Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows flowers of Uncarina grandidieri, a drought resistant shrub native to Madagascar (Photo Alisdair Aird)

UC Davis Arboretum: 19 1, 17
UC Irvine Arboretum: 20 70
Ugni molinae: 18 28
UK Lathyrus National Plant Collection: 107 67
UK National Sweet Pea Society: 107 68
UK National Ivy Collection: 70 40
Ulex europaeus: 51 14; 70 48; 81 20; 112 58
Ulex parviflorus: 43 44; 51 13
Ullucus tuberosus: 4 15
Ulmaceae: 82 64
Ulmus: 70 43; 102 46
Ulmus americana: 43 62
Ulmus glabra: 71 70; 82 64; 93 51
Ulmus glabra ‘Exoniensis’: 93 51
Ulmus minor: 14 25; 82 64; 92 55; 102 43
Ulmus parvifolia: 9 37; 25 8; 59 7, 70; 64 30; 71 56; 93 51; 97 6
Ulnus procera: 74 24; 102 43
ultrasound: 99 73
Ulva lactuca: 110 65
Umayyads: 62 10
umbellifers: 67 61, 62; 115 49
Umbelliferae: 5 41; 6 31, 33; 52 55; 56 48; 70 7; 97 59
umbelliferous: 103 54
Umbellularia californica: 13 9; 30 18; 31 80; 34 2; 74 5; 81 45; 101 34; 103 47
Umberto I of Italy: 113 60
Umbilicus horizontalis: 56 56
Umbilicus rupestris: 56 56; 78 36; 83 56; 95 6
umbrella pines: 4 24; 6 12, 14; 31 10; 44 3; 46 3; 47 53; 66 35; 68 4, 9, 53; 71 7, 33, 60; 74 41; 76 41; 83 57; 84 57; 97 12, 31, 59; 118 12
Uncinia uncinata 'Red': 57 21; 91 60
underground aquifers: 24 53; 51 68; 67 7; 83 41; 87 24
underground channels: 105 63, 64
underground fire-proof shelter: 101 31
underground storage organs: 99 68; 100 13
underground streams: 112 51
underground water: 24 49
undergrowth: 80 19; 104 16; 115 73
undergrowth plants: 103 6; 104 16
underplanting: 79 53, 55, 58; 80 12; 82 30, 31; 83 59; 95 3, 46, 49, 52; 104 22, 23; 106 15; 107 8, 14, 37; 110 13
understock: 102 13
understorey: 51 11; 103 9; 108 7, 47
underwater nature trail: 62 17; 107 17
under-watering: 101 42
Underwood, Mrs: 22 32
UNESCO: 30 10; 105 62; 113 4; 117 4, 8
UNESCO biosphere reserve: 99 71
UNESCO Site of Outstanding Universal Value: 95 5
UNESCO World Heritage Site: 71 17, 67; 76 43; 84 68; 88 60; 94 70; 95 68; 103 5; 115 12
UNICEF: 70 19
unirrigated/unwatered: 62 32; 63 42; 77 93; 104 56. 58; 106 18
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification: 23 9
United Nations Development Programme: 46 68; 99 32; 106 7; 118 29
United Nations flag: 113 59
Université du Vin,Suze-la-Rousse: 117 31
University of California Botanical Garden: 80 25; 81 46
University of California Integrated Pest Control Program: 84 39
University of California, Los Angeles: 87 6
unseasonal flowering: 99 79
unsustainable felling: 53 1
unusually hot dry weather: 107 65
unwatered parts of the garden: 117 71
upas tree: 117 67
upper montane flora: 112 31
Upupa epops: 86 12
urban densities: 61 26
urban development: 59 35; 96 5
urban environments: 58 63; 81 71
urban flooding: 98 67
urban horticulture: 88 1
urban landscaping: 66 37
urban planting: 66 23
urban squeeze: 61 26
urban trees: 81 71; 117 55
urbanisation: 91 2; 106 9
urea: 81 48
urease 50 70
Urginea: 25 51
Urginea fugax: 18 62
Urginea maritima: 2 32; 19 31; 25 51; 34 7; 36 51; 45 13; 56 56; 57 3; 59 4, 57; 60 7; 63 22, 34, 62; 66 6; 70 8; 76 6; 77 103; 78 41; 81 20; 93 30, 31
Urimbirra Wildlife Park: 37 2
urn plant: 4 5; 77 18
urns: 58 13; 107 13, 14
Urospermum dalechampii: 5 45; 73 66; 81 58
Urquart and Hunt: 111 20, 21
Urrbrae Education Centre: 37 3
Urtica: 79 14; 113 28
Urtica altrovirens: 52 16
Urtica dioica: 82 64; 83 11; 101 16; 118 42
Urticaceae: 82 64
Urticaria urens: 60 46
US Agency for International Development: 106 7
US Department of Agriculture hardiness zones: 114 62
USC Pacific Asia Museum: 88 64
Utricularia vulgaris: 57 40

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