64
Thymelaea hirsuta: 2 31
Thymelaea passerina: 74 37
Thymelaea tartonraira: 51 46; 57 5; 106 55
Thymelaea velutina: 52 16
Thymus: 4 56; 6 14; 14 40; 27 19; 36 8, 28; 38 29; 54 61; 64 71; 69 32; 75 21; 77 116; 82 63;
83 14; 87 17; 89 31; 91 62; 99 66; 102 7, 27
Thymus caespititius: 43 32; 98 28
Thymus camphoratus: 77 2; 80 1, 21
Thymus capitatus: 8 41; 19 52; 24 30, 32; 37 40; 47 8; 59 10; 62 33; 77 2; 97 59
Thymus carnosus: 39 45
Thymus chamaedrys: 72 21
Thymus ciliatus: 67 69; 74 46; 94 25
Thymus doerfleri: 43 32
Thymus herba-barona: 3 34; 74 45
Thymus hirsutus: 39 5; 74 46
Thymus integer: 80 1
Thymus longicaulis: 40 45
Thymus mastichina: 48 24; 77 2; 80 1; 103 20
Thymus origanum: 27 4
Thymus polytrichus: 57 18; 74 46
Thymus polytrichus ssp. britannicus: 43 32
Thymus praecox ssp. britannicus: 85 22
Thymus praecox ssp. caucasicus: 72 40
Thymus praecox ssp. polytrichus: 74 46
Thymus pseudolanuginosus: 22 6; 30 19; 85 22
Thymus pulegioides citrata: 2 29
Thymus pulegioides ssp. chamaedrys: 72 21
Thymus roegneri: 74 46; 85 40
Thymus samius: 105 25
Thymus serpyllum 3 34; 8 22; 10 31; 17 33; 20 41; 2516, 17; 34 6; 43 32; 83 29; 91 41
Thymus serpyllum 'Coccineus': 43 32
Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin': 57 20; 67 69; 85 32
Thymus serpyllum ‘Lemon Curd’: 74 46
Thymus serpyllum 'Minor': 39 5
Thymus serpyllum ssp. serpyllum: 74 46
Thymus serpyllum var. albus: 39 5
Thymus sipyleus: 105 25
Thymus sylvestris: 72 21
Thymus teucrioides: 19 52
Thymus tiflisiensis: 72 39
Thymus vulgaris: 3 34; 10 31; 29 39; 36 8; 50 12; 70 49; 74 46; 78 42; 80 21, 22; 82 46, 48, 49; 92 8; 96 45
Thymus vulgaris 'Argenteus': 22 6
Thymus vulgaris ‘Elspeth’: 80 21
Thymus × citriodorus: 3 34; 38 28
Thymus × citriodorus 'Aureus': 10 31
Thysanoptera: 64 54
Thysanotus: 51 6
Thysanotus fractiflexus: 71 58
Tiberius: 64 22; 81 65, 66; 84 43
tibouchina: 29 43
Tibouchina urvilleana: 53 33
Tick Berry: 76 13
Tidy Tips: 55 2
Tiede, Bracey: 93 64; 102 64
Tiede, Richard: 102 64
tiger lilies: 46 27; 56 25
tiger mosquito: 100 43
tiger moths: 90 7
Tilapia: 84 43
Tilden Regional Park:  15 5; 77 34
Tilia: 26 15; 49 55, 56; 60 38; 62 36; 81 71
Tilia cordata: 60 40
Tilia intermedia: 60 40
Tilia 'Petiolaris': 60 40
Tilia platyphyllos: 35 6; 60 40; 84 13
Tilia × europaea: 49 53, 54; 60 40
Tilia × vulgaris60 40
Tiliaceae: 24 25
tillandsia: 44 45; 64 24, 26; 99 59
Tillandsia: 44 45; 77 74
Tillandsia usneoides: 4 5; 36 32; 77 19; 88 57
Tilos Park Association: 36 2, 49, 50, 53
timber: 41 53-55
Timon lepidus: 79 19
Timor Plum: 72 7
Tipota: 91 8-10
Tipsy Hill: 71 52
tipuana: 95 51
Tipuana: 17 22; 52 50; 93 25
Tipuana tipu: 52 48; 66 69; 67 62; 78 9, 13; 80 3; 81 31; 97 6
tisane: 3 22, 23; 60 38; 63 61; 100 63
tissue culture: 72 41; 80 68
toad, green: 72 53; 97 17, 34
toad lily: 18 69
toadflax, ivy-leaved: 20 45
tobacco: 63 11; 64 15, 19, 68; 72 48; 75 1; 76 41, 43
Tobacco Brush: 24 15
tobacco mosaic virus: 55 39
tobacco plant: 35 34; 75 64; 77 62
tobacco tree: 96 14
Tokchi Millennium Forest: 96 47
Tokara: 89 54
tolerance of dryness: 67 12
Tolpis barbata: 3 34
tomatillo: 57 35; 58 31, 32
tomato 'Big Rosy': 9 40
tomato 'Black Cherries': 62 34
tomato 'Black Crim': 62 35
tomato 'Black Russian': 58 32
tomato 'Bradleys Pink': 9 40
tomato 'Brandywine': 62 35
tomato 'Brigade': 9 40
tomato 'Bush Goliath': 9 42
tomato ‘Corbarino’: 64 19
tomato 'Gardener's Delight': 9 42
tomato 'Gold Dust': 9 42
tomato 'Golden Cherry': 9 42
tomato 'Green Grape': 9 42
tomato 'Green Tiger': 58 32
tomato 'Marmande': 58 32; 62 35
tomato 'Noir de Crimée': 9 40
tomato ‘Persimmon’: 62 35
tomato 'Pink Girl': 9 40
tomato 'Red Cherry': 9 42
tomato 'Russian Plum': 9 40
tomato 'San Marzano': 62 35; 64 19
tomato ‘Sorrentino’: 64 19
tomato 'Sungold': 9 41, 42
tomato 'Sweet 100': 9 41
tomato 'Sweet Million': 9 41
tomato 'Tigerella': 9 42; 58 32
tomato 'Wonder Light': 9 41
tomatoes: 3 48; 4 45; 6 2; 7 6, 7; 8 45, 49; 9 39, 42; 10 26, 56; 28 43; 46 57; 49 20, 22, 42; 50 23; 52 56; 53 30, 37, 50; 55 8, 50, 68; 56 4, 5, 9, 38, 39, 41, 42, 51; 57 18, 29, 32, 35, 72; 58 31-33, 37, 39, 41; 59 50; 61 7, 12, 47; 62 34-37, 56; 63 11; 64 15, 19, 68; 69 34, 61; 70 18, 51, 55; 71 63; 72 41, 44; 76 46, 48, 51; 80 29, 42; 81 22, 37;83 43, 44, 57; 84 67; 87 59; 88 3, 32; 89 31; 90 41; 92 46; 94 40; 101 18, 49; 102 28, 35, 71
tomatoes, cherry: 9 41, 42; 58 31, 32; 87 15
tomatoes, heirloom/heritage: 45 34; 58 31
Tomicus: 33 82
Tommasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe: 24 57; 46 17
tongue orchid: 16 31
Toona ciliata: 83 32, 33
toothed lavender: 104 22
toothed orchid: 73 48
toothed pheasant’s eye: 65 44
top-dressing: 96 12
topiary: 4 4, 25; 16 45, 47; 20 19; 21 34; 23 43; 24 24, 30; 27 4; 30 41; 43 62, 64, 65; 45 38; 47 47, 49, 54; 53 24, 28; 62 25; 67 44, 59; 72 3, 4, 41; 75 8, 50; 77 17, 18; 79 48; 80 62; 82 23; 88 19; 93 28; 95 5, 46; 96 35; 105 8
topiary, natural: 89 58
Topkapı Palace: 81 60; 90 6
topography: 80 47, 54
topsoil: 4 33; 5 49; 8 48; 10 17, 21, 22; 21 21; 43 8, 9; 51 69; 55 45; 56 71; 63 20; 65 19; 69 19; 70 67; 71 5; 76 49; 77 41, 89; 83 22; 91 18, 22; 96 46; 97 25; 98 22, 28, 38; 101 9; 102 9, 43; 103 36, 39; 104 18, 45
topsoil, little: 108 72
topsoil, loss of: 90 9
torch lilies: 27 24
Tordylium: 56 55; 82 60
Tordylium apulum: 45 14
Torilis sp.: 82 61
tornado: 43 4, 9; 54 38; 55 11
Torquay palm: 33 32
Torre Clementina: 79 59
Torre di Bellosguardo: 30 69
Torrecchia: 80 64
torrent: 43 5-9
torrents of water: 108 38
Torreya californica: 73 46
tortoises: 29 33; 30 6, 27; 51 45, 46; 52 56; 58 71
tortrix: 60 43
Total Amount of Dissolved Salts: 48 40
totem pole: 45 14
tough growing conditions: 75 20
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de: 57 38, 41; 76 18, 19; 78 14; 86 71
townscapes: 61 25
toxic plants: 7 21; 55 57; S(1) 12; 86 65; 103 61; 107 23
toxic substances: 58 72; 60 4
toxic to insects and fish: 96 25
toxicity/toxins: 46 69; 47 77; 50 38, 42-45; 72 2; 76 61, 63; 102 59
Toxicodendron diversilobium: 30 18; 74 6
toyon: 6 35; 15 7; 24 15, 16, 18; 27 14; 30 14, 17, 19; 74 5; 77 36; 82 16; 84 25; 87 11; 91 49; 98 9; 103 46; 105 19, 20
Trabzon date: 102 49
trace elements: 63 53; 64 49; 74 20, 22
Trachelium: 88 36
Trachelium caeruleum: 16 37; 17 57; 29 5; 65 3; S(1) 33; 67 62; 80 22, 23; 86 28
trachelospermum: 46 53; 55 14; 73 50; 87 55; 91 55
Trachelospermum: 13 3, 46; 17 56; 85 21
Trachelospermum asiaticum: 59 54; 63 62
Trachelospermum jasminoides: 2 8; 5 12; 6 12; 14 23; 19 47; 20 28; 21 28; 26 47, 48, 52; 32 8; 35 36, 40; 36 29; 47 49; 55 36; 58 25; 59 6, 54; 62 46; 65 16; 68 36; 71 54, 60; 77 64, 100; 78 33; 85 21, 31; 92 31, 43; 98 23; 103 37; 107 6, 14
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Wilsonii': 18 22
Trachyandra falcata: 21 19; 77 39
trachycarpus: 103 74, 75
Trachycarpus: 19 23; 68 49; 89 7
Trachycarpus fortunei: 10 4; 31 30; 32 29; 33 54; 35 6; 46 28; 63 17; 68 51; 71 33; 74 27; 84 12; 95 43; 103 73
Trachycarpus wagnerianus: 44 35
tractor: 62 37-39
Tradescant, John, the Elder and Younger: 69 52
tradescantia: 12 23; 43 13; 84 12; 89 16; 99 17
Tradescantia: 25 33; 80 40; 88 23
Tradescantia fluminensis: 84 12
Tradescantia pallida: 83 57, 61; 99 42
Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea': 45 22
Tradescantia purpurea: 83 57
Tradescantia sillamontana: 83 57; 84 12; 99 53
traditional agricultural practices: 78 59
traditional Mediterranean gardens: 79 41
traffic fumes/pollution: 80 42
Tragopogon crucifolius: 82 61
Tragopogon dubius: 82 61
Tragopogon hybridus: 100 47
Tragopogon porrifolius: 3 34; 16 26; 17 57; 20 41; 45 14; 73 45, 61; 90 68; 97 12
Tragopogon porrifolius ssp. eriospermus: 97 17
Tragopogon pratensis: 16 26
Tragopogon sinuatus: 47 61
Tragus racemosus: 57 40
tramontana: 14 16; 23 34; 28 12, 16; 52 58; 53 19; 65 2; S(1) 15, 24
tramontane: 47 45; 80 27
tramuntana: 13 26; 67 38; 69 16
Transit of Venus: 69 55
transpiration: 4 31; 30 21; 48 16, 17; 50 16; 53 72; 75 47; 84 44; 105 8
Trapa natans: 8 37
traps, mole: 58 55, 56
traps/trapping (pests): 56 18; 61 37
Trasvase Tajo-Segura: 67 17
Traub, Hamilton P.: 100 15
Traunsteinera sphaerica: 72 40
Traveller's Joy: 62 36
Traveller’s Tree: 70 63
travertine: 84 14; 92 12, 13
Treasure Flower: 44 33
Tree Canopy Walkway: 88 59
tree canopies: 108 13, 14, 16, 21
tree cover: 90 7, 8
tree dahlia: 25 52
tree euphorbia: 69 49
tree ferns: 5 12; 6 10; 46 22, 28; 53 32, 35; 55 14, 15; 62 14, 15, 17; 64 21; 67 22; 71 49, 54; 73 25; 79 10, 12, 13; 80 15; 81 8, 11; 83 59, 61; 88 33; 89 54; 98 46; 104 12
tree fuchsia: 16 16
tree gardenia: 56 25
tree germander: 4 26; 7 14, 15; 30 32; 66 31; 77 48; 93 11
tree heath: 36 8
tree heather: 20 39; 44 42; 52 17, 40; 62 43; 77 97; 104 54
tree line: 105 26
tree mallow: 19 55
tree medick: 20 39; 30 21, 22; 36 8; 45 18; 69 49; 79 43
Tree of Heaven: 30 27; 43 61; 54 22; 70 4
tree peony: 19 66; 20 50, 51; 29 50; 30 63; 50 25; 71 52, 55
tree planting: 99 31, 32; 102 56
tree purslane: 41 18
tree spurge: 15 26; 37 39; S(1) 27; 78 69
tree surgery/surgeon: 51 60; 68 44, 51; 78 1
tree tomato: 26 72; 35 65; 70 18
tree waratah: 83 33
Tree, Nettle: 43 58
trees, bare: 105 8
trees, broad-leaved: 87 52; 91 35; 92 51; 93 11
trees, cooling effect: 107 37
trees, deciduous: 50 1; 51 20; 72 33; 73 16; 74 5, 57; 75 35, 42; 75 35, 42; 83 2; 87 44; 95 27; 99 63; 100 3; 102 13; 103 54; 105 8; 107 4
trees, evergreen: 87 44; 100 3; 102 11
trees, flowering: 70 63; 71 60; 83 31; 87 31
trees, Mediterranean: 51 71
trees, native: 84 63; 85 44; 87 10, 11
trees, ornamental: 70 63; 71 33, 34; 75 43; 79 39; 84 48; 96 40
trees, sound of: 53 3
trees, street: 52 67; 60 38; 61 27; 62 1-4; 70 62; 76 7; 80 42-46; 81 71, 72; 82 27; 85 23; 87 3; 88 13; 104 70
trees, tropical and subtropical: 44 63; 70 12, 16, 18; 81 11
trees, venerated: 65 60
trefoils: 64 45, 54
Tregrehan: 46 96
trellis: 4 15; 9 14-16; 11 7, 12, 15, 17; 15 18; 17 31, 33, 47; 19 65; 21 12; 22 12, 55; 24 61; 35 43; 44 5; 47 22, 24, 33, 41; 56 9, 10; 57 34; 62 29, 46; 65 21, 24; 70 35; 78 33; 101 26; 103 30 ; 104 12, 52; 108 23
Tremandraceae: 91 60
trencadís mosaic: 92 6; 95 49
trench gardens, WW1: 102 67
Trengwainton: 57 61
Tresco: 13 27; 46 93; 57 62; S(1) 16; 67 21
Trewithen: 46 96
Triangular Garden, Villa Noailles, Hyères : 85 16
Trichocereus spachianus: 86 9
Trichodesma indicum: 55 48
Trichodiadema: 18 31; S(2) 21
Trichodiadema barbatum: 18 31; S(2) 21
Trichodiadema densum: 18 31; S(2) 21
Trichogramma evanescens: 15 44
Trichostema lanatum: 31 52; 84 24; 91 49
triclopyr: 84 40
Tricyrtis hirta: 18 69
Trifolium aureum: 82 62
Trifolium fragiferum: 67 68
Trifolium grandiflorum: 82 62
Trifolium pannonicum: 82 62
Trifolium pratense: 17 36
Trifolium purpureum: 105 24
Trifolium resupinatum: 82 62
Trifolium speciosum: 82 62
Trifolium stellatum: 64 54; 82 62
Trigonella: 57 41
Trigonella foenum-graecum: 11 10; 75 25
Trigonella monspeliaca: 57 42
trimming: 60 31; 87 54, 56; 97 24; 100 56; 103 15, 41; 106 45, 46
Trionyx ferox: 41 46
Triplaris surinamensis: 83 32
Triplaris weigeltiana: 83 32
Tristagma: 100 15
Tristagma uniflorum: 59 2, 57; 82 37
Tristania: 79 55; 102 11
Tristania laurina: 44 31
Tristania neriifolia: 79 56
Tristaniopsis laurina: 44 31; 69 7; 98 10
Triteleia: 106 27
Trithrinax acanthocoma: 4 7; 32 31; 77 21; 95 50
Trithrinax campestris: 36 64; 103 74
Triticum: 98 27
Triticum aestivum: 64 2
Triticum monococcum 'Nigra': 11 10
tritomas: 59 17
tritonia: 31 41
Tritonia: 22 25; 27 22; 91 64; 100 13; 106 27
Tritoniopsis caffra: 59 25
Trollius europaeus: 20 69
trompe l'oeil: 21 11; 40 60, 62
Troodos Botanical Garden ‘A.G. Leventis’: 75 36, 37
Troodos Mountains: 59 60, 62
Troodos National Forest Park: 75 37
Troodos sage: 40 35; 94 71
Tropaeolum: 53 32
Tropaeolum azureum: 106 22
Tropaeolum brachyceras: 106 22
Tropaeolum hookerianum: 106 22
Tropaeolum majus: 58 28; 72 18; 78 42; 87 26
Tropaeolum speciosum: 16 46; 90 37
Tropaeolum tricolor: 106 22
Tropaeolum tuberosum: 57 35
Tropical Almond: 28 71
tropical conservatory: 72 10
tropical fruits: 69 15, 16; 71 50; 79 60; 81 11
tropical plants: 73 35; 74 71; 91 70; 95 45; 99 36, 42, 64; 104 33; 107 16
tropical storms: 48 31
tropical trees: 69 16, 17, 19
tropicalisation: 19 45
Tropics, the: 69 16, 17
trout: 7 7
Trsteno Arboretum: 28 3-10; 30 65; 58 16, 18; 65 56, 57; 73 46
truffles: 100 52
Trumpet Bush: 16 40; S(1) 22
Trumpet Flower: 22 55
trumpet vine/climber: 14 29; 23 21; 58 24; 62 46; S(1) 17; 66 45; 77 100
trumpet vine, pink: 107 6
trunks: 100 26, 30, 31, 51, 58, 60
Tuberaria: 56 55
Tuberaria guttata: 3 34
tuberization: 67 65
tuberose: 74 53; 82 34
tuberous rhizomes: 48 14
tubers: 20 34; 21 48, 71; 22 51, 67; 48 14; 63 33, 35, 36; 67 64-66; 70 7; 76 15, 56, 59, 61; 79 69; 97 20; 99 68; 100 13; 101 70; 106 22, 28; 107 59
tubs: 19 18; 20 7; 22 19, 72; 28 48, 49; 61 60; 70 52
tufa: 73 48
Tufted Hairgrass: 49 63
Tufted Pincushions: 71 21
tulbaghia: 30 25; 97 44
Tulbaghia: 49 31; 56 9; 59 54; 60 6; 63 22; 64 35; 67 12; 86 30; 88 36; 99 17, 50; 104 22
Tulbaghia comminsii × violacea: 85 22
Tulbaghia violacea: 11 43; 38 81; 45 26; 59 6, 57; 64 36; 66 25; 71 7, 8; 73 62; 84 48; 85 32, 33; 86 28; 87 55; 88 43; 91 64; 99 17; 107 8
Tulbaghia violacea 'Lemore': 57 20
Tulip Tree: 28 6; 64 24; 73 46; 76 42, 45; 84 53; 88 51
Tulip Tree, South African: 83 34
Tulipa: 14 7; 60 52, 53; 70 26
Tulipa agenensis: 62 69; 65 46, 47, 50; 101 62
Tulipa armena: 61 53
Tulipa australis: 25 42
Tulipa bakeri: 24 58; 25 43
Tulipa biflora: 62 69
Tulipa boeotica: 20 41; 57 4
Tulipa clusiana: 3 35; 49 61, 63; 52 26; 102 25
Tulipa cretica: 16 52; 20 41
Tulipa cypria: 59 56
Tulipa dasystemon × tarda: 102 54
Tulipa doerfleri: 16 52
Tulipa eichleri: 20 8
Tulipa fosteriana: 20 8; 80 55
Tulipa genus: 100 15
Tulipa goulimyi: 16 52; 50 28
Tulipa greigii: 49 63; 80 55
Tulipa hageri: 20 41
Tulipa humilis: 80 54; 84 5, 62
Tulipa kaufmanniana: 80 18
Tulipa ‘Little Princess’: 102 54
Tulipa lownei: 84 62
Tulipa orphanidea: 25 41; 49 63
Tulipa praecox: 3 35
Tulipa praestans: 80 55
Tulipa praestans ‘Fusilier’: 102 54
Tulipa saxatilis: 1 8; 3 35; 16 52; 20 41; 25 8; 45 13, 20; 49 63; 57 4; 67 9; 68 37; 70 10; 77 12; 88 15; 94 14; 100 15; 104 71; 106 52
Tulipa saxatilis ssp. bakeri ‘Lilac Wonder’: 102 54
Tulipa sprengeri: 42 53
Tulipa sylvestris: 3 35; 49 63; 82 55, 63; 101 66; 102 54
Tulipa sylvestris ssp. australis: 58 58
Tulipa systole: 62 69
Tulipa tarda: 49 63
Tulipa undulatifolia: 20 8; 57 4; 61 63; 67 10; 68 37 ; 70 10
tulips: 2 16, 43; 9 11, 13, 15; 11 12-14, 16, 18; 16 52, 53; 17 57; 20 8; 22 15; 24 58-60; 27 65; 28 47; 29 43, 52; 31 24; 38 81; 43 44; 48 5, 14; 49 63; 52 60; 54 58; 55 28; 57 23 ; 64 9-11, 13, 15; 65 47; 68 28; 69 47; 70 47; 72 22; 78 62; 79 71; 80 2, 55; 81 60; 82 33, 34; 83 1; 84 38; 88 15, 17, 36; 89 67; 95 65; 96 36, 38; 100 15, 67; 102 31, 51, 54; 106 52
tulips, Dutch hybrids: 49 63; 100 15
tulips, hybrid: 69 44
tulips, species: 98 23; 100 15
tulips, waterlily: 80 18
Tulipwood: 83 31; 96 26
tulsi: 43 51, 52, 54; 75 26
tung oil trees: 24 21
Tunica saxifraga: 11 48; 19 50
Tupelo Grove: 71 56, 57
turban buttercup: 42 71
turbulence (wind): 62 41, 44; 77 95, 98
Turdus merula: 18 5; 86 17
turf: 68 5; 72 24, 25
turf lily: 38 21
turfgrass: 28 64
turfgrass industry: 74 3
Turia Gardens: 95 50, 51
Turkey oak: 59 47
Turkish cemetery, Rhodes: 59 11
Turkish flora: 59 42; 101 66
turmeric: 20 7; 97 26
Turnbury: 89 39
Turner: 64 61; 98 65
turnips: 48 49
turpentine tree: 10 13; 26 12; 47 51; 93 11; 105 48
Turraea obtusifolia: 20 25
Turricula parryi: 24 15
turtle pond: 96 10
Tussilago farfara: 82 61
Tuta: 64 68
Twain, Mark: 74 9
twayblade: 82 55
twinspur: 22 24; 91 63
Tyler- Whittle, Michael Sidney: 96 70
tymbal: 101 54
Typha: 21 58; 45 20; 99 35
Typha maxima: 55 41
Typhaceae: 96 37
Tyrwhitt, Jaqueline (Jacky): 5 55; 15 3, 69; 16 22, 24, 59-61; 19 54, 79, 83, 84; 20 70; 22 43; 25 4, 6, 7, 12; 30 22; 35 30; 45 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22; 46 91; 47 73; 56 4; 57 3-5; 58 57; 60 6, 8, 63; 62 18; 64 28, 29, 31; 65 8, 9, 71; 70 65; 71 1, 5, 7, 42, 44; 73 3, 5, 17; 74 62-67; 75 47, 51; 77 48; 78 21, 64, 65; 79 42, 66; 80 38, 41, 66; 82 20; 84 28, 34; 87 21, 23; 88 26-28, 31, 40; 89 29; 92 58; 94 29-33, 36; 95 9-17; 96 12-22; 97 8, 11-16; 98 32-43; 99 9, 52; 100 5, 12; 102 2, 10; 104 2-4, 6, 60, 61, 63; 105 41, 42, 45; 106 4, 19; 107 24, 34, 36, 75
Tyto alba: 85 46

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